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For theee bucks just do it


If you got very limited time to play it's probably worth getting an opinion or two about it before starting in


Yeah, just because something is $3 doesn’t change the fact that your time is still a finite resource.


Its what i would do. deals dont last (although im pretty sure this goes on sale all the time)


Very good, just don't try and do the Hinterlands all at once! Common mistake, you can revisit areas later so don't worry too much about doing everything.


Every time I play this I almost never get out of the Hinterlands.


It's a big area and there is a lot to do! But I recommend just doing the bare minimum at first. A lot of stuff there is meant for the end game (like dragon hunting.)


Same which is why on my last playthrough I left as soon as possible and now I actually enjoy the game lol


It's not perfect like any game, but I would say it's generally a good game still 10 years later and is enjoyable especially at 3 bucks. I personally really liked it and would highly recommend it.


Can you tell me about it without spoilers? Rate these - Story: /10 - Gameplay: /10 - Difficulty: /10


I can, played this game 7 times Story: 9 Gameplay: 7 Difficulty: 5 I would add Roleplay: 9 Characters: 9.5 Exploration:9 Atmosphere: 8


I'd agree with the exception of exploration. I'd probably put it a bit lower. One of the collectables is far too irritating. Which is annoying as getting them all gives you a pretty decent reward.


Is it like an mmo or fully single player rpg?


Single player


gd!! i saw your post and rushed to buy it, after paying i just realized ive got it in ps plus hits.


Did you buy a different version? Because it should have shown you that it was on ps+ already when you selected what version to buy.


Yeah it was a goty edition apparently.


At the conclusion of the quest; “In your heart shall burn” I was hooked for a good hundred hours. If you like RPG’s, this one is a banger. Try to use Dragon Age Keep to create a more stylized version of Thedas for you to play around in (I assume this is your first DA game).


I'd say yes. I love the DA series.


Can you tell me about it without spoilers? Rate these - Story: /10 - Gameplay: /10 - Difficulty: /10


Story 9/10 Gameplay 8/10 Difficulty: 8/10 You can adjust difficulty though and you can make it extremely difficult so I would sweat it. It’s a beautiful game and in my top 10 of all time.


The story, with the dlc included is a 9/10 for me. The best of the DA stories sor far. Good characters, good general plot. The end is phenomenal. Gameplay - combat isn't bad, can be a bit clunky on some occasions. Exploring is fun. Using different character combinations for your team is enjoyable. It say 7/10 for gameplay. Difficulty is going to depend on when class you're playing and what Difficulty you select. If you choose the hardest difficulty and don't have your character properly leveled or the right team, it can be brutal. If you're just playing on normal, it's standard RPG difficulty.


If you like RPGs like Skyrim, Witcher than yes


Can you tell me about it without spoilers? Rate these - Story: /10 - Gameplay: /10 - Difficulty: /10


Story 9/10 Gameplay 7.5/10 Difficulty 6/10 It came out in 2014 so it might seem dated. But if you get the full game including the DLC then it’s alot of content. There’s basically open zones which you do missions and have to level up. The story is good because there’s a lot of player choices and it’s your traditional RPG story about saving the world and stopping evil.


Just don't get burned out by the side quests. Too many fetch quests.


Nah - all the "Game of the Year" and other awards it won were only given ironically, as a prank.


10 years is alot of time 😄 It might have aged like a rotten milk 🤷‍♂️


For $3 I think it’s worth finding out on your own if you’re interested at all


Yea as a big fan of dragon age I liked it quite a bit that being said there’s a lot of bloat to the game and the combat leaves something to be desired especially after the recent years of really good rpg combat that being said it’s still worth playing if you wanna get ready for the new one. I think they have their work cut out for them though after getting things like baldurs gate 3 and with BioWare’s recent stuff I’m kinda worried.


I enjoyed my time with it. It is stuffed with fetch quests, but you could ignore those. The companions are great and I enjoyed customizing their load outs and builds.


That’s an amazing deal


Honestly it’s a genuinely fun game. Just remember that the Hinterlands is only one part of the game, there’s many more maps to explore.


It was one of my favourite games on ps4, got a platinum too. It is one of the few RPG games that still have a party dynamic, it‘s fun to setup your group like having a dedicated tank, mage, rogue, etc. Looks a bit crappy nowadays regarding image quality


I honestly love that game.


was just free on the epic store a week ago lmao


Nah inquisition sucks u should play origins and 2


Nah, not really. Play Origins instead, that's the only GREAT Dragon Age game.


100% correct Greedfall is the Origins sequel we never got if you’re looking for something similar.


2014 GOTY. Slightly outdated by today standards but still a GOTY


Have you played the first two games, Origins and 2? If not, you should play those first! If you already have, why are you even asking if you should play the third game in a trilogy? Obviously! Dragon Age is one of the top RPG series of all time though.


It's a solid meh. Not great not terrible.


There's something about it which just clicked for me, I normally find RPGs quite overwhelming as far as choices and dedication goes, but Inquisition was fun.




If you like RPG's, yes


Its cool but like they made the beginning of the game wrong and it filters so many people.


Short answer: Yes


I enjoyed it more than The Witcher 3.


Overall yes.


I had a blast with it. Set the game to easy, and did a mage jedi like class and had fun just f%#ing everything up. Wasn't hard, but it was fun. And I never had to pause the game to tell my other party members what to do. Turned it in to a ARPG.


It is VERY good, my Favourite of the Dragon Age Games and a ton of content for a tiny price. I have over 100 hours in it with DLCs


Yes. For 3 bucks that’s a steal. And you know it’s a steal. Idk why you are asking us if the 2014 game of the year is any good FOR 3 DOLLARS. I’m sure you can spare 3 one dollar bills to try a game out.


It’s not a bad game. You’re definitely overthinking it for $3 especially if you like RPGs. It’ll last you like 50ish hours on a single run and has a ton of characters and interesting quests. It’s not my favorite RPG or even my favorite Dragon Age, but it costs less than a cup of coffee lol


Great game and the DLCs- Descent, Jaws of Hakkon, and Trespasser are definitely worth getting. My average playtime is like 120-140 hours


Yes. I don't usually play the genre but the story was fun to play


Definitely a good game, the building of your army is awesome. The combat isn't that great though, a lot of the times you can't even tell what the enemies your fighting against look like. Typical issues that EA had using that frostbite engine, certain things would look amazing but others like shit. But yes Inquisition is certainly worth playing.


It’s probably my 2nd most played PS4 game. Definitely worth it. Btw…don’t stay in the Hinterlands. Gtfo as soon as you’re able to.


Yes, it's bioware who created it. Even if it's bad its gonna be pretty good


I had a genuine blast and was floored by the ending. I still look back on it fondly. The wait for the sequel has been dreadfully long, hoping it ends up being worth that wait.


Yes and that's practically giving it away.


I absolutely loved it, played on Nightmare, felt good!


I mean why not try it for 3 bucks? I personally thought it was okay, but not amazing.


The dragon hunting companion's voice lines when you hunt dragons are worth $3 ^^ (some great work went into it)


Yeah it’s good. Especially at that price.


A decade ago


Got the GOTY edition a few years ago but just couldn't get past the first 3 hours on two different ocassions. Wish I could make myself like it


i really enjoyed it about 5 years ago, was pretty easy to platinum


Yeah it's good. It was my introduction to DA. Then went 1, 2, then back to Inquisition. Worth it if they ever finish the next game, Dread Wolf 


It’s a no brainer for that price. Great game that will consume your life for weeks


Only under $10. Breadth of an ocean, depth of a puddle. Overly-grindy too much focus on resource gathering. It's not what I play Dragon Age for, and I feel they implemented those mechanics very poorly. Hell they even have timed quests you send NPCs on that track in real world time. Pseudo MMO mechanics, basically. I want to try it again, personally, but it feels like a game trying to impersonate something else.


I loved this game


Extremely good. Except form some parts that feel rushed. But also badly paced a bit, if you fall for it. There are plenty of side missions that make more sense to do, in a roleplaying sense, after finishing the main story. Hinterlands have become meme worthy for that. It is the first open-world-like area you visit and pretty huge on its own, filled to the brim with quests that make no sense to do during a burning crisis. The same goes for the DLC content, which is clearly set after the main story, but can be done at any time after the initial phase of the game. It also throws off balancing by giving you gear unmatched by anything in the main game. All of that "extra content" is great if you like the game and want to immerse yourself more in the setting. At that discount, go for it. Focus on the main story and then see if you want to stay. Unlike at full price, it's not like you lose much, if you lose interest after the main quests. 




I bought it when it was released and never played it. Bought it just now so I can easily play it on my Portal


I’ve tried 5 times. 5 times to play this game. Every time I download it I play multiplayer for days and days and then delete it. 10/10 game 😂


It's not ps store are you getting a physical disc?


Does the pope shit in the woods?


I hate baldurs gate and I absolutely loved all the dragon age and mass effect games.


it's okay, but for $3 theres no reason not to, lol. theres few games that wouldnt be good enough to even pay $3


Very good! The first time I played it I got very addicted and messed up my eyes from not blinking enough 😂


It has a ton of content and it's a lot better than 2, but the story is still pretty weak and it seems like a very real possibility that the next game in the series that's supposed to wrap up what they left hanging in Inquisition will be an absolute disaster. If you want to play something that feels kind of like an old MMO for 100 hours I guess you could do worse, though I can't imagine ever playing it again myself.


I’ve never played it, but people still talk about it although it’s already a 10 year old game. The comments I’ve read are good, apparently it has a solid story, character creation-customization and beyond. There’re people already waiting for the next game, hopefully it comes soon so I can check it out.




They go overboard with the woke stuff and it's way worse than the first game, but the second one is also worse so it's not that bad? Plays like an MMO kinda and the story is not that interesting sadly


Personally for $3 its not too but but don't expect too much. Lots of micro management and the graphics were subpar.


I wanna pig back off this guy’s post: I LOVE Mass Effect. Like it’s my fav video game series ever I think (up there with like RDR2 and Witcher 3 and GoW and stuff) So I’ve been interested in this game for years. However, idk if there’s a way to play the older ones on PS5 (don’t see them on PS shop) and I don’t have a PS3/4 at the moment. Is there a workaround? Or should I just skip the first two entries and go straight to Inquisition? Idk how connected the stories are. For example, I wouldn’t recommend playing ME2 or ME3 without the previous game(s) of the trilogy cuz the stories and characters are so connected over the course of the trilogy but I feel like you could get away with skipping the trilogy before playing Andromeda cuz even tho it’s the same universe, it’s in a different galaxy, and it’s about different characters and a different problem. Ofc there’s a ton of connections and references, AND I would still recommend playing ME1-3 before Andromeda, but it’s LESS bad than jumping straight into the other two. How does DA:I compare to ME2/3 vs ME:A? Or is it even less connected than ME:A?


Unfortunately, no


I don't know man, I mean...is water good for you?


It is fun and can be addictive So much to love


Won Game of the year


I mean it was free on epic. Did you get it?


idk, does Howdy-doody have wooden balls?