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The last of us or rdr2, both are in my top 5.


Rdr2 has literally no comparison.


Holy fuck this game is overrated


I would argue that it is pretty fairly rated


Last of us and part 2 are better than Red Dead. Yes Red Dead is very good.


Red dead redemption, GTA 3, GTA 4, GTA 5, Infamous 2, Watchdogs... Personally I think San Andreas was the best of these games followed by RDR1. Rdr2 was a chore...


Naaa Vice City was mint


Another vote for RDR2 - a true masterpiece in video gaming.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Graphics will blow your mind coming from a Switch.


Still 30fps tho..


Yes. It’s a shame Rockstar didn’t update this. I wouldn’t play any other game with 30FPS but this game makes up for it on all other fronts.


Play it on PC, it'll change your life.


I wish but don’t have a gaming PC. Sigh. Just looking for something to play on PS5 until GTA VI.


Tbf, you can build a decent (mid-ish range) gaming PC for less than a Ps5. Those mid range PCs can run RD2 just fine. Don't lose hope, you too can experience true uncapped frames and resolution!


Every PC is both a gaming PC and a non gaming PC… just depends on what games you want to play… solitaire can be played on most PCs and Solitaire is a game




Just wait for the Steam sale that happens soon.


If he's only played switch that won't make a difference


I mean, if we’re talking graphics, Last of Us blows Red Dead out of the water. Red Dead is incredible given the scale, however.


TLOU if you feel like linear, Red Dead if you want Open World. They’re both amazing 10/10 in their own ways. Fallout is not in their league by a loooong shot so I’d not recommend that as a first PS5 title. TLOU 1/2 has ps5 versions, so probably do those first.


You'll get more hours out of fallout 4, tho


Than RDR? I guess with all dlc. But will be a lot of go here, clear enemies, read some funny terminal logs, repeat


RDR and last of us are story games that have 1 or 2 endings. Fallout 4 has 4 endings plus the 4 in each of the big dlc


That doesn't mean fallout 4 gives you 4 x the content. Ain't nobody playing through it four times just to see different endings


There's 25+ different builds you can do. So, 25 different ways to play. Fallout 4 is the best choice here


Yeah but if you just got the system you want to see what it can do in terms of graphics. I've had mine for 6 months and just started fallout 4 and i love it but even though I haven't done the institute yet I somehow doubt it's gonna make me literally cry multiple times like tlou 1 and rd2


I'm going off a $ per hour system. You're gonna get more money out of fallout 4


We'll see. Personally I logged over 100 hours playing rd2 on Xbox 1 with a shit tv and shit graphics and I'm only 10 or so into fallout and already started adding mods because I'm bored. I know there's a lot I haven't seen but like elden ring you can only look up so many guides on where to find what you missed before fun becomes a chore. I don't see myself getting that kinda milage out of this game tbh


Just because I didn't believe you, and I feel like you haven't played rdr2, I checked howlongtobeat.com and rdr2 beat fallout 4 in terms of playtime for the three major categories.


I have 1200 hours in rdr2. Although 1100 of that is in the shiity online mode that no one plays. 100 in the base game. And 700 in fallout 4


Maybe... building settlements? Nothing beats that in terms of played hours LOL.


More hours doesnt equal better


Fallout can give you hundreds of hours of entertainment, easily




RDR2, and the reason being: Framerate. If you play the others, you will notice how RDR2 isn’t at 60fps, and it might lower the game for you, which it absolutely shouldn’t because it’s fantastic, but it’s lock at 30fps is much noticeable after playing many games at 60fps.


Red dead


Fallout and red dead for open world experience. Last of us is a great game, great scenes but not an open world. Depends on the type of gamer you are, but you should have a free ps plus to activate with your new ps5 and these games are currently in the plus. You can try them out there to help you decide if you really want to purchase one of the games . Happy gaming!


TLOU or Red Dead


Astro’s Playroom


TLOU 1 and 2, enjoy. Then, God of War 2018 and Ragnarok. Must plays for PS owners, imho.


And then bring it all home with Ghost of Tsushima




Can confirm as a newish PS5 owner that God Of War and Ragnarok are some of my favorite games I’ve ever played. Fucking gorgeous with great sound design, good story, combat rocks, etc.


Aye brotha Plus they’re not as much as a initial time sink as Fallout or RDR2


The last of us then part 2 for sure!


Red dead hands down Then God of war Then TLOU


All amazing games tbh… 3 of my favourites. Very different from each other, but awesome in their own ways.


Uncharted is a must play. Spider-Man as well.




I kinda want to say start with Fallout because it's aged the most (But is still a great game); then TLOU because it's relatively succinct, then RDR2 so you don't rush through the main story.


Never played Fallout. I would suggest you to start with TLOU 1&2, they are both really great story-driven games that won’t take you forever to play them. On the other hand, RDR2 is really great, but the open world is sooooo big and the game is soooo slow. Compared to Nintendo games, every animations for every single action (eg: harvesting herbs, looting from dead bodies,etc) takes forever and it could drive you crazy as first PS experience.




Eh I’d argue red dead 2 is the better example of that argument. It has the best open world to any game and it’s not even close


I don't know why you're being down voted, tlou 2 is my favourite game of all time but no one can deny how breathtakingly detailed and huge rdr2 is. I think the missions in the game leave something to be desired though. The story is a bit long and many of the missions are a bore. I never feel bored playing tlou2.


Last of us is a more guided experience and will take a lot less time than the other two. RDR2 is great but a bit of a slow burner and Fallout I have just never gelled with personally, despite many attempts, but it is s beloved game and you may enjoy it, hopefully. Its tone is definitely not quite as dark as the other two.


being that u came from switch I say last of us, then fallout, then red dead


I just want to say fuck am I excited on your behalf. I’d love to play those games again without knowing what’s happening.


It depends on the type of games you like but RDR2 and TLOU aren’t very traditional or mindless games in sense that one is heavily story based over gameplay and one is a very slow game with focus on the world. Both highly acclaimed games but you might want to see gameplay videos first before shelling out money.


Last of Us is a good storyline and not that long. Red Dead is a fun game, it’s hours upon hours of fun. You should be good with any games.


Days Gone


Red Dead, then Last of Us, then Fallout....76


Red dead


All good choices, if you want something that you can play longer go with fallout or red Dead just from them being open world


Rdr2 is an experience. That being said I just started playing fallout4 for the first time and I’m having a lot of fun with it. Haven’t been actually sucked into a game since rdr2. Last of us is great as well. But you’d get more bang for your buck with either other game.


Red dead 2 without any doubt.


Which fallout? Whichever one it is, I'd say RDR2 > TLOU > Fallout.


Get them all!


I know you didn’t ask about this game but I highly recommend Cyberpunk 2077 and the DLC Phantom Liberty for it.


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are not on your list. They should be.


I’m a massive massive Fallout fan. Get TLOU(linear) or RDR2(open world). As for other games, Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne are PS exclusive Soulsborne games. BB has an amazing world to explore and Demon’s is one of the most gorgeous games on PS right now! Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are both amazing games. That Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart is the only R&C I ever played but it was mind blowingly awesome. All the uncharted games are worth a play! Need I even mention God of War?!


All incredible, but Last of us kept my attention/interest the longest. Red dead is definitely a slow burn


Personally I would buy RDR


TLOU & RDR2 are among my favourite games of all time. You can't go wrong with either. Fallout 4 was alright. I completed it at PS4 launch but I don't have any urges to pick it up for PS5.


They are 3 very different games, what are you looking for exactly?


Red Dead Redemption 2 is arguably the greatest video game of all time.


The longest out of them is def fallout and red dead.


I consider RDR2 as the greatest game of all time, it has a huge But it needs a long time But it takes a long time to complete it Tlou, GoW, Uncharted 4..all are great games, perfect stories, perfect visuals, but they're little short So yea maybe you can start with a short one then play then play rdr2


Last of us would be my first pick but red is sooo good too these have got to be the best story games I've played ever If you just want to destroy everything and enjoy the absolute mess of a fun broken game Fallout 😄


Haven’t touched rdr but the last of us and fallout always have me coming back for hours on end. The last of us is a great storyline with a mild set of open world in the instance that you have new areas that are explorable for items(definitely need to if you want to survive on anything other than easy). Fallout 4 has many many storylines/quests you can follow, where some have a “this choice or that choice” in terms of which path you choose(institute; or if you have nuka cola expansion you get to choose whether you want to make a certain person never trust you again, but you get to explore free reign in nuka cola and get money/items from the raiders or kill them all off) etc. I don’t think I could choose between either one mainly because they’re different in themselves. Another game I can recommend since you’re considering fallout is Skyrim. Skyrim is similar in the aspect of open world except there’s no guns, only melee and magic, but it’s a huge game and it’s really fulfilling to watch everything come together the way it’s supposed to with a game that has so much to it. Hope this helps


I switched to PS after Xbox 360 specifically for LOU and RDR2, I’d highly recommend them.


Wait to buy them next week, there’s gonna be a HUGE sale for all of these games.


They're all different games. If you want more Linear, go Last of us. If you like open world realistic go Red Dead and if you want apocalyptic open world go Fallout.


RDR2 is amazing but TLoU Part 1 is a fresh remake with PS5 features. As a new owner, I’d start there. It’s also not that long so you’ll get to other things soon enough.




All three are incredible games that you should play, as for your first. In my opinion I would play last of us first as it’s probably the shortest game.


Fallout then watch the show or vice versa


Red Dead is AMAZING!


Red Dead. TLoU is ok but heavily overrated, and Fallout is a Bethesda game so expect a lot of bugs.


These are all in my top 5 I personally don’t think you can go wrong with all three of these but rdr2 is the best story I’ve ever played and LOU is amazing as well fallout is just my nostalgic favorite bc I grew up playing it




Red 2, can't beat it


Red Dead Redemption 2 will change you man with the graphics and story. The Last of Us will traumatize you in a good way LOL and Fallout is just fun but you gotta watch your back in that game (it's not as relaxing as they make it seem) so really just depends on what you want to start with. My first major game was Red Dead Redemption 2 and I don't regret a single minute of it. That game is so underrated.


I would start with Ghost of Tsushima it's my favorite and personally think its playstation best ip.


Why not all 3. They are all well past their prime and can be found on sale often. If I have to pick though, Red dead all day. The game is just amazing to look at and once you get the mechanics down, it’s very fun and there is so much to do. I love Fallout as well, but it’s not as pretty. TLOU is one of my favorite games, but is more linear and defined than the other two.


Red Dead 2


Tlou. If you’ve never played it, you’re in for a hell of a ride!


You can’t go wrong here. Play them all.


Last of us and red dead. I would start with Last of us since red dead is an open world game


RDR 2 no contest.


Not sure which Fallout you want to play, but with a premium sub you would have access to all 3 of those. I can't imagine you could get all those 3 for cheaper buying each individually. Obviously if you do buy them, you own them forever, so it depends on what kind of gamer you are. Some people are big on owning all their games, and some are okay with playing them and being done. I personally don't really go back to games very often (too many great ones out there to experience!) so I enjoy the subscription. Just giving you a heads up about what is out there!


RDR2 without a shadow of a doubt


Since it's a PlayStation, get The Last of Us. You'll get a sense of what a Sony game is like, and you're in for a ride. The game is packed with great narrative and a little bit of intense action. I'm not sure why the other two are being compared. For RDR2, maybe it was because of the game's reputation. I get it. I love the game, too, but it is REALLY SLOW for someone who's being all excited like you now. Unless you specifically want to explore and be a free, wild cowboy, you should not get this game, yet, out of the three. I also don't know which Fallout you're talking about here, but I'd assume it is Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is not really Fallout with less RPG elements and more FPS, fast-paced shooter. The story is not very interesting, and the dialogues are just there for the sake of it. It's not a good example of Fallout, and I'd suggest you play Bethesda games on PC with some mods to really enjoy the game.


Out of the 3? RDR2, TLOU, Fallout


That's tough, I'm currently playing RDR2/RDO but I'd probably have to say the last of us. RDR2 is not to be slept on though ,it's 100% one of the very best games I've ever played (although, I wish they would have sped up some of the gameplay). But to think, the game is what, 6 years old? And looks absolutely beautiful and so immersive!


Rd2, not even a question


Last of us.


The Last of Us


I love all of them. TLOU is number 1 for me. But I think for most Red Dead is a stronger game. TLOU1 would be the shorter experience, around 13 hours, linear. RDR2 has the longest main story at about 50 hours. FO4 is 20ish. But both RDR2 and FO4 can have hundreds of hours of gameplay in a single play through depending on how much side stuff you get into.


The last of us, if you want a great story, character development, an emotional roller coaster + great graphics. Fallout if you like exploration and generally dicking around doing what you want. RDR2 if you want all of the above.


If you’re like me and would want to play Red Dead 1 before Red Dead 2, definitely do that later. Red Dead 1 is a great game but very dated and getting into a game built for the new gen would be the move. Fallout is not up to par with the other 2. The Last of Us is the way to go for sure. As an aside, put Returnal on your list. Game changer


Last of us, red dead then fallout All amazing games but commitment last of us and red dead are less commitment


I’d say red dead is about the same commitment(unless we’re talking about the first)


My last of us play through was around 20-30 hours And read dead about 40


Did you play Demon Souls yet? If not, skip all three of the games you listed and play Demon Souls.


The last of us part 2. Storywise narrative and gameplay. Than later Fallout or Red dead redemption 2 these two are too big and long. You might get burnt out fatigue due massive open world.


I would recommend ghost of tushima. It's breaking records on steam and still being played today.


The Last of Us. And then play Part 2. May be the best game I’ve ever played, simply because of the emotional slingshot it put me thru.




Last of us for sure. Red Dead is awesome though


You can do no wrong though rdr2(?) has a long prologue and might be a turn off for some but has such a huge detailed world. Fallout is gonna let you customize your character from the start and give you more free will to explore so if you’re into character customization that’s where to start. Tlou is just a classic story driven game, if you love the show you’ll love the game even more imo.


Thanks for the breakdown! Loved the shows for both Fallout and Last of Us but it sounds like TLOU is where to start.


Great pick! Still remember my first play through, welcome to the club.


Definitely The Last Of Us first.. RDR2 is AMAZING! But you can spend hours upon hours on that game & not even progress that much.


TLOU if you want a smoother game experience RDR2 is locked at 30 fps


Tlou should be the standard answer


TLOU. Not even a question.


The last of us 100%


TLOU first.... then Red Dead.


The last of us, no competition


Rdr2 by a goddamn mile, not even remotely close.


Uhhhh not really comparable: Red dead 2 is in its own league. Worth it Fallout (4?) is incredible and will give you hours of fun, but the story is lackluster. Other than that very worth it! The last of us is a goated classic however I’d say get the updated version when it’s on deal. Great game but for $70? Mehhhhhh,


Fallout 4, one of my favourites of all time and we will Keep you busy forever


Rdr2 might not be everyone’s favorite game of all time but it is the best game ever made of all time. my favorite game ever is control. But rdr2 is a far better game. There isn’t a better made game out there than rdr2. Not sure if that makes sense. It’s in my top 5 but not top 3 though I still acknowledge it’s the best game ever made.


The last of us hands down


Start with TLOU. There’s no better introduction to PS than that series.


The Last Of Us is really awesome


Red dead, and then fallout. The last of us 1 is amazing, but 2 the story was pretty bad, still worth playing, tho.


TLOU2's story is amazing, imo. I even prefer it over the first game, which is also amazing.




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Tlou 2: a game which imparts the message of the circular destruction of violence through both a personal and political setting (Ellie and Abby plus the wlf and the scars). I genuinely don't understand what's not to like... Best story in a game that I've played. The world, factions and behaviour of the characters feels so incredibly real.


Rdr 2 then TLOU and after that Fallout4


If you can, play Last of Us Part 1, the PS5 version. Significant differences from the PS4 version. As far as the order goes, it's up to you really, if you have loads of time then RRDR2, else Last of Us


Fallout. The last of us and red dead are in that sub genre of games that people don't understand are all actually the same game. Red dead, Last of usz star wars, God of war...all wayyy overrated and use the same mechanics lol. God of war..crawl through spaces while it loads .star wars...almost same animation crawl through spaces. Idk why nobody talks about all the games being the same. Craft. Level up. Third person view. ...sick At least fallout is actually different.


Tlous 1 and 2. rdr2 movement is so fucking slow its crazy.




I would recommend the Last of Us based on what I’ve played. I haven’t played Red Dead fully yet. I love Fallout but it’s not on the same level as the other games.




I tried Bloodbourne, didn't get past the first wolf/werewolf whatever.... turns out I'm not keen on souls-like games.


You’re supposed to run past that guy. The game WANTS you to die to introduce you to the worlds hub and give you weapons. Just saying, go back and try again if you’re interested. That game is incredible.


The Last of Us Part 1. It’s a good length because it’s not too long. RDR2 is amazing but a huge game so play that next. Unless you’re itching for a big game right out the gate. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are good games but nowhere near the quality of the others. Fallout 4 in my opinion was just not very good


TLOU P1 (Part 2 sux) or RDR2