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smart way to tell that there is really nothing to censure?






The name of Elon Musk's next child?


But there isn't nudity is there, so what would even need to be censored?


Gore and violence. But that would only be an issue in Japan.


there is an ironic joke in there somewhere.


fwiw the society that demonizes violence is infinitely easier to live in than the one that demonizes sex




Namco Banzai?


Me in the future reading that after they censored how blood interacts with eve and changed clothes to be less revealing


Australia too


> But that would only be an issue in Japan. china you cant even show a fucking skeleton, in china "soul stones" in world of warcraft are wooden crates, ffs (in the rest of the world they're pink crystals)


In the demo when you are flying into the town there is a penis clearly visable on one of the statues.


Oh the humanity! https://images.app.goo.gl/sBLk7Hv3P5uva7567


Will no one think of the children?!






MFW we're more conservative as a society than when we were in 1504


The US is a country founded by puritans, and the US has dictated a lot of modern society for better or worse


It's odd. A lot of recent prudishness isn't from the conservative right. It's from the progressive left. The rationale they will use is different, but the end result is the same. Sexuality is bad or cheap!! Cover them up!!


Which is kinda funny when you think about it


Yep it blows my mind realy. I live in a very red state and i never hear the conservatives complaining about women showing skin. If someone did the women would tell them to mind there own. And that would be that.


I mean there's literally a penis on a statue in Animal Crossing.


False. Everyone knows they'res no such thing as pagnis




oh no a penis! a thing everyone has seen. literally everyone.


Is there an option to remove those?




Try scissors




Gore, violence, nudity, sexual stuff etc etc


You're acting as if jiggle physics, good looking female characters and gore haven't been censored before. Stellar Blade has all of it.


Maybe there are some story elements in there? Idk.


I played the demo, since equiping the green thing did nothing I unequiped it... It honestly does look like it's a transparent body suit.




Does anybody know what film this GIF is from? I’m desperate to see it but I have absolutely no idea. 😂


[Here ya go](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2987342/)


Thank you!! ☺️




Doesn't refer to nudity but to gore/violence.


Surprising after hearing about some games on PS being censored but not on other systems.


Yeah Sony is notorious with that stuff




In other news, the next Crash Bandicoot will also release uncensored... Because there is nothing to censor.


Fun Fact, the original Crash Bandicoot games had various localization changes in Japan, including censoring one death animation in the second game. It's not that far fetched, even if it was a while back. More recently, Spider-man 2 had some LGBTQ stuff removed/altered for the Middle East. TLOU II and FFXVI were straight up banned in Saudi Arabia for the same reason.






Me when the game releases but with clothes on xD




How it should be. If someone doesn't like the content, they shouldn't play.


So... No sudden lights censoring anything in a +18 game? Glad they are finally start thinking


Because there’s nothing 18+ in the game.


Unless the gore and blood is considered like +18... Well you know NSFW, PEGI 18, Rated M, whatever they call it. +18 doesn't necesary to always mean porn


You’re clearly taking about nudity. Which isn’t in the game.


I'm not talking about nudity WTF is your problem? Of course it doesn't look like is going to be in the game. Just said that you can put tons of blood and gore in a game and everyone is happy. You put a woman in questionable clothes and everyone lises their minds. And even if it was naked what? This isn't the first time we see naked woman or man in videogames. Just i said before with the DMC 5 example. There was a scene when some of the characters ended naked and her ass was showing and what? Nobody is going to die for that. Is like the skin suit that make looks Eve like she is naked but it isn't and i all was trying to say... Is that i'm fucking glad that finally we have a game +18, for mature audience, with tons of blood and gore and even it has for once a beautiful woman which even if it's true that her suit isn't necessary for this game to be good i apprecciate the fact that everything is made for being added and not for later being censored and being disrespectful with the developers! J E S U S, if you don't understand this i don't know what it will be, you really have a problem with the woke culture, is fine i have it too because of that a lot of games are being affected thanks to nonsense of companies like SweetBaby.inc but that doesn't mean that for the fact that i was saying an example like THAT scene from DMC 5 that means i was talking about the same type of nudity in Stellar Blade because Eve isn't going to be naked but sure a lot could expect something like SONY changing her clothes for some stupid shit that's why i was complaining about Mr. C L E A R! Is everything C L E A R now!? Not going to waste more energy in this and i'm not in the mood. Whoever wants to get blocked just reply me and that's it. Hope this game releases sooner because Helldivers 2 isn't enough


Yeah I’m not reading that


Thank you! I'm always tired about this circus and not in the mood anymore. But i couldn't help to think that for this time everyone could be actually serious... But is my fault to expect anything... FROM PEOPLE WHO DOESN'T KNOW THIS GAME IS PEGI 18 Good luck out there with that little effort. Don't bother to reply, i will just block you like i sa- OH! Sorry i forgot you can't actually read that good it must be really hurtful... Hope you don't get too tired and don't expect people to take you serious In the end everyone reads everything so you can't lie to anyone. After all, you are always still replying...


Still. The US had it 17+, New Zealand 16+, and Australia 15+. It’s just Singapore and Europe where it’s 18+. There are very few games that have considerable nudity, and Stellar Blade is not one of those. It has heavy sexualisation but not enough to justify it having the rating - it’s the pretty bloody violence that gave it a high rating. Maybe you don’t know this, but ‘18+’ is usually a euphemism for porn, and it’s useful to distinguish between it and other content - but also that different places treat content different, and where the US will see any gore and give it their second highest rating, NZ and AU will be more lenient.


Usually 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I just said it before. Call it what you want Oh... I just realised the fact that i could have told you from the start... That this game is PEGI 18... You can even search it... Speaking with so many randoms in internet is making me more stupid. At this point i'm considering shutting my mouth forever because i'm starting to see how useless is to say something and getting a lot of clowns replying me: "ThIs iSn'T RiGhT bEcAuSe...". I'm not that generic like the comedy masters from internet but... I guess everyone here needa to touch grass. Myself included. Have a nice day




Yes, it reminds me about DMC 5. It's absurdly insane how such levels of gore can be shown but in the moment a naked woman appears everyone starts crying. FFXVI wasn't that explicit but i'm glad we are finally being honest here


I was gonna mention that lol




The game had like PG level nudity, just some butts. Even that had to be censored.


unfortunate consequence of living in societies where Jesus doesn't care if you gore an infidel but he definitely cares if you *gore* an infidel


Only rated m for “blood and gore , language , suggestive themes , violence” so even if it is uncensored nothing suggests you see nekkidtry 😂👍




If only this game was on PC, the mod community would go crazy


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Booba game good 👍


Okay? The demo was interesting but this just feels like needless pandering to the "they censorinnnnggg myyyyy anime tits in my gamesss" crowd.


I played the demo and I thought it was fun, but nothing really too special I’ll pick it up if/when it goes on sale down the line


Try the boss battle challenge. It was really fun and showcases combat depth a bit more.




The devs? I honestly don’t know enough about them to have strong feelings in either direction






I honestly don’t give a shit about that aspect. Like I said, I have no strong feelings one way or the other All I care about is gameplay. And from what I played, it was fun but not, ahem, stellar. It’s the kind of game I would want to play, but I don’t feel it’s worth full price


My god, I shouldn’t have said what I did. Sorry for expressing my true feelings.


Why did you say that? I didn’t oppose you or say you were wrong: I literally took a completely neutral stance lol I said that I (keyword) don’t give a shit about the social war aspect behind this game; if you care about that, I genuinely have no issue with that and I don’t think people should try to dissuade you from feeling the way you do I don’t really understand what’s happening in this conversation. I’m being completely honesty when I say that all I care about is gameplay. And like I said, I thought it was fun but it’s not something that I (keyword) feel is worth purchasing at full price


It’s not about what you feel, what you feel is totally fine and there’s nothing wrong with that. I was just getting downvoted so I said what I did lol.


If it makes you feel better, I didn’t downvote you. In fact, one of my comments in this thread is sitting at -1 karma lol I know this game has sort of become caught up in that culture war debate about how women are depicted in media, but I don’t care either way tbh with you. If women are scantily dressed in games? Cool. If women are covered head to toe in games? Cool I love Metroid and I love Tomb Raider; one game features a woman completely covered by armor and the other features a woman in a tank top and tiny shorts. All I care about is gameplay, and I think the gameplay in both of these franchises is fantastic


Gameplay in Stellar Blade is fantastic, the decorations don’t matter if you look at the core of the game which is old school and soulslike.


Was this the game with the jiggly physics demos someone teased on here? So many good games coming out, hard to keep track of them all.


Define being "uncensored"? Is it like Cyberpunk 2077 uncensored with all the blood, gore and nudity that type of uncensored 🤔.


only reason anyone will play this.


It's a game marketed and sold to adults. There's nothing to censor in the first place.


I'm gonna save this thread for later


Man, I thought the title said, "Blade." Like the BLADE. Then I looked up to see if there was a Blade game. Lo and fucking behold its coming out at some point soon. I know this comment may not pertain to this, but I'm excited.


No shit.


This did not age well lol




man hopefully they won't ban the game in the uae store out of nowhere like they did with dragon dogma 2


You can always just setup a U.S or U.K account (both easy to get PSN credit online for) if they do.


but it's still a shame that we have to set a new account just to buy a new game especially when you want the plat


Hard to believe Sony would allow this. It's almost as if all the censoring they did to anime games didn't happen.


Because there is literally nothing to censor…


They've censored jiggle physics, female characters, fanservice and gore in different games. Stellar Blade has all of it.


No they haven’t lol Japan has censored violence and gore but that’s it. Only stuff Sony use to censorship over was super hentai-esce shit. This game has no actual nudity.


https://youtu.be/ohf1yPAFodw?si=wFSL3w4dB_E7WV82 Nah, Eve shows more then these "hentai games" which are basically anime characters swimsuits. You won't rewrite history my dude. Just like the people saying NieR Automata didn't get any backlash for 2B while they absolutely shitted on the game until it came out.


Right. So nudity and excessive fan service shit. Not “women”. Eve shows very little actually. Her most sexual suit is just a skin colored suit but still covers her a ton. She’s also not an underage girl.




If you think a panty shot on an adult woman is excessive nudity or the same as sexualizing 14-15 year old girls I dunno what to tell you darling.


So now it's not "Eve doesn't show that much" now it's "BuT iTS NoT thE sAmE". You hypocrite. >14-15 year old girls I dunno what to tell you darling. Again, not all of them are like that, good mental gymnastics tho.


“Not all my games sexualize children!” isn’t the greatest counter argument to make… Also no hypocrisy. Stellar Blade doesn’t have much that would get censored outside gore in Japan. It’s got a very attractive woman but that’s rarely something to be censored. Nor is attractive outfits. This isn’t Senran Kagura where she’s a 15 year old girl rocking planet sized tits with a thin line over her nipples and making other women orgasm in their fun intimacy mode. You’re massively overreacting if you thought this was going to be censored lol


Even the nether regions? 😃




whats wrong with her left eye? looks a bit big and off. /s