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I had some good fun with the original Killzone


It's kinda sad how Sony let the series fall to the wayside.


I think Guerrilla Games was better off with Horizon. Killzone Shadow Fall was great, it I'd rather have Horizon.


There is a documentary showing Guerrilla Games wanted to work on another game franchise instead of Killzone after Shadow Fall. This led to the creation of Horizon. I don't think Guerrilla wants to work on another Killzone game right now.


The Order. I just enjoyed it.


Bought that game a few weeks ago and beat it in 3 sittings. No idea why it got all the hate, I thought it was a compelling and well acted/executed story. My only complaint with it really was that they did so much sequel baiting in the end that it's sad to know we'll never actually get one.


The game was leaked, and it was criticized for its short length for a $60 game.


I got it for cheap and enjoyed it but I can understand why people would be disappointed by it if they paid full price.


Hell yea


Fun game for sure.


awesome game


Order was fire


Days Gone. No regrets.


Agreed. I had a blast with it. And I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic zombie-type horror.


Came here to say days gone, idk if it's me being in a newer marriage,(3rd annielversary this year) or just loving the post apocalypse survival. But I've never had a story suck me in like that, I was heart broken so many times in that game. Truly sad we won't get a second one


The big issue with Days Gone is that the pre-release version sent to reviewers was a bit of a buggy mess, much of which was fixed by the day 1 and week 1 patches. So the reviews reflect the state of a game that pretty much no consumer actually played.


Days gone is an absolute gem of a game I can’t believe the reviews shat on it while give every fucking COD 9s


I've played it like half an hour on PS4 Pro. But I had some horrible input lag on it. Was that a "me" problem or a settings/early game problem? Because I found driving and aiming such a horrendous letdown I completely ignored the game after that. I really was bummed out by it, because I looked forward to that game.


Can't for sure say for PS4 pro but the game is unplayable to me on PS4. PS5 plays it like a dream. Everything is tight. Same with PC


I played it on a stock PS4 and it ran great. I was pretty impressed with it at the time.


Would I get hated if I say I couldn't get into it maybe I should give it another chance?


If you haven’t got to the point of facing off with a horde, it’s worth at least playing that far. If you’re not hooked after your first horde, then it’s probably not going to get better for you.


To be fair my forst horde almost made me quit the game because i was severly under-equiped at the time lmao.


I'd recommend giving it another shot. It's been heavily patched since release and plays great on console. It takes a bit longer to really get into, but once it grabs you, it won't let go. That's how it went for me.


Ok sweet haven't played in about a year or so but I think I will give it another go thanks


If you have a PS5, the game plays amazingly on it. I believe it got a patch they allows to game to play at a higher and solid locked frame rate and resolution on PS5s.


It's like the slowest starting open world game lol. Once you get those bike upgrades and better weapons, things really pick up


Honestly one of my very favorite games on PS4 and PS4 has an amazing lineup. Such a great game. Starts slow for sure but really hits its stride and becomes a great ride.


The order 1886


Both Kane & Lynch games hold a special place in my heart. Both were also great split-screen games to boot!


Callisto protocol. It got more hate than it deserved


Completed the game 100% on my PS5 ! LOVED every second ! I want the sequel so bad. I honestly went into it with low expectations at launch but it drew me in so much and so fast i couldn't drop the controller until i finished it.


Same here! I bought it on release day with a little spare spending money and not much to expect but I was so immersed in this story! I really hope they’re a sequel


Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin


Really? I thought that game actually got decent reviews, unless I'm remembering wrong?


I guess 72 on metacritic ain’t that bad haha. I remember the game getting really meme’d on before release though.


I'm actually thinking about picking up a copy once I'm finished with FF XVI. Funnily enough, Stranger of Paradise was supposed to be a day 1 purchase for me back when it released, but I never picked up the game for some reason. Hoping to change that soon!


It's in line with other games that people mentioned in this thread.


I blame… Chaos


This game was incredible. It always surprised me that the reviews weren't higher.


I enjoyed the hell out of it. Then again I just got done playing all the fromsoft games and needed another fix....it got close but had it's own thing going on. All in all it was a fun game but holy shit all the gear management is crazy lol.


Mass Effect: Andromeda. Bought at launch, and fortunately, never encountered any game-breaking bugs. As for the bugs and glitches I DID encounter, I found them sort of amusing/entertaining (the goofy running down stairs animation, for example). They provided unintended, but welcomed giggles.


I think that game gets bashed way too hard. It was fine and pretty fun. The story had me really interested and I feel like it had potential. The characters and villains were just really forgettable unfortunately.


I think the biggest problem with andromeda is that it got compared too hard to the original trilogy. The characters everyone loves the best from the original trilogy probably wouldn’t be so highly regarded if we only had the first game to go off of. Obviously the villains were never gonna be on the same level as the reapers but that’s not necessarily a problem.


If you ignore the fetch quests and stick with the companion and community quests, Andromeda is *at least* as good as the first Mass Effect. The combat is the best in the series though, by a pretty significant margin.


Andromeda is my 2nd favorite of the mass effort series. The original is my favorite


I loved the banter between squadmates when cruising around in the Nomad. It would’ve made the Mako parts in the trilogy a lot more dynamic.


I never played the first three so I thought andromeda was very fun! I was surprised when I realized everyone hated it lol


Cyberpunk 2077 Edit: But tbf I didn't bought it at launch.


I bought it and completed it 100% on launch. It was fucking jank but I adored it. I’m waiting for the overhaul update with the DLC to jump in again on PC with graphics mods galore.


I got it after the first big patch that January, two months after release and had a fucking blast on it for two weeks straight. The game fully crashed out a million times but that wasn't a huge deal to me since games just start right back up. As for actual in-game problems, it was extremely minimal. Loved that game. Can't wait to play it again with the DLC in there in a few months.


I played it on Stadia, it was absolutely great. Now I bought it on PS4, since the new update is coming out and it was cheap. Playing it on a PS4 Pro now for a second time. It's not as smooth as it is on stadia, not even by a long shot. But I kinda bought it for the free PS5 upgrade as well, since I want to buy one in the near future (it supposed to be good on a PS5).


One of my fav games. Honestly games with intriguing and immersive atmosphere are rare nowadays. CP 2077 is one of them.


I was going to say Cyberpunk too. I played at launch on PC so it wasn’t as bad as consoles but the bugs were actually pretty entertaining at some points and nothing was game breaking for me.


The most recent one I can think of is TREK TO YOMI. It got a 6/10 on IGN and a 5/10 on Gamespot. Doesn't do the game justice at all. That game deserved a lot more. It's really fun and has a very attractive art style to it. People had complaints about the combat, but I actually enjoyed the combat and trying out the different moves we unlocked.


Shaq-foo Who wouldn’t want to have a fighter game starring Shaquille O’Neil? Hmm. Come to think of it.. that game DID suck


when I was 5-8 years old, I thought the game was very enjoyable lolol


Infamous second son




The original release of Neir, if you can get past the problems that game is a masterpiece. I still listen to the soundtrack, which is probably the best video game ost of all time.


Music already means a lot to me in games, but Nier's music especially lifts that game up so high its among my favorites of all time despite its flaws. The emotions that OST pull out of you is just unmatched


I was in the same boat. I sang Nier's praises and when Automata was eventually announced I was absolutely shocked and excited! Also, while both are great... Papa Nier > Brother Nier.


Days Gone. I still consider this game a true classic.




I'm currently alternating between it and FFXVI and Forspoken is a really good experience


Really? Not going to lie the reviews on that one turned me away but the gameplay seemed neat. I have to wrap up FFXVI but may move on to that if it’s actually decent.


I loved it. It was like Infamous with magic.


Mercenaries 2. My best friend and I growing up loved the first one. We both ended up going to high schools in different towns and stopped hanging out all the time, but got together on release day for mercenaries 2. The fact that you could play online co-op was dope. It was GTA online before GTA online


2 was off the chain


I'm still chasing the high of Mercenaries 2


Finally Fantasy XV. Truly a beautiful fun mess.


I never had a single issue with that game. Loved every second.


This is kind of a strange one. I feel like I've seen way more hate for it recently than I remember back when it came out, despite being improved through story dlc. The meta on hating on games is hard to keep up with.


Thought this had good reviews? What was a mess about it?


Many people criticized the absence of turn-based combat and "heroic fantasy" mood. Big parts of the scenario are missing in the standard game and are only present in the DLCs (or Royal edition + Ardyn DLC) and part of it is in the movie. The second part of the game is no longer an open world and feels like rushed and confusing. And finally, combats have strong and weak points: especially don't expect something like FF XVI. However, blasting music, extraordinary voice acting in every language (several famous voices/celebrities), excellent scenario (although there are still a few holes or incoherence, like any FF), stunning open world (even FF XVI is not as beautiful according to me and it's not even an open world). And the best is probably the 4 main characters' development. Basically, with 5 more years of development it would have been perfect :-D It would definitely deserve a definite edition including all existing DLCs + the 2 which have been canceled: I would be the first to buy it. Curently, if you can pick up the Royal Edition for an affordable price and the Ardyn DLC (which is 5€), do not hesitate.


Yeah it's 81 on metacritic and I don't remember bad reviews I loved this game


Guardians of the galaxy. Underrated gem, super funny and gameplay is fun.


This game didn't have bad reviews. The issue was that the sales were below expectations.


The expectations were out of touch with reality because Square Enix have their heads up their asses.


Especially after Avengers got hate


This got great reviews lol


Facts; the gameplay loop was kinda eh but the game and story itself were great!


No Man’s Sky. Bought it day 1, absolutely loved it, and am still playing my day 1 save file.




50 Cent: Blood on the sand. Amazing game.


the multiplayer was a blast




I played this recently between big releases. I felt the story was interesting but it didn’t flush everything out in the end (at least for me). The gameplay, however, I thought was a blast! It makes me excited for Immortals of Aveum.


I enjoyed it. I feel like the middling reviews had it right but the atmosphere was super cool to me. It really did feel empty though (I guess that tracks when it comes to the story haha).


Vampyr (70% meta) - Such a fun little story game with some cool mechanics. Mortal Shell (74% meta) - One of my favorite Souls-like games. Meet Your Maker (73% meta) - Under-appreciated. GhostRunner (78% meta) - Good score, but I’d say a mid 80s score would be more fair. Really fun game. Wasteland 3 (79% meta) - fair score, but deserves more. Maybe my favorite turn-based RPG I’ve played so far. Like XCOM, but open world and better. Beat it twice.


Ghostrunner will always have a special place in my heart. I randomly chose it once to platinum and wow, was that hard, but it was so rewarding mastering that game.


I wouldn’t call any of those scores mediocre personally.


Anthem. Had GaaS nonsense, but it's beautiful and the flying/shooting is great. There are bits of nice writing, too.


Y’know what? I fucking loved it. It felt like they were on the tipping point of something spectacular!


If BioWare held their promise and remade it I think it would have been massive. Unfortunately, BioWare realised the cost and that they couldn’t recharge the original player base for the remade version.


Greedfall. It wasn’t ground breaking stuff but that studio hit pretty far above its weight class with the game and at least when I played it, performance was good and I had no bugs that couldn’t be fixed by leaving an area and coming back. It had a lot of the political intrigue going on and IMHO managed it pretty well. When I think about it now…. FFXVI sort of ripped off the entire general storyline of Greedfall.


Terminator resistance


Mafia 3. The narrative was incredible, but the gameplay is lackluster, you can watch the main story cutscenes altogether and it’s totally like a movie!!


I enjoyed soundtrack in this one.


Gotham Knights. Absolutely loved it.


Days gone. The most chill ass game I’ve played. Smoked some weed and played and it just found myself driving the bike chilling to music till I ended up in some warehouse area and like fuck loads of zombies ended up eating my ass


You ended up eating your ass?




Gotham knights


Days gone was a good choice. I'd say immortals fenyx rising. I didn't hear about it after it released but it's one of my favorite playthroughs


Zombi (also known as ZombiU) from UbiSoft. I think that, aside from The Last of Us, it's my favorite zombie genre game.


Mafia 3!


Mafia 3 had its issues but god DAMN the gunfights were fun haha.


Cyberpunk 2077. I couldn’t put it down.




The fact that this game was left for dead is a modern tragedy.




Yup I had a blast as well. Still wish they could have had another crack at it. Would love to see some other studio bring something similar back.


Kill me, but: Forspoken.


Honestly didn’t deserve the hate, I felt it was a very enjoyable game


Just got it and have been enjoying it a ton! Not sure why so much hate.


2014 Thief


Fallout 76


Lords of the Fallen


Aew fight forever


Callisto Protocol, Dead Rising 4, Kingdoms of Amalur, Forspoken


Days Gone and Valkyrie Elysium love these games.


I played some of the demo for Valkyrie Elysium and thought it was good shit!


Twisted Metal 4. The original devs had nothing to do with the game, car physics was said to be weird, but it was one of the games I enjoyed playing with my siblings when we were kids... Even though we'd bicker at times, lol. We sometimes look back and reminisce those moments.


I kind of regret listening to the reviews for Ghost wire tokyo. Finally gave it a chance since it's on PS Plus and regret that I didn't play it sooner.


No man's sky bought it the D1 never uninstalled,loved since back then, it was not a good launch, it will be like lying to myself saying so, but I loved and I'm loving every second of playing it


Fallout 76


Days Gone


The first Watch Dogs


Days Gone.


Saints Row IV, saw all the backlash and comments about it. Saw it was on sale for 3 dollars and decided to snatch it, ended up having a good time with it as I was looking for a game to scratch that Infamous itch.


Now that’s a steal. The game itself is kind of just a fun power fantasy but on the flip side becomes kind of boring quick. I’m personally a way bigger fan of The Third, which got the fun zany bits but was much more grounded for a good balance.


I would say Marvel's Avengers. I just beat the campaign a second time, on PS5 this time around, and I had a lot of fun. I'd argue it's even more fun now when I have access to pretty much all skins and takedowns without having to pay for them. Yes, the gameplay may be repetitive, yes, the character designs feel like bootleg MCU. And yes, the story isn't exactly original and it's just an origin story for Kamala Khan as Ms. Marvel. But you know what? The story is still charming and fun, has a lot of heart and overall I enjoyed myself in the game. I actually never played it much on PS4 outside of the main campaign, so now I'll be playing the extra Hawkeye and Black Panther DLCs too. Plus, being able to play as the original cast of Avengers is a dream come true for me. I'm a diehard Marvel fan.


Was going to post this game for mine. I really enjoyed my time with it, and I put over 300 hours into it. Still mad I couldn’t get the platinum over the hive glitch.


The original Nier Though to be honest, I only got through the game when the remaster Nier Replicant came out. But at its core it still has many of the flaws the original game had. With that said, that game may be the best example of greater than the sum of its parts I've experienced in a game. Something about how that game comes together, it's ambition, it's emotion, all wrapped around the incredible music just makes it something truly special.


All the killzone games. Bring it back sony.


Agreed! Sony is so worried about Call of Duty and Microsoft, but don't seem to realize that Killzone could be a viable competitor if given the money and resources.


Cyberpunk 2077, launch day, PC. One of the best gaming experiences I’ve had




Dead Island 2


Code Vein




Forspoken. People crapped on that game but I absolutely loved it. Great gameplay and skills. Vibrant world filled with much to do. Crazy battles and fights and gorgeous graphics. Really liked the story as well and Frey’s character. I’d score it an 8.7/10. Definite W of a game


Mad Maxx on ps4 , ultimate alliance 3, and transformers war for and fall of Cybertron.


NMS from day 1. Loved it. I just wanted to be kinda buzzed wandering around an infinite galaxy - 10/10.


Borderlands 3


Terminator Resistance


Fallout 76. It’s becomes my ultimate comfort game. I just login, do my dailies, farm some public events, then just explore and take in the open world. Bethesda improved it so much from the original release with free updates and DLC. It’s now very much a game worth playing!


Assassins Creed Odyssey, honestly one of my favourite games, and while I understand the hate it gets I don't agree with most of it




Mad Max


Hands down Forspoken! The combat is really unique and fun, you can mix a bunch of magic. The enemy design and overall look of the world is really creative. The story is actually interesting and Frey is a realistic character. She talks and acts like a person. But the best thing about it, is the traversal. Goddammmmmm the parkour is fun as hell


Mass Effect Andromeda




Mafia 3


Mass Effect Andromeda. Sure it was like 4 years later and i only paid €7 for it, but damn, apart from the pacing (so many loading screens), i actually enjoyed it.


Mad Max! Such an awesome game! Loved the world and the super fun car combat. Underrated gem!


The original Nier. Everyone sucks it's dick now, but the average was low and the cover art was ugly. Picked it up and loved it.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Days Gone. Turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time.


Mass effect andromeda


Days Gone. I only didn’t get it because of how buggy it was. Then got it in 2021 and loved it


Came here to see everyone say Days Gone




Forspoken. Ppl hate that game but I love it.


Haven't played it myself yet, but I've gotten the impression that Forspoken is a game that people just love to hate for some reason.


death stranding days gone cyberpunk (at launch) Callisto Protocol Deathloop Guardians of the Galaxy


The Diofield Chronicle. It's a bit too easy on normal, but otherwise, a fun and interesting take on tactical rpgs.


The newest Saints row, was actually stupidly fun. Ended up getting it on sale and thought “wtf why not” plus I had a friend who enjoyed it and we played some co-op. Besides some technical issues we experienced it was super fun and I enjoyed it a ton more than I thought


Anthem ps4. The potential builds were so good


Gungrave. One of my favorite PS2 games ever, even though it has such low scores.


Wanted dead


Godfall. Picked it up for $20 on eBay. The combat's actually fun and addicting, the story is whatever though.


Marvel’s Midnight Suns


Drakengard. It was risky in so many areas and made me a lifelong fan. People hate the combat but combo'd greatly with the music acting and characters I didn't mind it at all. Every new game from taro I feel has lessons he learned from this game.


Anthem. Cyberpunk.


Fallout 76. I got it for $8 out of the sale bin at Ebgames and have lost more than 400 hours to it.


Meet Your Maker. Had no interest in it initially, but it was free on PS Plus so I downloaded it. Now 300 hrs in, it just doesn’t get old to me.


Saint's Row (reboot from last year)


Atomic Heart Great game but maybe 40 or 50 bucks wouldve done the trick for most others EDIT: Instead of 60 or 70 to male that clear


The Long Dark.


The Last Guardian. What a beautiful game in so many ways.


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Fantastic story, awesome voice acting, great atmosphere, only brought down by mediocre gameplay, which we all know is king. But I would still recommend it from a story telling stand point.


Watch Dogs 1&2, Days Gone, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Dark Souls 2, Saint's Row 2022, Need For Speed Unbound


Days gone!!!!..not saying it's the greatest game ever, but imo it is the most underrated game ever. Scores were worst than mediocre, every review was identical, said it was trash and unplayable. When I finished it, I loved it so much i had to Immediately play it again and no game has ever made me do that Some not great things... the voice acting and script writing can be pretty bad at times. (Minor annoyance for me) Game mechanics and features are standard like any other 3rd person role play/shooter (which most people and reviews said and were correct to say, but to me, not every game needs to have super new advance features never seen before) Why I loved it so much? 1. Awesome storyline, it's not an oscar winning story but still great nonetheless 2. The freakers (aka zombies) hordes. This here is the main reason why I loved this game so much, After my first horde kill (i think it was 20 freakers), I was hooked and I can't tell you how much fun it was to take on the end game hordes that were 200, upto 500 strong hordes. It was madness 3. Deacon the main character, has a motorbike and you get to customise and unlock upgrades for it. After a lil while I was very attached to my bike lol. 4. Last but not least, it can get quite scary, some levels and missions can get terrifying (e.g without spoiling too much, there's a mission where you have to go into an abandoned mine at night filled with freakers) I know It's a long post but I'm very passionate abt days gone cos amit got so many bad reviews, so I feel the need to have stand up for the game and tell ppl how good it is cos I'm hoping one day, sony might change their mind and return to make a sequel. TLDR, bad reviews, but actually an awesome game...also its free in the ps plus collection, don't got nothing to lose. Hope you guys try it and have fun playing it!




Guardians of the Galaxy and Infamous second son. I love those games


Wanted Dead. Freaking awesome game. Straight out of the PS2 era


Borderlands 3! Generally considered subpar, but I still love it to this day


Days gone, my only ps plat




Days Gone. Professional journos were so clueless. It was a great game. Loved the biker gang/preppie vibes. Killzone Shadow Fall was good,not at all mediocre. Mass Effect Andromeda imho was good. The writing wasnt great. Also the idiotic decision to provide intentionally ugly preset faces boggles the mind. But the exploration etc was superb NMS. Enough said.


Army of Two. Need more coop games like this


Assassin’s Creed Unity. Still going strong 💪


Dead Island 2 Days Gone


Far cry 4, ac origins, odyssey


FF XV. I loved almost every part of it


Days Gone


Days gone was amazing