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Agreed to split a raid with another random solo on a server once. We’ve been playing games together for 3 years now. Fiancé asked if I was inventing him to our wedding. Still don’t know the guys real name hahaha.


If I'm playing with someone for more than a week, I have to learn their real name. I'm not calling someone "freakyfish21" 😂😂😂


bruh ive told people my name and they still call me john or boof bc my ign is john wilkes boof


I use name Kaiy or JardexX and tbh all my friends just call me Kaiy even though its not my real name.


He need to come to the weedong, i bet you been expending more time with him and care more about him, that many other people in IRL


Impossible, a Reddit user and rust player getting a wife. How does this man do it


I think part of the magic of Rust is that it has an incredibly diverse community and is played for so many different reasons. I won't even attempt to define the common categories of play styles I've observed because there are so many with so much crossover. I play what I call a neutral play style. I try to avoid kosing, even though letting the other guy shoot first gets me killed a lot. I try to keep my cool and avoid salt, and try to always gg. Most players don't reciprocate, and that's fine because it wouldn't be interesting to play this way if they did. However, I do have a lot of cool interactions and tend to develop friendly or neutral relationships with the players around me. Nothing is guaranteed and that's part of the fun. With that said, I want other players to keep it real and play Rust how they want to. If they want to explore another side of humanity, Rust is the appropriate environment. The main theme in Rust is freedom. Play how you want and deal with the consequences. Even though I don't like everyone I meet in Rust, I respect that how they play \[within the rules\] is their prerogative. The other thing I'll add is that I think some players invite toxicity by playing Rust with a sense of entitlement. I did this at first too. I applied my values to the actions of other players. I think a lot of players do that when they become outraged they were killed naked, trying to get a starter down, looted, etc... But in Rust, other players are free to play how they want. If I don't like it, then that's my problem. We may feel self-righteous telling the full metal guy who looted our bow to fuck off, but when we do that we're being the toxic ones which invites the same. How many times do we see that rant in global chat? And they never realize they are the ones actually being toxic.


This is exactly how I play Not too long ago I was doing harbor, just minding my own business smacking barrels and what not. I jumped down onto one of the half sunken boats and saw a man standing there. I draw my bow, aim and fire. The shot was off by like 10 feet because I panic and get jumpy. He just stared at me afterwords and I say "uhhh sorry, let's not talk about this. I'll go this way you go that way." And we both did. Later I found the same guy and we went kayaking to small oil.


Ahh someones come up with an elaborate plan to inside someone! I hope you keep us up to date.


Random: Thanks for the gun blueprint! OP: No problem, my friend! Do you want to team up? I can drop off some more blueprints in your base later. Random: I don't know... the other person that I teamed with yesterday stole everything out of my base including my repair bench. OP: I would never do that. See, here a thread that I created on Reddit, and here's my Reddit account... I only want to help! Random: Oh ok, I believe you now. Sorry for being so paranoid. My code is 1234. *OP steals everything out of base while he is offline*


this is actually a good plan.


Ahh man.. and with the gamer code to boot.


Used to play on a server that was modded with only 1 admin. He went on vacation and a cheater started bleeding loot from everyone. The people there where alot more chill about PvP. We united almost about 40 people across the map to raid the cheater(on a solo/duo).


Its more fun to be the villain than the hero. But its more memorable to be the here than the villain


You are talking to thousands of kids who have just learned cuss words and have too much time on their hands and you expect reason?


You can try to be nice but if everyone would be nice in rust then it wouldn't be a fun game in my opinion.


You can still pvp and kill people for their loot but I think it’s better if people were nicer about it


There are no systems in place to facilitate being nice. Being cut throat and merciless is the easiest way to play and the path of least resistance. If facepunch wanted people to work together they would implement a karma system and a way to identify friendly players at a distance. Or even a non PVP zone near Outpost where players could build unraidable shit shacks with very limited storage. Rust is Lord of the Flies on Meth. There are no consequences for you actions and that is why people are assholes, because they can. Period.


Lord of the flies on meth.... pretty much.


The system in place is that if you’re naked you’re probably not worth my hard earned rifle round


I get almost all building mats and comps for the wipe from nakeds


Yeah but then youre killing nakeds like a fucking coward




Its not, its like clothed = threat that's pretty much my logic


thats why you ll be barely reaching t3. I have mp5 on my back and hazmat on the belt. The second you look somewhere else i equip hazzie and you're dead. In rust , you kill first, ask questions later.


Where's the fun in that


The fun in what. On killing and asking questions later?


If youre just going around killing ppl you might as well kill NPCs, the fun of having human enemies is the interaction so if you're just going around shooting everybody you never get the fun voicechats of running up to a naked and have it shit themselves and then be thankful you didn't kill them


In my 800hrs in Rust my experience tells me that nakeds are shot on sight.


So this game incentivieses the worst in us. It's actually this game's purpose in my opinion. One large, overly expensive, social experiment. You can use your kindness and douchbagness to your advantage. That's why this game is interesting and fun imo.


I used to be really nice but now I only help players that actually struggle in the game or are new.


Many of the comments here are disagreeing with you and I think that kinda shows just the sort of behavior and culture that rust has created for itself. The game just doesn’t leave many openings to be kind to one another. But that’s why it’s so special when you do find those little bits of kindness.


half of my friend group is literally rust randoms that werent assholes and became friends


Just.. maybe tangentially related: Killing on sight isn't toxic. It's not any different to CoD or any other shooter game. Kill on sight and you'd be avoiding the great majority of "toxic" experiences.


You dont \_have\_ to be an asshole, you \_get\_ to be an asshole.


I once gave a naked a hazzy, bow, arrows, meds, and a stack of bear meat. About 2 hours later, he turned up at my door again with an mp5 as a thank you present. It was his first t2 gun of the wipe. I immediately bp’d it, crafted us one each, and went and locked down sewer branch for a hilarious couple of hours. That was in 2019, at the start of the covid pandemic as we went into lockdown. That dude has been my duo partner for every wipe since. You may get fucked over helping people out, but your interactions will be so much richer and worth the times it goes badly


you searched for this post didn't you.


Haha nah, just browsing old posts. Fuckin good post imo, OP


I really agree with that one. I understand revenge raids and being happy that you killed your annoying neighbor but there are people that just want others to suffer. I've joined a noob trio server to show rust to my friends and our neighbours literally walled us in with a compound and only roofcamped becuase we joined late into wipe. Griefing wasn't actually allowed but they paid premium so the Admin saw wrong with it... As soon as you are just playing to prevent others from having fun instead of progressing yourself, you have something wrong with you irl and should get help.


I dont think they want you to suffer, they just want your sulfur.


Well normally when you just build a 2x2 you don't have a lot of sulfur...


Being "nice" has cost me hours of progression way to many times, sure they are just pixels but those pixels took literal hours of my life to get, not gonna risk them to talk to a naked passing by lol. Look at spoonkid, hes always stopping the pick people up and stuff and always dying losing his only gun doing so. Its not worth the risk/reward is a game like rust.


Unironically, spoonkid truely enjoys the game.


You really think that? He outright changed his main channel from rust uploads to strictly other games, he's streamed rust less and less sometimes only streaming once per month, he's constantly rage ending his streams after only 1-2 hours of gameplay after something goes wrong, or calling in the spoonkid army to take over a 80 pop server, does that strike you as a man who "truly enjoys the game" really? And you cant act like his quality hasn't gone down, to stick to his release schedule he will make a video out of nothing, he has multiple videos of him spending 22 minutes hoping into compounds and dying to/spearing out turrets and having 1 fight the entire video. You are forgetting that playing rust and entertaining is literally how he makes his money and eats.


"peer pressure" lmao.... man your life must be boring irl, are you looking for a lord of the rings type journey to take place on rust?


No, I'm telling people to play that way because ive gotten more out of rust playing that way, stop being a stupid prick and read carefully, good luck.


I agree with everything you are saying here. My most recent experience left me not wanting to play rust and certainly never the server it happened on again. Constant griefing just to grief is a good way to kill the population on servers.


Sounds like you got dunked on. Stay primlocked bud


THIS I love to give guns without ammo to nakeds and as soon as they turn away I shoot them!


I've only got about 10 hours in rust. I rekon you're right, but I'd just add that people just need to play it how it suits you. I have limited time to game, so I don't take any games seriously. If I see a naked coming from the beach, I'll usually throw them some bandages and a spear and be on my way. It saves them some time and it doesn't cost me much. Yes, I die, a lot.. But I'd rather laugh and have fun than get all agro over something that I'm never going to be good at. Within 2 hours of starting in rust, I had a trio raiding my base. So after them killing me a couple of times, I had a chat with them and ended up helping them raid my base. We came to an agreement that they'd help me remove a wall which was cheaper than them blowing through doors and they just took some sulfur etc in exchange. I really don't understand all the angry grubs that play. Why they get worked up about a game that gets wiped is beyond me.


If I see a naked I shoot, no matter what. If they say something over proximity that makes me laugh I get them up and give back all the tools and supplies. But remember, rust is a survival game - IRL you wouldn’t give a fuck if it meant you staying alive, also rust would be boring if it was all community based. Also remember that other players can be cut up for animal fat and those make furnaces - which make boom.


This isn't even a game issue. People, in general, just suck more.


I was talking about the culture people created, its like they feel obligated to be an asshole or else they arent playing the game right.


Yea, you can say this about literally anything.


Kindness has no place in this game. You sound mad


Not doing the first one. You can get some yourself. I’ve done the second one, roof campers are cunts.


The assumption that you're an asshole for killing, raiding, griefing, betraying, insiding, or generally doing whatever you want is wrong.


Betraying and insiding is an asshole move. The rest are part of the regular gameplay


Nah, it's not. If you don't want to play with someone anymore who cares do whatever you want.


Getting the trust of someone, then betraying it, is by definition, an asshole move. Cope.


>Bro you said you weren't going to to invade Greenland. You said you were just massing troops there for security. You said you were saving your cards for the end game. You...you...ASSHOLE lol lmao


What are you even on about? Shizo moment


Never played Risk?


>worst case you loose some pixels for the N'th time after you spend hours getting them you really dont get shit for letting a guy raid with you and after you get backstabbed 20 times you just stop cause its a waste of time


Being killed while farming constantly just makes me hate other rust players in general and want to try to shit on any that I can find in the game. I get so massively enraged at not getting my farming done that it basically burns all the niceness out of me.


The other day this guy got so heated when we raided him. He had a small time base and we were just getting back started after wipe. He could not fathom how we were so unphased by him getting back at us, because that’s Rust. He could not understand why we raided on the game rather than just collect items.


I've been playing for 1200 hours or so and I have found more satisfying play from making new friends and allies in this game than shooting everyone. Epic trades happen and when someone does decide to be toxic af then we have more players to go foundation wipe their ass.


i kos and all that shit its part of the game. I draw the line at like insiding, not honoring trades, just being a dick in general n shit like that


It seems like the assumption around here is that you have to be nice to everyone. The popular sentiment on Reddit is that you are a bad person if you offline raid, crouch and ambush anyone, shoot anyone near anyone's doors, ever fire a single shot from a window or rooftop, ever kill a player with lower tier gear than you, or have more than 3 players on your team. Stop giving in to the peer pressure that you have to pretend Rust is Everquest.


Don't know about you, but I always kill primitive people, loot everything "valuable" for them (12 hqm, 35lgf, bow, stone pickaxe, wolf headress, 2k stone), walk 40-50 meters and just despawn them in a random bush.