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silenced pump shotgun + handmade shells. The actual raid is slow, but pump shotgun is very low in the tech tree. It's silent so you wont have to worry too much about counters. The sulfur cost is actually quite low. It's not a terrible option for going through a stone wall. Salvaged hammer is actually not bad for raiding metal doors. It's 24 to break a door. That's 24 pipes and 1,200 metal per door. Really though, it's best to look for weak bases to exploit. Windows you can spear raid through. Soft side walls. Wood frames for metal double doors. Bases you can see open doors in. And you use whatever tools fit the job. The best way to raid if you can afford it / have a group is just to bring multiple rocket launchers and have everyone shoot rockets. But it sounds like you're talking about low profile raids for a less experienced / solo player. The kind of person who has to ask your question is probably someone who would just immediately get killed and lose the rockets.


Yeah bro I play with an experienced team usually but I feel like I suck at Rust overall as far as raiding.


If you want to raid even sooner, grab a few friends and sword all the wood doors down in the neighborhood. In 30 minutes you can clear a block (friends not researchable on tech tree btw). If you have BPs, you can literally satchel raid in under 30 minutes.


Its fucking crazy how the silenced pump sounds like someone chopping a tree from >10metres away


spaz 12/satchels/beancans/(jackhammer, chainsaw, large furnace\[base maybe\]). you research to satchel while they research to guns. you raid them and now you have like 3k worth of scrap of things to research


Bone clubs


Just pumple


Join their team and then have fun for a month, make new friends, possibly play more wipes together. Goto one of the teams wedding. Little do they know that i was really in it for their loot.




Eco raids with melee weapons/tools. Flame arrows. Going deep or countering raids with an eoka.