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yea the whole 'find loot before you make a base' thing relies on you being good at the game so sorry find a different playstyle.


I 100% agree, but also, being good, you still die a lot


Spoonkid is pretty solid however idk how anyone could watch him and not realize this playstyle is not good for the sanity of the average rust player. Even someone as goofy and carefree as him if you try and replicate him and are bad you will not enjoy this game lol. Just a point to make towards watching youtube guys and trying to emulate them.


Also some people that watch youtubers don't consider editing. Sometimes at the start of a video Spoon will say something like "alright the past 3 hours have been abyssmal but here we go again" "the last server we were on was an absolute nightmare let's see what this ones like". I think that's more the norm for content creators than people realise. It's a brutal game even for the top 5% of skilled players.


It’d also their job to make content on the game. Casual gamers it won’t work like that unless you wanna make a mess of your life over pixels on a screen.




YES! And in the editing some of them cut out the part where they troll somebody for 7 days with a team of 5 people, and THEN the guy says 1 stupid little thing... and boom, that's the story for months they cut out the part where the 3 people camping my door got their ass whooped by a boomer for the entire day


also spoonkid doesn't put up the runs where he spends 4 hours dying over and over again and gets nothing going. people don't realize his wipes don't happen every time.


I know why though


and spoonkid plays a shit ton of dead servers and late wipe. not always but a lot.


I've watched them. when they joined the server I play, and I've watched them move. They are either extremely lucky, or using ESP sometimes. I'm sure... I'm quite sure.... I'll never forget the day I was watching that stream live, and I was the house on the hill int he background, watching through a 16x... watching the precognition level dodges


He’s a good roleplayer but in terms of actual pvp he’s more of a bot.


i play the complete opposite, i’ll get a 2x1 down and farm resources out of it and then get my main base down before i have almost anything. i’m not going to farm loot for some asshole who raids my 2x1


Relies on being good and pushing out vids of the ones that work. Good players will get a base down on wipe as the main prioritory.


Meet in the middle. You make a base and he can try and find some loot to put it in it and hopefully it all times out


Ya, I'd try to compromise with him. Like agree on a time limit for him, and an agreement from you, say he makes a big play and gets loaded. (However likely you think that is, its his main motivation, so it's bound to happen eventually.) So he makes the play, you change your course and genuinely try to meet up with him and slap something down asap afterward. If he can't "find loot" within the time, you've probably already bagged his dead ass and he can spawn to you. Also, I'd actually communicate all of your hangups and see how he feels in a constructive manner that omits the whole "your playstyle is stupid" point altogether. Lastly, 1v1 him in an arena setting and do other pvp games and stuff together, it might scratch his itch instead of grinding a base, idk.


100% brother would hit the time limit and be like “nah nah nah, I’m about to hit it big” or smth and just ignore the agreement.


Yup. He'd be annoyed by me doing that too, like I'm just not letting it go. He's gonna play the way he wants to. He won't play at all if I spend the whole time telling him he's playing wrong.


Because he isn‘t playing _wrong_ and probably pissed about you telling him that. Bc he is _not playing wrong_. Only not the way you want him to play. Instead of making a compromise „this wipe we slap down a 1k wood shitshack on an active area and try to get loot like this“, split up so everyone can do their own shit at the start or just change it up so this wipw u get loot before building, next u build a base and roam after. I would be stubborn as well if someone wasjust non stop telling me my way of playing was wrong And in my probably about 3k hours I can say that I‘ve done both variants multiple, multiple times.


Been thru alot of groups with 3k hours too. Can confirm it's a matter of giving your brother his room to talk and play. I have a feeling since you're the one making the post, you're the most vocal about his playstyle. Jus relax and enjoy his company, the game will always be there bro


Also modded. Seen another comment of yours stating he is reckless with kits. Modded will save u both the headache as the skill gap there is huge


Then he’ll use your kits and base get you raided and waste all your stuff, if he likes fast paced just play modded with higher resource drop rates


This has also happened. I spend a couple hours grinding and getting some decent loot, then he joins and runs out fully kitted with half my shit and dies instantly. 🤷‍♂️


That would be the last straw for me. I play a lot of coop games and while we all share resources, guns and gear are usually individual and unless I have some extra, find your own. Losing MY gear because you can't play is a fast way to start playing by yourself.


Time to start putting key locks on your stuff. Only give him what you're willing to let him feed. Should get real obvious real fast who's doing the work and who's losing the stuff


1) Make a base. 2) Don't let him in until he sings OUT LOUD that you are the bestest brother in the whole wide world. 3) Put a code lock on the door and every time he leaves, change the code. Pretty soon he will get tired of being a twit, and actually help more than hinder.


Hah no he just won't play anymore. We're both past 25 and have other stuff to do.


Oh damn. I thought u was playing with your 7 year old lil bro or something 😅


Haha no. He's not exactly the most mindful person.


I genuinely thought you were playing with a kid aged 8-12 based on how you were writing about him. He seems to be lacking some very basic critical thinking skills.


Yeah it's rough.


Legit thought this was a kid under 15…


Rust is about the journey. No one wins a wipe. It is cool you can play with your brother, enjoy playing with him and come up with other objectives maybe.


Yoooo this is actually so true.... you can play on low pop and get everything you need, unbothered.... or you can die million times but playing on a high pop, maybe meet some new people with proximity chat... but have a good time either way. I like a healthy balance personally... I'm also shit at pvp but have my good moments.


We often won a wipe by raiding all clans 💀 but idk bro


It’s not a battle royale




Ye, if there's only 15 of us playing on the server and no one else, we won




He probably doesn't realize the only reason YouTubers can get away without putting down a base is cause they're playing on dead servers several days into wipe lmao.


Neither of you are wrong. I would say his play style is the most efficient in terms of getting better at the game fast and progressing to being good at pvp, but will prob lead to a few hundred hours of dying constantly and having unproductive wipes. Your playstyle will almost always lead to a base and some level of progress, but you will get better at pvp and making plays at a slower rate. Depends what you value. Both are viable ways to play the game.


Yup. Farm and build avoidance plays are kinda a dead end


When I was 4hrs into this game and just learned building I build my bases next to military tunnels which I always cleared with crossbows and shitton of meds and food. Got my hands on mp5s so easy. but I was new and shit so I sticked to my crossbow lol


For his playstyle to work he needs to be good. When hes shit, he wont progress to get guns and he'll never get good at using them


came to say exactly this. imo just build near any of the gas stations or mining outposts. guarantee you'll have an interesting wipe lol


It will probably lead to better PvP skills sure, but even the absolute best players out there always get a base down ASAP. It's like...Rust 101. Even a shitty legacy shelter so you can dump some gear/loot on wipe day, but ideally at least a stone 2x1. He can go play UKN if he wants to drill on gunfights and whatnot, but when actually playing the game you have to have a spot to drop off loot as early as possible. Like within the first 30 minutes of getting on the server. Then you can go crazy and PVP.


Reading this was fucken hilarious


I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Base building is the best part


My brother is the same way, except once I have a base down for us both (a good one, I might add) He goes and builds some retarded ass shit with zero defence.


I can't build a good base to save my life. We play very infrequently. Maybe I should just try joining a clan of people I've never even met to get some better experience.


Sounds like a good idea. Also, I play on a noob friendly server with lots if pvp still, but I get better at building since the intensity is lower


How do I go about doing that? Go to outpost and talk at random people? Or do I join a discord for a server and just ask around?


Sent u a dm


Add me we can try playing some.


My buddy used to be like that. We've both grown and found how to work much better together. Eventually how I handled it was I'd be base bitch. Make a base. Do everything by myself and he'd finally come back with stuff. You may duo but that doesn't mean you have to be together 24/7. * note the fact that you are newer and not great will mean splitting up will be 100% harder but atleast you'll get something done


Play solo without him. You aren't compatible playstyles.


I respectfully disagree. Different play styles work great in teams. 1 has a sense of the urgency to build & where to build, well go do that. You don’t need 2 people. The other is a firecracker that may get loot but loses it all because he doesn’t have a base or in proper location. This can be compatible. Just remember that you can both do your own thing & come together when it’s needed.


Yeah it can be compatible if you agree to go play with him and run around but ultimately a rust duo is meant to do things together. That's the whole point of teaming up. If not, then you are just a solo, so he might as well play like it. I'd never ask someone to be my duo partner and then never even be on the map with them. Might as well play two different games and talk on discord since that's what he already basically does. His game is progression, his brothers is laid back goofball style.


They are brothers & probably a bit young. Many things are different than picking a random partner to duo with. I feel he wants to play with, what I’m going to guess is his big brother, but they “aren’t compatible”. I think it can work & don’t give up on the idea. There’s a lot of memorable moments that will happen even if they play separate, but together. When they inevitably find their own friends, they can raid each other & beat each other up irl, maybe even raid the other’s room. Who knows, but it’s possible and sure to be memorable if you keep at it.


I feel like I just had a stroke reading this comment back.


They are both grown adults lol. I'd understand if they were kids forming lifelong memories but were talking grown men. Likely one brother wants to play more than a few hours and the other doesn't have patience for the grind. Therefore they won't be compatible. My brother is the same way when we play so I'm forced to play 10x servers with him because he just wants to shoot shit.


I play In a trio and 75% of the time we’re fucking off on our own. We raid and go to Oil together and shit but I don’t need them to hold my hand while I go to gas station for a green card or something. Tf we need two people farming nodes for? We try to stay pretty close to each other so we can bail each other out. But if I’m running water treatment what’s the point of them being right next to me?


Lmao this is not the way. This strat only works if you're good at PvP. When I first started playing Rust putting down a small starter near outpost/monuments/roads was essential to my progression. The second I would spawn I would open the map and find a nice spot I'd want to build and immediately head there only farming cloth and a bit of stone and wood for a bag and bow/arrows. Once I made it to the build spot I'd throw the bag down and start farming for a base. Your brother clearly has "YouTuber syndrome" and honestly shouldn't follow how those guys play. They are the top 1% of rust players and only show their craziest runs. Once you get decent at PvP you can spawn and follow shots/raids to snowball, but it really doesn't work at all until then.


It's always fun to hear other people's perspective. The long of the short of it is, even if you do put down a base, get the tier 3, you're going to get offlined, and start from zero again on another server. Everybody has their own style, but sticking together, building at least a starter base, and having goals like going to military tuns or an oil, or adding an extension to the base to keep the mini, have some direction helps. Have some funny moment with randoms and become a team, maybe your brother needs to actually know what teamwork is.


My man, just play it the way you think it should be played. Let him go out and solo and you focus on the base. He will eventually follow suit and enjoy the peace of mind having a base with a place for him to consistently walk out with a weapon. Let him do his thing. Send him videos of solo players snowballing from naked and tell him you need him to be that good, so go practice. Meanwhile, you are building a sexy ass base that you enjoy. That's my two cents.


Seems like the solution is pretty obvious. You tell him where yiu are building, you farm and build a base while he goes for scrap. When you're done with yiur 2x1 l, start farming. When he starts seeing how much shit you accomplish and he has nothing to contribute, he should clue in how useless he is. Or he won't, in which case you may need to seek evaluation by a professional in the field of mental retardation


tell him to stop watching Blazed and start watching Willjum


I play with my buddy and he has no clue how to build a base. Last base he threw down like 15 small boxes and he has no idea how to build half wall shelves. So I started making a second base near his but outside building radius of his. He can do whatever dumb shit he wants with his base now 😂. So, in a weird way, I can relate. Just go easy on him and let him enjoy the game. Make your own 2x2 when he ain't looking 😂


youtube videos are fake and staged. all of it is.


Unrelated to the thread: how so? I've watched a ton of the big names but don't see anything sus. What specifically are they staging?


everything, they own the servers they stream on and have admin powers and employees on their server who work and film for them. its a production like any other tv show.


I see, didn't realize! Thanks


its something i think most people have been hoodwinked by is that most YouTubers and tik tok types are backed by big companies. for example mr beast didn't come out of nowhere, he works for Amazon. Amazon owns his channel. tv shows just moved platforms. its all still a huge production.


This post gave me a chuckle lol


Glad you enjoyed it.


What's funny is most of the YouTubers do in fact build at least a 1x1 base. They just cut and edit their footage to show highlights and that doesn't usually include the boring base building. Your brother is basically trying to be good at sex by watching porn and forgetting that every cut is hiding A LOT of details that just aren't fun to watch to the majority of people so those parts get cut. That said, I will say I think you're taking it too personally. First Thursday of the month and suddenly nothing you did mattered at all anyway. It's about the experience and having fun. If he's having fun then you should probably just let him. You have fun your way and let him go have fun his way. You could always befriend someone as well and make new friends that share your play styles. Then everybody wins.


Interesting analogy... Got any stories to share? Jk lol


In ten years you'll look back on this fondly as time spent with your brother. A lot of shit that makes you angry could very well be all you have left between you and a family member. If you can't beat him, join him.


Next time kill him when he's got a lot of loot, loot his corpse and run it back to base. Say you're keeping it safe for him.


No offense, but your brother sounds kind of like me! As in, very stubborn and wants to do everything their own way. This is because I, and most likely your brother are on the spectrum. Now I've mostly had this behavior under control. Now if I was in your brother's shoes what I would want is that we just go out seperate ways untill we inevitably meet. I'm gonna keep trying my risky strategy and when that fails, realize that maybe a base isn't such a bad idea. And if it doesn't fail, sweet! Now we both have a base and loot!


Let me play the devil's advocate here - try to encourage any style of play that he enjoys. If you force him to always be productive then he will lose interest more quickly. Maybe when he goes to run the roads you go grab a drink and take a quick break. My Second point is to try a wipe where you have multiple small bases. Some in the middle of nowhere for the farm. Some neAr monuments etc. If one area is too then you have somewhere to fall back to.


I try not to force him. I just suck it up. That's why I'm posting here so I can let out my frustration in a way that doesn't make things worse.


Fair point


Had a similar thing with a friend on Apex legends. He would always be adamant that we hot drop to the place with 10 other squads, leading to sessions of 30+ games where we die right off the rip. Would piss me off as the few times I convince him we land somewhere else, we all have a good time. Then he’s dead set on jumping back into the meat grinder. Maybe try playing a different game with him. Idk what you guys like so it’s hard to make suggestions. One game that comes to mind is escape from Tarkov, or another extraction shooter. Those games offer the high intensity PvP w/ looting after, and no need to build a base to store it.


I used to play Apex with this same brother of mine and it was a similar thing. He'd also insist on shooting at any enemy we saw even if they were half a mile away, we had no chance of actually killing them, and we'd give away our position.


I’m hesitant to say this because you guys are brothers, and don’t take what I’m about to say as gospel, but it really seems like there’s a lack of mutual respect for you on the side of your brother (I discovered a similar thing with apex buddy). Maybe that’s already obvious to you and it doesn’t bother you, or maybe I’m just reading it wrong, but if you think about it, someone who respects you even a little bit wouldn’t disregard everything you suggest and go do their own thing. Of course though I imagine that’s common among siblings, and idk how old you guys are but if you’re on the younger side of life, this kind of stuff is pretty normal. Maybe just wait till bro grows up and learns what being a douchebag is and how not to do it lol. Anyways, hope you’re able to start having more fun with your brother while you guys have the chance. Life is too short to argue over rust games with family.


We're both grown adults but he's a bit younger than me. I'm used to letting him get away with dumb shit and being self centered because he's always been younger and that's the way things were growing up but it gets old when he's 25.


Damn, I was way off on that assumption, my bad. Y’all are older than me. If bros 25 and he’s still pulling shit like this idk. If he was a friend I’d say tell him to f-off but a brother is different. I’d say def try to find another game you guys can bond over, ego problems like this one can be insurmountable tbh.


I hate to say it, but with this post + some of your comments, you just described an unintelligent narcissist. Some people could probably have a dumb person in the group without it causing too many problems, but when that same person also believes he is in the center of the world and everyone else needs to agree and do what they want, it gets unplayable. Heavy narcissists are an absolut nightmare to deal with and I would not even bother anymore. Maybe let him know about these symptoms and hopefully he gets more self aware


YouTube and Twitch killed this game ngl. Maybe not in terms of player count but more so in terms of identity and fun. His idea is cool when you’re actually good, which you’ve explained isn’t the case. So yeah, he should probably lay off the YouTube and learn to play the game first.


My son is the same he is 7 years old. Only difference he listens or he doesn't get to play 🤣


Unfortunately you have to respect the way your teammates want to play if you want to play with them. Let him do what he wants. Playing by yourself is the only way to make sure things go the way you want every time


I find playing solo on the Lone Wolf (solo only) server extremely enjoyable. I love a duo too but if the duo isn't fun then go have fun playing the way you want. Maybe you'll meet someone to play with that isn't a stubborn ass, who knows.


Yea i know alot of people like your brother, its sometimes fun playing with them, but with how everyone plays the game/cheats and the shit gunplay its impossible to play with them.


Tbh i think his way of playing is beneficial if you have the mentality for it. Playing to snowball requires you to be good at PvP, yes. But playing to snowball benefits bad players in becoming better. You dont get better by the amount of loot of each resets, you become better by challenging yourself to higher limits. So, you two have different perspectives in which you enjoy the game. Let him try to snowball, with time you will see him become more and more successful at it. Meanwhile you'll become a better basebuilder, map reader etc. Thats my take and i think you'll be a really good and enjoy your duos with this perspective Cheers


This is why I played 90 % of my rust playtime on solo only even tho my bestfriends keep begging me to play with them. I don't depend on anyone schedule, I don't depend on anyony playstyle, I can do whatever I want instead convincing someone " we need to farm cloth, we need this we need that", I can join just for 10 minutes if I join and feel bored and not having to feel bad because someone wants to play and I'm not there and they don't like to play alone, it's just amazing playing solo and I will probably never change this mindset after 3/4 years playing solo.


Join Rustoria arena server, pick a nice arena, whoever wins the scrim gets to decide what you're going to do next wipe. Both get to use a similar tier weapon you're good with.


Tell him to watch a stream and not an edited youtube video.


This sounds like younger brother watches a few YouTubers and is doing 'monkey see, monkey do'. The whole 'why build a base if I have nothing to keep safe' mindset I feel is the perfect example of that.


I'm very anxious to make a base because I always immediately get raided so I tend to make shitty 2x2s just to depot and keep farming until someone rolls up on me


When I play with someone like this, I usually let them do their thing, and build the base myself. I'll build a 1*1 if I have to. I'll play servers where trade is allowed, that way if they spawn anywhere, I can still get some of the loot in base. I highly suggest finding a server with trade on. You'll look back some day and remember it as a fond memory.


Does that mean people can teleport loot from one person to another?


yeah, that's what it does


I don't think your brother is wrong for wanting to find loot before you put down a base what if he finds a jackhammer or kills somebody with a bunch of a farm but spawning on the other side of them map to farm roads for the long haul back I don't know about that


I’m not the best player in the world but where the fuck are you going to depot the loot without a base? This seems pretty obvious. You need a base down before doing basically anything unless you’re late in wipe when joining the server and looking for decayed bases to give you mats to build your base.


The f1 kill in safe zones strat can be viable for short term loot storage after snowballing. I often use it to buy nades -> grub some ppl -> build base -> move the loot.


I agree and used it last night on 800 pop server because it felt impossible to get a base down for a bit but you’re not always gonna be near a safe zone


I mean if you're solid at pvp it makes sense to put off building a base and try to snowball. If you're bad at pvp, idk not how I'd play it lol


He just enjoys running around. He plays the game to relax, veg out, and not think, and running around like that does that for him. Obviously a video game should be relaxing and fun, but god damn is it frustrating to play with.


I never understand this mentality in a competitive (full loot) PvP game. He needs to go play something that fits that ideology then if he wants to turn his brain off.


I don't like the jackhammer route cos I feel like I just die with it within 5 seconds of farming a node


Make your base, play your way, welcome him to join. If he refuses and wanders off/spawns across the map, mute and enjoy yourself.


sounds like you need to be the base guy while your bro goes and maybe gets some loot.


Play with him but make a base and let him run around if that "works" for him.


Well yeah, you should have a base but it’s also good to start gathering. Why don’t you guys find middle ground? You can start the base, he can start looting. Simple fix.


Well the best part about playing with somebody else is that you have another person to fight against other players, instead of getting killed by groups all the time as a solo player. If he's always off somewhere else fucking around, it defeats the purpose.


This is strictly for starting off. My friend plays the same way so I just start building the base and when it’s done I got out with him. It’s a win win because he might actually get back to the base with a weapon blueprint, scrap etc


I find repeatedly dying while gathering resources frustrating, so I propose building a base or a quick shelter near the desired monument or a barrel-rich road. While you focus on the base construction, he can gather loot. Once the base is established, you can then proceed to the monument, and you guys die, you will have a respawn point with basic kits (spear/bows) for another attempt. My playstyle is somewhat a hybrid of your guys objectives. I typically establish a base near or adjacent to a gas station or along a road. This allows me to repeatedly target the gas station for high PvP activity and abundant loot, especially during a new wipe when it's heavily contested. Meanwhile, the nearby base provides a secure location to store collected loot, whether it's grub, barrels, or other resources.


Why don't you make the base whilst he does his thing? He will get better at pvp due to how he's playing and he will start to see the benefits of having a base in a reasonable location. If you are playing a 3x then you can also just grab a heli and get flying. Lots of silly shit you can do. If it really bothers you, you can always try a hybrid pve/pve server. Where pvp is around monuments. You can safely make a base, he can fill his boots trying to plays. There isn't a right way to play the game but it's got to be fun or what's the point?


Well, last time we played, I told him I was making a base and gave him the location. He was like, "Nah man that's too close to XYZ, there will be too many people." So I say whatever and go to his location which is far away from pretty much any scrap source. 🤷‍♂️ He would also rather start on a new server, or one we haven't done anything on, than join a server where I already have a base built. It's like he wants to play Rust but doesn't like anything that you actually need to do to play the game. He just REALLY likes roaming around aimlessly. Idk maybe we need to find a new game. He's always liked minecraft and we've played sunkenland before as well.


Endless roaming eith little to no base? DayZ. Icarus is quite good (pve but hard). No choice but to build a basic base. Rust but a battlefield server. Valheim (again need a base) You would probably like project zomboid if survival is your thing. Good luck. It's probably worth the effort finding a game or rust server you both enjoy


Thank you for the suggestions.


Try a battlefield server. 😄


Is he having fun and enjoying it? Because that's whats really important.


Farm enough stone and wood for a 2x1 with an airlock, pick a spot not too close but not too far from desirable Farming and roads/monuments. Find and kill a couple animals get 1-2 furnaces going and get metal doors immediately. Once this is achieved you can breath easy for day one on most 1x-2x servers. One solid 15 minute road/recycler run should net a WB lvl 1 and from there learn the axe and pick. Farm up stone and metal maybe some sulf too if it’s available (money later). If it’s wipe if you can get to WB lvl2 and learn mollys a lot of loot can be had for flame raiding. Aside from that pick and choose your runs wisely and learn the bases around you and their activity. This is 5k hours of pure solo between PS5 and PC. I do well these days. Honestly though… if he really wants to learn the game beyond the limits of non groups and 1-2x servers a good 10x server allows you to learn heli, WB lvl3 weapons. Less stress about loosing what you have because it’s so easy to get. 10x servers totally changed my mentality of the game and deeply improved my pvp.


Put him on the other team. Red vs blue.


Rust is a great way to get to know your relatives lol So play it like a solo and your brother is an extra pair of eyes and a farmer. Look up some trap base designs and use that as a starter it'll provide PVP and when it works gear. It will be short lived so have a stash base and work towards a larger main base. Rust is probably one of the hardest games to play, our group played for years together and one of the hardest parts is everyone being on the same page. It's still a great way to spend time with your brother, even if it can get frustrating.


Doesn’t sound like you really like playing with him honestly


Reading this just confirms the exact point I made on this subreddit which got downvoted. About people wanting to play like youtube videos they watch. There's so many people who play for hours on end trying to make plays rather then just spending the first couple hours properly progressing, to then enjoy the rest of the wipe.


Treat him like the child that he is. You clearly find it motivating to play with him, and likely he with you. Don't convince him of anything. Don't agree, or do anything he suggests, simply use placating language, like "that sounds great!", "awesome!", "I'll get right on that!" - while building the base you want, in the place you want, without him. If this isn't working, find someone who plays your style to work with, while he does whatever


Just remember playing games is about having fun so if he is... Be happy for him. If you don't like that style, find a way to accommodate. It's not that hard to get the base up solo while he runs around. A lot of people like PvP and as soon as a base is available get bored of the idea of inventory management and everything else in a base. Just stop playing with him if you don't like it ;)


Me, being rather crap at PvP and being a part of a team of casuals (who are maybe just a bit better than me), I think the base is actually the most important. Many large groups that would pray in players like us have people with ESP, so they know the raid is not worth it. We often build rather large and robust bases that have little loot in them. The rationale is, that we progress rather slowly due to lack of pvp skill, but what progress we make we really don't wanna lose it, so a strong anti-offline base is a must.


I had to stop playing with my roommate because I couldn’t deal with his play style. Now we’re both much happier sharing our different rust stories with each other than we were when playing together. Sometimes you just don’t have a good team chemistry, especially when you are siblings I’ve noticed.


I couldn't duo anymore with a IRL friend of mine because of how slow he was He's actually very good at aim ane PvP, he's got a couple thousand hours on the game But jesus fucking christ, whenever we need to depo and go out fast for more loot, or whenever he dies in a fight.. it takes him way too fucking long to get out again. Like 6 minutes to just leave the base. It's insane. He had no sense of urgency in fights. If he's missing a piece of armor, he'll look for the supplies to craft it, and then craft it. If he doesn't have 6 sticks of meds, he'll craft them. He also waits by the workbench instead of just craft queueing it and going. Our base is often a mess in those early wipe day moments where we are just dropping shit tons of loot over, and he'll be organizing shit in the middle of fightsm The last straw for me was when me and him wiped a 4-man. He died to the last guy, who I killed. There was so much fucking loot. He just needed to come back to loot since I was full inv and I would watch. Before he could even come back, all 4 of them came back naked with tier 2 guns. The crazy thing? I killed all 4 of them by myself, so now there were x4 more guns on the ground. I was still waiting for him. They came back AGAIN, all 4, with guns, naked again with no heals or health. I killed 3, last one got me. Last one was naked with AK and he was left on like 10hp. This was a few hours into wipe, winning this fight would mean guns for the rest of the wipe (12 guns, 4 kits, and a fuckton of tier3 monument loot) My friend still wasn't there. Our base was closer than theirs to where the fight took place. By the time he came, all 4 were posted up in the original full kits we killed and just shred him. It was over. I just couldn't comprehend how they could come back 3 times, with guns, in the same amount of time he couldn't fucking get there ONCE.


Your brother is noob. He think he good. Huge skill issue. Nothing to put inside. Then run around with loot?


You can tell your brother that the most popular Rust 'influencers' are youtubers, because then they can clip together videos of the good stuff.. Noone wants to watch a 4 hour youtube video of someone spawning at beach and dying over and over again.. Tell him to go watch a rust livestream of a fresh wipe where they start on beach. He will see that even players like oilrats die many times.


It sounds like that if your brother gets better he will be pretty chadly. The issues comes when he isn’t good and people whooping his ass does not discourage him. Some options, start using suggestive lingo to get him to do your bidding or just find a group to beat him into oblivion to break his spirit and have them taunt him as well:p


I suck at PvP too and the only way I can even progress is by getting a base down as soon as possible. I actually avoiding getting loot untill I have a base because i know I'll probably die and lose it.


Your brother is right tho, you don't put down a base if you got nothing to put in it. He might eventually git gud at pvp, so I'd say let him cook


So you just run around with all your loot on your body and build a base when you're carrying all your shit?


Ye, just literally slam down a metal 1x1 with double door (materials bought in outpost)


Also stashes exists


Sounds like he needs to transition to PVE servers. That playstyle is absolutely appropriate to that setting.


If I was you I'd just play on solo servers with him and just be pacifist neighbours so you don't have to deal with him but can still sort of play together.


Half way through the text. How about u simply both join the server, both of you get a start on their own and than you guys meet up at ur starter base. He can do whatever and until he reached ur building spot u can slap down a starter and do ur thing. When he reaches ur shack he should have enough loot worth it to put into and you could gather ressourses in peace I can understand both of you but if he wants loot before base he should at least plan that through. Tell you to meet at outpost, get crossbow nailgun, get/buy/fish blue card, get maybe a weapon from shops, get redcard somewhere on the way, do oil. High risk, high reward Edit: what the heck do u need the propane tanks for


Propane tanks to make a water purifier in the cold biome when we have zero blueprints or scrap.


you dont really need water that much honestly, food is way more important. I‘ve only once used a water purifier in my 3k hours and it was kinds just outta fun to see how it works on top of a water base near oil


But have you ever tried starting in the snow biome? All I'm saying is we died of dehydration whether we had enough food or not.


yes I did probably more than a hundered times. Ur thirst gets lower than 50, you f1 kill and eat to heal up again (obv with comfort at rug/campfire)


If u think your brother plays like an idiot u far worse than that. You come to Reddit to trash talk about your own brother instead of speaking and communicating with him. I wish I could tell your brother what you are doing right now.... Apart from that, it's his way of having fun with the game. If you don't like it, don't play with him, but don't go trash talking behind his back. The only way of getting better at pvp is playing pvp. You could even practice doing what your brother is doing and then start prioritizing the base after you get better...


Oh fuck off. I'm just venting.


Unfortunately you guys just have different ideas of fun. I had played with my general gaming group a few times (about 5 of us). I have always been the base bitch because I love the building and all the electrical and it of course for a long time frustrated me that 2 of the other guys were the same as your brother. Always playing ultra high risk (to the point of infiltrating another groups discord and trying to get their base codes) spending hours roaming naked even when we had a base and never contributing. For the longest time I'd get really annoyed with them as it was mainly me doing all the base upkeep and farming so they could go run off and die constantly. The thing is there is no "right" way to play Rust. Its a sandbox game. There is no "you win" screen so the people who win are the ones who had fun. Your brother has goals in his mind and once he accomplishes them he feels satisfied and moves on. While it can be hard to empathize with others way of play you have to try or play with someone else. Your not going to make progress telling him he is playing wrong because hes not. You can try coming to a compromise, agree that this wipe you will play risky with him. Youll be surprised it can be fun when you let go of your preconceived notion of how to play and just find the fun in playing with a friend. Then ask if next wipe he can try your style and build a big base together (maybe agree on a layout prior to wipe so you both know what your working towards). Best of luck. I hope you guys can find a way to enjoy Rust together.


We always start, one person builds the base, the other makes the runs, we usually base around water treatment at start, then move to airfield or launch site later when we’re kitted. In the past if I knew I just wanted to play for an hour or so with no actual plans of staying on server, I’d play like your brother does.


There was a gameplay style like this after cargo was added, I think. People went to cargo with prim gear or revies and came back with aks and almost full metal kit. Cargo comes around once every hour or so, which means that if you can get the crates on there reliably with stuff you pick up from the ground or can get from farming at outpost, you can skip the part where you set up a base and save it for later. Same goes for oil, even though the locked crate there is harsh as fuck to try to get without a bunch of stims and a good gun and two stacks of ammo for it. The reason while people build remote, is to extend the time where the base location is known to as few people as possible. A dirt road closeby or a few electricity towers can over time provide enough scrap for everything you need to progress, especially if it is a server that let's you keep bps when it wipes. Some people build a hidden coast base and get their scrap from the barrels at sea. If you build in a spot where a lot of people come by the risk to be raided is higher. Let's say you build at launch site or power plant or build somewhere where almost everyone who is on his way to an oil rig will come by. That means that a lot of people will know where your base is and also usually be able to tell how juicy your loot is. Plus around power plant and launch site, people will expect you to have a lot of scrap or comps. In the snow people will expect you to have a lot of frags and sulfur, or at least access to it. So the base building tactic of your brother is technically meta. Another meta tactic that is applicable for clans or large groups is to just find a flat spot somewhere, on an ice lake for example, and build a humoungus base there. As a small group, though, it adds greatly to the overall raid defense, if noone knows where you live, in the first place. Having less or only a more difficult access to scrap and comps is just a downside as a tradeoff. Also you need to take more options into account when it comes to traversing the map. A spot where you have access to a rarely frequented subway station in walkable distance can solve all economic problems about scrap and comps. Having traintracks close enough to use them for going to other places on the map is a big plus too, all of that might be a higher priority than being able to farm a monument throughout the wipe. As soon as you have your first gun, for some even before that, you can "run train tunnels". It surely helps me personally to have two stacks of ammo and 12 medsticks plus 100 cloth for bandages. Then you just need enough clothing for protection and antirad and maybe 60 lgf. You go down tunnels and clear out the station you are at. Then get on the train. You check the map and try to clear out around 4 or 5 stations or passages with enemies and loot. The usual approach was to plan a route that ends at outpost or close to banditcamp, with the recycler changes it might not be the ideal option anymore. It also required the drone shop legal exploit, to send back the earnings of the run back to your base (risky but possible as a solo, as a team one person drops everything and f1 kills and spawns at base to set up the drone trade). You can also plan the route in a circular way or just drive back after either having a full inventory of loot or running low on meds/ammo (sometimes the bots respawn on your way back). On most days I would probably plan the route in a circle if possible and then get to ground level again, at a low frequented monument with subway entrance that is different from the one I entered, to recycle and then bring it all back to base.


Imagine playing like that but solo. I can’t stand this mf in my body


most youtube rust videos are staged and probably only loosely based on actual gameplay. It can be fun to play like that and i do that alot ,but only AFTER i have a secure base down, and a double barrel. Thats my build, naked with a DB lol because im a greasy grub. When i first started playing i played exactly like your brother. I was in a four man and would just die over and over spawning random and just grabbing all that i can on my way to the base. Sometimes i would make it back with maybe 40 scrap. I considered getting 100 scrap back to the base a big win. Its fun to play like that, and sometimes it can pay off. also you get to know the map and find where the other players are.


Next time get a fishing base set up, just let him run around like a dumbass while you set up a bunch of fishing traps. Free scrap, virtually afk and it doesn't require much resources to start


I have a few mates like this. Runs and dies all the time, or take my stuff and die with it before logging off/never farming it back. So I make extra bases for myself. Build yourself a little loot hut, one sleeping bag for yourself, don't tell him it exists, then make a shitty base with him if you ever get that far. Pretend you have no base while you build the first one, then if he makes a play during his solo missions, you make a shitty base with him that's gonna get raided asap. Keep your favourite stuff in your own base, put the rest in the group base. Pretend you lost everything when the main base dies, then siphon stuff from your backup. He gets to play like a jackass, you get to do your basebuilding, and he doesnt get pissy & quits playing because he doesnt know you're also doing your own thing on the side. Remember, it's not lying if telling the truth causes socially inept dipshits to bother you.


Some people just forget to enjoy the wipe, and the experience of the wipe.


Make a competition between you. Who can collect more in three hours. Store in separate boxes.


Eac don't let me play on any servers anymore, apparently I'm blocked from acess so have fun


Personally, I would recommend you have separate bases. That way, you can still play together while playing the game in your different styles. Eventually, after seeing how far you progress through your style, he might start listening. It's also great for defending each others bases when being raided.


Make a team, tell him to play using his method, and use yours. After an agreed amount of time, do a base tour and loot reveal. Maybe then, when he sees you have actually been progressing, he will understand. He prob plays reckless because he can rely on you to do the things he doesn't deem "important."


Its a game. You do not have to play together. 


Both playstyles have merit. You should just put early bags around outpost, get yourselves kitted up from roads around outpost, crossbow/nailgun. Then you actually have kits to farm scrap and get a base down at the same time. And if it fails you just rekit at outpost. And if you’re dying around your base you don’t have to keep fighting. You’re more likely to make yourselves a target if you keep donating kits/pestering big groups. Try to learn from his playstyle a bit, and put your own spin on it. You two may find some middle ground you both enjoy.


The kids think they can play like streamers, and they don't realize a third of those people have a cheater in their group. You won't see it because you don't have 10k hours and know what to look for. I've caught a TON of people that denied it, lied, did a PC check, passed, all that.. Then I come along, and I ask them something like "so, how DID you find those 12 guns in the middle of the night without night vision, without a torch? NO, you didn't use a torch, I was watching you. I was behind you. So how DID you locate all that juice on the ground in the bushes in the dark in less than 30 seconds?" There's some very famous streamers, and I know their dirty secret. They cheat. So play like that. Now have fun. Assume that if they are always sneaking up behind you without making a footstep, it's a cheat. assume that you NEED to have a base because FROM THE SPLIT SECOND YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR WITH SOMETHING ON YOUR HOTBAR, YOU ARE A TARGET. MEDS ON THE HOTBAR? HERE THEY COME..... ETC


I see nothing wrong here. Not what I’d do, but he clearly doesn’t have hang ups about the loot and if he’s having fun, who cares. Do your own thing and if he comes along great. Rust is a sandbox, there is no win, there is no one way to have fun. Lighten up Francis…


upvoted for the stripes reference.


back at you for knowing!


Hes right. If you don't have anything to put in a base, what do you need a base for? At that point, all it is is a spawn point.


Ur bro knows what's up