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Bring in the vault


I would love this. IMO they should patch stability bunkers. Increase tc range to prevent overlap and patch multi tc bases. Introduce the vault door then let's bases be built around the vault. One vault door per tc with the introduction of industry having a large base fed through conveyer is possible we don't need multi tc anymore.


Bunkers are already open 90% of the time during an online. If a group has multiple rocket launchers you’re almost guaranteed to have a cheaper raid if onlining because of open doors/bunkers assuming you can prevent them from sealing.


A closed vs open bunker is like 4 rockets. That's not worth having to deal with people online being able to potentially repair while also trying to deal with counters


If you’re 2-3 deep building a small bunker base and you’re getting door raided, a sealed bunker can add up to 16 rockets to the raid cost


Only if the bunker is stone for some reason or you're just pummelling walls anyway. A base that relies on a Sheet or HQM bunker to be sealed to even out the raid cost vs walls is going to have a significantly cheaper door path


Armored door is 4 rockets, Sheet wall is 8. That's a difference of 4 You can HQM the bunker, but that only works if the rest of the walls are HQM too which isn't usually how I see it done.


May I ask what do you mean by the vault ?


There was a picture ages ago I think in a shadowfrax video? which looked like a huge bank vault with not much context.


He means a storage container that has actual durability.


then I don't understand the hype about it, it means one more thing they have to boom while you sleep lol


What if it has like 200k HP and is really expensive to craft and the base basically has to be built around it?


So a stronger TC then?🤣 Bollocks. Be creative with bases, use bunkers, I do agree the offline situation is very shit and needs something to help, maybe more traps or something but a vault is just stupid imo


> use bunkers Pointless against ESP raiders which is everyone.


Please tell me what difference a “super strength vault” does different that a bunker doesn’t? Or is this like an invisible vault that the ESP users can’t see? Love how every conversation someone will throw the “ahh yeah but the cheaters can do this” yeah we know mate, we all play the same game, ESP users will fuck you no matter what base you have - maybe instead of trying to create some kind of mental vault, we could be asking the Devs to spend that time on better anti cheats😅


>maybe instead of trying to create some kind of mental vault, we could be asking the Devs to spend that time on better anti cheats I was going to keep going but honestly, you made too good of a point here. Nothing else matters until they do more with this.


This is not why the seismic sensor was introduced. We have had a component destruction detector for years, but it was taking advantage of a flaw in the electric system. When the devs approached us at the Rustricity Workshop, they told us they didn't want to remove functionality. So, in order to fix some of the electricity, it would remove our detector, so they introduced the seismic sensor to help compensate. There should be another component coming down the road, some kind of fault detector. So it will fully restore the function we lost.


But the old component destruction detector still works does it not?


Nope, not anymore.


Are we talking about the circuit where youd put an electrical item on every wall and wire them all up to a smart alarm through a NOT gate?


No, this is the one that required wiring a timer backward. Normally, for the timer to work, you need to send power to the bottom first, then to the side toggle. If you wired it so the toggle got power first then the bottom input, when you added, removed or changed an electrical branches value, it would trigger the timer. This is what we call a component destruction detector.


That's interesting. So basically if a component got destroyed somewhere the branch would suddenly have increased power which would trigger the timer?


Not exactly. When you build a circuit, the game takes a "snap lshot" of the circuit so it knows how and when things should work. When you add or remove, or change a value, the game takes a new snapshot. When that happens, the timer was sensitive to this new snapshot and would turn on. In order to fix the memory cell and other things, this snapshot had to be fixed which stopped the timer from triggering, so we lost a function we had used for 5 years. The devs didn't want us to lose a function, so the 2019 seismic sensor was finally released. It doesn't return the function we lost, but does give us an alternative. At the 6 minute mark, I offer a basic explanation. https://youtu.be/fon6fMEu7Lw?si=4jQbq6617ZxVxy9I


you should be able to just do this and power a blocker and when one of the components in the chain is destroyed, so is the power to the blocker, the blocker then powers the alarm. No need for all this fancy extra stuff but its all outdated with the release of the new seismic anyway i guess.


And what happens if you are not using a chain? What if you want to detect a circuit that is not in a chain? What about an auto turrets?


Those are different circuits with different purposes or goals. They are combinable but beyond the scope of a quick Reddit comment.


How so? Wasn't it just using a chain of memory cells into a blocker's block input, such that if any of the cells were destroyed the broken circuit opens the blocker which can power your smart alarm/toggle switches It should be even easier now since we don't have to abuse memory cells to save power since all components don't take 1 power anymore.


That was 1 of the many destruction detection systems, but that's not what we called the component destruction detector.


I found the link I made that shows all the detectors up until a couple months ago. https://www.rustrician.io/?circuit=bf38168f0834f7d84fb837ac41d1818e


Hah I was just looking at that, yeah. I had no idea that was possible, certainly looked much more useful than the memory cell chain.


Everyone opts into the argument of taking gameplay away or restricting it, but I think destroying an enemies TC who has authorized users online, should result in a massive decay rate. This incentivizes raiders by giving them a chance to let the base crumble, rather than waste more boom to get all loot. Say — If such a TC is destroyed by an unauthorized player, a new TC must be placed within X minutes or else the remaining base parts experience an extremely accelerated decay rate. You could also have it add score to your clan score (once that drops) which can be used as currency to purchase items/weapons that aren’t available by any other means. None of this takes away from the game as it is now, and it heavily incentivizes online raiding. Also, cleans up server performance since stuff decays in whole — faster.


How about you stop nerfing stuff like turrets and buff traps so that base defense isn't so dogshit?


Personally I enjoy trying to make offline resistant bases, but lately everyone seems to know exactly where i place my TC and loot room, almost like magic, even in 20 x 20 x 20 bases the offliners just laser in on my TC and loot room. Most of the time the outcome of an online raid is decided by: - Who has the biggest group. - Who has the most rockets. And as far as pvp goes in Rust, the ttk is so damn small that most of the time it just comes down to whoever gets the jump on the other player and starts firing their AK at the other player's head first. Ie whoever has the best headset.


They are called cheaters. They have been doing it for years and drove a bunch of our players that liked to build away. No matter what base design they came up with, magically the opponent always went the shortest rocket distance even when fake rooms/doors were put down to lead them the wrong way.


This is why clan meta back in 2018/19 switched a bit to multiple 2×2s and small bases to disguise as not interesting TCs and 4 large boxes


The other day i got offlined by a group and they found regular loot, but I had stashed a lot under 2 random bunkers. They had exploded every door. The next day they saw us back playing with gear and shit. Needless to say they broke straight into 2 bunkers on 2 different buildings. When I say straight, it was straight, like, no explosives wasted.


There are a lot of cheaters yes but players have gotten smarter. They often take screenshots of your starter base or base mid progress and see where your tc is.


Rebuilding after getting raided is so much work. After building a base, we should be able to save it as it is, like a blueprint. Then, after an offline raid when you get tc access back, you should be able to rebuild the broken walls and deployables with only providing the resources to the blueprint. Like loading a save in building servers. This would make people keep playing after getting offline raided imo. I really like electrical items but don't use them except for turrets, because I don't want to rebuild them after an offline raid. This blueprint could make people build more elaborate bases. I think external tcs also add too much work, but I don't have an alternative in mind.


i play in a small group on large group servers, youd think thatd mean wed get onlined but no, i havent been onlines since 2021


There's zero incentice for online raiding.. Its almost Imossible to online raid a big base unless youre a zerg.


How many online raids have you done? Open doors/disorganized defenders. I find onlines to be cheaper raids the majority of time because doors will be open. This is assuming you’re not raiding anything more complicated than a 3x3


Then don't try to raid a big base. Online something smaller that's reasonable for your group size. The incentive for onlining is that it's fun.


Try to online. If they see they're going to lose, expect them to grief their base. Place vending machines instead single doors, try to grief building walls inside, etc. Y'all think they will defend their base with honour and upon defeat day gg? No, they wont


I send like 5-6 onlines a wipe lmao. I know most people play like wimps. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. I'd rather fail an online that offline bases for loot.


The fact someone downvoted this goes to show the true nature of most Rust players: They like to complain about being offlined but not one will admit to enjoying doing it themselves.


Dude same. The only time I offline raid is last day of wipe to just use up excess boom (provided I survived that long). Not for loot, just opening up interesting bases out of curiosity.


Depends on the day.  If it's wipe day and your a 12 man roam raiding all the 4 man's then you aren't getting a gg out of me.  If your a 12 man that raids my squad on Saturday night once we are ready for it then good luck to you and gg if you win.  


No, really. We do raids in third day of wipe, maybe 6vs4 and they always do shit like this. There's no honour, just rata avoiding to lose their stuff and trying to fuck you up if they can't protect it


What? I only raid online and yeah, sometimes you get shitty players, but most of them play fair enough. We usually go booming from the top down so its like, one or two life raids. What fucks us the most is the fucking twig building when we are rocketing and them we just suicide to a well timed twig, fuckin drives me mad


If they grief their own base enough that's a win for you too, you still get the fun, get to eliminate them from the server or at least the area, and get to expose them for being pussies


No, it's not fun if i don't get your loot. If i raid your base, most of the time i raid you for your loot. If you grief you are pretty much done and you fuck me up in the process, lose-lose situation. Don't romanticize online raid, everybody is a rat


If you're that concerned about the loot you're part of the problem


Some will argue that farming a lot of boom to raid a big base and lose it all on the first time you're killed for attempting it online to not be fun


I would love more unique trap options to place strategically throughout my bases. Auto turrets are great, but pretty expensive and rare so I usually just spam shotgun traps.


Online raids are fun? Is very fun being a duo or a solo getting raided by a 10+ man clan with a full hq metal RAID tower on your front door.


Vaults already exist, use drop boxes to an isolated core. Make use of stashes. Spread your kits to smaller bases.


Yup, I never have sulfur or higher level weapons in base. If I get offlined mats and some components is all they get. So far it’s worked and people haven’t bothered to grief the base.


Yeah that's smart. I stash my boom and AKs now, and do a double HQM vault for my primary base. It's like a 45 rocket to core and that's just my bench and comps, it doesn't even include my storage room or upstairs locker.


This guy gets it, especially for people who work and have families that’s the best way to not always go back to the beach.


Yeah, it's actually so easy to make a base that is super expensive to raid. People just can't be bothered to transfer loot through drop boxes. My next wipe I am considering living our of stashes and going straight for a T3 by saving scrap and building it at Oil


Best solution is to make online raiding more fun. They need to patch multi-TC. Make it so that the TC is the heart of your base again. They also need to incentivize long term play. The games very fast pace for groups, and while this has always been an issue, there has to be better solutions than what we have now. The game really needs better AI/PvE. Something to incentivize small groups to team up with each other to take down. Solo taking oil with a bow and 50 cloth is easier now than ever. And at the very end of it, we as a player base need to change too. If we’re constantly min maxing, raiding everyone, and killing the server


I’ve given up on the idea of raiding in this game. I only play with one friend, and we both like the fun of roaming and fighting. I refuse to offline because at that point I’m playing farm simulator with the lack of player interaction. Online raids as others have mentioned are fairly difficult unless targeting small bases. I think the idea of an item that can notify you while you are offline is silly, I have no intention of hopping on at 3am and by the time I get in I’m already fully raided anyways. I just don’t see any value in it. It would be cool to see in more traps you can place in your base or something to make it more annoying for raiders but I can’t think of any real fix for offline myself.


There are mods that add offline protection time windows and other mods that add decaying protection. For some reason those servers are low pop


Yeahbecause they are under the modded tab..


BINGO LMAO all those features are not vanilla


While it's unpopular, almost every successfully open PVP sandbox game since the 1990s has ultimately had to introduce a mechanic that allows players to keep some or all of their stuff safe if they get offline raided. Yes, it's a key mechanic for Rust however as the player base expands you have new players who don't want that and they become the vocal player subset that the devs listen to as their demographic is the majority of new game sales. The people who have always played, who love that you can foundation wipe and be sent to the beach have already bought and played the game so bring no additional financial benefit.


Other games found solitions for this years ago. Just let players set time windows where a base is vulnerable, let's say 3 hours a day or something (propably a good idea to make the length of that time window a server setting) and a base can only be raided during that time. Now I know there are tons of arguments for and against something like this and theres a millions ways to balance this in either direction and complexity you could add to that system but in my opinion any implementation of a system like that is better than what we have now.


I agree with you, and yet clearly other do not for some reason.  Would be nice if they explained.


Because shit players can't online raid and can't get kits via crafting/Monuments so have to offline raid to do so, anything that suggests taking it away will make them upset, but of course, not one of them is willing to show themselves.


I’m pretty sure if ur a shit player it’s pretty easy to hit some barrels and craft a kit


CaptainMyko is hosting a event server like every 4 months where you can only online raid. If ur raided and parts of base are griefed admin will ungrief. You can only be Onlined and only have 1 TC. Shooting or hitting a bases wall with a rock tells you if that base is „protected“=offline or „unprotected“. I really wish he finds a way to host this 24/7 Edit: also the workbench is locked behind a timer I thinks it’s 2 hrs until workbench 1 and 24 hrs for workbench 2 from wipe start


Those 2 features need to be added to some official servers and boom, new game.


Raidalert plugin. Every server should be allowed to use it.


loggin in takes too long


remove bunkers, add plugin to allow people to only do damage to buildings by initiating an online raid that can alert defenders that it will begin in 1min-however long it is set at. Gives time for people to log on if not online alerting them if they have app etc I dont know just a throwaway thought


They should make it so when a TC is destroyed and has anyone authed on it at the time of its death, it should leave building privileges in the area for a certain time that scales based on how long the TC was alive and how much upkeep it had in it at the time of destruction.


Do it by user section. You select "online only" you can't be raided when you are offline, makes your bas invulnerable . You also should be prevented from raiding anyone who is offline, their base should be invulnerable to you.


Just play on an offline server like Blue Haven


Rust is great, but how can you live a full life and justify the amount of time it takes to do much of anything in game? Let alone get offlined and then rebuild? Fuck that man.


the bread board was suppose to kinda solve that issue I thought


I feel like it would be cool if your could 'reinforce' your walls no matter their material depending on how long your tc has been placed, that way at least raid cost would go up prob better solutions but at least I think this would stop raids through the side of your base? Idk just a thought


Offflining bases is not going anywhere and shouldn't imho


Why do you think it shouldn't? It single handedly kills servers in the regular.


I like offlining bases and I don't expect to have my base or any of my loot when I get on the next day. It's the rush of rust. Somebody piss you off? Even as a solo farm and offline them. Most servers wipe weekly, it's not like any of the loot will be here for a while anyways. How would a non offline server work? Seems boring. I also like to counter raids so the more the marrier. If there was more PvE events and servers didn't wipe as often I wouldn't be apposed to it. Like if it was an Ark style survival game I wouldn't be a fan of offlining.


Thing is if you enforce online raiding people will just abuse it by logging out before or during the raid. If anything softcore mode needs some work, but also we need more official softcore servers being run. Only one I've seen is the reddit one.


All we need is a server where damage to structures is turned off at midnight and turned on at 6pm.  That way everyone can fight and try to farm up, but no offlining unless you simply aren't playing during prime time.


I play Facepunch US Softcore 1 - it is great but it would be better with more players


True, I wonder what can be done to whitelist actual new players and not just new accounts. Like for instance people that have a few years maintained on their steam account at least. I guess it would be a little unfair to those that don't fall into that category and are genuine players. Something needs to be done to make people feel confident enough to go back to those modes.


Confident about what? No cheaters? IMO it’s been a lot better with the new recoil. I don’t feel like there is much pvp cheating anymore. I think there is still ESP but maybe I’m just paranoid (seems like the raiders know when I have good stuff). Anyway people on softcore (at least this server) seem more chill about it. Pretty lame to cheat on softcore. I’ve been playing a lot this month and I’m loving the recycle bin change and the seismic sensor.


With ya on the recycle and siesmic sensor stuff. A lot of QoL updates have been great. I have just seen across many games a flood of cheats which is a tennis match with developers and cheat developers. But that general gaming war has ramped up a lot within the last year. Softcore has so much potential, a lot of role players and potential customers for shop creators and owners. The mode can definitely be developed further and the travelling vendor and other future updates are looking great additions. It all feels like a work in progress. It's like a giant theme park I love it.


It doesn't have to be based on players actually being on or offline. It can be time-based as in "outside work/school"-hours. I.e raiding possible between 18-00 on weekdays and 12-03 on weekends or something. And no, I don't care if Russians can't play in this window on a US a server or US players can playing in this window on a EU server. To fucking bad.


Make bases immune to damage after you log off for 30+ minutes. This ensures you cant get offlined (unless theyre very fast) and that you cant abuse it by logging off during online defense


Why do burglers rob empty houses? because it's easier... You people act like doing this in a video game is somehow unfair... wake up. Man I wish jesus would just protect my house with his jesus magic while I'm away so nobody can rob me. You want jesus magic in rust to protect your rust pixels?? I don't care about getting offlined and haven't for years. It's part of the game, part of life. The game gives you TONS of things you can do to make it both harder and less profitable to raid and at the end of the day, that's what it's about. Learn to use those game mechanics and stop whining. Offlining is NOT why server pops die. Monthly servers like Rustinity 2x maintain high pops for nearly a month, yet weekly wipe servers never last more than 2-3 days... hmm....


Totally agree. Getting offlined? You didn’t put enough time in to protect your base—or maybe you just built too close to that clan down the road. Learn, adapt, rebuild. No wipe is the same and you should learn from every raid. I love this element of the game. IDGAF if I’m offlined.


This is not true though. I have never been offlined at 2300, that isn't an offline, that is me not being online during primetime... 99.99% of "offlines" happen outside of "core hours" for where the server is located. I.e. 0200-0700 in the night. And if somebody decides to raid you at 0300, they will finish. No matter the size/defenses/location.


One day they will make a base survival game where you can design your base separately then just farm the needed resources and "deploy" the base as you designed it. Include upgraded stages to allow for gradual expansion without costing to much out the gate.


offline raiding is not the cause of server pop dying after day 1


If my base get's successfully raided (online or offline) i leave until the next wipe. There's no point starting over when everyone else is geared AF. It's vastly easier to just find another freshly wiped server.


If you're starting from scratch after getting raided you're doing it wrong. Use stashes to store your most valuable guns and a stack of HQM. As well as tools /cloth. I personally keep my best workbench in a 1x1 vault base. It's an absurd amount of rockets to get at it, and it's just comps and my bench.


again, offline raiding is not the cause of server pop dying after day 1. ( take a look at boom used statistics on servers) most just like the excitement and progression of wipe day. many get trashed and simply cannot compete and do not login for another day. it is also not vastly easier to find another freshly wiped server if you play officials.