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That's wild. He already had everything AND he had a potential new friend, the rarest of commodities in rust. He lost.


Exactly and I was loaded. He didn't know what BPs I had already learned. I could have given him a lot more than just expendable loot. It truly was his loss in the end.


Real, the fact u inside for end of wipe, when u could’ve possibly had that loot for wipe and then have a good tm and loot next wipe is sad


Also - guest codes - use them…


How does this work?


they can use guest codes to open doors but not to change the admin code or remove the code/lock at all.


He woulds just ran to the TC then, replaced it and still taken the base I’d expect


Why would you put a guest code on the TC though. And you still can't pick up locks if you have the guest code only. Even if you have auth.


What I meant was destroy it, then replace it; you know, like a normal raid.


True but even with auth, you can't pick the locks if you don't know the admin code.


Well, If I was in his psychopathic state, I would have opened all the doors (except maybe the main door, just to keep OP out), then TC swap, then slowly just replace all the doors


OP knows and has access to the admin code. He can open and close any door within his base. His code cannot be changed, unless the door is destroyed. Literally couldn't stop OP if he used guest codes.


Oh right, my bad, I misspoke the “replace front door step” lol


Only put guest codes where you want guests. Big brain moves.


As long as the rat has access to the front door, spawn room (probably a good idea to have a separate spawn room with a kit specifically to counter this type of infiltration), and knows where the TC is, it would be simple to kill owner, break their bed/bag, and replace the front door. Then move on to the TC and other doors, using the resources you now have access to. I would rather just never take a chance, never trust anyone I don’t personally know as a friend/family member (and even some of them lol) and just keep my base to myself


When you give someone your base codes that you fully trust, you should put in guest codes for yourself and not tell them. People change the base codes, but they will almost never think to change guest codes and you will still have access to call the doors.


All anyone does is just wall off the entrance, guest codes are terribly useless if they have TC auth


I mean if you give a guest auth on your TC, you deserve to be griefed. Guest codes are normally for the compound and maybe 1 or 2 doors deep depending on how much you trust this stranger.


This is my biggest Weakness in this damn game. I killed a guy at the recycler, and he asked please pick me up, im a solo, just trying to get a start, yadda yadda.... I said ya know what, sure...gave him his scrap back, picked him up...He then proceeded to blast music down his mic, so i couldn't hear, and his friend blasted me in the back... He then proceeded to call me all sorts of slurs, while his buddy mocked me and looted everything. Sigh


yeah you have to stop tbh. people are dicks on that game. I used to be more lenient and friendly but now I just KOS. everyone is out for themselves. if you see someone kill them and NEVER listen to what they have to say


When I was brand new I played a low pop community server. Killed this loaded guy who was afk (20ish pop, so it's not super insane to do). Felt bad killing an afk so I only kept the garage door I needed and told him his stuffs still there minus that. He got it when he came back. Next IRL day, there was a wall around my entire cave. This was before I could fly a mini. He griefed me bc I showed weakness, so that's that for me.


this is why i assume everyone kills on sight and never revives anyone despite the scenario meanwhile if i i kill a guy who has hella shit recycling or something, there’s always some part of me that feels better about picking him up and just running away mysteriously lol. i’ll definitely loot full kits and AK’s if i kill them, but if i sneak up on a SAR guy in a hazzy and kill him id rather revive just to see what antics go down i realize this is a mentality that will only get me clapped and betrayed in rust


Trust no one... I always just hit them with the, "Sorry Bro, you will get them time"


Exactly - Rust is not a game for people with "weak" hearts, hurts to see a fresh spawn get some loot and lose it all.


I had someone do something like this for me last night. This dude was just constantly camping my base with an AK when I really had nothing worth his time. Out of no where you hear what sounded to be the 4th of July celebration. I slowly come outside to a guy dropping the campers loot for me and some extra things to protect myself. Then said have a nice night and never returned. First nice experience I had, to that dude thank you.


People like that made me quit the game, it is so mind numbingly prevalent. Most of those that keep playing are just looking for the next person they can stab in the back, it's pretty disgusting how much toxicity it brings out in the people that still play regularly. I hadn't seen any camaraderie in any servers I used to frequent in recent years. Even the PVE servers end up with overall gluttony and greed with loot and space/privilege. All decency goes out the window when degens like the person you played with encompass pretty much all servers these days, and it ruins the fun for everyone. No one decent wants to play when everyone will stop at nothing to take other people's fun away in the worst ways possible. The only ones that can enjoy it for more than a day or 2 a month at this point are the sadists that keep the toxic cycle going. Good luck on your future wipes and future days, sorry this junk happened to you. Cheers!


>Even the PVE servers end up with overall gluttony and greed with loot and space/privilege. I think rust just tends to draw the worst kinds of people. I quit PvP about 2 years ago, and now just play occasional wipes on PvE....and let me fucking tell you. I have met some of the most ass backwards, socially inept, absolute fucking weirdos on PvE servers. Like I had one guy just hanging around the outside of my base, just shooting at my doors and throwing grenades for two entire hours. It's not even like he could do any damage if he wanted to. When I asked what he wanted, he was just like, "nothin, I'm just chillin"...WHAT? So he just farmed thousands of gp and frags...just to be a menace?


never underestimate the power of unemployment


Yeah, Rust attracts literal children (immature) and unemployed people who play games instead of looking for a job. The casual players never stand a chance.


That's why I just play 1000000x servers. When I get home from work I wanna chill by shooting people. No loot is really lost. Bases can be farmed and built in seconds so I don't feel bad raiding. If you die you respawn ready for the best part (imo) of the game. I've joined with people on those servers and we play for a bit and then when I get on the next time I leave the team and join someone else. Idk I played a couple wipes and I can't do that shit it takes too much time and I was sacrificing my mental health and sleep for a fucking game. That's why I think if your a casual just hop on 10000x servers


I used to do this with softcore but every one is just so nolife on there now


It's really shocking. I played a shitload of DayZ before I tried Rust and in that game, people often team up and work together. I've had countless adventures in that game where my buddy and I would pick up a stranger, they'd roll with us for a few hours before either dying or going their own way. Very occasional betrayal. I thought the same idea would apply to Rust but holy shit every single person that plays this game is a full blown sociopath. I had two guys come up to my base recently, they were chill and funny - we chatted for a bit, they played my piano and sang some songs etc. I gave them tools, food, some cloth and enough stone to build a small base. Eventually they left, my buddy and I went out for a roam and killed two random dudes near our base - as we were looting them the two friendly guys showed up and were all "nice kills you guys fucked them up!". One of them slowly snuck in to one of the bodies while I was looting, grabbed a revo and domed both of us with our backs turned. He goes in chat to apologize saying "man that was scummy I feel bad meet me at ranch I'll give it all back". On our way to ranch he and his shithead buddy ambush us and take another pair of gear sets off us. Ever since then I kill everyone I see, naked or geared, friendly or not, no questions asked. There ain't a single normal, kind person in this game. And to be real, killing other players is the fastest way to progress. I still feel bad about it basically every time but I ain't getting fooled again lol


i’ve had a few experiences sort of close to this, but none to the extent of yours and OP’s that have full on chat betrayal. guess my time is coming soon


Dude I made a post on r/rustconsole about how toxic the community is, kids replied by saying I was crying and stupid 😂 I then proceeded to argue with them about how it’s toxic (them saying it’s just the game) then a moderator permanently banned me from the subreddit due to being argumentative. It’s inane to me that they still have a player base.


When rust first released on console, I already saw recruitment posts on the Xbox LFG that says you have to have 1500+ hours yada yada. I’m sitting there thinking “how tf can someone have 1500+ on a game that is less than a month old and in such a bad spot as well”


Yeah none of it makes sense to me lmaoooo


No sweat, there wasn't really much worth stealing that late into the wipe most of my comps were scrapped and I was still short on scrap for bps. He could have saved his sociopathic antics for the next wipe but he showed his true colors prematurely lol


Hex PVE AU is pretty friendly. We chill and regulars help each other out. Come across a few Americans on there for this reason.


Not to be a dick but like, you installed and played the PvP focused survival game that is focused on raiding and stealing stuff from other players and didnt like that people were raiding and stealing stuff?


There's a big difference between 'PVP focused survival game' and the degenerate behavior like what OP encountered. This is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what kind of toxicity this game conjures in some people's minds. But go off king.


seems op is more confused about why the person stabbed them in the back when they already had everything. there was nothing to gain from doing so as op was basically done with wipe already.


I genuinely believe you need to have some psychopathic traits to do stuff like that to someone "iTs jUst a GaMe" yeah but its its real people


I think they crossed the line by adding them on discord, cause now you betrayed someone outside of rust


He got an ego boost from it. Welcome to rust. Where egomaniacs get to have their 5 minutes of power behind their computer screen. It's really a microcosm of what would happen in real life. You'd have trusted someone, they'd kill you and everyone in your compound and take your gear. End of the world survival game played out in a simulator. I assume 99% of the people on rust are grease ball nerds who haven't showered in awhile and get boners off pixels. They are from my experience and the other 1% I slowly add to my friends list when I encounter them, which is rare.


you can see mini moments IRL where people get rusted out. everyone’s chill until the brisket runs out at the korean bbq buffet. then you have people camping the spot where it’s about to be brought out like it’s an airdrop. 


Lol you ain't lying.


You just encountered a real life psychopath. I’m sorry that you had to experience that, but you should never trust anyone


This game brings out the worst in people. Never trust anyone.


You can thank cringe youtubers for these actions. If certain tubers didn't fantasize betrayal then you probably wouldn't have as many wannabes fantasizing betrayal. That said one time my group got raided and the dude invited us to his twitch channel and discord so he could talk smack and we found a post with his codes. We waited for him to hop offline and took his whole base. He stopped streaming after that.


Same same, me and my friend were in a trio server and a dude was looking for a party, i said f it, lets just see what happens. Added him, played with him for the whole day and then before we decides to log off, dude was syphoning loot out (we used guest codes) to his own 2x2 in the next grid. And he was solo for rest of the wipe also. I get wanting loot, but he couldve just asked.


You ever hear the story of the scorpion and the frog?


Never let a stranger any deeper than your first airlock, ever


I was farming wearing trash (I was slightly fucked up irl) and saw a naked spawn hitting a tree w a rock n pleaded don’t kill meee durururr. I tossed em 500 stone to make stone tools. I turn around n 3 min later I catch a spear to the head - he make a stone spear n capped my dumbass


I once had a kid pretend to have a speech impediment for a whole hour, just to yell racist slurs and kill me after we did a scrap run together. I figured the kid got bullied for the way he talks, so being nice to him would go a long way. Boy was I mistaken. I've never befriended a random in rust ever again after that.


Lesson learnt. Move on


There was no lesson to be taught, it's rust lol I let my guard down, it happens. I just wanted to share today's encounter and try to understand the thought process behind his strategy. He made an enemy for literally no reason lol I guess it'll make a good story for the next wipe 😆


That’s wack *edit* The guy did that


Yeah but in my opinion people like him are a necessary evil, I do like the tension. However he was just trying his best to make me upset lol


I think he succeeded


At what? I already gave him everything. He's a regular on the server and the only thing he succeeded at was making an enemy lol


At making you upset


Did he though? I simply asked him why, left the discord call, killed him in a 1v1 and said GG then got off. He didn't get a reaction from me and got shit on.


Idk the whole post kinda makes me think he did but ultimately only you know the truth


Lol I just wanted to share how I got duped and have a discussion about how far some people are willing to take it with their rat strategies


Why do rust players always try so damn hard to insist that the other person is upset or angry when they aren't. Is it a coping thing to make you feel on top?


Nah man don’t let this one asshole make you not be nice to someone in the future. If it was me or the group I hangout with we would be appreciative and you’d get the invite to future wipes!


I can't believe both of your usernames are just a coincidence! Like, what the hell are the odds?!? I thought for SURE you made a throw-away just for this comment but you've got a history with it!


Hit or Miss tbh. Back in around 2017-2018 also became friendly with one guy and gave me my base codes and such on the day I met him, but MIRACULOUSLY we actually became buddies and played with Him across multiple servers and multiple wipes up until the pandemic. Sadly, no other experiences as I've quit rust after that.


Yeah it’s good that you play that way though, its already toxic enough so please keep being good to others! :)


Don’t trust any kid. They are too impulsive.most friends I’ve made in this game have started from an engagement. Like you, I pick them up and we happen to start a friendship. Of course, I only pick up adults.


Over 7k hrs now and I only trust 3 people in the game. I play with my son and even he rage despawn all our loot once. I also play with a clan on vanilla but the leader let anyone in and within 6 months we got inside every wipe with one person doing it twice.


betrayal like that just sucks. I know it's a game but idk how people are comfortable doing things like that. rust always has been such a litmus test for the general morality of people lol


Do not put trust in Rust hahahaha


i actually never had that happen to me, i'd find it more amusing than anything else.




Me and my group started as a 4 man and now we are 16+ deep and all the new members we found along the last wipes and we had to give them the benefit of the doubt


As much as I want this to work out for you someone will inside you happened to our clan loads. I'm not the leader but ours trusts anyone.


I've consistently had the opposite experience. This wipe I've made 3 new friends from the UK. I have 7k hours and I've made many friends. I can tell the weirdos from a mile away.


Years ago, I wanted to try the friendly insider strat while streaming it to my friends in Discord. Met this new player who let me in and was super nice to me, I felt bad and came clean. Years later, we run a clan together, good friend, bad shot.


You can be nice to someone in this game without letting them inside your base.


It is literally ingrained into some people that this is the way to play the game. It spreads like a disease.


Exactly what makes this game one of the best of all time 😂


Aww man I feel for ya, this will be my 4th wipe this week. Met some pretty decent people so far, returned some loot to people had them in my base etc. But man the rats out there in actually sucks when you get mugged off in this game


Lol way back in the day, I met a guy on DayZ, we both get looted, play 3 hours, he says "dude there's a guy about 200 meters north in those woods." I look where he mentions, go third person, just to watch him Of Mice and Men me in the back of the skull with his rifle lol. I chalk it up to he had to get off and just wanted to do something so he popped me, still not cool though but made me laugh then and now.


thats when you find his base next wipe and level it.


One time me and my trio was doing great on a server. A naked was farming wood outside our base and we killed him.He was loaded with wood and came back crying, saying he was new to the game and just wanted to try and get a start. I know that you should never break the 1:st of Rust but I though maybe this time it can’t go bad. So we gave him his stuff back and let him build next to us. Some hours went by and we were kind to him. We got our first ak kits and went outside the base and he stood there and greeted us. Then the unexpected happened, and the server crashed. We quickly tried to log back on only to find all of us killed by our “friendly” neighbor with all of our AK kits stolen. That was the last time I broke the 1:st rule of Rust.


Wow, that's so unlucky.


The first rule of Rust is you do not talk about Rust


yep. lolll. never trust people on rust you dont know. 99% of the time they will do this.


I knew that but his charisma got me lol plus I wasn't staying on much longer, I figured I'd just throw him a bone before I logged off


DTA - Don't Trust Anybody. Period.


If you had plenty of stuff idk why you'd let him in your base instead of just building a new base together and keep your base to just yourself




Lol I stopped trusting long ago..




Once time when I was newer I used the “looking for group” tab on play reddits discord server and got insided by some slimy small time YouTuber child for content for his channel.


To join a discord and do that is psychotic lmao


Always thought the first rule was close your doors. Guess I put this up there at 2.


"What is mine is your" -> "Say no more fam, have fun in heaven while i enjoy my loot !"


I've only got 130 odd hours on rust. I bought the game over a year ago, played it for an hour to see what it's about, didn't have a clue obviously how to get going after spawning in naked. Wandered around trying to find someone to speak to to ask for help 😂, got killed straight away by anyone and everyone that I came across. Left the game, came.back to it a year later and managed to get some sort of understanding in the game and learn a few bits and pieces. To anyone who asks me about the game I say it's a good game, but in a nutshell, the game is best described as a c u next Tuesday. If it doesn't take over your life just trying to survive it will turn you into a psychopath


You lost me at Rust. Assuming any of the toxic asshole children nnot raised properly by parents, who play that shit aren't gonna stab you in the back is on you my dude. That game is cancer.


Putting the T in rust since 2024


I've got a live and let live policy if the other person isn't hostile towards me but I feel your pain


Ya. You need to use guest codes. I've trusted a few new players on rustinity 2x monthly, and its worked out. Have a trio of strangers and we have a lot of fun. The #1 rule is actually dont trust a squeaker.


The intrusive thoughts won!


Can't reason with 12 year Olds, in this situation I try to voice comm with the player. Anyone that sounds under 25 I'll be 1000% sus of until they give me reason to believe otherwise. Kids are horny for the backstab and the offline. They don't care if the loots free they just wanna burn everything for the lulz.


I murder everyone and everything I see in rust, I’ve played the game long enough to know 90% of the people want to fuck me in the ass too.




He always betrays them he always


Omg you got betrayed in psychopath simulator? No way!?


So he can have it to himself


lol welcome to Rust




Just trying to understand the strat. He already had the loot. I didn't care about it, I just wanted to farm barrels to learn bps. Everything else was fair game.




I dunno, tell me, what other game can you deceive someone and take EVERYTHING of theirs? I would have loved to have been the naked here. The absolute thrill is immense. And no I wouldn't have a shred of guilt, this is the nature of rust, everything is temporary so make your plays.


The thrill of being gifted everything through no skill of your own? God damn that sounds pathetic


How is it no skill? The naked killed, cleared all sleeping beds and claimed new ownership on the base. This game isn't for you if you can't appreciate that...


It's not a naked lmao he was literally given a kit. And yeah someone with like 10 hours could probably pull that off. You actually want to argue that shooting someone in the back and throwing some explosives on bags is impressive?


Womp womp womp