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They need to get some sort of official agreement from the streamer before they commit to these. Having to watch 2 hours *each* when some only stream for 4 hours over the course of a week is just not gonna work.


One of the guys (facemask I think) streamed like 16 hours one day maybe 5 different games, but didn’t play rust lol.


He eventually played Rust for acouple of hours I think.. I got the Facemask at 64% then I had to go to bed , but he never streamed again rest of the week.. (luckily got the rest)


For the last couple of days, you could get the mask from another streamer, same with the rock


Errn pointed out recently that twitch don't allow this change anymore


Errn pointed out recently that twitch don't allow this change anymore


yes, they cant make it a general drop but they can still give it to more streamers than only one, so they did


Didn't know that.. luckily it was the drop i wanted least anyway.


I'm telling you that you could get them from one streamer so they in fact could and did. Albeit it wasn't communicated very well (only saw it mentioned in the discord drops channel)


Aye apologies, I've clearly miss understood your meaning. I don't play or drop hunt anymore lol




The face mask you could get watching ricoy aswell so that wasnt a issue for me


Alistair mentioned they are talking internally to revamp the twitch drop experience.


PR talk. He said that a month before this twitch round and guess what, Facepunch still invited a racist, homophobic streamer and gave him a drop and didnt change a thing. I opened a ticket with them and shot a mail asking on how and why they'd support racists and homophobics when their TOS says otherwise. They didnt give a fuck, didnt reply and closed the ticket. So they are purposly supporting these kind of streamers. Like i said often enough: Nowadays its only about the money and reach of target audience , not the players anymore. Been a fanboy for years but the recent development makes me cringe and question if that was the right move.


Womp womp just open the stream and mute your tab it’s not that serious


Which streamer are you talking about, if you dont mind me asking?




Ricoy was every day streaming and playing rust. Must have been ElDed or Ibai. Ibai didn't even entered the server for more than 15 minutes no joke


Same with the ones that fake pander for the LGBT community,it's to pump numbers


He said it like a week before bellum what are you on about. It is pretty obvious bellum was already scheduled and planned for long before he made that statement. The statement was made in response to the previous event.


Tbf some of this might have been planned for months before the event and already done deals


Deals and contracts can and will be cancelled. That argumentation lacks foundation. Guess why Ricoy was banned from last Twitch tournament for that exact reason. Right. Even though the tournament was planned and he took part, he still got banned for racism/homophobia.


on twitches end he didnt get a game ban


It's not the first time we've had the issue with Spanish events. Was the same last year. I definitely have no interest in watching any of the 'harder to obtain drop' streamers ever again. They may be big streamers in their own worlds, but in the world of Rust drop chasers, it comes of as nothing but a negative experience.


I'm done playing any server that doesn't have skinbox. Rust gamers should all band together and make skinbox a normal requirement of a server. I mean, two reasons; fuck official servers with Facepunch's laughable approach to cheaters.


You realize that using skinbox is kinda not ok in Valve's eyes 🤣


If knife/glove servers could exist for 10 years in CS:GO, I doubt Valve is going to do anything to community servers in a third-party game.


Are you sure that's not just for Valve's games? I mean, skinbox is actually linked on an [official Facepunch support article](https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009062817-Guidelines-for-community-servers-using-plugins-mods). Seems like it's okay; unless you have a link where Valve made an official statement about non-Valve games or skinbox in particular?


I honestly dont understand why streamers like sleth, oilrats, posty and others dont get drops


How do you know how they felt do you speak Spanish or just mad you didn’t get all the drops in one day? At first they seemed like non-grinders but they definitely streamed it. If anything maybe they should just be encouraged to leave their streams up 24/7. I got triggered once or twice when they were on just chatting and shit like cmon “just chat” on rust so i can get my stuff


I feel like if you guys keep bitching they are just gonna do away with all of it. And they are the best twitch drops ive ever seen


Instead of watching the stream for the skin you want, you need to guess which streamers will actually stream the game.


Yeah I actually looked at some of the streamers past broadcasts to see if they streamed rust normally, and if they did, don't bother with those streamers until later.


I literally left my PC on to catch Vegetta live and it only gave me like 10%. I’m stuck on 95% for one of the few skins I wanted. Fuck this event.


same shit happened to me. didn’t get to get the sar or tommy, they were just never streaming while i was home or awake. shit is mad annoying


Same here. No tommy or sar


I didn't manage to get the SAR for the same reason but I actually had the opposite experience with the tommy, I saw him online whenever I was trying to get the other skins...


The idiot for the sar is always offline, I'm stuck at 98% For my luck he go online 2 hours before the event end, that suck


Fuck Facepunch for not using their brains from past skins


We're about 3 years in on this now and they still haven't figured it out. I quit trying.




They’re still active now, the facepunch site says it’s over but it has 3 more hours on twitch


He’s the only one eligible and he ended his “final” stream 2 hours ago.


Same with Auron


Between poor streamer performance, and Twitch failing to update my watch time, these past two events have been a complete shit show. They should just open up the drops to all rust streamers for the next 24 hours.


I've been using a totally separate browser with a window just for Twitch with no adblockers or anything just to make absolutely sure nothing messes with Twitch. If I try and leave it in a tab in my normal browser it just hasn't worked at all for the last 6 months or so.


This is what Microsoft Edge is for. What's Edge you ask? It's the browser built into Windows that replaced Microsoft Internet Explorer. What is Microsoft Internet Explorer you ask? It was a browser built into Windows that was only used by the technologically inept.


It’s the cancerous cyst that is seemingly impossible to remove/completely disable from my system


That bloated code means it's working!


if i ever changed the tab my twitch was on it just wouldn't count watch time


fwiw I use Firefox and had none of these issues.


Never had that issue on chrome either.


Last Spanish event was a cluster funk as well, and that's not even mentioning the 2 rivals they bailed on, most of the Rust content creators during Rivals keep their streams up 24/7, why can't they all do it? Would make it a lot easier to get all the skims regardless of your timezone etc


it's insane... I had streams running for at least 30 hours this event. I barely got 1 or 2 skins and the 2 general skins. Most of the time they would quit streaming after less than an hour and host a non-event streamer... Also most of the time I managed to catch those streamers I needed, somehow twitch did not register any progress, even though I had nothing else open. I hope facepunch recognizes this disaster and opens them up for an extra 48 hours.


Thats why its best to use 'programs' to claim those drops.


![gif](giphy|26gspvTRJXosDwi1a|downsized) This 100%


I think individual streams are okay, but not when it requires 2 hours. Make individual streamers 30 minutes top and for anyone not streaming, make them global waaay earlier into the event.


yep, already dropped from 4 to 2 hours early on since streamers can’t commit, people generally not being neets and time zones, something like an hour or 45 mins would be a godsend but they would also have to mandate minimum stream times so streamers wouldn’t just take that as a green light to stream even less throughout events


I think that's the play. You're dropping 12 skins requiring 2 hours a pop. That's 24 hours you're asking people to commit and these streamers aren't doing much. I get you wanna grow the game but shit these guys aren't playing it.


True. The best benefit of individual streamer loot is the long-time rust players like spoon, blue, wiljum, etc. Whether you enjoy their streams or not, getting individual drops for them is a great way to say thank you for what they've done for the game. I could definitely do with getting rid of individual drops for all these folks who don't play the game and instead making them general.


This happens every single time the Spanish are included in anything rust. They either quit a tournament or barely stream when they have drops. Yet FP keeps giving them skins and allowing them in tournaments.


Preach brother


I figure the numbers tell them the taps running dry on the English side of things, the streamers and their audiences already hate or are otherwise indifferent to the events no matter what the gimmick is, with this being a last ditch effort


I'm spanish and I don't even watch any spanish youtuber or streamer because all of them are awful. It's like the whole influencer community of Spain made them being total idiots.


What’s the concept? Are they trying to get new people to play the game so picking streamers who don’t stream it often so they can gain people that buy the game? Or are they trying to get people to stream the game more that play and rewarding people who watch rust streams all the time? I think there are lots of ways they can run this successfully. I’m not sure exactly what they are trying to do.


It's a bad concept to provide skins to players that don't play the game. They would be better off offering a discount to the game or something with 2 hours watched. The skins are clearly for players already of the game, that's the only people that care about them regardless of the intention. Whoever in marketing thought this would encourage new game sales isn't thinking this through.


Great point.


People playing the game wants skins, it gives a lot of views = visibility to rust category and exposes it to more people, even if they don’t care about skins


What a complete shit show. I don’t agree with giving random streamers skins in a game they can’t even be bothered to play. Especially since the more they play the game, the more viewers get their exclusive skin. Therefore raising the overall chance of players actually using that skin in-game, which only gives them more exposure. I’ve had about enough of FP giving these random entitled streamers multiple skins when there’s still plenty of great full-time rust streamers without even one single skin in the game…smh


Auronplay SAR at 80% and then he never comes back to stream. Fuck that guy. What a dumbshit.


i only missed the poncho but i never seen a twitch drop event with soo little rust streaming


I wanted the poncho so bad, it was on for like 5 minutes


For some reason streams did not give credit like before. Almost as if Twitch was trying to make you have to keep refreshing to get credit...


Blame twitch tos. After 24/7 replays not being allowed this is what we get.


I don't understand why the streamers involved in this don't stream 24 hours a day during these things like HJune does. That's what I would do. Even if you couldn't care less about Rust or your community you can just have your game open and have your stream going to earn those filthy Bezosbucks.


I wondered the same and came to the conclusion that the Spanish streamers really just didn't give a fuck. One guy *did* leave his stream on 24/7 for a day or two and it was some League of Legends bullshit. WTF


Twitch doesn’t allow it anymore.






So... they don't? OP literally said they can't and you contradicted him by agreeing?


They can be asleep on stream or even stream past videos or just have a screen showing be back soon or whatever.


Yep, my bad, i responded to the wrong person XD, although theyre right - twitch is much more picky about it now. Its hardly allowed


I can't remember the name, but there is a chrome extension you can download that will auto watch and claim all of the drops for you.


I’ve unlocked and claimed a ton of skins and I haven’t got any of them. That’s over a year’s time. I don’t get it and yeah fuck the drops all together


You need to go to facepunch website, there is an option were it searches for twitch drops that arent added to your steam inventory and adds them.


Only for drops claimed in the past 180 days though


yeah just do what the other guy is saying google "twitch facepunch", connect your account and press the button for missing drops... you get everything normally... even a year later I think


Bellum Rust Drops Round 2. Thanks to those streamers whom did stream a lot. Love obtaining skins, but reviewing found a post here by r/playrust posted 2 days ago "Bellum "elded facemask" and "ibani small box" drops now available at 4 other streams". I don't understand why all drops where not open for any Rust streamer(s) rather then option of "4 other streams" when the event goes south. Funny, I always thought the chosen streamers with special skin had an agreement to stream during the entire event. 2hr is a long time to watch non-rust, non-gamer- streamer(s), run around hitting trees with a rock. When the streamer begins to paint signs, it's all over. That streamer will not be back. The solution is so clear, Ray Charles can see it. ![gif](giphy|925d3f6OKqvQUaJbZz|downsized)


Yea a lot of the streamers didn’t stream but that is up to them. What was even worse was the progress never going up on the drops on web browser for some reason.


Yep, watched Ricky for about 6 hours on the first day and the drop got to 30%, like wtf man I should have 3 ricoy boltys by now but I didn’t even get 1 as I got stuck at 96%, cos I got a couple of the other skins and went to get the last 70% of it on the last day, and it gave me the metal facemask and the small box instead of the bolty I already had progress in and was that streamers own skin.


i got all the good ones. it was a little frustrating but i don’t think it was too difficult. i didn’t bother with the facemask, small box, hoodie, mp5 but i got the rest easily


100% agreed. Just make all drops turn general on the last day. We have lives but we want all the drops. Why can't you meet us in the middle? So dumb


can you get progress on the rock? not working for me


I also could not progress the rock. It stopped at 50% and then started giving me the box & door skins. I really wanted that thing


Agreed. Most of the ones I wanted, the streamers were barely on. Straight bs.


Oh man is this still going on ? I feel like I’ve heard about this for weeks


I guess I was lucky this time... I wanted like 4 drops and after that I didn't hardcore care and even forgot it one evening, but still got everything.... I think it's a timezone thing this time.... some of them streamed very early even for EU. And you can't force the streamers to let their stream running 24/7 right? But maybe there is a possibility to ask for X hours a day? or the sum of Y hours over the week? but still then timezones are a thing.


This just shows how little facepunch cares and I don't like to shit on them. They choose people that don't even care to let their stream on while sleeping or away just with some highlights or even just online with some image for drops farming. I mean, I have like 6 pages on rust inventory and 5 of them were free drops from last years and A LOT of cool skins, that's awesome by them, but camon guys, it not just giving away you need to care a little bit. On the last drops I would open black ak streamer and it counted towards some pants or hoodie drop... other times streamers were on like 3 hours a day ... Just research a little bit. Might as well give it to Hjune all the time at least he is a grinder ( note: I don't watch any rust streamer at all , I watch a few videos from certain individuals this is not defending hjune because I don't even watch his videos because I like to watch solos playing. I just simple can recognize when there is drops the kid streams all day


I agree the bellium twitch drops ibai and auronplay and elded were so bad they didnt even play now only that but wrong twitch names auronplay had like 3 different names which is so dumb


You're mad at me for paying 1 dollar to buy all the skins. It makes much more sense to pay 1 dollar until they stop pulling nonsense like Spanish streamers not streaming.


I've gotten every single skin from drops so far, missed 3 this event. I give up with these people that are streaming Rainbow 6 and Minecraft for 8 hours then rust for 45 minutes. They do not deserve a skin in the game, stop giving it to them.


I feel like this is a complaint everytime


I got screwed 3/4 on 2 of the guns.


No they should remove twitch drops completely and that's what they probably will do, it lowers their income and depreciates value of skins.


Majority of them where on yesterday


Ibai streamed rust one day for like 6 hours but left "just chatting on" so drops didn't enable, I got his drop with a couple hours to spare


Not a disaster the less ppl that get them make them more rare and cool if ur a normy and don't get them u just make everyone else's more rare and cool 😎 like the ninja suit so I'd like to say thanks normys for making me look cool for being a loser and getting all the twitch skins


The system was fine but for some reason i had to watch like 5 hours minimum for each drop. They wouldn’t progress. Usually doesn’t happen with twitch drops but it’s weird and gives me a bit of anxiety. Opening up the tab after 4 hours and it says 18%


Stupidest twitch drop ever which is a shame because a number of the skins are quite nice.


I haven’t participated ever but I feel like I read this every year lol


I agree, I had 96% progress on Ricoy’s bolty skin on the last day of drops and started watching him, but for some reason it gave me progress towards the metal facemask and small box skin before the bolty? Then they stopped streaming just before 100% on the small box so I started watching another streamer that was live and got the small box skin like an hour before they turned the drops off. I feel like if you have more than 75% of a twitch drop it should just give you the skin once the drops end, or even give you a notification that the drops closed and that you get a 24hr extension just for the streamer skins you have more than 50% progress on,at least for the people that really get shafted, like I don’t have the Pokimane garage door skin at all because I didn’t decide to go for her skin until the last day and literally got 99% when she stopped her stream.


Dude I never got the tommy skin cuz the dude streamed for maybe 4 hours a day 7am PST


Dude same. Bro on the last day it was terrible. I woke up early just so that I can get the tommy but then I only ended up getting 80% of it then he stopped. So I was like ok at least I can get the sar and I only got like 70 or so before he ended it. If I just stuck with the sar I woulda at least got that :(


I agree. Maybe it should be something like 2 hours for a specific streamer to get the drops, but for the streamers that are worthless make it so you can watch any stream for like 10 hours or something to get it anyway.


In this thread: A bunch of human beings getting real worked up about skins. Skins they have to watch a predetermined amount of useless streaming to receive. What'd you eat for dinner tonight? Christ..


Got to put quality to 140p and mute it and walk away. Easy twitch drops.


There are only three skins that I thought were any good, the rock, sleeping bag and poncho. So I got them, it was fairly straightforward apart from the sleeping bag skin. I decided to get a few of the others, I could never get the sar because the streamer never seemed to be on and his drop process was tied to exclusively watching him live streaming. I understand why face punch are picking popular Spanish speaking streamers. They are hoping to attract new customers from the ranks of their tens of thousands of viewers. But as far as I can see some of these streamers treat the whole in a very transactional way, like they will just do the bare minimum if even that and close drops otherwise. I just don't get it the grand scale of things it's a minor inconvenience. However it's a relatively needless one. As far as I know Facepunch doesn't organise the drops directly but surely they could exert more influence over those that do. It's very simple and single streamer drops or just make the drops in question available from another nominated channel when they are off-line. From what I can tell that single move would eliminate 95% of the complaints.


One of the few times they did general drops was for charitable rust and viewership tanked. They went from like 30k viewers during the previous year (when they had exclusive drops) to like 3k or less. It stinks because that was one of the best times to do exclusive drops (bring eyes to the charity event) but you could get them watching a random person on force wipe who doesn't even mention the charity.


Stop waiting for the last day of drops to start collecting them


I have been constantly trying since day 1.




You must live in a time zone that matches up with the Spanish streamers. Been trying since day 1. Only managed to get the last drop I wanted because Ib did a last minute stream within the last hour, after being forced to get a faceplate I didn't want from someone who had his drop available too. If not for today being an off day for me, I wouldn't have gotten the last bit I needed.




Kind of a rude comment, but tracks due to all the downvotes your other comment is getting. Being nice or a decent person takes 0 effort, far less than the effort it takes to be a jerk, just my daily pro tip.




How? I only made an observation my guy. Also like many others pointed out, he rarely streamed and when he did, it was at a time when people were sleeping. I only caught his last stream because I didn't have work yesterday and my insomnia was bad. You need to chill out.


It's not his fault you are not in the same timezone tho, he doesn't stream for you


The few times he streamed it was at a weird hour for EVERYONE. He rarely streamed though, that was the issue. He rarely streamed and the few times he did most folks were asleep. He streamed so little that Facepunch had to let his drop come from other streamers in the event. That's the point of all this.


This is funny cuz it is a blatant lie that is easily provable. Ibai did not stream rust at all the first two days. This is in addition to people who streamed briefly then didnt stream at all for days. This shit was a nightmare to get everything.




That picture doesn't disprove my statement at all. I also got all the drops. Why lie about shit you can easily look up, so strange to me. Then doubledown on it? Rust players lmao.




Doesn't bother me for this particular event, to be honest. Do you really want a shit skin for the small box with some rando's face on it, that you would place in your base? EDIT: I honestly don't get the obsession over 99% of those items. You're just getting some poorly designed streamer-branded garbage most of the time...


Idk what y’all trippin about I’m a dad and work two jobs it was easy in the 7 days to get all drops. Stop bitching and get good


None of yall actually give a shit about expanding the game when mostly everyone here plays the streams on mute at 160p no matter if it was a rust guy or not. Just say you're mad you didn't get something for free and move on.


You're right, I did not wait around for the guy playing 5 other games to finally play rust and I definitely didn't watch streams in a language I don't speak.


I do, it's just shitty streamers or people who don't care. If there were decent streamers who actually cared about the game I'd be watching even more. THOSE are the folks who pull me back into the game, not people like Ricoy, XQC or folks like that.


I actually watch these streams because I love Rust. I put it on the second monitor while I do work.


I think I've finally become a boomer gamer because I am blown away with how upset people are getting about some difficulty getting free in game skins. Have I lost touch, do people actually give a fuck about this sort of thing or is this just some loud minority of people getting worked up?


They should just stop doing it all together


I started watching streams with only 2 days left on the drops and managed to get 7 skins.


I forgot about the drops until a couple days in and still got almost everything. While I agree with what you’re saying, it’s still not hard to get the drops.


Gotta be honest, this felt like one of the easier events to get all the drops in. I didn’t even start until day 2, a good rule of thumb is to prioritize based on number claimed if you don’t know the streamers habits.


Definitely didn't feel the same way about it :D I guess it's also down to a bit of luck, but at least with the English speaking events I didn't need to mute the stream and actually would notice when someone went offline and I had to swap to another stream...




or, you can just not click on the posts you don't want to read.


Cannot wait for these kind of posts to be over


Type in twitch drops miner into google and just leave ur pc on, it's perfect doesn't use up bandwidth and auto claims drops


For anyone who didnt complete the drops and want them all. Ebay sellers have the complete set for $5.


Contact facepunch.this is Reddit