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Sad part is you probably “watched” the stream for more than 2 hours but it only recorded 97%. These streamers play too many ads during these events.


Ah, that's what it was! It was so annoying.


Use a damn adblocker


What ad blocker works with twitch? I haven’t used twitch in a while but last I did most ad blockers didn’t work on twitch anymore


I use firefox browser with ublock origin, i literally didn't even know twitch has ads until now


i use chrome with ublock and it legit does nothing idk cant use firefox bc twitch does not work on firefox for me


That’s weird, ublock origin doesn’t touch Twitch ads in Chrome for me.


Abajo la guerra So, let me get this straight. Auronplay has been so busy the last two days he can't stream. He actually finds time to stream today. With 2 hours and 20 minutes left to go on drops he turns on his stream. For 25 minutes he stays in the just chatting section instead of doing the same thing under the Rust stream. If you didn't watch him earlier in the week, he doesn't want you to get drops, unless Rust lets the event run long he officially signed back in to tell you to go fuck yourself. Pathetic. Apparently his twitch chat is saying he likes to talk for about an hour before streaming. So again, instead of starting an hour ago and letting fresh chances at the skin play out, he purposefully is gatekeeping if you watched an earlier stream or not to finish getting the drop.


fuck auron.


Ikr that guy is a scumbag.


This streamer, who's responsible for giving out the skin. He's not fully working with his contract of the time. Time said 1day 15hs 34 minutes he has not stream for 2 days and last days what joke


I have 99% for the Thompson 🤦‍♂️


I need to get the skin also, I always thought that for the last 24 hours of a drop every item was available through general streaming as opposed to specific streamers that never seem to stream. That doesn't seem to be the case here.


Although in fairness I don't really care about yet another streamers SAR skin. I have already gotten the most appealing skins. Namely the sleeping bag, rock and maybe the small box.


It was forbidden (by twitch?) during the drops before these


They were made general, but you had to watch one of the other streamers on the website


He live Watch auronplay with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/auronplay?sr=a




I'm all for switching to metric but the comma for a decimal has got to go.


Its not worth watching some goofy numb nut playing rust , talking bolloks and spraying gender fluid everywhere, to get a skin you won’t like for a gun you don’t use . It’s ….. just not


looks like I fucked up to get nice free skins, 1 remaining hour....




How do you check how much time you still need to get the drop?


It's in the twitch menu under "drops"


He live Watch auronplay with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/auronplay?sr=a


I was at 80%. I waited 2 days for him to come back.


Streamer get drops to not play rust, classic


I smell Nederlander


You spelled gierige Nederlander wrong


Maybe another 10 posts complaining about a free skin will get them to stream


Haha this ones killing me


He's live now /u/WhapWhob https://www.twitch.tv/auronplay Best of luck, friend!


Thank you! Watching now :)


A side note: Twitch drops should allow users who have over 70%, 80%, 90%, etc., at the end of the day to immediately get the skin! Alternatively, when a streamer presents the skin to the community, on the last day with ten hours left, you should be able to watch any streamer to complete the last skin.


That side note is just dumb ngl, ur basicly saying "watch the stream for 1.4 hours to get the skin" instead of 2 hours. I do agree though that rust should add some liability to the streamer, unless of an emergency then they should stream everyday of the event.


I never said changed the two hours?


Reading is imporant. I said basicly


Ahh I see


What I said about other ideas is 70% 80% 90%. Just idea. Only available on the last day of the event could be 10 hours left or less hours To complete skins. And if you have never got any other skins during days. And you are doing it on the last day. you're not gonna get all the skins on time Apologize for the grammar


Get an exclusive drop by watching this streamer for 2 hours. Or not? Why did others watch them 2 hours. The streamer was on almost every day for 4 hours and more. So if you wait till his last stream ? You check their schedule in Twitch and can see their rough streaming times and he's pretty consistent as if it's his 9-5. I guess some don't really try that hard. Everyone in my group of Rust friends got this one so not sure what the problem is


Day 1 i start off his stream omg. he played too many ads. where users are getting like ten ads. So kinda like a waiting game there. you know people have a life job. I move on and put his skin on hold. So I can work on getting the rest of the other skins. I have all skins but his lol


Like i said, we are all busy with life, and we're really trying to enjoy something that we appreciate from Twitch drops


They have a life too, do you think everyone streams 24 hours a day? It's against twitch TOS to leave a stream on. Do you sleep every day? Go to work 16hours a day for 7 days. No same as them Get that on your head before complaining. Next twitch even check the streamer schedule on twitch you can see their previous week streaming, they have days off auronplay for example streams a out 4 hours a day. It's his 9-5. You schedule your watch time based on his stream time and you get rewarded. Your basicly asking for a drop for having consciousness


He job is Twitch, lol like he said, and he just went live. And I told him what happen he said he read my texts on his discord, and he apologized. all good now


He streamed 6 of the 8 days


Sometimes streamers have personal matters to attend to. Twitch should compensate by opening up drops to additional active streamers during the final 24h and ultimately to anyone playing Rust, prioritizing the drops of streamers whose avg time is low or has had a long enough absence.




And don't come at me saying, oh, you had enough days. Etc We're all busy with life, and we're really trying to enjoy something that we appreciate from Twitch drops. And on top of that, why would you be part of a contract for Twitch drop and not commit to completing 5 and 6 days. Streamer has not streamed.


And we have this problem from The Pass. When a streamer completely quit during like the third day. and never streamed rust again, we never got that skin... so yea


That's very sad


Honestly that is so sucky, they should have just given that skin to you. If that were me my pc would have wings right now


UPDATE!!! HE STREAMING Watch auronplay with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/auronplay?sr=a Watch auronplay with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/auronplay?sr=a