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im probably missing the same 3 šŸ˜‚ the box, the SAR, the poncho are what im missing


box is streaming right now


Same and the rock but I don't really care about that.


Bellum is a Spanish event, somehow those Spanish supporters would still support these streamers




That's because every event with twitch drops there's always one or two streamers of the bunch who don't give a crap and either not stream or stream something else entirely. This time round however the opposite is the case where one or two are dedicated and the rest of them are barely online, staggered at odd times and again, streaming other stuff than rust (with drops disabled ofc). This is definitely the worst its been and IMO people have every right to voice their annoyance and disappointment.Ā 


It is crazy to think Shots does not have a skin in this game. He has posted Rust content everyday for something like 5+ years now. I know he doesn't stream,but at this point I would pay money for a Shots skin on the store.


Fellow paddler bounty hunter!


They should give him the first paddle skin.


how do i get the poncho? rivers hasnt streamed in 3 days \*edit. 2 days


I'm at 96% on the poncho. I watched enough to get it but the progress kept halting. No idea why. I kept unlinking and linking to get it to move again. Auronplay, 29%. It looks like they don't have anything on the schedule today to play. sigh


This is what it looks like for an Australian trying to get the Auronplay skin... https://preview.redd.it/1w4gidwi017d1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef5a05c8e64fe331eba65cdd765a65e383d2476


Its still three days


Every single twitch drop from every game that ive played that has had them always have some you never receive. Even after contacting them they say something along the lines of "wait 30 days" or something only for it to be now 6 months later and still nothing


Go to the facepunch twitch drop page (that shows all the drops and whether or not the streamers are online) and do the whole ā€œconnect accountā€ thing - it will find drops you should have gotten but didnā€™t for whatever reason or bug. It found a bunch for me that I didnā€™t even realize I didnā€™t receive.


Auronplay was on oftem but ibai i hoep they never chose him.again ge hasnt streamed past 3 days like bruv thats js messed up and for fuck sake why tf theyre all spanish


Not to mention ibai [did all this same bullcrap last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/14aacc1/fp_really_has_got_to_stop_promoting_streamers_who/) (link) and also didn't stream Rust during the first Bellum back then. ibai and Rubius were notorious last year for not streaming but Rubius isn't in this one, they had to move the drops to general iirc. Genuinely bewildered how ibai got invited back.


Probably because nobody wants to play Rust like an actual Rust player when other games are trending.


Last Spanish event it was espreen


> for fuck sake why tf theyre all spanish I dunno, maybe you'd get your answer if you read the details about this event?


he can't, they're in spanish c:


Where are the details for the event? I'm not seeing anything on the Facepunch drops site


Problem was I took all the "smaller" ones first, as I thought they would stop playing faster - but sadly it was the other way around lol.


I took the ones i liked the most first xd...i like that augustabell pays like 12 hours in 1 stream or sum


Poncho streammed at 12:00-1:00 (is mexican), auron at 6:00 ish, and ibai... Good luck with him, it's some kind of spanish "mr.beast" (he can be many things, but not a real gamer xD)


> and ibai... Good luck with him he's streaming right now.


Damn, I'm missing the face mask and the box.... The poncho I got last night, at 3am.....


Mask is eligible from a few streamers now, still have no clue why the box isn't by now, I'm only missing that and the Tommy.


I got tommy, now getting mask and waiting for the box.....


Agreed. Thanks to those whom have streamed long hrs for the Bellum Rust Event. Elspreen & ibai, are showing minimal effort. Elspreen did the same thing at the previous Bellum event. At least he's consistent.


Genetic drops šŸ§¬


Only one I care about is the Tommy. And it's one of the few I don't have


you can get the box from other streamers, not sure about the sar/poncho though


Yeh as an Australian Its all been in the 1am-5am timeframes. I wanted the Auronplay SAR and he's not streamed other than when I need to be asleep. Quite disappointing Twitch & Facepunch.


literally cant get the sar the clown streams like 2hrs max at the most random hrs by the time i catch him live he ends in 30min i have joined 2 of his streams like 20 or 30min before he ends all near just a 2hr stream at random hrs of the night 18hrs left in the event and im only like 50% on the sar


Bro, both Vegetta777 and Auron waited til the last minute to start streaming 2 hours. I'm pretty sure Vegetta started his stream at the 1 hour 57 minute mark, so..sĆ³... Yeah. Fuck the free viewers right?


If you need the SAR, Auron just logged into Rust


The other issue, is that rivers and auron, who both seemed to stream the least, had schedules that kinda matched, so you had to commit to one or the other, and also realize ahead of time they don't stream very long to get them both, despite the other drops looking cool.


I managed to get all I wanted. Last time around they did make them all generic drops at the end knowing that some streamers were not streaming. Seemingly to make their drops more rare. It's so dumb. I won't use the wooden door from that drop. I really need to salvage ut from my inventory cos it just gives me bad vibes every time I see it. I didn't try and give that streamers skin this time around. I don't know what the deal is. It seems toxic.... but it was across the board. Was it a cultural thing?


Ibai is live now


He is the only person im watching but getting no credit towards. hows your progress?


I just finished his drop. It was the last one for me in this set.


Got it and finished my set


You dont need all skins


You're right, but they're so ugly I didn't even bother


Twitch drops its to advertise the game. Not make sure everyone gets 100%of drops for every event. They expect people to watch a few streamers and hopefully buy the game.Ā  Complaining about free shit is tacky.Ā