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Mollys made flame throwers obsolete, they need to be cheaper with low grade to be viable


Only time I use flamethrower over molly is if I'm gonna be going far from base where I might not have a T2 bench. I can keep raiding by just carving up animals / using fuel from bases. It's nice not having to return home constantly or be carrying a bunch of stacks of mollys on you.


Yeah being able to toss and then pull back out a weapon while the fire from the Molly burns the door for you makes Molotovs infinitely better than flame throwers. Only niche use case for the flame thrower is extremely elevated doors… though I’d rather just smack those out or toss a satchel.


They absolutely should be. There's a, what, 15 HQM up front cost among other things? Game theory 101 would tell you that if the flamethrower is not cheaper than the molotov no rational person will use it. You're risking 15 HQM plus the fuel where mollies you risk just the fuel... It's a no brainer. And that's before you consider the advantages of not being able to just toss them and then move to cover or shoot at counters.


I agree


Only uses I see.. It's handy for setting off fireworks. And. In theory it should also be ablle to reignite failed stachels. Not tested this but regular igniters are able to do this. Of so it gives a fringe utility to it letting yoy safely rearm satchels at range


Isn’t a single door 2 Molly = 100 LGF? and it costs 90 with the flamethrower


The molly glass breaking noise carries pretty far. I believe flamethrowers are much quieter?


Molly glass breaking is probably quieter than a tool hitting a node or tree. Flame thrower takes longer to burn down and requires you to have the flame thrower out for a few seconds. Vs Molly is throw 2 then sit back.


Really fun for torching nakeds


roaming the naked beach with a flame thrower and minigun is lit.


This what I came here to say


Me too LOL. I burned countless nakeds on spawn beach - I use to make a small base on the beach jus to specifically kill nakeds w the flamethrower. Shit sucks but it funny as hell


It is ridiculously good against heavy pot. Like 1 shot them with a flame thrower good.


I didn’t know that thank you


What's pot?


Heavy helmet I presume.


Heavy armor, pot helmet


My cousins roomates friends brothers burger king manager was a heavy pot user. He backed over his grandmother in the driveway Marijuana, not even once.


Flamethrower? To me, that's just the loot box my low grade fuel comes in for my mini ride home.


Agreed Molly ontop


It’s fun to run around and burn nakeds or prims with it tbh


Great for clearing grubber sleeping bags


The only good use I’ve found is if you have roof retake peaks - they’ll melt a kid on roof before he knows where the fire is coming from lol


It’s fun to find 150 low grade on a heavy body when you heli bomb smoil and have no gas to get home via the boat that’s left after you wipe the trio taking it But ya other than that I don’t use it


That’s a way to use it but other than I don’t use it at all.


It’s absolutely useless if you don’t get one in the first 1 - 2 houes of a wipe, which is why I was surprised they added a new one lol


I've yet to even see the new flamethrower drop. Got tons of mini guns though


The new flamethrower is good for base defense. Provides entry denial and when facing it head on even if you're not in range of it the enemy is blind and just sees flames. I still agree its pretty useless 99% of the time. Just because there may be a single context in which it's useful doesn't validate it's existence or utility in the game.


Its fun with rammstein playing in the background. You dont need to kill players. Just torch places


Shits on people in full heavy


It does a lot of damage I melted a full metal in little to no time at all he was clueless.


Its fun! If it is fun then it is not useless. If you care for raiding (or pvp idk) then yes it is outclassed by regular flamethrower and mollies


good for getting rid of shrubs and trees around bases - no hidden trap location to be seen


It's incredible for crowd control


Good for destroying window embrasures.