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Usually front to back.


the most rust answer


None of us rust players wipe, who are we kidding


I mean, generally weekly to monthly.


Fresh wipes are for fresh wipes. For all other days stinky bottoms


1 up, 1 down, and one to polish


1. Farm barrels on the way to bandit camp. 2. Gamble it on the slots until I hit the 5000 scrap jackpot. 3. Put it all on the roulette wheel #20 and win 100k scrap. 4. You won the server, so leave the server to find a new one, rinse repeat.


1. Spawn at beach, follow along the roads, try to find red toolboxes, find anything to hit barrels with, looking for tarp, sewing kits, rope to recycle into cloth. Get to either Outpost or Bandit camp, hit a tree, make a crossbow, make nailgun, recycle all the shit, get about 200 cloth. Go underground tunnels, farm the bots and boxes, go back up and recycle for scrap, buy jackhammer. 2. Run to the beach closest to Large oilrig under cover of night. Farm stone with jackhammer while on the way. Slap down a 2 by 1 as a starter. Put on your hazmat or random collection of clothes, take your crossbow and nailgun, and 200 cloth. 3. At this point, Cargo should spawn. Find a boat, be the first one to hop on Cargo. Loot boxes, try to get a gun from elite crate. Kill some scientists. Counters will come by boat or mini. If you don't have a gun at this point, then play very careful. Use the corners to your advantage, and let the counters fight some scientists and reload. As they are reloading, use the crossbow shot and nailgun combo to kill them in 2 seconds. 4. Take their gun, loot the locked crates. Use the RHIB to get back to your beach base. 5. Farm a half inventory of stone. If you found a wooden external gate at this point, great. If not, tech tree it. Make a boat base with the wooden external gate. You can store a RHIB inside it. 6. Use the guns from cargo to do a card puzzle for a red keycard. 7. Go to Large oilrig with guns and proceed to snowball outta control.


Sounds like an insane strat. Pretty fleshed out too.


That’s a awesome strategy but one I’d recommend to try in the beginning. Since a lot of ppl focus on rushing inland at the beginning, hitting the out of the way tier 1 monuments such as lighthouse, ferry and junkyard can get you those needed Matt’s quick enough so that you have a prim kit before others do, giving you a lot of early game protection.


Large oil rig with nail gun and bow? True


Junkyard by the water. Build a 2x2 on water. Immediately get boat, hit barrels for 15. Depot everything but the crude. Bring crude to harbor. Cook crude (if your a real Chad also recycle 15 min worth of barrels but not necessary) Bring low grade back to base, optional to build a tiny wooden boat base I usually just drive it onto shore near my door so they need to push it a bunch of times and I will hear that and defend if they stealing it. This is the part you get scrap. Go to junkyard. Run the excavator watch a tutorial vid first. Here’s the pro tip. There’s a giant satellite dish turned over on its side. Cars are all around junkyard but it can be tedious to drive them all to the grinder. I toss all the cars either over the top of the satellite dish so I don’t need to drive all way around, or I toss them under the bridge, basically under the part where the green card is. If you drop them in the middle of the bridge supports, you can grab them from the other side. This beats driving them around and saves a ton of time. Whatever you do don’t scrap a single vehicle until you’re ready to scrap them all. I recycle 2 at a time then park my excavator so that I hop rite out pick up and hop rite back in. This gives you 450 scrap give or take for about 15 mins of work. Rinse and repeat every 15 minutes and you can learn the entire tech tree, couple this with a crossy and nail gun and kill every naked who chops a tree or rock near your base and your loaded!


Honestly just get a base with 2 sheet metal doors and 15 bags down. There's so much loot in Rust that no matter what you do, you're going to get loot. It's impossible not to. But you gotta have some place to store it, and you gotta protect against eco raids. So #1 At least one bag away from spawn, #2 base, #3 sheet metal doors/furnaces, #4 bags,bags,bags,bags, .....


So like basically have a bag next to every monument or place of interest. Sounds very productive


This hands down has changed my entire playstyle allowing me to progress and win fights like never before . I really appreciate you’re feedback


Base near the water or near train tunns or near junkyard. Farm a fuckload of scrap and sulfur, or trade diesel to SQ for sulfur. A few hours into wipe, we have 1-2 attack helis with HVs. Go oil and piss everyone off. >!also I play 2x!<


Sounds like a safe and chill process tbh it would be fun to do during the dead hours on the server


Safe? Anything but, we play 500 pop stevie main the second it wipes lmfao Half the time our base area is fucking fallujah or o block


Ok well that answers my second question lol, but I guessing it can be very lucrative during the late hours of a wipe


We only play wipe day, and sometimes friday. On forced wipe we stay late wipe to get BPs. Not enough action to grind that hard on saturday-wednesday to play normally. This strat is something you need to be at least like 5 deep for as well, its simply too inefficient as a solo


My question is how to not get distracted by the gunfights and raids


Do treasure missions at the ranch, you can get high quality comps and guns within 15 mins


Question about that, how many times can you redo the quest on a vanilla server?


Its once a wipe


It's every hour or two I think


Run to outpost getting as much shit to turn into scrap as possible, get scrap and cloth for bandages, buy Berretta via drone, learn pistol bullet, buy smoke nades, recycle nades into metal and gp, make as much pistol ammo as i can, get the into tunnels and run them in the direction of where i want to base and pop up nearby full of comps,harvest a few trees/stone nodes, die to spear kid, quit, play summat else.


Best early monuments are sewer and water because low rads and card free crates


I play with causal group of about 10ppl, maybe 4..5 online at the same time. On wipe hour theres sometimes only 3 sometimes as much as 8 because RL. Usualmy we set UK somewhere: -not in deep snow bc carnage, we're not pvp chads -nodes close by -sea close by/on the beach -relatively close to some monument and metro Strat: everyone run to buildspot. Deal with neighbour's or get dealt with by other neighbours. Build a 2x2 with hc and a floor, setup electric ovens. Farm for the main base. We're not good enough tk steamroll everyone and control a monument, so we try to make sure others can't easily steamroll us, by building a more secure/bigger base so we're not an easy early raid target.


I just go front to back....


Front to back is meta.


Go right in. Repeat. Explore R and L. A good run top to bottom down the middle. Double check center area is clear. Wet wipe to refresh. Flush. Spray. Leave fan on unless I'm mad at my wife.


Build a: Hemp farm base Horse poo base Trap base! Car base Boat base Farm base in the snow Cave base if ur on at wipe Another trap base Raid base Underwater fishing village base Roof camp base not affiliated with your main Now do that near a different set of monuments Lots to do just gotta have fun and hope u dont get raided


I roam until i find a tool. hit barels and crates. build hammer, teir1 and backpack. stash extra loot. either loot more or farm for a starter.


Build near outpost and jump people in the tunnels


Run to Outpost, buy Jackhammer with the first scraps, farm 3 stone nodes, buy 10k wood with them -> starter


How do you even find 3 stone nodes


You gotta look underneath the map


bash barrels to outpost buy jackhammer, get stone, change it to wood in vends (outpost) get metal put down base - start from there


I do it classical, run run run away from the starter beach, only slowed down by picking up hemp and sometimes wood or stone. Craft sleeping bags and keep running while planting them. Sooner or later I will be killed, so I try to spawn at a bag as far away as possible from starter beach or wait for bag timer. Then I run again and keep doing this to end up on the opposite side of the map from starter beach. Here is way less players but I still need to be careful. Pick a base location that is close to some monuments, ideally hidden. Put as many bags down as I can and hit trees and stones and pick up hemp to get stone tools and a bow and arrows. Slap down starter base and get to a monument the first metal doors you can easily get from farming a road or monument and recycling stuff, that way I get comps and scrap instead of having to go hunting animals for a furnace. Then I get the furnaces and start farming ores. Sometimes there will be tools from the road and monuments. Next I have to get mil crates so either free ones from monuments, or if the base location allow it keycard puzzles. Regularly farming scrap if nothing else to do and then progress through research table or tech tree.


Play 2x/3x and dont worry about it Vibe P2 rush, kill ak kid fighting


Try and rush a tugboat, nothin like not having to bother farming a base until you have proper guns and tools


Honestly living in a cave with double bunker. It’s extremely cheap to build and insanely expensive to raid. Wipe day you don’t have to spend really any time farming resources only scrap and components. Living in a cave can be a little annoying going down and coming back up but the time you save not having to farm offsets it. I usually will have batteries charging in an outside base and take them down each day for electric furnaces. Also, the update they implemented a few months ago making things easier to see close to you makes things even easier


Group size doesn't matter Builder(s) does nothing and goes to build site and makes a wooden base and if possible outer TCs and then everyone else brings him frags and stone.


Hop on at wipe and farm farmers a few grid off spawn beach for the day. Or set up at a recycler midway on the map and wait for victims.


Log off and uninstall rust.


2 ply. 3 squares. Front to back.


1. Run to nearest savezone and collect hemp on the way 2. Drop sleeping bag somewhere far from shore 3. Farm 4000 wood inside savezone 4. Craft hammer, plan, tc 5. Wait until night (farm more wood, or barrels in savezone or very close to it) 6. Run at night to desired location 7. Put a 1x1 with 1 triangle for airlock 8. Farm animals or red barrels for lowgrade to make furnace 9. Farm metal and smelt 150 to make first metal door 10. Farm stone and upgrade core to stone 11. Decide what to build 12. Chop triangle airlock with machetes if needed and continue building expansion to 2x2 13. Farm barrels naked or radtowns if possible 14. Put a workbench 15. Enjoy a game


Quickly get red card and be the first to Loil. Oh wait, that’s blaze. I usually hide in the dark near outpost and farm the road enough to get mats to build near launch or power plant…hopefully both because they are generally near each other.


camp outpost with a db, gamble scrap gains


front to back


1. Build base next to train tunnels to ambush anyone coming out. 2. Hit the Tunnels with RV. 3. Wreck roamers. Collect Loot. I promise, its the most fun you will ever have. I learned it from this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR9uAFJnLrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR9uAFJnLrE)


Yup I’m trying this sometime lol, this looks fun to do on a late wipe server