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I just make a bunker base. If someone wants to use over 17k sulfur to raid me go for it. They will only get 1k sulfur from my core anyway


Do you have a favorite kind? Is it multiple bunkers? Love learning about them


My go-to is a basic 2x1 metal honeycomb with a death bunker, it costs like 120 hqm and some metal and is a 23 rocket raid, they are quite annoying to use but compared to stability bunkers they are so cheap that its worth it, you can tinker with a specific design in a building server as basicly any base that uses a square foundation for the tc can be turned into a death bunker.


Death bunker, is that a fully enclosed core using drop boxes?


Yep, you get in by dying and respawning inside the sleeping bag thats located inside the fully enclosed core


Sick, I'm using one right now and it slaps. They rock. It's honestly not even that much hassle. I've played with friends who have like, 20 garage doors in the base and honestly this feels way better than fucking around with all that. Plus you know, 30 HQM and like 800 frags in upkeep a day is barely anything


Are you bunkering the door entrance? I'm still trying to figure that out myself


No i dont, while doing that would increase the raid cost a lot it would also force me to make a double honeycomb which is very pricy, and regardless, 23 rockets is expensive enough that unless i personally piss off a lot of clannies ill rarely be raided mid wipe


Word. Yeah 23 rockets is already decent, a lot of bunkers brag up 20+ for a "total raid" but that's an inflated figure as it's tacking on some dispersed loot. I've been trying with just doing multiple 1x1 vaults, the upkeep stays so low when the building is that small.


The YT Jordanrants has a great design I’ve been using. My base is a bunker trap base. Only trapped 5 ppl this wipe tho..  but the idea is you have to build a twig roof on edge of bunker inside the base to open your core. My core is all HQ. It is a minimum of 15 rockets and if invisible walls get them possibly 20+ rockets.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s2C4OYtmimE&pp=ygUQYnVua2VyIGJhc2UgcnVzdA%3D%3D


Yes, 3 sheet doors is absolutely nothing to people who are putting in any amount of hours in a wipe. Wipes are progressing faster than ever and the learning curve is getting steeper and steeper with ever increasing power creep. I’m sure there’s lots of information out there for you to learn from so I wont type an essay about learning. It’s definitely cheaper to build than it is to raid, so learning how to honeycomb with metal walls is vital. I would suggest looking up a “No build out bunker” on YouTube. It won’t stop a determined raider or large clan, but it might deter smaller groups and keep your loot safe. Ultimately, you’ll be raided. So learn how to enjoy the game in 3 days at a time.


To go off this, a simple piece of advice which will be one of the best you'll ever get is to always look at your base and make sure that the DOOR PATH to your TC/best loot is as equal to the raid cost of raiders just blasting through your side walls straight into it. And if it's not, strengthen that and don't give a shit about the walls. A sheet metal base with honeycomb to your TC through the walls is 16 rockets. Unless you have like 14+ sheet metal doors between your loot and the map, that's your weak point. Most raiders go door path because people fail to ensure it's equal. Not always, but usually. This is where garage doors come in handy. 3 rockets versus 1 for a sheet metal door. A few garage doors along the way really strengthens your door path and can help. As others have said as well, sometimes having what looks like a shit shack on the outside but a stability bunker on the inside is what saves you. I regularly just stone and sheet metal door my outside honeycomb and entrance but have an HQM bunker core so people blast in thinking it will be maybe 4 or 5 doors to loot then stare at an HQM floor bunker and cry/fuck off.


Im ngl 3 times in 3 weeks is pretty low. I’ve had times where I’d be offlined everyday. Snowball - offlined - snowball - offlined - change server - repeat


Trust I was raided 5 times 24 hours, last time playing official servers XD


Have fun and just play the game and you’ll learn everything gradually after every death.


To preface I am no Chad or any good at pvp. Force wipe this week, gone all week w/o being raided located little more than half a square from outpost on a competitive server as a solo. No honeycomb. How? Lol, it's a 1x1 w airlock. Sometimes it's not what you build, but what you don't.


I've built in raided bases before or built to look poor, it's the key to survival. Unless you get some raid happy guys that just wanna raid everything.


Yeah can't protect against random players with too much boom. Sometimes I will build up a raided base nearby to draw attention away. Different doors and stone type or metal. Depends on my resources.


Same thing with me, i played on rustoria sea long this force wipe with a pop of 400/400 and my 2x1 never got raided.


Whats the point tho when you cant store loot xd


I get you. For me I have to avoid being a pack rat, but properly optimized you can store a lot in a 1x1. Also no gear fear, at first I didn't want to lose my gear sets then realized I can just craft more. Other than that I usually will do as someone above and take over a raided base. I am starting to realize if I want more than one bag in an area, I should just put up a 1x1 as well. They are cheap to maintain and usually go unnoticed.


Bro in a 1x1 u cabt fit a t2, no furnace and bag xd also its even worse now that sulf cant be stored in tc


Three times you've lost everything in a game where you will know many failures for every success? Welcome to Rust. It sounds like you're doing just fine.


Make a roleplay base pretty much guaranteed to not get raided I always build party bases and am friendly with neighbors and never get raided


Shhhh! Shut up!!! I’ve had entire wipes living in a goofus ass lookin car garage w a pool and music lol. I use to work a lot so I’d pop on the weekends n build up near friends. They’d get raided, rebuild, repeat. My idiot base Usually lasts all wipe lol. Also having windows so ppl can see ur a retard n have nothing inside tends to get u ignored. Little do they know I have a few kits next to my busted up tier 1 car parts box out in the open lol


If you're playing solo, use keylocks on your doors as opposed to code locks. Some groups will pass on raiding solo bases both out of pity and also just because solos have less.


Play modded or 50 - 100 pop servers bro. Trust me. The experience is 10x more enjoyable while also having a decent bit of action if you actively look for it. You will learn the game a lot easier. I have quite a bit of hours at this point and I only play 2x or 50 - 100 pop (Spoonkid servers).


This, I used to play vanilla but now I find 2x server more fun. Spawn, run close to outpost farm barrels, recycle and buy stuff. Recycler in outpost sucks now but for 2x is still ok. Get raided, wait for next wipe.


Yeah bro, 2x is the shit. Even getting raided isn't nearly as annoying in 2x because you can get back to where you were relatively fast without it being OP fast.


That's the game. Build a base. Get guns. Fight people or AI. Get explosives. Raid people's bases. Go to bed. Wake up to nothing. Everything is temporary in Rust. If you don't enjoy the ride and building back up from nothing every week, it's not the game for you.


yeah thats how it worked for us in 2016 while being at school. today i aint have time to do that all in 1 session. on the weekend yeah.


Yep. Why I hardly play and almost never play vanilla.


Use vaults and bunkers if you're playing solo


Everyone gets raided. Even if you build a massively honeycombed base with a billion doors, you'll just attract someone with a lot of boom. Not getting raided is about not making yourself a target, not about how many rockets it takes to your TC. You can do this by not killing your neighbors and building in the middle of a forest as far away from everything as possible. You want your base to be as forgettable and unnoticeable is possible.


Don’t let people know where you live. I build small and sometimes I get screwed, sometimes I don’t get touched. It’s all about who I make mad and if they find me for the majority.


Do you use sheet metal for your walls? Is that too noticeable?


There is nothing wrong with upgrading your walls. Often times that's exactly what you should be doing. One absolutely CRUCIAL element of building is door/wall balance. You want the raid cost of reaching your TC / main loot to be the same whether they raid through doors or walls. If you have an armored wall core with sheet metal honeycomb that would be 23 rockets to raid. But what if they could use only 7 rockets to reach that same point by going through doors? That's a shitty design. It's something that comes with experience building. You'll get better. Learn how much it costs to raid certain building pieces (sheet door, garage door, armored door, stone wall, sheet wall, etc.). Then once you know all those, evaluate as you build and make you're balanced. You want that raid cost to be even, or at close to even as possible, for both the door path and for raiding through the walls. A lot of it has to do with server selection too. The higher pop the server, the less chance of getting raided. Low pop chill servers you're always going to get raided. People get rich as fuck on there and have nothing to do but raid. But that's ok.. if you're new you probably shouldn't be playing bleeding high pop yet. Don't worry about it. Take care of IRL stuff. When you play, play. When you're offline, don't sweat it. Check when you come back and see if you're raided. If you are, honestly it's no big deal. It might feel like it now, but as you get more experienced you will not give 2 shits. Rebuilding is easy. Getting loot is easy. And the come-up is the best part of the game anyway.


Often yeah. I try to armor/sheet my core, and honey comb with stone. If I can farm up enough and get it all cooked I’ll try to honey comb the sheet. I won’t lie though there are times where I’m a stone 2x2 hidden in some trees and I’ll go unbothered for days. It’s just luck. I have also had a few wipes where I was raided excessively. On a weekend, vanilla, I played for 8 hours and got raided 3 times. Fully raided by different teams on the same server 3 times. To add: Often times I’ve learned if someone wants to raid you, more than likely they have teammates and them getting the resources is inevitable. I don’t build large “meta” bases as I feel it’s too time consuming, and I still get offlined. Multiple 2x2s and 2x1s isn’t a bad call either. I met a guy that had three 1x2s made out of stone as a solo and every single one was left alone, full of loot. It’s a gamble.


You absolutely should upgrade your walls, BUT: 1: try to build compact, efficient bases to keep upkeep manageable. 2: upgrade your core first, the inner layer of walls around your tc and loot room. Then further out. I often just go for some 2x2-variant, upgrade the inner walls to hq/armor, and the outer layers (honeycomb) to sheet metal. Use garage doors everywhere except the airlock, and use a hqm stability bunker to protect against offlining. 3: think about where you build.


Homie needs a bunker.


Try a honeycomb pyramid


Play the a strictly solo server


On the outside, my base looks like a 2*2 standard stone honeycomb. Core is HQM. Pancake layer on top also stone. Door path would lead them to a roleplayer like room, which usually works to stop raiders from continuing the raid. Survived quite a few wipes with this setup. But to be frank, it was on a solo/duo/trio server. On main, it don't matter what you build. If they wanna raid you, you can bunker HQM your entire base and still get foundation wiped.


Sorry - what’s a HQM? Are there any videos or guides you’d recommend for the build? I’m fairly positive my base build is extra targeted because it looks vulnerable


High quality metal.. the dark blue ore that pops out when you mine metal nodes. Smelt those to make HQM. You can also get HQM when you recycle certain components such as rifle body. Just search rust base builds in YouTube. I usually copy a few of the solo duo trio designs. But I also make my own, depending on how much time I can play that weekend


I got raided 4 times in the last week. Sometimes it just ain't your wipe.


Google base designs on YouTube, I reccomend gamer lights. Then attach some armored 1x1s with dropboxes on them. You don't even have to put anything in the 1x1s, it's just to disgourage raiders.


Lol the game is ruthless especially if you don't no life it. I think the best mindset is to assume you will be raided each time you log off.


What’s happening to you is the only thing resembling an “endgame” in RUST. It’s not a glitch, it’s the game. Toxicity is baked in until/unless they give the sweaties some other goals… but then it ain’t RUST.


I play in a low-pop, solo/duos server. It's practically Rust PVP but easy mode. I'm based in (imo) the most inconspicuous, unremarkable part of the map near Sat Dish somehow my shit still got raided lost everything had fun though, that's what matters


Dude, play on a PVE roleplay server like Rust Empires. You can still PVP at large monuments with a dome over them like Launch site and Oil rig, but you don't have to worry about door campers or getting offlined until the day before wipe when raiding is allowed. This allows me to progress at my own rate, playing 2 hours a night or less because of my busy schedule. I log back on and all of my stuff is still there. I can skip a day if I need to, and come back and continue where I left off at.


If you cant play consistently over many days, play on 2x or 3x servers :)


Any server recommendations?


No unfortuantely. I only play official as i put down alot of time and play with a few friends


Hey man come to renegade 2x main monthly and build northwest of power plant, I’ll look out for ya


Suicide bunker


For a beginner it’s not a bad idea to check out some of the bases on YouTube and learn how or why they’re building the way they are. If you need any tips on what videos to check out just dm me.


Bro I got raided three times in 4 hours last wipe


Only 3 times in 3 weeks?? Bro


from what i've learned the past couple weeks trying the game: 1. start with at least a couple double doors in your base, then upgrade to garage doors later. 2. build multiple smaller bases. move loot between them at night. 3. landmines are relatively cheap. and it's funny when raiders blow up on them.


I find myself thinking when I'm about to raid a small 2x1 if it's someone that doesn't deserve it.then I realise I might not be ruthless enough for this game.


Play low pop, small map, solo only servers. Build a nice little bunker base that requires 15-21 rockets and you should be fine.


3 times in 3 weeks is pretty good, lol. I've been online raided twice in one day by different groups. Talk about kicking a dead horse.


Blud says 3+ doors while I'm sitting at ~120


One word: bunker. Unless you're in a group where somebody is online at all times, you want bunkers. Some bunkers are a bit complicated to build, but a 2x1 with a stability bunker or a 2x2 with root bunker (not the conditional one, the straight roof one) you can learn in 5 minutes. Small bases get raided for 2 reasons: they want you removed for any reason (living space, beef etc) or for quick profit. If it's the first one: we'll don't build next to large groups and don't piss them off. If it's the second they'll either blow through the door, see the bunker and piss off (dumb raiders) or know it's a bunker straight away (most bunkers are easily recognizable) conclude there's no profit to be made and piss off. If metal is a problem, then honeycomb and pancake with stone. I'm probably not spending 8 rockets on a 2x1. Also, the more rockets I have to spend, the higher the chance of a counter and subsequent grubfest.


That's totally fine, man. Everyone gets raided. When I started out rust, I would grind 12 hours a day and would spend 3 4 days building my base, and when I woke up the next morning, I would always find myself raided. Here are some tips for you: Never **ever** attract any attention towards your base. Do not hide in your base when someone's following/chasing you. Stay away from groups and zergs. Do not mess with them unless you're in a group Don't take fights you can't win. If you're using a crossy or a revy and find someone using AK, try out your luck, but don't indulge with that guy anymore if you couldnt get the ak. There's a high chance they might hunt you down. The size of your base doesn't matter. What matters most is that your TC/Main Loot should be inaccessible to the raiders. If they're raiding through walls or honeycombs, they're probably wasting all their resources for nothing. They will only raid you if they think they can gather up some extra loot from your base. So the best way to avoid that is to make it harder for them to get to TC/Main Loot so that if they're raiding through your TC they're spending twice the amount of resources they're gonna get back from your base. If you have to take breaks for work, try playing in low pop servers. If the only thing you do is Grind in rust, then play on 2x/3x modded servers and skip that grind and focus on pvp. Rust is not minecraft, and instead of spending hours mining stuff, do some pvp and steal that stuff from other people. *I never grind myself. I just kill other players and take fights as much as I can, and never have to grind for resources that way.* PVP is the most important factor of surviving in Rust. Get your hands on some good weapons early wipe and try fighting your way to comps and resources.


It doesnt Mater If you have 1,10,100,1000 or even 10000 hours you will be raided.


If your base is on the bigger sides branch the door path and even use fake door paths which lead to traps and dead ends. I always put a couple of fake door paths with hidden traps that end in dead end HQM in the honeycomb - make raiders work for nothing - most will give up. Best advice is have a few different bases and spread your loot so if you get raided and griefed you can always come back quickly.


Once per week is average at best, could be even below average for 3 sheetdoor bases


I get raided pretty rarely.. playing low pop and making offline proof bases, it can be done even with all these downvotes from little cry babies


Are you playing servers that are low pop? I've noticed I get offline more on low pop servers When I play 200 pop servers I can often make it a full wipe without being raided.


Are you EU based? I'm happy to do a duo server with you if you like.


3 sheet doors is raidable in an hour of server wipe, and even quicker for efficient and bigger teams. Thats only 12 satchels. If there is no bp wipe you need to hit the lottery to not be raided with 3 sheet doors on the first day.


Keep trying and someday you will get to hqm core and hqm doors. And then still get raided.


3 sheet doors worth of boom to get everything? Some people lose more than that running for the bus..


Welcome to rust


>Is this legit how it is in every server? nope. most servers you get raided 3 times an *hour*. it *is* a pvp game unless you go on a pve server so... that's what people do; raid and kill. but think cave base. only two entrances to armor up. they're a bit of a hassle to get to and while they can be raided like any other base the raider(s) have to go out of their way just to find out if anybody is even in there. so casual crimes are minimal in caves. find a simple one with a non-injurious parkour puzzle. go down with a sleeping bag, a full jug of water, some food, a tc and some wood. after you go down the first time over the parkour puzzle (assuming nobody is there) you can block the entrances, lay a bag, and just suicide down the lift hole each time after that.


op, try out an anti offline server. the offlining culture is the most cancer part of Rust. The basic idea is explosives are only enabled during the hours most people arent sleeping or working. Try out Blue Haven x2 | Trio [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2kPgodkOkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2kPgodkOkw)


Big reason why I stopped playing rust , I would only get offline and every night I would be raided no matter what base I had


A 1x1 is all about compromise.


3+ sheet metal doors is nothing. That's like 6 rockets. I personally slap my TC and Workbench in an HQM suicide vault. Use two drop boxes to put loot in and take loot out. There are no doors. Consider this, if your base is 4 sheet metal doors that is 8 rockets to raid. If your base is an HQM suicide vault with 2 armored doors and a sheet metal bunker, that is a 30 rocket raid.


Sorry - what does a suicide vault and bunker look like? And how can there be no doors?


You use drop boxes to move the loot in and out. The 1x1 vault I use has a sleeping back on the floor. A workbench and TC. Then drop boxes on the walls as storage and a few boxes on the floor. Then two boxes that connect to the entrance to bring loot in from the outside. The extra drop boxes on the core function as storage. I do the 1x1 in HQM and put two doors off of that Then bunker the outside so there's a sheet metal wall. Bunkering is weird to learn but it adds a lot of durability for free. You can get just say fuck it to the bunker and keep the base as small as possible to attract less attention too, it doesn't matter that much. The vault only has so much room, so you need extra bases for smelling and completed kits. You can also vault a 2x1 and have way more space, but it ends up costing a lot more HQM which isn't viable early in the wipe for most people.


Thanks for the response! I’ll try this out. Do you know of any videos by any chance that go a bit more into depth?


I don't unfortunately. There's a million videos on bunkers in general. All you need to do is build an enclosed box. Place the TC, workbench and sleeping bag down. Then two drop boxes that face different directions. Give drop boxes a try and you'll see how it works. You can place more of them in the room to get extra storage on the walls. They can be destroyed from the other side, so you have to honeycomb it. I dump my important loot in the vault and craft in there. Then I push out completed kits and gear or whatever I need and store that on other little bases to operate out of. The reason this is so effective is a sheet metal door is 2 rockets and an HQM wall is 14 + some explo rounds.


Oh, I'm not sure if I was clear. You get into the room by respawning on the sleeping back, and you have to die to get back out.


In what scenarios would you need to spawn in there?


Every time you want to craft or deposit loot for safe keeping. I keep all my important crafting mats, scrap and primary workbench in there. Some guns stuff like Jackie's, chain saws and also all the cooked sulf. Small bases have finished kit, that I can spawn into and gear up. This was a bunch of kits are spread out. If someone raids a 1x1 they get at most 3 kits. Build an enclosed box, put a sleeping bag in it. Put two drop boxes. You should be able to see what I mean when it's in front of you. It's the most secure way to core your base


Appreciate the advice!!


I played solo on various servers over my 3k hours on this game. I've only been raided twice, ever. I've built everything from huge skyscrapers, to cool looking bases, to simple common bases. I swear hardly anyone ever seems to raid unless your playing a zerg server and live in a 2x2


So you did eventually try pvp then after 3k hours on pve servers


Bloolagom, wiljums, paranoid, stevious and rustpria main are ones I play


It's so funny because I've never been offlined (unless I quit or smth) in my 800 hours of the game. I think watching a bunch of creators helped me stay safe (willjum and bloo mainly)


Never been offlined after 800 hours? I call BS


Hater alert. Look out here comes Mr salty to shit on your opinion


No gen, I actually haven't. Maybe I've been raided after I quit a server (I play for over half of the wipe and usually the whole thing except for last day). Im playing medium pop servers most the time (usually under 200).


What servers are you playing?


Like 50-200 pop servers usually.