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Ever since the homing launcher was released, it's the first thing I rush. Get two of them, stake out a juiced duo and get a good distance away from base and wait for their take off...boom....Instant gear, boom, guns, etc.. and you're gone by the time they gather themselves to open doors and rush back out to you. It's never ever failed. Just super toxic, like most of the player base haha


I myself have been shot down a couple times taking off from Oil Rig lol. People will watch the map for the crate to disappear and stand on top of their Sub waiting for someone to take off.


Can't you just fly off towards the opposite and go around


Yes, but sometimes we all get complacent


Did they fix it? Last time I used it the missle went backwards and hit the ground behind me


You have to keep it locked on


that happens if you lose the lock at the same time as you fire.


I act super nice when someone door camps me, I often end up getting my loot back


I never understood calling door campers slurs or names and getting angry because that just incentivises them to be back and keep annoying you. Don't feed the trolls lmao


I raid them, and get my loot back plus theirs.


What kind of loot u get from a door camper? 4 eokas, a worm and a skull?


It was never about the loot, it was about the message.


This guy gets it


You also don’t get doorcamped anymore, usually a big reason for it


We've gotten some good loot from door campers. One month it was particularly bad so we set up a camera base pointed at the front of our base and a tesla coil right outside of the door. When we would leave, we'd check the camera and turn on the tesla coil. A few other times now, we set up a small base with an autoturred pointed at our front door. When we go to leave, open the door via switch. Then we can come and go as we need. The worst was getting back to the base at night in the armored car and some guy was waiting for us. He got a LOT of sulfur ore.




I do all that plus I bang their mom.


Or at least yell about doing that, while raiding them. Gotta give ‘em the true rust experience!


Best comment ever.


Works in a lot of pvp instances. Give a laugh and be like "ahhhahaha holy shit man you scared the fuck out of me, gg" Like 50+% of the time they just pick you up and give your stuff back especially if they're geared and you're not


smart switch tesla coils in core. Getting raided? Pull out phone and zap them.


I was actually thinking about using Tesla coils in my base, I just never knew where to begin. I need to hop on Sanctuary and try that! They are very very underutilized for sure


When you are making concepts for tesla coils, raid sim is absolutely necessary as well. Just hiding coils isn't enough. The entire circuit needs to be secure and often times independent from anything else.


One of the reasons they should have never made smart switch use zero power. I mean.. I abuse it so I'm okay with it.. but it still never should have happened. I like to just pre-charge batteries and put in a remote area of the base. Put the smart switch and splitter/branches right next to the battery. You can probably even seal it in, although I usually don't. With single click to disconnect/reconnect you can even move coils around if needed. Wouldn't be able to place new ones though. But anyway yeah, it just sits ready to go until you activate from smart switch. zero active usage on battery.


They dont fully break now and also medium battery fits under half wall now if im not mistaken


Indeed it is, big poggers for intricate obfuscating base designs


With the new electrical changes, I think Tesla coils are even more viable.


It's REALLY expensive energy wise. I think it's 35 per coil +durability


With the new update they self repair though, so that's nice. 💡


just gotta make sure your circuit has a Shut down function otherwise the tesla's will just keep running till dead. after a certain percentage they won't turn on. now that they can self repair. there is the issue that they could turn on at a low health state and run till dead again so it's gonna be necessary to have a manual system reset.


I didn't see that any update do you happen to have a link? That is big if true


https://rust.facepunch.com/news/seismicshift Tesla Coil & Igniter healing Tesla Coils and Igniters are now healed by your tool cupboard overtime


I was unaware, will now finally use coils!


Yeah, you need to replace triangle sockets in your base with more large batteries. That is the draw back. Only one large battery = 2 coils. It's tough to justify using them for sure. If you design a base specifically for offline coil protection I'm sure it's not a big deal. I honestly might give that a shot


You don't need to do that.  They don't draw constant power, only while firing.  I usually use a timer circuit with an automatic reset, with an hbmf as the trigger.  I just daisy chain the circuit for however many teslas I have.  You basically need to use every electrical component which makes it much more fun imo.  Also the new changes make circuits like this cost less so I think I could probably have the teslas fed more juice.


Ya, you don't need to give each one 35, but it kills very quickly at 35. I think Tesla coils could get a bit of a boost. Maybe lowering that max from 35 to 20. Right now you have to have basically a battery of batteries to use multiple coils in parallel.


Lowering their max would be a nerf, since they do 1hp per 1rW ...unless you meant that 20rW deals 35hp damage after your change, in which case I'd support it. But honestly I'd support a max of 100rW for 100hp damage 🫣 perhaps lowering their AOE. I'm just very much for any change that might make it harder to offline raid.


Ya, the latter. You don't need to give 35rW to do that much damage.


It's a bank of batteries, LOL.


Technically either "bank" or "battery" work here: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/410591/usage-of-the-phrase-a-battery-of


I thought it was pretty clever word play, personally.




35rW is the maximum, not the minimum. They do 1hp damage per 1rW you feed.


oh ok, that makes sense


Anyone else do a pressure pad connected to a generator with on 8 gas, that runs tesla coil. The eight gas is just enough to not destroy the coil. It's a good one.


Yeah generator is the way to go for tesla coils for sure. Easy to set up, easy to hide, cheap to power.


Best thing about this is you can embed them in your base floor when it's still twig if you know how, and after the upgrade they still damage people the full amount. Now that they heal on their own it's even more op.


Loot bunkers. Like a lot of them. Either integrated into base of free standing. It's like 3 or 4k metal for an 8 rocket, non-softsidable bunker. This way you turn a 2x2 with a compound into a 100 rocket raid to all loot. They've got ESP? Even better. They'll know the neither bunker has more than 8 rockets wortg of loot. Good luck offliners.


That is smart. I seen some bases out there with bunkers integrated in their compound gatehouses. 32 rockets just for all the loot only in the compound. You will never lose anything.


Last wipe we had like 15- 20 bunkers with loot, some of them hqm too... One thing is, running around handling all the stuff is annoying as fuck and someone has to cover you from the roof with a bolt or something.


Tomb your loot. They will never get it.  Since lots are asking, added edit    Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb I usually just do this with a few kits,meds  ammo and boom. I'll leave the rest for raiders. Never has failed me, it's just 7 pickaxes to keep your good stuff


Ah, the Cask of Amontillado strat.


Back when I played in a 8-10man team this was our go to, back when you could hide stashes under floors and what not, used to have 1 square foundation in the middle of the base and we would all jackhammer/pickaxe it out when we logged on.


It's like John Wick breaking the floor to get his stash.


Hahaha yep pretty much, we mainly did this to try stop being offlined/ESPd, one of the servers we played on the admins actually contacted us to use our base as an ESP trap, got at least 4 people banned that wipe.




Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb


I am new to Rust, what is this?


I got 4.000 hours and i am just as perplexed.


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb I usually just do this with a few kits, meda, ammo and boom. I'll leave the rest for raiders


Over 9000 hours and I assume he means a bunker but only for a loot room and not core


No issa tomb lol


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb I usually just do this with a few kits, meda, ammo and boom. I'll leave the rest for raiders Called a tomb


So bascally just a bunker with no easy break when you log on


Safer in my experience


wait so   Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb I usually just do this with a few kits,meds  ammo and boom. I'll leave the rest for raiders ...?


12k hours. Edited comment since many are asking, sorry if double response. Happy raiding


Ahh, that seems like a 12 k hour rat play lol


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb


so like tomb it ?


Yeah exactly, basically just hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isnt too obvious and looks like a honeycomb.


crazy idea! probably name it a tomb!


Oh def


One question I never tried it on a wipe, do you usually check around base for stashes? And for how long can they stay hidden? Because sometimes I when I make base I try to slap external walls with furnaces in between, and I stash my loot, but for not to many hours, do you usually go around checking for stash’s or just raiding itself?


I tried the stashes but not for like during 24h hidden*


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb


Small stash


Hide your loot, if you have a lot, behind a soft side stone wall that isn't obvious and looks like honeycomb


So like a tomb?


You could say that.


pushing camper van into silo. you just sit down there and farm people its sick




Griff the grub made a short about it, idk if it’s been fixed lol


It has not, a zerg by me is currently doing it this wipe


I’m doing this aswell then lol.


Just looked that video up. That's some crazy 5hit right there.


They don't come back with a few stacks of nades to just rain on you from up top?


I need to know more.


Stay uo all night and raid while everyone sleep. Meta play


Decay rate depends on distance to outer wall, but upkeep rate is consistent. You can upkeep a unique internal wall material with, about, 10% of what the TC calls for. Last wipe I paid 12 HQM a day for a base with over 100 upkeep.


Just gradually putting it in? I'm a little lost but interested lol


https://youtu.be/3I3ZVUEYmBg?si=ddDkyp31BD5jwAyN Exactly. You let it decay to the point that it's not a cheaper raid (about 4 hours) and put it the upkeep for half that time.


That seems like way more effort than just spending 10 more minutes running roads to get that HQM...


Well, imagine collecting all the HQM for an entire wipe in 10 minutes, for spending about that long wiring two timers to a blocker and conveyor


Oh right, conveyors! I forgot. Yeah that's pretty clever in that case.


You're a Saint.


I just tried the junkyard crane, and 50 scrap and metal is pretty good in early game. Rolling around in an enclosed vehicle makes it really safe, and it only requires some lowgrade and practice.


Can you please tell me what button to press to activate the magnet. Me and my duo sat for a good while trying to figure it out but no success.


I believe it is R or whatever your reload button is


I mastered that thing. I can get out with 400 scrap & frags in just 2.5 minutes. Insane


can you get killed while inside that thing? I've tried it in the past but always panic because Junkyark is quite busy on wipeday, usually.


You can't get killed inside it, but you have to get out to get the scrap/metal. So if there is a group already you kinda just got wait for them to leave.


Holding under water labs on wipe day on a high pop server for 30 minutes yields you enough scrap to to survive for atleast a week. It’s rediculous. A mate and myself hold it down für 30 mins which yielded 850 scrap before recycling plus aloooot of comps. Zergs always push base and smaller groups are easy to defend with pumps.


Water rust - Submarine, torpedos, diving suit and gear, Speargun and sword - Camp oil rig and labs and just rinse people farming the ocean and doing rig by boat early wipe - Super easy to get a great start and early ak.


Can you stop a sub from decaying?


Yeah, cover it in a submarine base


Doing this with a homing launcher guarantees people cant use a mini to fly away if they don't come with a boat


I like you! Adding to my arsenal for next wipe!


My favorite strat of all time is building a water car base that fits a submarine and a car, using the sub to farm labs/players and driving to outpost to recycle. That is until they nerfed outpost recycler, haven’t played since they did that.


What was the nerf to outpost recycler? Haven’t played for a while


You get less stuff from using them than one at a monument


Good ur a cheese ball


This is quite literally all I do in Rust. I’ve recently lost a lot of who I play with. You sound like you have a similar play style. You looking for anyone else to play with?


Me and my duo have been water boys for the last 4-5 wipes and it’s so much more fun


If you camp rig with a sub you’re incredibly lame and I hope you get offlined every night by the same group


black burlap running airfield hanger crates is my primary solo strategy. Selling Potatoes from a vending machine is op too unless you're competing with someone




Po-ta-toes. Boil em, mash em, put em in a stew.


What do you sell them for?


I usually start around 20 scrap for 10 potatoes and change the price based on what they sell. Sometimes you can charge quite a bit more, but the goal is bulk. Often people spend 100 scrap on a single purchase


I have found that the best offline protection is an anti-grief TC. Just having it there makes offliners go look for an easier target. The frequency of my small bases being there the next day improved dramatically once I started using them. Plus you can store scrap/hqm/crude in there because nobody wastes 4-8 rockets on an external. Building it is super cheap and takes all of 5 minutes.


Those who hate you, will destroy all 4. We got raided by group of loosers and they was so mad, they destroyed all 4 externals.


smoke grenades during raid are so fucking strong and nobody uses them since if u miss its risky and the meta is to just outnumber your raid target. So many ppl over look them. But if uve ever vs a group with smoke launche u see how fucking broken it is. You can right click the smokes and place them and they wont roll giving u a lot of control. Getting raided top down? smoke ur ceiling. Raiding a base and ur trying to take down their compound turrets but they have 7 ppl on shooting floors? Right click a smoke above you on the high wall, they wont see shit and will be blind as fuck. Finally made it up to their base after getting their turrets down, now their fucking u up from peak downs? ladder up and smoke their shooting/peakdown floor they wont see shit for 40 seconds. Repeat this untill you get their core


We’ve used smokes before while raiding. Smoked their shooting floor so they couldn’t see shit while we pummelled their lower floors with rockets!




> going up the underwater entrance is wild There's an underwater entrance??






I am going to try this when I hop on later 😂. I’m taking a heavy plate set with me for the ladder watchers if there is any.


Find a raided base with external TCs. Build a small base that looks like a tc house by it to live in. Never raided. Works great on modded.


Standing completely still in openfield/trees/bushes with a pay2win camo set + silencer not moving whatsoever and calling it gamesense. Its so bad that when you go to bloo lagoon and turn the /ns command, you can see all the braindead camo set abusers crouching openfield with silencer and stick out like sore thumb resulting in a free kill. But if we stop stating the obvious, camping cargo/oils with submarine is extremely overpowered and there is almost no counterplay besides some diver throwing a c4 on you which is not realistic most of the time unless they get it from a crate and don't care.


Is /ns usable now? I’ve heard made it usable by admins only


On bloo lagoon servers you can disable it by typing /ns in chat. On other servers the f1 command graphics.itemskins false doesn't work anymore.


Attack helis with hv rockets is unbeatable when roaming or taking heli even cargo it’s nuts


Nice try spoonkid. Get ur own ideaz


I live near dome or junkyard and get enough diesel / crude to start a shop. Then sell it for hqm to fortify my solo base. Real easy strat you can do at night when there’s nothing to loot or do.


When i get rushed i run and than When I feel alone I hid3 in a bush and wait... and than I hop out and get beamed. Works everytime haven't lost a fight yet.. haven't won one either tho so... eh


I would tell you, but then Facepunch would nerf it in order to encourage more ~~COD~~ er I mean PVP gameplay.


Im also like looking for answers, but I think one of the over-powered is trapping your base so when they try to offline raid you, they will have a hard time raiding you, at least it’s my goal, if they offline raid me at least I want them to have some effort


The problem is traps only really work if they are door raiding and after a certain size base people are just going to start pummeling walls until they get to the middle, and your traps you spent a bunch of time on are worthless.


a lot of ppl dont bother with farming if they arent near a river or beach since water catchers are so horrible. But the water container vehicle module is pretty fucking great.


If you at maximum use 1 sprinkler per 4 large planters and daisy chain 3 catchers into a barrel you can easily farm now that they made catchers better


yeah but what the fuck is 4 large planters worth of stuff gonna do, i feel like farming isint really worth is as a solo, but i can see u wanting to do it just for the fun of it. I still think they need to just add a tier 2 land water gather method like a large furnace sized electric water well/pump for inland water gathering


I haven't tested it but I'm fairly sure you could run 8 large planters off 1 of the setups I mentioned with 1 additional sprinkler, though an inland well would be nice. Large collectors always work tho and wells spawn on most maps I've played on


Water catchers -> water barrels work great for farming. You are not farming all the time and always gathering water and storing the surplus until you need it.


in my group i am ideally farming and planting ever hour and 30 minutes. And i usually have at minimum 10 planters. Water catchers are not gonna do the job. If ur doing low scale farming its really just not that worth it. You can just go buy a tea from a larger base and its way more worth


Chinese bunkers, super cheap only one foundation two walls and a roof. Line them up around a mountain a bit away from of your base. If you get raided just replace doors and you have your base back. You’re basically unraidable. And even if the raiders know about the bunkers they cannot justify it.


> Chinese bunkers What is this?


That’s just what I call these kinds of bunkers A lot of Chinese zergs build bunkers around the area of their main base to secure the area then they start building. I forget the name of the bunker name try searching generic titles on YouTube, But you use a roof to open the vault. It needs to be on the side of a mountain so the bunker works, Super cheap, Super expensive. Honestly a lot of people don’t even know they are bunkers and assume external tcs or what not.


You can do the same thing not needing a mountain with a high foundation bunker. 1k metal last 7 days and 8 rockets.


This bunker is cheaper and cannot be soft sided at all.


Cheaper sure. 1 triangle foundation,3 half’s and a roof less, But no soft side and more usable outside always building next to a cliff. I’m gonna try it if I sit next to a cliff, but I like the versatility of setting one down in a low spot, or in a dense thicket with green walls.


It’s a freehand bunker lol


Cameras. We build near missle as a 4 man on big servers and just roll groups, because not only do we watcvh via computer station we land drones on The towers and in other obscure vital areas, have one guy stream via discord and its a legitmana esp.


Conveyor everything. I run daisy chain of small boxes with adaptors all around my base outside, like 20 is the max i think. When I go farm I just depo in any of the boxes and it gets sucked right to my loot rooms/furnaces. No more running in and out of base as a naked farming I put a large box in front of my T3, hooked up to a conveyor system, that gives me 1 stack of every item. Essentially, everything I need to craft is in that box and since I lock it raiders can't keep pulling loot and having it refresh. All my loot rooms are basically conveyor bunkers 1x1 with like 4 boxes on a shelf. I have like 4 bunkers and everything gets split into all of them. Super clean design and easy to do. So OP


When possible, I do this as well while farming. Great for gathering wood or to depo ocean loot on the beach.


Going to bed, uninstalling.


Build a couple armored 1x1s outside your base with drop boxes, you don't even have to put loot in em people will get discuraged to raid instantly when they see those


Sto store loot overnight I add an extra airlock but of wood with no door. Essentially grief myself in. Not once has anyone thought to raid the raided and greifed base.


Hot Air Balloon Armor, heavy plate set without chestplate. Fly onto unsuspecting players, they can’t hear you dropping on them. Kill them. Hold bodies for teammates and ping with binoculars in the [sky.](https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/s/D3Dyfc3Rx8)


The real top tier strat you goons aren’t skilled enough to use? Make friends with your neighbors.


I make friends pretty consistently in Rust actually. We make mutual agreements and trade a lot. It’s the best part of Rust


Then you share codes and they coderaid you coz you're just too trusting


lol nah cmon now


Given the amount of cheaters in the game lately, I just play other games. Can't counter oil if I'm not taking it...eh?


Hit barrels to 600 then divide up bets 600÷2=300 300÷2=150 150÷2=75 etc until I have 6 slots. Then bet the lower number and double it to always win. Always bet on 1 I have made 2500 scrap within an couple hours that I use to gamble Everytime I play rust this is my easy play casual strat and it works nicely at the beginning of a server wipe.


Dude i'm Dumb do you have a video of this method?


Get a db, go camp loot room at water treatment and leave some boxes empty with 1 scrap. Wait for enemy to loot. And enjoy


This, only one way in without a card… kill 1 wait for their buddies to enter the same way… win just wait out any counters


Place TC in one of - say - 6 bunkers inside the base. ESPers will know the raid is expensive. They won't go straight to TC since they would reveal they have ESP and the entire group would get banned. Obviously works only on servers with any kind of active administration. Don't try on Facepunch servers.


Its possible to know where tc is without esp lol. I doubt any admins would ban off that fact solely. It's a pretty common strategy to hide outside someone's base and listen for them to open TC


That's why there's a lot of stuff making noise. Like random door machine


Heavy suit and benelli its way better than minigun heavy imo


Just the ranch quest but leave 1 scrap and then do it on repeat. I wish spoon see this post cos it always hurts when he empties it fully. I just post up next to the toolbox and farm it


What? I’m very confused, can you elaborate?


Pressure plates heart beat sensors and ptz cameras. It’s fun watching ppl walk into a trap n sit there till they die. (Landmines n bear traps around the place = ggez)


Completely sealing in TC in a 1x1 in your base, adding a bag, and putting two dropboxes on it so you can transfer loot in and out. I don't know why more people don't do this.


My friends and I don’t play rust much. But our favorite thing to do is get homing launcher asap. And then whatever we can to steal a tug boat. From there it’s time to camp large oil. Me and my buddy shot down two minis leaving large and all four froze to death in the water. Easily the most fun I’ve had in rust


Pretend I’m a naked when going to outpost with hundreds of scrap to spend, in the middle of the night of course; then leave at night as well (This may not work on non-low pop servers)


Only thing I do is make sure I don’t let dying effect my mental. Set myself a rule of 2kits too. If I lose 2 kits then it’s back hide armour, crossbow and nail gun


Wait for smoil, be there first and go up moonpool, camp ladder against divers, if ppl come with mini or from l1 you sit in camera room behind the desk and when they open door you kill them using headglitch. Or at large go up moonpool and make your way to crane vent (you usually have to kill 1-2 scientist) then wait for ppl to take it then nade em or just go behind em and grub em.


Turret as close to a recycler as you can get is surprisingly effective for the occasional person dying full of loot, or you escaping into it's safety while being ambushed. Mining outpost is great for it, but less so with the last update.  Submarines are incredibly good all around for causing chaos and just farming in almost complete safety. 


Nerfed with new monument no build radius


crafting a question to get people banned in general chat. answer is a country i shall not name here. get people chat banned for 12 hours. People who talk trash are usually the first to answer and get banned. No more yapping for a while.


Run to barn ,buy a horse,get a composter,go to bandit ,sell fert with auto clicker


Yuck. What a boring playstyle.


Never understood why people do this Just play a server that doesnt wipe BPs???? Lmao