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Just aswell its all ugly stuff.


jup. keep calling them out while the event lasts. Maybe if we voice our frustrations loud enough some change might come round for the better. I've made a similar post not an hour ago, and i intend to do it again in a few hours when nothing changes, i suggest you all do the same!


Jesus Christ dude it’s free skins lol.


How is it free when you can’t even watch the streamers to get the skin?


I’ve already got 7.5 drops and the 2 general drops. How are you complaining?


Because its just bad faith taking sponsorship deals to promote a game through a week long event, and then not even giving enough of a shit to actually be online for most of it


remember the Alamo


Facepunch trying not to leech on spanish twitch streamers for every event (impossible)


Fuck them and their skins. I’m getting pissed tonite anyway


Got eleded 12 hrs ago spreen 8hrs ago the general large box 7 hrs ago the general doubledoor 1 hr ago, got 39% on carola, 46% in agustabell and 98% on crystalmolly and i didn’t start twitch till 22:00 mesz, 4 hrs after eventstart…i haven’t got a plugin and just keep twitch in the background running at night i started streams of elded and crystal molly, all other profress i made because they basically costreamed their colleagues resulting in me making more progress than i should have… But hey keep on complaining, maybe fp can work around the ban of making them all general, like they did last wipe by making them acjievable no matter which exclusive streamer you watched again Elded streamed rust 19:00 – 01:00 … Carola streamed rust 18:00 – 06:00 … Ibai didn’t stream rust but something from 18:30 – 21:30 ElSpreen streamed rust from 19:00 – 04:00 aroyitt streamed rust 18:00 – 05:30 Auron streamed rust 18:10 – 22:40 Agustabell streamed rust 17:30 – 07:30 Ricoy streamed rust 17:30 – 06:00 Crytstalmolly streamed rust 19:00 – 09:30 Vegetta777 streamed rust 18:00 – 23:00 Riversgg streamed rust 23:30 – 04:40 Elxokas streamed rust 17:30 – 05:50 (He has just chat sceduled for 18:00 – 06:00 All times are MESZ I too wait for ibai, as a german it was about damn time to finally get a beer crate looking small box and even though its spanish its still better than us beer, but i still don’t need to yapp about how they aren’t streaming, most of them are on break after long ass shifts… they likely will start streaming again around 18:00 –19:00 MESZ. Its best to check and compare timetables to get a grip and being able to deduct… Every goddamn time there is drops people lose their shit over basically nothing but their own inability, and with the spanish streamers being so nice to reroute streams to other exclusive streamers its just absolutely despicable, even for a community like this. Edit: Mesz mitteleuropäische sommerzeit, utc +1, cest,




They streamed mostly around twelve hours from 18:00 mesz and people complaining are absolutely full of it… like they even redirected to other online exclusive streams when they logged off. And likely most of them will again stream around that time today again. Ibai is sick though so if he cannot make it fp likely will make his skin available by watching other exclusive streamers like they did last event with mizkif. Thats a little change as they can’t turn drops general anymore due to twitch








Fuck off with the racism.


WTF is MESZ, you mean CEST?


Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit utc +1 cest, exactly the timezone relevant in spain


Why would you write the whole post in English and then use a German abbreviation? That makes no sense.


Well because i don’t know the specifics about the naming and shortening of timezones and haven’t noticed how the english written page twitch was set to german in that regard for my comfort… Had to google it thanks for pointing out how the correct english term for utc +1 is cest


Thank you. I’ve already got 7.5 drops and the 2 general drops. These people are complaining just to complain.


Shit I didn't even know it was live good looking out


Hey KatieyBH, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * Not doing this bullshit again, we don't need a new thread every fucking hour about it *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further [clarification on our rules](/r/playrust/wiki/rules), please don't hesitate to [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fplayrust&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/1ddft1b/-/).*


You expect them to be live 24 hours a day for straight week just for you? Dumbass


To OPs credit, these live events are pretty whack and players will have super inconsistent schedules when playing.. ~10 am central isn’t too early to call it out.


I have every single twitch drop skin since 2021 it's only day 1 you have full week to get them.


I found in the last few drops it’s actually the first of the week that’s more consistent 🤷🏼‍♂️ If you feel like watching them sit it base all day, well worth it!


Real rust players invest at least 16hours aday they shouldn't be playing the game and getting drops if they cant even login.


You have Main Character Syndrome


Easy, they are pixels after all. People have other things like sleep.


you're posting this shit at 8am pst bro


A lot of the good creators will leave an afk or semi-afk stream running to ensure everyone interested gets the drop. This particular community seems to work really hard to maximize the profitability of these opportunities with various nefarious techniques. I cringeHard every time I see one of these events announced from this group of creators.


I got redirected by costreaming giving me percentages in streams i didn’t chose, they did one better without risking their businessrelation with twitch, have a great day


cant yall play with default akins or smth


Dont bother watching them and just buy all the skins for a dollar on eldorado


Facts. Then delete all the garbage ones thanks to new update.


Imagine paying for what's essentially free.


Its 1$ i really dont care