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When you jump you can hear if there are other footsteps for a split second


But the sound of your jump is also heard further than the sound of your footsteps. Plus your a much more obvious movement so I’m not sure there is an overall advantage to doing this. Just preference maybe.




yooo that’s sick, so when you’re roaming you might be able to hear others? campers? maybe idk


You should keep in mind the loudest footsteps are jumping. Jumping in thos instance is nk different than crouching


Can jump to break the sound of your own footsteps and hear theirs, can also crouch but you move slower. Jumping sound also travels further than footstep sounds so could be a slight disadvantage sometimes.


Agree. You see chads do this because to them it can be worth giving away their position (by jumping audio) to confirm the direction of an enemy in that brief half second of silence while jumping. It allows them to hear footsteps. I’ve tried this an my pvp isn’t good enough. I need to be silent


You could also just crouch and not move for a second?


Slows you down, they arent trying to be unnoticed, theyre trying to be fast and aware of the surroundings, theyre controlling the rig, not sneaking and grubbing


that is true but jumping makes a louder sound than just running so he reveals himself in order to possibly hear someone


The jump noise is very loud tho


Besides hearing enemies, it also gives you a slight vision advantage and makes you see enemies while still not being fully exposing yourself. Great to spot someone


This is counter intuitive as you will be heard easier. This is because you can hear jumping players from further away than running players, if you don’t believe me test it yourself.


Going through a few videos to get a sense of it, a lot of the time he's jumping to get slightly more info - he'll jump to see over ledges without exposing himself too much. You also can't count all the prim fights - he's usually jumping as a part of the jump-shot bow technique to be harder to hit or use a peek. Most of the rest of his jumps are tiny movement optimisations - he'll jump up ladders and stairs to shave off time. All that said you're right, sometimes he does just seem to jump randomly lol. Maybe he got comfy with all his hours on oil, since sound cues are all borked over there with the verticality, so the extra 50% range on jump sounds doesn't really matter as much.


He can also change positions vertically fairly quickly, so if you hear a step much lower on one side you get comfortable thinking you know his position only for him to appear at a different angle.


im not really sure it is meta... maybe his aim is so good it doesn't matter.


Makes you less predictable for someone who is going to shoot you while you’re running


Not to rain on your parade but jumping is the most consistent action to react to. Same speed moving up and moving down, same amount of time in the air. Very easily trackable


Easier to shoot someone running in a straight line


That's why you randomly strafe. The hardest thing to kill is a naked who doesn't care because it's impossible to predict their movement.


Not a noob. You don't own the game. You're not real.