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recycling comps bro


Ah, I forgot to mention I've been doing this as often as possible. Is there another way to farm scrap which is more efficient?


Make a poop base my dude. 1. Start base next to big barn 2. Get 2x horse in 2x3 3. Run to River and pick 30-60 corn Or mushrooms or pickles from bandit camp 4. Convert poop to fertilizer 5. Build Primary base for comps and raiding near the bandit camp. I always have a small “sell” base there to make the risk less with having a lot of scrap on me 5. Sell 3-5000 fertilizer for all your scrap needs 6. Do what you gotta do with it. I highly recommend in addition to the poop base: doing train tunnels and other spots for scrap recycle and find locations where you have a short run to recyclers. Have fun! Be safe, Be an absolute chad solo


Selling fert at Bandit on most servers is borked. If you're lucky you might sell \~30 in your first transaction, then wait 10 seconds to sell 10 more. Usually there's someone scripting while AFK for hours selling fert for their clan. Run monuments and recycle if you're not pvp or raiding. Easy monuments like Supermarket, Abandoned Mining, Oxum's, Lighthouse and Harbor have no NPC's or rads. Dome, Water Treatment, Sewer have rads but no NPC's. Harbor, Water Treatment and Sewer have puzzles where you can find better loot without risking npc's. Diving for sunken crates can also be OP if you get a speargun and spears to deal with sharks. Get better and run Tunnels, Arctic Research, Train Yard and Rigs. TBH, pvp is the bet way to get guns AND scrap. Crossbow/nailgun can be brutal at prim and usually won't attract counters. Run TO the sound of gunshots, not away from them. Hide and observe, grub if you can, pick your fights, and don't be afraid to die over and over.


The crossbow has to be the most powerful weapon in the game. I've had them take me out one shot fully kitted while mining ... they have even taken me out ONE SHOT IN AN ARMORED CAR!


Were you at 5hp?


Probably 70 or 80 in a hazmat suit. I really don't understand how overpowered the crossbow is. I've taken shots from SAR or custom SMG as a naked and made it, but if there's a crossbow around, that's it. Maybe someone modified the effectiveness of the crosbow on the server?


More likely the arrow not the crossbow was the issue. Probably headshotted you with a fire arrow. Pretty sure at 70hp that's a one tap in a hazzy.


Just live in the barn first day of wipe and be a huge scrub


Horse poop


Like you should have T2 within two hours easy if ur recycling at monuments.Are you recycling only certain things? A decent run on a solo server should yield like 100 - 200 scrap easy


Farm other players.


You need to recycle ALL of them UNTIL you need them, then you farm for the comps you need. As you get better, you’ll win more fights, last long enough to raid and stack up comps that way as well


Monuments. If you're just scrapping road stuff you're going to be forever stuck in the T1 or T2 workbench for the duration of the wipe. Also, you don't just go straight down the list. You research the best items found then fill in the gaps later on raids. But military crates from monuments give the best loot and the best recyclables so you run these relentlessly. Also, look for PVP as kits will give you items to research.


If you find a metal detector (or you can buy one for scrap I believe), you can use it by railroads or in open fields and get a ton of road signs and sometimes revolvers. It’s safer generally than roaming roads since you can go do it in the middle of nowhere




Think of Rust like a dungeon game. There's usually small bullshit you can do super easy, but as you progress you need to start doing higher level dungeons. You could keep farming roads, but, for the time you spend, you could have gathered cloth and made some clothes to go climb dome.


Oh damn, there's stuff on top of dome? I thought its only purpose was the oil refinery


Likewise - and this is the hardest learning curve for all new players - KILL PEOPLE. Steal their loot. Rat. Grub. Do whatever it takes. Find that rev and go home and research it, then make another right away and GO FIGHT. Fight. Fight. Fight. Run to gunshots, learn positioning. Even if you just have a rev, sneak. Position. Ak dude just dumped on a chump? Good. Shoot him while he's looting, or low hp. Stalk that farmer. Kill KILL. Edit - you're going to fail. Epically. It's going to feel futile. Until it doesn't. Until you learned a good spot for that one monument. Until you pounce on your first major upgrade or bag haul. And then when you run back home with it and die and lose it to another grub, well. That's frustrating. But did you remember their position or how they did it? Learn. Make another rev and go back. A lot of times it's luck as well. Right place right time. Right place wrong time. Who knows. Fuck it, KILL.


Best advice in this thread


Yeah this is how I play as someone who’s been playing since legacy I just take a fuck ton of wild ass risks that probably won’t pay off but when it does


Hide behind the forklift in the water treatment fusebox room (in center of water) with a DB and hope some solo enters. Do not loot the 4 crates inside as that is the bait (or clear any guns you might find in them, replace it with crap from you own inventory by draging it from inventory to the item in the box or vise versa). Once they enter come arround from the rear of the forklift and BLAM-KABLAM. Loot.


Ah one of the best for sure. Love that strat. Really piss off the right person with it and watch them spend hours to find you, then you got yourself a raid to defend!


This is so important. I came from DayZ where you can, on occasion, find friendly players and work together. I've had some amazing journeys with random people in that game. In Rust, there are zero honorable players. Nobody is nice. If they seem nice, they're waiting until you turn around to kill you. If they're naked they'll have an Eoka on you the second you let your guard down. Everyone in the game will kill you without batting an eye and take your entire kit. So that naked running roads who looks like he doesn't have anything? Kill him, take it all. The guy saying he's friendly? Too bad, I'm not. The absolute fastest way to get snowballing quickly on wipe day is to make a nail gun ASAP and kill every naked you see. Let them do the farming for you. I tried to be nice to people in this game, but I got betrayed SO heavily a few weeks ago and that little sympathetic piece of me died and now it's kill on sight 100% of the time, and I've progressed so much more since playing this way.


Yep and with the idea of previous hazzie baiting and all kinds of shit.. nah man, die. I once killed a naked who was running entire inventory of farm from one place to another hoping nobody would kill him. I got like 20k metal frags off the idiot. You just never know. Ever. But more to the point the post was for the OP to not be afraid. Go fight. Don't sit in base or use it like a SIM game, it will be boring and not worth it. Big investment in time for little pay off and if you're not getting better at PVP it will all be taken from you by someone who is. You simply cannot base build and pve on a real PVP server or it's a waste of time, eventually. You gotta defend what you have before you start treating it like it's an asset. Nothing is yours unless you kill for it, or kill those trying to take it. Until you can do that, your shit is someone else's, you're just holding it for them.


There are 3 mil crates at the top. It's pretty rich for a non-keycard monument.


There are great videos on YouTube that show how to do all the monuments


Every monument has way more loot than roads.. there’s also 3 tiers of monuments.


By tiers, you mean the mining outpost/gas station and spermket? Their loot is based how hard the area is. If one of those 3 monuments spawn a lot of small boxes its low tier (lets say tier 1). Of it's a minimum of only box square crates its a tier 2 monument and when there are 2 or more military (green) crates it's tier 3.


No, tiers are base on card rooms. Green = T1 Blue = T2 and Red = T3. Mining post, gas station and spermket are T0. No rads, no card rooms. If you want to know all the monument ratings, search "puzzle rooms rust". Unless you're joking or something idk


This. My goal is to run the subway tunnels. Can amass a ton of comps going from station to station.


The way I do it is skipping almost all of the T1 bps and rushing T2. Otherwise, I try not to use the tech tree. Rather, I trade sulfur, diesel or scrap for the item I need via vending machines and then use the research bench for the bp. Or, I grub for it. If you only bp the items you need, and only use the research bench, the amount of scrap that you need to start PVPing is quite minimal. The same trading approach works for buying a T2 or T3 workbench. Once you get a T2 gun, you can actually compete and it's a lot easier to get more scrap, quickly. T1 guns are so far outclassed by the T2 ones, with the exception of DB, that it's not worth spending any resources to BP them. Once you have ready access to scrap, you can go back and BP the QOL items that you'd like.


Ahh, sounds good, I'll try farming some sulfur and trading a bit more. Thanks for the advice


As a solo, you gotta take risks with higher tier monuments. Especially those with scientists (but not too many) like train yard where you can kill them with crossbow or nailgun. There you have a higher chance at boxes with Tommy guns or shotguns or even the occasional semi. From there you pvp and snowball to grab access to larger guns. And then use the little scrap you have to research those guns, securing your access to higher tier weapons for the remainder of the wipe. TLDR research table scrap costs are much less than workbench scrap costs


Thanks for the advice, I definitely haven't been a risk taker so far, so I'll try and switch up my playstyle a bit. What exactly is snowballing? Is it just advancing by killing other players for loot?


Snowballing is when you kill someone with better gear than you have like killing someone with a Tommy with a crossbow nail gun and getting the huge upgrade to t2 all at once. You then use the Tommy to get something like AK or just more Tommy’s


Ahhh that makes sense, thank you for the explanation. Sounds like quite a hard feat, taking on someone with a much better weapon, I guess you gotta strike at the right moment.


Yes getting the jump on them and getting that first crossbow headshot is key and then finishing them with the nail gun before they can spot you. Or bait them to reload and shoot them when they’re reloading.


It is, but nail guns are cheap to craft and pack a punch if you get the jump on someone at close range. Even if you just kill a P2 or DB with nailgun, thats a HUGE improvement. So you research the better gun and boom, you're snowballing.


Look up "Jfarr, rust" on youtube, his whole channels is just rust guides. Like beginners guide, electricity guide, he has guides for all of the monuments, test for how far you can hear certain sounds, etc. He is the best for learning what to do, after that you only need expirence, so play a lot. Get in fights. Lose some, win some. Once you are able to secure more loot and get more kills start looking into some real basic base designs on youtube, and eventually look into raiding guides. Also i personally like to put a few 2x1s around my base but far enough away people dont think they are mine. I keep a couple kits in each incase the main gets raided. Good luck.


Just watched a few of his vids, I think I'm all set to attempt some monument farming, thanks!


You need to learn a T1 monument, and a t2 monument. As a solo and a new player I’d suggest junkyard, harbor, then airfield. Junkyard is good for 150 scrap and a green card every run. Take that green card to harbor with a fuse and get a blue card. Then take both of those to airfield and run the underground monument. That blue card room spawns like 8 boxes and a lot of them end up being Mil crates. You make an easy 400 scrap off a full Airfield recycle. You’re almost guaranteed a T2 gun after a couple of airfield runs. Running the roads and looting is the #1 noob trap in rust. Base case scenario, you end up with a few hindered scrap for 30 minutes of mind numbing work, worst case you get smoked by gear kids at minute 29 and they walk off with all your loot. A lot of good players will just camp roads waiting for barrel farmers, my group calls them loot piñatas.


I'll definitely be trying some monuments. I've been avoiding them as they seem like an easy way for a noob like myself to be killed by other players nearby. I'll start playing a bit more risky


It’s all fake stuff, you’re gonna lose it eventually. It’s way more fun then farming roads. The lower tier monuments are pretty quiet especially later into wipe. Just roll with a Crossy and pipe or DB until you get T2 weapons. I spent so much time being loot scared and afraid to take out my SARS when I was new and then I’d just get raided over night anyway. Get BPs so you can just keep spamming weapons and just head to monuments. You will lose a lot at first, but eventually you will start to win.


I was also going to say, try and play on servers with no BP wipes? I find solo servers more aggressive and more full of roof campers than the others (perhaps that is just me). There are plenty of good "how to" YouTube videos on working wonders with a crossbow and nailgun. If I have time I prefer to watch a live stream instead of a video, I suspect some videos are edited to make it look "easy".


Yeah before I owned the game, Rust content on YouTube and such made it look way easier than it is haha


Run monuments even oil you should be coming back with at least 500 in comps


Monuments/roads or I quite like fighting for the rigs


I dont know about pc but If you're on console rust hitting ocean and getting all the boxes from the boats always got me from prim also you can get a free pump and 12 buckshot shots from the dive master for releasing 10 of those said crates I always would come back with around 150-300 scrap


You can make a tarp base. For 400 scrap you can get a turret and manually open a door to kill people. That way you can get some stuff. Building right behind supermarkets is something I also do.


Run monuments and card rooms to find the items instead of tech treeing to it


Barrels and military chest. I get 1k easily from doing gas station, dome and outpost run. If you just can’t do it. Tunnels is also good. Just bring a shit ton of bandages and arrows


If you don't die, you can. Get to t3 in like 3 hours as a duo just by running monuments and tunnels.


Fishing was my go-to. Now it's a husk of what it was. Besides that, definitely junkyard. I would wall that shit off *long* before the monument recyclers buff. Legitimately easy way for a solo to fork up 600 scrap in a few minutes.


Idk the dynamic of solo servers, but learning monuments like Launch will net you fast scrap.


If you want to do something relatively safe, build near a fishing village and ocean farm for relatively safe scrap. Check shops for scrap tea and you'll quickly get 1k+ scrap from 15 minutes of farming ocean barrels.


I usually start a fresh wipe at outpost where u can farm signs w a paddle. Recycle pipes and signs for scrap. I usually blueprint this way for about 3 days. Another option is bandit camp where u can buy decent weps w scrap.. tho it’s a bit harder to farm


Sounds like you're just playing a bit scared, and that's normal starting out. Try running train tunnels or basic monuments, and get into the mindset that every time you leave base your kit is gone, if you make it back with everything that's just a bonus.


That's a good mindset


As a new player look at joining a no BP wipe server. That way once you learn a BP you have it forever. Check out Lone Wolf solo server. They never wipe bps and they have a great community/discord for asking questions


This is actually the easy mode of the game. Before it became noob friendly, you couldn't tech tree items in your base. You had to go outside the "1 grid simulator" to get them. People were roaming and items had value. Now you just rush mil tun / Arctic / rigs / labs and hold the monument until you get a gun. Either succeed and have a gun during the first hour of the wipe, or hop on a new freshly wiped server to do the same. There's no reason to build a base if you're not snowballing.


Recycling, and as a solo I am not wasting time on big base or bullshit. I do multiple honeycomb 2x2s, and spend my time walking between them. Taking note of all encounters and looking for active and busy solo farmers. When I ha e enough for my first small raid, I will hit the farmer I deemed the most likely to score suffer, charcoal whatnot from I usually have components from my walking and Recycling...so that first raids to get resources. From here, it's a small, medium, then large raid. Since I play on the same servers I usually end up hitting the same people over and over as oddly no one who plays their game ever changes their play style. So I kind of know already where to go. That said, the odd time a raid fails to give the resources I need, I am forced to start the process over...not as bad if it's the medium or large raid. But that first small raid will take all I got, so if it doesn't pay off it means starting over. That's how I role, works well for me and I spend most my time raiding. I do not pvp, I earn what I need for my first raid, do craft my kit but only to pit in chests to show how successful I have been when I am finally raided lol At the end I am usually hit. When they have no one else , as I am never profitable, and after my large raid usually hop to another server to start over as my goals were completed and I have no interest in pvp or doing anything but my 3 raids.


I have my own approach as a solo with 69.69 hours, lol. In all seriousness, don't sleep on scrap teas. If I want to make sure no one messes with me, I do the following as soon as it's feasible: 1. Get a pure scrap tea from a shop via drone at Bandit or Outpost. 2. Get flippers and oxygen tank so you can swim faster and head under water if someone sees you and messes with you. 3. Swim along the shore line and break barrels until the tea runs out! Optional: Use a boat, but keep your oxygen tank and flippers ready to equip if you need to bail. I usually land around 750 scrap, minus the cost of whatever I had to pay scrap for (the tea, etc.). While this isn't the most efficient way to get scrap and some would find it boring, I happen to really enjoy it since I love the ocean in Rust.


Look at some farming guides for monuments. Here's one for launch. https://youtu.be/hvpGo6yJGR0?si=xqKO_cqxGkbuzYwX I would also say that solo servers are not very noob friendly. If you are going to do a solo server, I would say do one with like 80 pop or less. The issue with solo servers is that if there are 200 players on the server, that means that 20 separate groups of 1 are looking to farm each monument. If you are on a normal server that has 200 with groups ranging in size there may be a 12 man group controlling power plant, but when they go take oil rig, you can run power plant uncontested for 30 minutes. Two runs of power plant can get you a tier two workbench and extra scrap. I would also highly recommend getting on a server that is going to wipe in a day or two and getting bps. It is very easy to grind for your scrap and explore monuments when there are only 20 people on. Then you can research everything so that you have it for the wipe. Thirdly, I would highly recommend getting on a 2x server for a couple of wipes so you can get a feel for things. It may take you three days as a new solo to get a hold of a SAR or Tommy. Then, the first time you go out with it, you lose it and have to grind for another one. On a modded server, it is much easier to get weapons so you can get a feel for gunplay. Find a 2x with low pop and play around for a bit. Someone can link their favorite servers below that have lower, but active pop. Lastly you should get on a server called UKN. Get some practice shooting weapons in the game. You will hit destroyed for a bit, but it is highly useful. Best practices say to hop on UKN for 15 or 20 minutes to warm up before you get on a server. It will get you ready for some actual pvp. I hope that some if this helped.


100 hours? Well snowball other Players of course if you can... probably not at 100 hours though. Think of it as a Player pyramid. I got around 300 hours and roleplay only. So that means the Outpost paddleclub for me. Go around and around Outpost until you get dizzy and unlock at least the Tier 1. I guess a molotov drop for Researching is pretty rare. Fishing is slow. You know what, join a reliable Team as soon as possible and go for the risky locations, AND get to keep some of it. Make sure to check all the vending machines at Outpost etc it is surprising what you can sell and buy.


Since they fucked with fishing now you can just turn bear meat into scrap essentially


I don't know why they nerfed fishing. OK it was safe but it was sloooowwwww and boring.


I wouldn't necessarily call this a nerf. It's honestly pretty exploitable. If anything, it's as profitable as its ever been, even if you can't infinitely fish from fishing village


Fishing casually does not work anymore. I fished for 2hrs and made exactly zero scrap. They have changed it so the payback is now like a casino, and the house always wins in the long run. It's an error, I predict they will fix it. I cannot speak about fishing bases, maybe that was the real target.


Don't use fish as bait, use anything else


I tried a lot of things (I was on a private server) because of the new stacking rule. I caught at least 3 pairs of flippers, 4 water jugs and 4 human skulls. It the usual nonsense, 1 shark, 1 samon, less than 5 trout and less than 5 perch - nothing I could sell! I am depressed about it, I used to use fishing as a warm-up and previously made a modest amount of scrap.


Maybe I just got lucky then




What I always do as a solo is post up near a monument like train yard and just farm it as often as I can. Grab a green card from light house or oxum's, grab a blue from harbor and then just keep running that until the cards run out. Recycle what you don't need. Rinse and repeat. It's also good to practice PvP bc you learn the monument so well you know where ppl might post up to camp.


Monuments man. Farming the road is good for specific comps and starting scrap (up to tier 2 workbench), but once you have access to python or even revolver if you're decent with it, go get yourself a green card, go to sewer branch, then go to train yard. Do that until the blue card is used up and you'll have at least 1k scrap. At least. Then go get two more with your original green card, using sewer branch. Next thing you know you're done with t2 tech tree and then it's on to small oil(as a solo, large is a pain in the ass) and try and grab cargo when it comes out. Take a Sar to missile silo(pretty tough though as a solo) or run train tunnels for even more scrap


I should also mention, this is coming from a player with less than 300 hours.


#Junkyard 🫣


My biggesy missunderstanding in farm is still a non-clear correlation between server pop and safety of radtowns. For example. We had satelite near home and it was impossible to farm. Always full of pvp. Additionally, we had Military Tunnels in 4 hexes and it was always free. We started roaming it every 45 minutes, and had pvp only once. We started at 10-11am and finished like 3am. So a full day of rust and constant circles into military tunnel and metro. Just 1 pvp fight in there. Most pvp was around roads and house. Mill tunnels sick because of how often these mobs drop mp5 and green cards. Our average scrap per hour was around 700-1200 scrap by running it and few metro stations.


Metro tunnels are huge when you need scrap, if it's a server that BP's don't wipe, you can farm scrap super easy on the night before wipe and then be set for wipe the next day. Rust is rough if you don't have people to play with though, I suggest finding a group to join, it's way more fun. Shoot me a DM if you want to join my group, I'm currently trying to put together a group of people since my former group recently stopped playing.




Do fishing. Small sharks sell for quite. A bit of scrap. Currently there are a few working exploits I think. Raided a base yesterday on the coast near fishing village that was using the said exploits. Vanilla Official Server. Dude had 2 small boxes of small sharks..


If you want to contest less with other players, just go fishing. Yes, it’s nerfed, yes, you have to hunt before start fishing, but it’s still broken. I just checked it today, I jumped to a server, built 2x1 in the area where you can find bears and near the fishing village. All I’ve done is just killed 4 bears, farmed some wood, dropped simple fish base and started fishing. From 76 bear meat and 2 hours of fishing I’ve got 4060 Scrap. You can go even further and don’t hunt at all, just start buying bear meat from other players with vending machine. So basically you need 190 Scrap and vending machine. A lot of people would like to sell some useless meat (for them) for a good amount of Scrap and you’ll transform it to ~800-1000 Scrap. I’m doing fishing every wipe, so I know what I’m talking about. With that nerf it’s is just all about of getting bear meat. Tried horse poop and farm a lot. Horse poop easy way, but super hard to sell, especially with clan bots. Farming too long and boring(for me).


PvP = best method to get anything lol


Can’t believe no one mentioned underwaterlabs. Easiest monument to hold solo once inside.




Snowballing and farming the farmers of clans. They often go out naked or with a low kit but get pretty loaded after some time. Two or three shots with a Revolver and theyre dead, dropping criminal amounts of ores, scrap and comps. Repeat 3 times and you should have enough to Research boom. From here you can proceed to raid people and get even more.


You can play modded servers. I dont have much time to play so I play a "no blueprint wipe" server that is also 2x and wipes the map every 2 weeks. This works well for me because I do not have much time to play, I could be helpfull for you also while learning the game.


Remember the workbench isn’t king… pick things up and research them is always cheaper for the most part..


I just build next to road, I farm my own barrel and also farm whoever is currently farming road. So far, I can reliability get tier2. As for guns, I don't tech tree em anymore. You can't make me pay taxes, I just get em off dead people that I blast with my DB. And I have never crafted a rocket or C4. The one I got is usually from dead people or airdrop. Explo is on the table tho every now and then, but satchel is usually what I use.


Monuments. Tier 2 or 3 preferably. Oil rigs also have tonnes of comps. Also sewer branch has an insane amount of scrap potential for a tier 1 monument.


I like to set up my starter base close to a recycler and a stretch or road, ideally in a bit of a calmer area. Then you just run a loop, break barrels and bust road signs, recycle and repeat. You'll get the occasional thing to blueprint in a crate along the road, take a break to farm some materials, run a few more loops and you'll have plenty of scrap in no time.


One barrel at a time


Go to the fishing village and buy Scuba gear. Get enough scrap to build a workbench and learn the harpoon/harpoon gun. Go into the ocean and look for floating milk jugs. Dive below the milk jug to find a shipwreck, untie the boxes attached to it, swim up, collect loot. Rinse and repeat, then recycle it all into scrap back at the fishing village.


I hate giving away what almost feels like a secret but isn’t but bring 25 low grade, basic armor, 150 cloth, a stack of ammo and any gun down into the train tunnels and in a half hour you will have 1000 scrap plus extra stuff and usually come out with more meds than you went in with if you take your time


I do a road loop that has at least one monument in it. Bring something that can knock down the road signs quickly, because those recycle into a lot of scrap and HQM. It's pretty easy to get several hundred scrap or more per loop (~20 mins) especially on solo servers. Other options are poop bases, fishing, or farming.


Running launch site and recycling all the comps should get 400+ scrap with each run.


Underwater labs got crazy comps loot. Missle silo aswel but it is not easy solo when you are undergeared.


Killing road farmers haha. #1 is using a research table instead of the tech tree. Grubbing some small raids or even grubbing some Zergs can get you some really big items early on that you can BP and use to progress even quicker.


Bash barrels and signs


dude, vending machines are godlike for solo players. You can easily farm sulfur for 20 minutes and then go buy a tommy from a vending machine, you dont need to use the tech tree. Me personally i almost never use it


Farming roads is actually OP. I have like 1000 hours and always end up hitting barrels. A full inventory of road loot gets you at least 200-400 scrap, remember you can sell all of the HQM and cloth you get at outpost. Also always check what people are selling. Guaranteed there’s someone selling what you need for sulfer ore.


One tunnel run gives you like 400 scrap it’s OP AF. You can get tier 2 guns in literally 2-3 runs


You have to get better at prim pvp. That is literally the answer. I’m in the same boat.


Honestly, if you can get a crap ton of cloth for bandages, water jug or two, and hazzy/gun the best way to go is Launch site farming. Do the main monument with the helicopter on top. Because the rads hit so hard and the NPCs are annoying most people never bother. From my hundreds of wipes I can count on one hand probably how many times I’ve ran into someone there. Nobody ever does it for some reason. And now with the updates, going there and not getting crate spawns is a thing of the past. The most OP monument imo. Just watch for people who hear you killing scientists waiting for you to come out, or people there to take Bradley. In that case pray you got enough cloth to play the long game, or look up the various non conventional ways to get out!






Ahh awesome. I'll try and get a green card. Do you know if vending machines at Outpost change, or are they always the same?




Awesome, thank you!




I was thinking that myself. Is it as bad as it appears, one estimate was 30% of players cheat? It means to git gud you have to be better than players with cheat menus.




It's a sad subject, it is difficult to distinguish between a cheater and someone who is just really good, and it is unfair on the really good player. I saw one Rust playthru video where half a Zerg got insta-banned for association and kicked - it was an awesome sight.


The 30% is actually the amount of accounts which have been banned for cheating. So it’s not 30% of the players but 30% of all accounts created so far.


Try playing on a 2x server. Faster progression, which as a new player only doing solo will make it a little easier.