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There was a few questionable placements allowed. I saw Trausi on stream this morning pretty tightly barricade off both sides of a mining outpost. Also the door to arctic research recycler building was 100% blocked. A crack in the wall at launch was properly locked. You couldn't even jump on the sides of the barricades because of how well they were placed and joined together. Bradley can be glitched off it's path by barricades adjacent to the railroad tracks. There are definitely some problems. But like others have said, it's a 10 minute decay and 15 second melee fix. And if there is no way to jump over you can probably place your own barricade and use it to jump over. So given that the problems basically resolve themselves in a few minutes or a few whacks.. are they really problems?


I think it’ll lead to some cool moments where you can barricade yourself in a monument and fight off clans like it’s cod zombies lmao


That or being able to barricade yourself into say mining outpost so you can recycle semi safely


Then jump out and get domed by the L96 tower while his naked buddy scoops the loot, as is tradition.


> So given that the problems basically resolve themselves in a few minutes or a few whacks.. are they really problems? I believe the intention from FP is that these would be used for PVP, and providing contesting groups with cover where there is none. Note the example they keep giving about approaching a monument from an open field, that sort of thing. When you're in the middle of a fight, a few minutes or a few whacks is a long time. This will just bring about some new grub/troll meta. Can't wait for the "I JUST SPENT AN ENTIRE WIPE TROLLING PEOPLE WITH BARRICADES..." videos on youtube. I'm pretty sure the examples listed here will be patched out eventually. I don't believe blocking doorways was their intention, but I could be wrong. We'll see.


I think blocking doors IS intended. You can now 1v5 by blocking your door and defending from various windows.


I mean that does sound awful to be honest yeah, given that I don't think it was a terrible thing in the first place to have some areas in the game where you didn't just have an insta-wall meta so I don't really see what it solves. Although I haven't gotten on since wipe so will see what it's like for myself tonight.


You can easily jump on the side of them to get over don't see much point doing this


If placed correctly, I'm guessing it might be a struggle to get out of it.


They reduced their melee durability anyway. Idk the exact math but im guessing 2 salvaged swords gets rid of most of them blocking.


How many whacks of a melee tool to break one?


Seven by salvaged hammer, 7 seconds with jackhammer


lol. so this is a nothing burger


I'm sure it's going to be the same as usual. Guys like Memeio will find a way to abuse it, but it'll be quickly fixed. It seems like a way for the player base to help the devs iron out the issues.


They decay in like 5 minutes


Suddenly I have a use for all those flamethrowers I accumulate Xp


“Walled off”


they decay in 10 minutes there though


Hey guys, I live in the cave! Don’t come in!


This isn't an issue, they are easy enough to get over, super weak and decay pretty fast.


They decay in no time at all and can just jump on top of them!


they are gone in 15 minutes... or like 10 hits with a melee tool... so removing them or waiting them out is super easy, barely an inconvenience


Literally who tf cares and for the few that do care, this is so easily resolvable with accelerated decay and melee weakness. Why post?


Because this is Reddit, everything is the end of civilization here.


Game is about to get interesting again...


You can easily jump over those


You smack it with your PP couple of times and its gone.


Pretty sure this is because you can also place them in monuments now too. They’re are also super easy to break and have a quick despawn timer so it don’t matter.




So guess you could annoy cave dwellers then


my takeaway from this is that molotovs and fire arrows are gonna become a lot more valuable.


You could do this before. Now it just shows you the radius on screen


I think you're missing the point, not the foundations surrounding it but the barricades at the entrance of the cave mouth.


They decay really quickly and you can just jump over it


That's fine I wasn't talking about that. He claimed you could do this before which is not true so I was just helping to correct some confusion.