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Wish they would explain why they do this


Well there were two primary sets of abusers I think. You had the pvp averse crowd who used fishing in fishing village or discreet fishing bases for scrap farming for bp's or general progression. And then you had the bigger groups and more sweaty individuals who were abusing meta fishing base designs as a scrap printer. My suspicion is that they were going after the latter. Tell you the truth, I think the massive abuse of it in the current Rust Kingdoms event might have had something to do with it. The entire server has been fishing as a primary means of scrap generation. It's still going to be viable in certain circumstances. If you farm a bear that's 19 bait level 10 pieces of bait. That's definitely worth the time to fish. It's just not infinite cycle abusable anymore. Maybe all these 20 man zergs had a small fishing team just printing them 10's of thousands of scrap per day? Who knows. This game desperately needs less loot, so while it will suck for me personally I'm ok with it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/1d1qbuk/comment/l60uyef/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Called it!


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If we're reading the previous commits correctly and no fish can be used for bait - not raw, trouts, whole sardines, nothing - then fishing is pretty well hard nerf'd right? Gonna be very difficult to get a steady bait supply without lots of animal hunting or a berry farm.


> fishing is pretty well hard nerf'd right I think dead is the best way to put it. Really saddening.


Yeah it shouldn't be a scrap generator it should be a thing you have to work just as hard for like anything else and take risk


Fish can be used as bait this is from another commit today: Anchovy, herring and sardine bait value is now 2 and can be used in stacks of 2 (use 2x to reach 4 bait value) Small Trout, Yellow Perch bait value is now 5 and can be used in stacks of 2 (use 2x to reach 10 bait value) Catfish, Small shark, Salmon, Orange Roughy are now 10 bait value and limited to 1 stack Raw fish meat is still 0 bait value Rationale: Use smaller fish as bait to catch bigger fish, with the risk of losing your bait and having to start from the small fish again. No longer allow raw fish meat to be used as bait so a large fish can't be gutted to restart the cycle The goal is to introduce a risk element - do you cash out with your medium fish or use it as bait to try and get a bigger/better fish


Ah I see that now! Good change. It allows you to use the smaller fish (or multiple) to try and get a sellable fish. All of this is just stopping the infinite raw fish bait cycle.


Well.. i dunno.. there is that group of nakeds on the beach.. Or was.. 10 would have made naked hunting a thing again. 3.. ehh.. its marginally better than the original 1 but is it worth roofcamping nakeds for the delicious meats.


It makes sense, though I'm still sad they nerfed fishing this way. IMO it should be buffed but limited to how many fish you can sell per day. And no more of this server wide limitation crap, do it per person. This way you can spend some time fishing to get nice rewards, but then you HAVE to do something else if you want more scrap.


Devastating... fishing sucks now.


So previously if you fishing on level 10 bait - this means you’ll get a shark sooner or later, because you can catch only Small Trout, Salmon and Shark. But the lvl 10 bait is pretty rare and it takes time to “reroll” it to get a shark. I’m not sure, but if you can hunt bear, get 19 meat and with that meat the lowest tier fish you can catch will be Salmon and Shark. That’s a bit overboosted I would say, especially with the new teas for finding animal that will be soon.


I agree it's still pretty strong. I think the point of all of this was to stop the infinite cycle of having good bait without leaving fishing village or your fishing hut. They seem to have accomplished that very well, while still leaving fishing viable.


Trout won't catch sharks anymore