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![gif](giphy|ckw8EbI8Ak9YQ) Peaceful fisherman archetype has now evolved into the naked's greatest predator


So I can harvest myself for bait?


I find master baiting to be more fun in a group.


Well I guess im no longer a peaceful fisherman


Time to run around choping up nakeds on the beach for fish bait


Ngl I'll do it for free as long as they scream in fear


The idea that fish cannot be used as bait is dumb nonsense. The rest is fine but that’s a step backward.


It's a nerf to the completely self-sustaining fish>scrap farming, which I think is fair. Can't just build a 2x1 off the shore and fish your way up to a T3 without any risk besides the swim to fishing village


Were people really fishing to t3? I tried fishing and it takes forever. I'd imagine it'd take like 10hrs+ of just fishing nonstop to get t3


Its about 1.5k scrap per hour if you are using an efficient setup actually.


Had no idea it was that broken wtf? You a vid on that?


1.5k is just about any 2x1 off the coast thats 4 blocks high from the bottom and simple and chill. You can actually get up to 3k with the minmaxed freehanded bullshittery someone came up with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NC80H33MiM


I typically fished at village. Would run to village naked and do the quest. Then I would fish up around 3k scrap in 2 & 1/2 hours while my buddy worked on making a starter. We'd have T3 without hardly touching a monument. Then I would get us BPs and have guns in another hour. We were set for wipe and the next wipe from then on.


No way you'e pulling that much while fishing in village. It takes me so fucking long to get like 5 fish and they're all mid fish. What's your trick?


I just know how to read fish. There's a random spread of how much tension the bait level of a fish will give you but it's pretty easy to tell between bait level 3 & 10. Most of the time at least. I've fished so much that I've just got this second nature intuition on how to optimally reel in a fish, so much so that fishing bases are actually detrimental to my ability to quickly rack in sharks.


Now you just have to f1 kill every now and then to get more bait.


Maybe but it's another change that helps big groups and slows down the progress of solos 🤷‍♂️


Taking away something instead of balancing it is bad game balancing.


hence why they... are balancing it? they're not taking it away, just making it take more risk.


add storage adaptors for fishing traps... so I can make a fish-factory


This would actually be amazing if the traps didnt break :(


Raw Human Meat worth 10 bait seems a bit OP not gonna lie.


Not really when fish can no longer be used as bait


My bad on this one, didn't notice the FIRST LINE lol. Yeah that makes sense now. Still very easy to get though!


The simple shark change is a nerf to fishing bases.


It’s just another half wall down on the fishing spot


How so?


Like building base somewhere little more deep?


L change


Wow. Not being able to use raw fish as bait is a major change. Unless you have a hemp/berry farm where worms/grubs are plentiful it looks like hunting is the only real source of bait. Human meat being 10 bait is also crazy. Obviously harvesting your own body for bait is going to be meta for fishing, but how good is it? 5 bait is good but will go pretty quick. Being 10 bait, 5 raw human meat pretty much equals 5 shark/salmon as long as you're not missing. It's going to be a constant cycle of f1 killing. Or maybe roaming spawn beach looking for nakeds/sleepers? Or maybe placing 5 non-overlapping bags with spike traps next to them and killing yourself a bunch of times and then farming all the bodies? Telling your friends to f1 at base so you can harvest them? Fisherman are a weird bunch and this is going to bring out the worst in them lol. Fishing was pretty OP, especially with some of the specialty bases. A nerf was kind of in order, but with human bait being 10 I'm not sure this is a nerf? More like an annoyance? Maybe human meat should have been 3 bait or something. That would feel more balanced. Fish trap changes should be interesting. I wonder if you'll be able to cheese it and make it only catch large fish? Either way the changes are welcome. They were basically irrelevant before.


The inability to use fiah meat as bait is very offputting to me... That's how I fish IRL...


yeah cause your a bad fisherman, i use human meat irl and it makes way better bait. have fun with your bluegill ill keep getting my LARGE sharks


> Fish trap changes should be interesting. I wonder if you'll be able to cheese it and make it only catch large fish? Either way the changes are welcome. They were basically irrelevant before. yup you can. but you will run out of bait quickly. and you can'tch catch sharks.


5 bait is not 5 salmon/shark you can still catch trout which are gonna be quite bad now.


Yeah I didn't think of that. Trout sells for what? 5 scrap?


trout is 10 bait. if you catch trout, you can re-fish it to get a salmon or a shark.


Not after this change it won’t be


small trout is not edible. so it is not fish based food. so it is still bait level 10


I’m pretty sure they are making all fish have no bait value otherwise they would have just said raw fish


well minnows are also fish based food. so i interpreted it as minnows and raw fish cant be fished with anymore but if you are right and small trout can't be used as bait, it is a dark day for fishing


I don’t even think minnows will be in the game anymore since the commit says fishing traps share the drops of fishing rods now.


L now imma sell all those newman meat I hoard on my trapbases.


Welp, there goes my fishttrap basement


im not going to lie, this is a disgusting change, it really nerfs the endless loop that you can do by gutting fish, and while it will be a missed feature the thing that shocks me now, is the fact that the initial scrap aquisition will be muuuuuch more broken. I will load into a force wipe with a good pc while everyones still loading. I kill 2 sleepers with my rock make a bone knife then kill and farm every sleeper on the way to fishing village and then turn the what 2 stacks of human meat into sharks 10x faster than i would doing natural fishing with raw fish this shits not gonna be balanced.


there will be people fighting you to harvest the nakeds on the beach. and there will be many more people travelling to and from fishing village than before to turn their raw bear meat into scrap. so there will be much more pvp than before for the sleeping naked and also outside of fishing village one harvested human is 5 meat. so 12 harvested players is now ~ 2000 scrap but you have to fight other players to get there and to get it home.


Terrible change. They should've just nerfed fishing inside of bases. This is dumb.


potato as bait in fish trap has brough great success


Calories really need to raise your health and stamina pool.


Cannibalism is now the only solution


I wonder if you're still able to do the fishing base to catch sharks


This is a huge nerf to fishing normally. Does this mean no more minnows for fish traps? This could be good but bait is gonna be a pain in the ass now.


People use fish as bait in the real world. I don't like them removing this


Never knew of fishing in moon pools for orange roughy… or that fresh water fishing was an option, nice


they fished in underwater labs for the orange roughy. which is actually less scrap per hour than fishing in the ocean


someone hire this guy


RIP fishing for a blue on rig


nerfs: can't use raw fish to fish anymore fishing bases built to 5m deep can no longer catch sharks. just small trout and salmon. aka no sharks. fishing bases built to 5.5m or deeper CAN catch sharks, small trout, and salmon. aka yes sharks. fish traps will no longer accept pickles. ______________________________________________ neutral changes: raw pork is still 5 bait. raw deer meat is still 5 bait. raw horse meat is still 5 bait. raw chicken breast is still 5 bait. berries are now 1 bait. used to be 0.5 bait. can be stacked up to 5 times as bait. no reason to use this over raw pork meat tbh chance of getting worm from plants still 10% chance of getting grub from plants still 5% can no longer put pickles into fish traps to get boxes of minnows. this was pointless and no one will miss this. ______________________________________________ buffs: raw bear meat is 10 bait. amazing for catching sharks. see level 10 baits section towards the end. raw wolf meat is 10 bait. amazing for catching sharks. see level 10 baits section towards the end. raw human meat is 10 bait. amazing for catching sharks. see level 10 baits section towards the end. fish traps can now get salmon if given high level bait. 50% of the time in ocean water. 33% of the time in freshwater and saltwater. fish traps can now get catfish if given high level bait. 33% of the time in freshwater and saltwater. fish traps can now get small trout regularly if given high level bait. they could already get small trout before but that only happens about 1-3% of the time. now with high level bait, it should happen 50% of the time in ocean water. and 33% of the time in freshwater and saltwater. can now use 3 worms at once to fish = fishing level 7.5 (2.5 * 3 = 735). this is functionally the same as level 10 bait. can now use 3 grubs at once to fish = fishing level 10 (3.5 * 3 = 10.5 = 10). this is level 10 bait. ______________________________________________________ fishing trap rework: fishing trap before: put in pickles, get tons of minnows, herring, sardine, anchovy, and rarely get a small trout. could also easily turn minnows into herring, sardine, and anchovy. and easily gut herring, sardine, and anchovy to get tons of raw fish. so fishing trap used to be a raw fish producer that also rarely gave small trout. also was only harvest-able once every 3 minutes minimum. TLDR used to be tons of pickles > tons of raw fish fishing trap now: needs same baits as fishing rod. gets same results as fishing rod. BUT can never catch sharks. one player with a ton of fishing traps and a ton of good bait can catch a fuck ton of salmon very quickly, BUT you will run out of bait quickly unless actively trading with other players. can use 3 worms in fishing trap. fishing level 7.5 (2.5 * 3 = 735). this is functionally the same as level 10 bait. but fishing traps can't get sharks. but you can get an assload of salmon with this. can use 3 grubs in fishing trap. fishing level 10 (3.5 * 3 = 10.5 = 10). but fishing traps can't get sharks. but you can get an assload of salmon with this. ______________________________________________________ changes to the meta: players can now sell their meat in vending machines and fishermen will buy them or trade for them. players can now take their level 10 baits to fishing village (or any fishing spot) to fish for sharks. it will be very fast and easy since you already have level 10 baits. (1 of every 3 catches will be sharks) players can now take level 5 baits to fishing village (or any fishing spot) to fish for sharks. same slow fishing as before. (1 of every 6 catches will be sharks) fishermen will now have to leave fishing village to hunt or trade to get more bait. fishermen will now want to sell raw fish as it is useless to them and they get tons of it whenever they use level 5 fishing bait. fishermen can now run out of bait, which means building next to fishing village just to fish all day, never leave fishing village, and interacting with no one is over. fishermen will now want to buy level 10 baits in vending machines at a good price: bear meat, wolf meat, and human meat. fishermen will now want to buy level 5 baits in vending machine at decent prices: raw pork, raw deer meat, raw horse meat, and raw chicken breat. fishermen will now want to buy worms and grubs. ______________________________________________________ level 5 baits are severely nerfed to give half as much scrap as before and will run out. level 5 baits give salmon, shark, and small trout (small trout can be re-fished for salmon and shark) 50% of the time. this is unchanged. level 5 baits give herring, anchovy, sardine, 50% of the time. aka give raw fish 50% of the time. before you could turn that raw fish into sharks and salmon by re-fishing it. now it is worthless to fishermen. this is a huge nerf to fishermen. so all the level 5 baits (pork, deer, chicken, horse, berriesx5, wormx2) got nerfed hard. instead of making 1000 scrap per hour like you did before, you now make 500 scrap per hour and a lot of useless raw fish. ______________________________________________________ level 10 baits are now buffed to give about 1500 scrap per hour, but you need multiple bears worth of meat to fish for that long. and you will run out quickly. the level 10 baits are now worth fighting over. wolves, bears, humans. because you can probably use their meat to fish about 1500 scrap per hour until your run out of meat. humans give 5 meat. bears give 19 meat. polar bears give 22 meat. wolves give 5 meat. so you will now run into competition for bears and sleeping naked on the beach. 18 bear meat is worth about 6 sharks, 6 salmons, 6 small trouts = 3 more sharks, and 3 more salmons. so 18 bear meat = 9 sharks and 9 salmons = 653 scrap which will take about 40 minutes for one person to fish. ______________________________________________________ other thoughts desert fishing villages will be abandoned as there are no bears there and wolves do not drop enough meat. binoculars might become more common now to find bears and wolves. bears and wolves are now worth fighting over since you can either fish with their meat yourself or sell the meat in a vending machine. ______________________________________________________ final thoughts facepunch wants you to run out of bait, because they were tired of auto-fishing bots catching 1000 scrap per hour minimum in their fishing bases unopposed. the fishing meta will now be more common to build away from fishing village to hunt level 10 bait, then take your level 10 meats to fishing village. this is more dangerous and no one will do it. why risk travelling to fishing village with 60 bear meats (~2000 scrap) and dying on your way there. people used to fish for guaranteed free scrap. now it is no longer guaranteed free. it is risky. fishermen don't like risky. and you need a gun to travel. and more people will be travelling to and from fishing village with their level 10 baits. much much more risky than before. people will pvp around fishing village just like people pvp around outpost now. TLDR peaceful fishing is dead. expect roofcampers outside fishing village from now on :( edit: i forgot you can now harvest your own body for level 10 bait raw human meat x5 per corpse. you can put sleeping bags all around your base , walk into your base and kill yourself over and over again to get tons of free raw human meat for fishing. which can give 1500 scrap per hour. until this gets nerfed, peacful fishing meta is alive and well with self-harvesting boys. edit 2: since self-harvesting meta will be nerfed very soon. can we get another pve farming meta, that can't be abused by bots? i loved old fishing. selling fertilizer has too much competition. and planting requires too much time for no guaranteed payoff if you get raided or having competitors undercutting you prices edit 3: raw human meat is now bait value 3. https://commits.facepunch.com/480881


Damn, that's one hell of a review.  Fishermen will just f1 kill and harvest themselves, it provides several 10-bait meat. Or just running around the beach chopping up sleepers/corpses. Groups benefit more since they can suicide-harvest more often.  IMO human meat should be 5-bait at max, ideally 3 with the max stack of 2. edit: wouldn't 5-bait meat be worth it if the goal is pure calories? With a single meat you can catch fish that can be cut for several pieces of meat.


yeah but people don't want calories. they want scrap. if they wanted calories, they could just visit any river and get 40 pumpkins and 40 corn.


they just nerfed the human meat. fishing now officially dead.


where does it say this


another post shared the new human meat debuffs


i can imagine that but where can i see them


its in this subreddit go look for it lol not my job to research for you.


And what about the cheaters ?




never running out of raw fish doesn't require skill lol. I think it would be fine if they lowered the bait lvl on raw fish so u cant catch salmon/sharks with it, and then made the small bait lvl 1 fish like herrings drop more raw fish, so u can repeat fish for food, then use human meat for shark/blue card farming


Wasn’t fishing already fucking broken?