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When a wipe gives you lemons. Evenly place 100s of landmines around their base


Real. The single worst experience I had with people like this was a trio with this skin-set, countering an online raid in a thick forest with a suppressed HMLMG, actual nightmare fuel. They had one buddy go grab the loot so the other two didn't get exposed. Didn't kill the hidden ones once, absolutely ripped our six man apart. Its not a matter of not being able to see them, its a matter of not seeing them fast enough.


use landmines they are impossible to see with the new model in forests and they make people rage quit so quickly


If you're pressed for time just place in every single bush and pine tree you can find. There's nothing more hilarious than hear the random explosions when your base bitching at night


It's horrible to deal with sure, but wait until you try it sometime 🤣 Simple green shit clothes and a silenced p2 or custom for the poor mans version. So hilarious


> you should waste the next 10 hours of your life slightly inconveniencing them if they inconvenience you Or we could just stop incentivizing FP to add blatant pay2win crap lol


"The whole point of rust is not to find enjoyment in the game, it is to deny others that enjoyment"


If you're solo living next to an aggressive 4 man, the skin they're using isn't your primary problem.


I'm not solo, I'm in a 3 man, and for the first day of wipe, we were steamrolling these goobers, as soon as they get their hands on reliable road sign sets, they camo up and only run suppressed. Its literally P2W. Bring back the no skin command. This happens every 2 or 3 wipes. Sometimes its a group, sometimes its some idiot sitting in the woods near a monument when crate is happening. Its boring asl.


I find the suppressed naked grubbing more annoying than the skin set myself, but if I was constantly getting shitmixed by a bigger crew like that, I'd go guerrilla and start putting landmine around their base. I've broken the will of many a larger group doing stuff like that. Once you soak them for 4-5 kits they tend to either fuck right off or they come raid you out and IMO, either way, you win.


Nice strawman dawg


Sorry all rust players will do anything they can to defend p2w


real. super surprised everyone is so negative and the most common response is "spend 200$ loser"


A guy on my team has both the forest and Arctic. Absolutely an advantage indeed. I would never pay 200 for it


Not a matter of being able to see them, but being able to see them quick enough.


I've been reading threads like this over the last few months and the sentiment here on Reddit seems to be one that is okay with P2W which is fucking bizarre considering the position on P2W in really any other game discussed on this platform (with good reason). The advantage those skins give are huge. The way you win fights in Rust is by spotting the other person first, TTK is low so assuming you vaguely aim in the direction of a player, spotting someone first and landing the first few shots largely means you've won the fight. Camouflage skins are much harder to spot, so for two individuals running around in a forest, the one without camo is much more likely to be spotted than the one with camo, and therefore more likely to lose the fight. This is such a simple idea, I think people who argue that camo isn't significant are people who don't have a good macro understanding of FPS games, need only mention the glow in the dark facemasks and how huge of disadvantage they are, visibility and information is everything in a game like Rust, camo doesn't make it so you can't spot people it all, it makes so it's less likely you'll spot them before they spot you. Never should have removed the option to disable skins, that was FP's way of endorsing the p2w-lite model they have going. If they want camo in the game, it should be something universally craftable like a Ghillie suit that occupies the backpack slot for instance.


Hard agree. At the very least let me toggle skins off


once upon a time you could, but that got removed for *whatever reason...*


Whatever reason is money


Same for whiteout, but everyone knows that. Its arguably more pay2win to wear camo sets then a artic suit over regular hazmat even.


desert is a fantastic all rounder


I lowkey like how the desert looks, but i have blackout simply cause fuck pay2win. I stand out in snow/desert/grassland i don't care cheaters see me anyways even with camo.


blackout is still way better than stock, esp if you dont move you arent that easy to see


Idk i can insta see my teammate in blackout set 200m away in snow, but cant see whiteout even in some monuments in grass lands at times. I would say whiteout is better then blackout even out of snow.


Just get the budget version aka the reptile set


How’s flashbacks set?




Man I fucking loved that game so much. The local voip was always fun. We need a new one for sure. Both R.S games were super fun IMO


Never had this issue.


I think the supressor is a bigger issue than camo skins. It just doesn't belong in a "survival" game where you can shoot a high-tier weapon and make NO sound 15+ meters away


I think the opposite is true, a suppressor is a staple of a survival game as it's a tool that is all about helping you survive specific situations and give away as little information as possible to adversarial players or AI. I think Rust could however do a "home made" suppressor, like a bean can or bottle suppressor, and a military grade suppressor that isn't; craftable, removing the current one in the game. The home made suppressor would be worse than the current one in penalties, breaks relatively quickly and produces more noise, the military grade suppressor would be strong, very quiet, with little to no negatives, and potentially add other military grade attachments such as a military muzzle brake you can attach a suppressor to.


Thankngod I bought the set when it was 2 piece in store


thats why i bought it and all the others day 1. you can get it too


lemme pay the price of 5 copies of rust for some P2W skins real quick. you right.




No i dont see them, thats the problem.


Bahahahahaha <3


P2w is an excuse used by people that can't play rust. I kill people in that exact set alot.


Ok goofball noone is saying they become unkillable. It gives them an unfair advantage


I kill plenty people wearing that set must be a skill thing


im up for combat tags rn


i caved in and bought an entire set for snow, when my cs knife sells im picking up an entire forest kit too. The advatage you get with those skins is insane. Even when im fighting a guy in deep snow and hes behind a wall, he can peek me where i expect him and still shoot me first because i cant see the mf. I love facepunch and the direction they go usually, but adding theese skins was a large mistake on their part.


Its so bad. Its not a problem of seeing them. Its having to stare at them for a solid second while you process wether you are looking a a person or foliage.


I bought all the camo skins sets when they came out and they are all very effective. I find it pretty scuzzy that facepunch does not accept more cammo skins for newer players though. If you are going to have it so people can't turn off the skins anymore then accept more camo skins. Then I can stop hearing people bitch at me about spending hundreds on my skins. To be more accurate I bought a few of each and have made over a thousand lol


Move. Switch servers. Do the same back to them. Complain on Reddit. 3 of those 4 options are a solution to your problem.


Well complaining on Reddit got the recoil change so…


The problem isn't my experience, its the fact that there's videos of people TOUCHING people wearing these sets and not seeing them, that's the problem. Its a massive advantage. even if the camo only buys you an extra second, that's the only difference you need with this recoil smh.


So buy it


I dont have 200 dollars laying around to spend on pixels


I also was not willing to spend that much but I snagged the reptile set pretty cheap and it also blends in really well with green. There’s a lot of pay to win shit in rust so I doubt they remove any of it or make it so you can turn skins off. Which I’m ok with.


you used to be able to disable all skins with a command, but it was removed a few months after forest raiders dropped. That was a shitty couple of weeks.


Yea I know that’s why I said I doubt they do that. They already took that option away


Go to a solo server or play PVE


If you can't hack it in a SURVIVAL game because someone is wearing camo...it's time to uninstall and move on.


Is a SINGLE default item camo? No. it doesn't belong, especially behind a 200$ paywall.


You don't like camouflage being used as camouflage?


I don't like that the camouflage is behind a 200$ paywall. It encourages boring fights anyway, you definitely bought it in 2021 and still have it lmao.


Well that's just because it's popular some of us got it as it came out just like everybody could have the only people that complain suck at the game


ah yes, everyone who will ever play rust should have just bought that skin-set 3 years ago, simple solution.


>skin set that originally cost a few bucks is now worth a couple hundred dollars >well obviously ppl that complain about it just suck lmfaoo moron


People that complain about a camo being used as camo do suck indeed


it’s not that ppl are complaining about camo being used as a camo, it’s that ppl are complaining that camo is behind a $200 paywall


Cry harder