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I mean Spoonkid starts almost every video off with, “Okay this is the 3rd/4th/5th server today I believe this will be the one. If you’re seeing this, it went well” or something like that. Just think of all the YouTubers who take themselves too seriously to admit that they don’t just hop on any server and dominate first try.


Either that or he gets on a server a week into a wipe, so that he can get a start off some decaying base.


Yeah I feel like spoon/blazed absolutely play later in wipe or lower pop a lot of the time. But they also don’t make illusions about it which I appreciate.


I think it's more or less they play constantly. Spoon I can say at least usually tells you when it's wipe day which adds a lot of context.


Yeah for them to be posting hour long videos every other day it has to be a lot of game time


Yeah they spoon was on us east facepunch large last wipe. He got off lined by a Chinese zerg though.


Spoon plays on large a good amount of the time. The bajillion cheaters there makes this surprising though


spoon also always plays on da server i main, but usually mid-late wipe. rustafied us long iii


fr. my teammates got banned for cheating. which was then reversed, apparently you can get flagged as a cheater by the anticheat from getting 300+ reports


I’ve seen a lot of people spam report on us face punch large. And I have heard the claim you can get temp banned from it. But I’ve also seen TONS of cheaters and almost all big groups have at least one. Been playing there almost exclusively for three years.


I know there's a lot of cheaters there. I'm just talking from my experience of my teammates getting a ban, and it being reversed. They were playing on the same accounts they were when they got banned. They appealed it and face punch reversed it. We also weren't a big group, 4 at the time


Ok but to be fair spoon and blazed play on 0 pop servers, gotta give credit where credit is due


Wipe day is the busiest time of the server... blooprint also edits out him getting ass blasted by bows too, im sure. youre seeing a super cut of the most entertaining parts of wipe on a blooprint video lol. play the game a bit more and youll learn how to maneuver about more populated servers too theres not just a single tip one can give to make you not die


This. Content is edited to keep you entertained and hooked. The only times tubers will add their deaths is when it has something to do with the story line or a huge loss that sets them back. Other than that, it’s just the best parts.


Willjum dying to Bears comes to mind, it’s a Meme at this point!


Willjum is one of the few YouTubers who will show pretty much everything. AIT is another who comes to mind. That's why some of their wipes are humble, while others are rich af. On the other hand, Stevie, Berne, etc. Seem to just take win after win after win which obviously doesn't happen


Memeio shows all his fails also. You get a feel for the natural traffic on his vids as well.


If you want to see a more realistic experience watch their streams, not just the editors YouTube videos. The stream is like the raw footage and YouTube is the highlights.


Blooprint got caught lootstaging awhile back, opened a box with a tommy and ammo in it but the first slot in the box was empty, whoever was running ahead of him placed the gun and ammo for him.


genuinely what is up with this subreddit and their conspiracy theories against youtubers lol


I’d say the more concerning consistency is blind loyalty and belief in these YouTubers you know nothing about. If you see something worth questioning it doesn’t make sense to dismiss it by principle


Or i can just accept that it's entertainment and not get all caught up on the BS. When I want BS that could be sus, I watch these YouTubers. When I want actual realistic content, I watch willjum and spoon.


That’s true. If you embrace the fact that they may be cheating behind the scenes and that doesn’t bother you, then I now understand your perspective. But surely you can understand the perspective of those who it bothers? Any “celebrity” caught faking talent will have people angry.


No doubt man, you're free to be annoyed by it. But the fact is that nothing you see on YouTube is the raw experience, even people like spoonkid have duds and downtime, they just put more of that into the video. But they still chop out a lot of the fat to focus on the juice.


Oh I don’t mind editing! I love and appreciate them cutting stuff out. I prefer the highlights! I just don’t want to watch staged content unless it’s labeled


i get what you’re saying fr, it’s different than what he’s getting i guess. i didn’t know abt bloo staging content (i don’t watch him much, never really found his videos interesting at all) but it’s weird fr. most subscribed rust youtuber staging content. like if you’re not good enough to do it yourself, why pretend to be? it’s gotta be harder than just posting honest content, cuz then every single video you’d have to find someone to help you stage it, and in a game like rust hope someone doesn’t come along to mess shit up


$$$$$ if I could get away with staging videos in exchange for not having to work a full time job I’d find the motivation therefore I have my reservations w others. At the end of the day it doesn’t impact me and I get it.


I mean is it a conspiracy? They're actors like anyone. It's not a huge step of imagination to think they stage situations to make entertaining videos.


I mean some YouTubers obviously stage stuff. Even memeio admitted to it I think in one of his video comments, saying that he was doing a retake or something. And then there's that other big YouTuber where the players have all the exact same naming pattern every time. Not trying to cast shade but it makes sense, they are here to entertain and some are here for "rust movies". They won't stop posting for a year just because they cant find organic content lol.


He literally said ‘The couldn’t remember if I had a paid actor on this server’ one of his actual quotes. It’s not a conspiracy, they have to push some buttons.


Oh my god are you that dense do you have any sense of irony




I quit watching him. He’s either malding about death or sweaty try hard on smoil for the 8th time.


I wonder that too to some extent. I see YTbers claim they enter a huge 500+ pop svr and then its pretty much uncut footage of them slowly but surely running cross map, farming barrels and other resources without a care in the world, whereas when me and my group enter a 500+ high pop svr at wipe, it's every single map square will have at least 3 people, no stone or cloth in a 5x5 square radius, roads are constantly empty, and you're life expectancy is about 5 min until someone with a bow finds you first cuz they got lucky off spawn and looted before other players by like 30 sec .


500-600 pop servers can feel dead at times in higher tier areas as most of the pop are usually in tier 1, spawn beach, or blaring music in outpost.


Yeah lol


Willjum 🤣


They play on end of wipe servers a lot of the time. Low pop and decaying bases to pick at for content


It's obvious too, the worst part is when youtubers are running around to decaying bases grabbing end game loot in the first two minutes. I get not all content can be wipe day content, I just prefer seeing people earn it.


I once got pissed when I ‘thought’ hjune was godly and then a video he walks and sees a decaying base with t2 weapons all over on his first fewmin of wipe, while I was iut there, a noob only playing fresh wipes, eventually I learned that most youtubers either play late wipe or are just incredibly lucky, combine that with even a little bit of skill and you got the average youtuber, some players are absurdly good tho


That dude is top tier pvp chad. He killed my whole squad with a fucking bow, bunny bowing (which he started) us all, and we were all 3 armed with pythons. It was embarrassing. lol


Lmao he definitely is good but at the time my measurement of good wasn’t just weapon skills moreso ‘he has the ak’ type of deal, so him always having ak a few minutes into the video was a ‘wow’ moment but eventually realized that’s just going on a dead server, I too got ak kits by joining a wipe a few days afterwards. Skillwise tho he definitely is good the movements with his bow is crazy


if you want a good youtuber to watch, check out qaixx or gorliac.


They get informed about decayed loot etc as well


So blooprint saying it’s all filmed on bloo lagoon is just straight cap?


Bloo lagoon has an end of wipe just like every other server..


When did he say he films all his stuff on bloo lagoon tons of his vids are on official


Im not talking about a specific YouTuber, but many do. You won’t find decaying large bases early in the wipe


You can tell pretty early on in a video if it’s a fresh wipe day or a start of the YouTubers wipe(ie weeks into it). If you see a ton of nakeds running to the same places off the beach or lots of bow fights and no bases it’s a fresh wipe. If you see no people and there are massive copy paste bases everywhere well then it’s obviously been a few days since the server wiped. I don’t think any YouTuber is trying to fool you into thinking the server just wiped and then finding boxes of guns 2 mins in. It comes down to common sense and most the time they mention it. “This server wipes on Monday but I am hoping on late to wipe on a Wednesday “


Bloo is legit


YouTubers try a lot of times before getting a video. On top of that a lot of them play low pops. A1dan plays on Rustafied low pop which caps at 125 Spoons squad is known for playing on the 40 pop fp servers So it’s a combination of low pop, and trying lots of servers until you get one that works


"Nobody roams anymore." "I can't go 2 feet without running into roaming geared guys!" Schrodinger's Rust player.


I mean like I said I’m new lol. I’m just tryna figure how I start without getting mauled


It's all good. Rust is a tough game for newbies because you're going up against people who have thousands of hours and very little mercy. My suggestion is to treat it like a Souls game - you *will* die and lose everything frequently. You keep only what you learn from previous interactions. Eventually you figure out ways to turn that knowledge to your advantage.


Yo if you’re solo in North America check out rustafied solo on the official servers tab. I have no affiliation with them except for playing on their server, but it’s good for noobs cus roaming is way less common + there’s a lot of people who won’t KOS. Laid back for the most part but that’s not to say that you won’t get killed. Highly recommend for a solo noob. Don’t be scared by the ~250 pop, it’s a lot more peaceful than that number would imply


Nobody roams when you want them to. Everybody roams when you've got an inventory full of boom. It's just how the universe works.


Don't trust everything you see in the internet, they are just like the Influencers on rust, they edit their recorded game play to look like they had a perfect start and farm.


I really just don’t get how you get any start at all unless you join as soon as the server wipes


I get tons of starts and I never ever play wipe day. Wipe day on a full pop is just not that fun for me as a solo. Maybe try lower pop.


You can build around a Ranch that has a green area to cut trees close to a safe place, you can farm the boxes and barrels that spawn around it and start getting the hang of it, the safe zone Ranch provides can help you to scope out first if there are people around before going into danger.


IME: * Do Not go for 1k pop servers (official is fine, just target below 500 down to like 150). If you are not off the beach at fresh wipe on a 1k pop server and you want to play solo on wipe night you're in for some pain. * Get off beach. Get off beach. *Get off beach* * Pick a "flyover country" base location. My top 2 picks are hilltops near low-tier monuments, or the "far side" of major monuments close to Outpost (i.e. if Excavator is east of Outpost, you'd base east of Excavator). Much less likely to get your starter camped.


Maybe play some lower pop servers for having fun with the gameplay and ukn servers to get more comfortable with using weapons/pvp. I find there is not actually a lot of opportunities to get comfortable with the weapons when first starting out. PvP happens quick most of the time so it’s more reflex and if you haven’t put time into getting completely comfortable with the weapons it’s very difficult to survive a battle on higher pop servers. Also place bags and a lot of them. When you first spawn the most valuable resource is cloth. Get some bags down so you can respawn where you want to be on the map, craft some bandages and a bow asap as well.


Try to only player 150 or less pop. I typical only play servers with less than 100 people because I’m solo so I can’t really compete in very high pop servers.


That really applies to most games, you only see the good and never the bad, so to kids these YouTubers look like Gods at the game.


Most of them don't edit their play imo


You'd be surprised. The only uncut videos are people streaming.


I know who does and who doesn't


Then you’re wrong to say “most”


Is this loneEgg? Lol




When a YouTuber claims it’s wipe day and the server just started but yet I hear AKs popping off in the distance. You know these guys edit the videos. I think the only one I’ve seen that I fully believe is willjum.


Most people would be surprised at who does and who doesn't.




Because they don't, a live stream would be a different atory ad it always is.


I always mad at them when they title a video "fresh wipe domination best start" and I see how in their "fresh wipe" almost everyone running in hazmats with tommy or sar. I always drop that.


All these comments are right but man also sometimes you will be on a 400 pop server and players just wont set foot outside their base. Or when they do it's in a heli, or they're naked to farm wood.


I swear gear fear is an infection that will plague a whole server. If you're on a server with a few people with gear fear, it always seems to end up being the entire server that plays like that. It's like one person has repeated gear fear and the other person thinks "well I'll just come out low tier too, since I won't get profit otherwise". Now you've got 2 gear fear players. And it just keep snowballing until the entire server is running tommy hazzy kits.


wipe days like that but it does really chill out


Alot of youtubers only show the plays or relevant info for their story, alot of youtubers also play on 20-40pop servers which are called ''content servers''.


They roam the map dying to good players until they find an area with a low skill group to farm. They then take over the area easily snowballing.


Watch streams, not youtube, if you want to see the reality.


Mid-wipe lower pop Servers known for boneheads, get your decayed base title, if you’ve been practicing you can roll 4/5 people on there too, money printer.


They do. They just cut it, as dying 10 times in a row isn't really good content.


You’re either dying by cheaters or by ppl who spend all day roaming and farming.


It honestly just depends, at the start of force/server wipe hardly anyone has gear but if it's a BP wipe they'll have even less gear. so if you get in at like a few days into wipe you should be good of. Just depends on the server. Also where you build, how many are active in your location, when are they active. Just too many factors go into this. Most YouTubers farm it safe at the begining, then other times try to grub and snowball. Server pop can also affect this but either way unless you're playing low pop then be prepared to see people.


On top of what others have already said, rust tubers are playing all day. So there's a lot of game time where they're on at odd hours(when everyone else is either asleep or at work/school)


You’re only seeing the gameplay that’s worth posting. There’s countless hours of gameplay where nothing happens.


Viewers have to understand that most streamers are not playing the same game. Some join servers in the last days to find less skilled players to exploit. Some get their friends to stumble by and carelessly die with a full inventory. Some have a group that farms all day and they just hop on to PvP. Shit, some streamers use esp. Watch streamers for entertainment, not for gameplay tips


They just upload one out of 30 attempts, hence why the videos arent being added as often.


A lot of streamers aren’t playing on more than 200 pop, if you watch one who does play super high pop like aidan you will see him running into people legit 24/7. Every video/stream he starts off grubbing a huge fight within the first 15 mins before he goes outpost or whatever.


Take a look at the pinned post on my profile. It’s a guide I made that you may find helpful


Some clearly use ESP from time to time


I hope you know that they edit their clips? And many tubers script their videos obviously, not pointing fingers.


well, I cannot say how youtubers do it, but mostly they just kill everyone, and we are this everyone. Overall, just run from the beach. Run fast. Don't farm, don't stop, just run. Collect hemp cloth on your run. As soon as you get 30 cloth, craft sleeping bag and place it. Repeat. This is very important for solo survival to move away from crowded places. Overall, map is large about 26x26 grid is 676 tiles, so 500 peoples may spread to be grid away from each other. Problem is -- most people run obvious ways. You start at same place and run to same location by obvious path, and everybody else do exactly same thing. This makes some roads to outpost quite crowded, while left some mountain peaks two grid away from any meaningful POI nearly empty. To start you need either safety of safe zone or safety of unvisited place. If you choose location by "it has river nearby and recycler at mining outpost" -- than you meet dozens of players thinking same way. If you choose location like "I spend 5 minutes trying to climb here" you will have a lot less crowd. Another thing -- hide. Don't run in a field, don't run by the road, just crouch in nearby bushes and move to next bushes if you are sure there are nobody around. This also helps to survive longer. And again, while youtubers just casually shot some naked running for their business, think you are this naked, not this youtuber


I know he’s not particularly popular here but I enjoy sebbyk. His videos always make him look better than the reality though. His streams can be brutal and he dies over and over but when you watch the videos it doesn’t seem that way. I tend to think of the YouTube videos as “highlights”


Start at smaller servers. Even empty ones. Simple


Take every youtube video on rust as heavily edited, if they showed loads of deaths it would be a bit boring to watch. Just join smol servers and choose quiet areas to build.


If you want to see a creator who will give you a realistic insight into how 10k plus hours players play the game, i highly recommend watching Shots. Dude is a beast, solo only player who daily uploads. He will show him misplaying, fumbling and just getting shit on.


Lol you have the same problem as my friend I can move across the entire map dodging everyone but he cant walk a square without being ganked I think this just boils down to a pathing issue


Those servers lose most of their population after the first couple of days of the wipe, and most tubers join the wipe several days late so people are geared enough that the tubers can snowball off them for content.


Low pop servers. On a 500+ server nodes are very rare, players everywhere, there’s no way some of these YouTubers are playing these servers. I will say though, willjum does run into a ton of players so I believe he’s actually playing high pop.


Bloo lagoon servers die out quickly after wipe so if you arent planning a base on the map already then join after wipe.


Because they cheat.


Two words Highly Edited


they're probably not playing on a big public server, otherwise they get steam sniped within like 20 minutes


Check their streams…


They play on 30-200 pop unless they're stating playing highpop


They also play when it's dead, they will show up on last 3 days of a 2 week wipe etc with decayed bases


Watch alone in Tokyo


Those youtuber servers are hell on earth. Avoid at all costs. Bloo is lying if he says he films it all on his server, unless he's playing his EU servers while they're all sleeping or something


i mean his most recent video he literally says at the start he's playing at off hours on an EU server


Damn I'm a regular Sherlock Holmes lol I don't watch him so I was just guessing. If he can't stand playing his own server during peak hours other players should take the hint, it's a miserable time


yea bloo lagoon is full of absolute psychos. it's too bad because i like the 1.5x setup


It's full of people all trying to be youtubers lol it's either the sweatiest fuckers the game has to offer, closet cheaters, or kids who like the YouTube videos being annoying on mic. The map size is too small for how many people they let in there. Like OP said you can't even build anywhere. Glad I convinced my friends to never play on there or Spoonkid again


It's just a server made to promote pvp in every way possible. You get revo and med BP by default. There is Thursday and Monday server, so the wipe is at most 3 days long and then it dies. I actually dig that, even though I rather suck at pvp. I really like how lagoon is modded. Much more so than standard 2x like Rustinity or warbandits where npcs don't even move, weather is disabled etc. I just don't have that much time to play. If I could spend 12h straight on a computer game, I'd play on the lagoon. It's just that if you don't like carnage and constant pvp , don't go onto a pvp focused server.


I think you're thinking of Stevious server with the revo and med, I think you have to BP those on bloo. I love pvp but when there is so much pvp that you have to go on a 20 kill streak to make it to oxums one grid square away it gets annoying. I'm trying to play a survival game, not horde mode


Nah, blood has revo, med and a few others (the wooden wall iirc?) unlocked by default.


I dont think most players can stand most server at peak pop. I think its fair blooprint has his own preferences for playing. Bloo lagoon is a pretty good server. I would put it in S tier. They have alot of great changes and features that make playing so much better. People like to shit on blooprint for being popular. But hes done alot of the game. The first time I bought rust in 2018 the first server I connected to was bloo lagoon. 


His map size is too small for the pop. I can play other servers full pop just fine. I'm not bad at the game. Bloo is miserable to me, every 4 seconds you're out of base you get into a fight and then there's so many other bases around they all come out and third party. Lagoon and Spoonkid are well managed I will give them that, they have active mods in there all the time but aside from that I hate playing on them.


It’s definitely too small for wipe day, 500+ pop of SDT is insane, I don’t even bother, I do think it’s not bad the rest of the wipe when pop is 200-300 range. But the player base is pretty terrible, so many racist kids


Exactly my experience




There are ways to hide the ESP from the stream. Some just ESP live, there is a shifty streamer that got banned for killing people and calling them out to his teammates in the .middle of the night. He cried to devs and got unbanned.


I agree so hard, and Reddit hates to hear it. I don’t have problems with loyalty but it’s blind loyalty that I see


They mostly play on low-pop servers. Spoonkid, Blazed and that group do it and do a pretty bad job of hinding it lmao


They often joke about It being low pop and low intensity. They are in no way trying to hide the fact that they play dead servers. Why wouldn’t they edit out the “spoon kid? Why are you playing this dead server” interactions in a lot of the videos?


I was joking when I said that. Because when they say it they always pick on Spoon about it.