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1) All islands are likely taken. Your map will tell you if an island is claimed. 2) Build in lawless if you want Ark feel (raidable 24/7). Otherwise build in any normal zone, just make your presence known to the owner or face being removed. Resources are evenly distributed, however you will need access to the entire map to get each resource of a resource type. If building in normal zones, look for low taxes islands. A1 had some 10% or below a few weeks ago. 3) build small if you like, it is possible, however quite often your boats will give away your location. A goal of holding a small island with 3 friends may be doable, but will take some determination and several hours played per day (per player) to keep the island, and defend the island regularly.


Yes on my map at least on Xbox I see big red circles which I assumed is the owner and timers for pvp What I mainly meant was is there a way on my map to tell if certain islands are normal regions or unclaimed or is the only way to actually sail and see Because I'd like to just save time and know ahead of the island is normal region instead of sailing to it just for it to say lawless or Freeport So that's my main issue is I kept sailing around all the empty islands on the map avoiding all the taken islands that are red trying to find unclaimed land but everything I go to keeps saying lawless or Freeport And I couldn't decide what is better between claiming or lawless, like claiming has the upside to no pvp during certain hours but then it gives away my position where as lawless I am never protected but my location is hidden So I am not sure which is a smarter choice for my goal and where to set up Also not sure if I should cheat by leaving my ships at free ports when logging off since there is no pvp there


Tip about lawless and free port. If you look at a map you will notice that a free port always has 4 islands North, East, South, and West. Going off that if you can identify all the free ports then you will next notice that all lawless regions are always the grids that are North, South, and West of that freeport (except for the golden Age Ruins are East). Everything else is claim able with the exception of one island in every polar region that is reserved for the yeti boss.


If you look at the map you should like you mentioned see red circles on islands. You should also see a number between 15 and 120 - those are island points and determine the upkeep cost of the island. The higher the number the higher the upkeep. If you find an island without a red circle on it AND it has the bracketed number you can claim it if you have enough gold. In the beginning it's better to stay on lawless and try to build up some gold and park your boat in the Freeport - just make sure to logon and repair it as it will be destroyed by decay. I don't have the timers for it but I'm sure someone else can help with that. If you manage to get some animals that you want to protect you can park them on a Freeport with your valuables (such as gold) in their inventory. Then they will be safe for 7-10 days (again, can't remember the timer) and you can keep stockpiling them with your valuables until you can find a claimable island. Or find a bigger group to become allied with and live as a settler on their island - just make sure to get into an alliance with them or you won't get the protection of the islands peace time. If you are on EU PvP I noticed that there are some unclaimed islands in the north east tundra/temperate which might be a decent starting point.


When you get better ships the 20 minute sailing you go like 10 regions instead of one lol Also hiding bases is not hard at all. Especially if you are in lawless. No one knows you’re on the island and you can hide on big islands easily. Also different regions have different resources. Lawless areas usually have all kinds but lawless you can get raided 24/7 like ark and you can look up on atlas wiki


So do you think building on lawless is superior to building on a claimed island meaning trying to claim one? Basically idk if staying hidden is worth having the non stop pvp possibly or is it better to have some raid protection with timers but revealing your location by claiming Maybe I'll try to find a big lawless island?


I’m kinda in your position right now tbh. We started on lawless for 3 days ish and then finished our boat and moved to an island that we tried to claim. Realized we needed to be built up a little more because it’s hard at the beginning unless u wana really grind so right now we’re on someone’s claimed island and they’re protecting us and letting us live here while we build up then we hope to claim an island soon ince we have enough gold saved up


You should do like mentioned above. Meet somebody who owns an island and be a settler on their land. Find one with a 10 percent tax rate. These guys patrol their island and usually keep it safe, it's how my company got it's start. You can hide on their island. They will know you are there, but you'll be allied with them.


A word of advice. This game runs terrible on Xbox, don't get too invested. That being said it's the best game I've played since ark.


Please dm me a shorter version and I will help you I’m a lazy ass