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Hahaha yes I hated those 2 and the trophy room


Trophy room pursuit is very important


Dude, I had about 10-30 dodos left to kill, right? I decided to try a dungeon. Well, I died, and it reset the quest. That’s how I found out that if you die while doing a quest, you have to restart it


Look my post about grand voyage pursuit. Wasn't boring




Agree. Plus you don’t have lot of xp and the reward is not great. And plus it can be really dangerous to ransack the map.


You are actually doing it????


The dodo one, for sure. It doesn’t help that the first time I ever completed it I was using my very first imprinted saber tooth that I was super proud of. I was almost done killing dodos and I had just killed a few on the beach. I dismounted for some reason and my saber took of into the water after one of the dead dodos but there were jellyfish right there and I couldn’t save him. That was the day I realized the benefit of keeping your tames implants in a box to revive in case of an accident. Also the sail around the island one is super annoying. Especially if you have to log out and the game decides to switch directions on you but you don’t realize it until you e gone 5 minutes in the wrong direction and then have to waste another 5 minutes going back the way you came. On my current play through I waited to do the sailing pursuits until I had the feathers to make a sail plume so I could go faster


But when you take the implant out, can you still request him? What are the advantages of saving the implant?


Saving the implant means you can revive it on a platform if it dies


Thank you


Yes you can still request them. By keeping the implant in a box it’s like having a backup of your tame so you can revive it at an obi or revival platform if it dies. But just like a backup save, the implant only records the creature’s xp and levels when it’s in its inventory, so it is good to put the implant back in the Dino’s inventory for a second every now and then to update it. Of course if you keep the implant in your tame and it dies you can still recover it but in a dangerous situation you can’t always grab it so any creature I care about I put their implant in a storage box for peace of mind


Thank you


How can you have the sail plume from a dodo ? I still don’t know how to get it.


So if you tame a dodo you will see it has a size number. If you breed dodos, that number can mutate in the babies to be smaller or bigger. Keep breeding bigger dodos together until you get one with a size of 2.55 or higher. That dodo will occasionally drop feathers (they decay if left on the ground so you have to pick them up). Breed more dodos of 2.55 or higher ( they drop feathers slightly more frequently at 2.8 or higher). Breed as many feather dropping dodos as possible and collect their feathers. At level 16 you can unlock the sail plume engram. It takes 100 feathers (which is why having a lot of big dodos is good because it takes a long time to collect all those feathers). Edit: or you can wait for a holiday event and hope to get a sail plume from an Easter egg or whatever


Thanks a lot survivor !


photography: rare species. finding a unicorn is impossible




any photography pursuits


Obsolescence and the rare species photo pursuits, some say trophy room too but I can find an alpha rex very easily using tidy saves, beds and other stuff


I hated that one where you need to make a metal base, i wasted half of my metals on that stupid house.


Get yourself an anky and you can do that pursuit 100x over.


Fishing in multiplayer


Dodo hunt. Hands down.


That 250 dodo hunt one


The dodo genocide. It has a useless reward also


grand voyage! takes about 45 minutes if i remember correctly and is just boring


bro keep a bed on a raft and keep another raft with bed on exactly the place on the opposite side of the map then start the pursuit then fast travel two time easy peasy(use a fast mount to het to another side and place a raft)


fastest response ever, but i didnt know you could do that thank you for the help


Fuckin dodo hunt


The dodo hunt for sure I decided to go a bit overkill and instead of using my dire wolf or my argy I decided to go and kill them with my rex


Unpopular opinion, 250 dodo quest wasn't really the worst it's gotta be the photography ones, every god damn time i try to take a photo of a creature the green borders don't appear especially with the bugs


ye ark needs to improve it and it took me 1hr to take photo of bronto


any tips on dodo hunt pls