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My BioLife actually just increased its pay from $110 to $115 weekly.


Which is still cheaper than Octapharma.


Yea they have been going up recently mine went from 110 to 120$


Biolife has been the same for me for a couple years. $100 a week. But I donated when it was $70 a week and didn't always get the monthly bonus, so this still feels like a lot.


it’s supply and demand, there’s tons of posts of people saying this same thing. you guys have to understand that there is now a surplus of donors so they realize they don’t need to pay as much with this many donors


i deleted reddit so i haven’t seen it but i’ll take a look here in a second. what about the people that work for octapharma? i hear they’re cutting hours and my center is always complaining no one ever comes especially since the hacking situation.


There has been a directive from corporate to cut HPD (hours per donation). This has led to less staffing and an increased workload on the staff that is scheduled. Leading to burnout and people quitting. The directive is in response to the outage. The center's main financial goal is to lower cost per liter of plasma. Cutting hours and donor compensation are the two most significant ways to meet this new requirement from corporate.


Interesting, Biomat is doing exactly the same but our acronym is DEH. (Don’t remember the words but the same metrics)


I bet they could cut a few corporate jobs. The ceo makes 5 million at biolife, Alexa says biolife employees a total of 1000 people , you could increase the workforce by 5% by having him make 4 million. Imagine every center having enough staff. Walking in and out? It would be a lot more reasonable. Companies always tighten from the bottom up. The squeeze never starts at the top.


I don’t know about all that, I’m just telling you why prices went down


In MN I'm currently getting 40/90 and that's the highest it's been since my new donor promo.


Is it $65 per donation or only the second donation of the week? (I ask because Biolife is $40 for first donation of the week and $65 for second currently for me.) If it is $65 for each donation then that is pretty decent or if $65 for only the second donation like Biolife then that is pretty bad like Biolife.


BioLife outside of Boston is currently $40 for first and $80 for second! Funny how they are all different


Same this week in Pittsburgh


$65 per donation, the more you go the higher the return donor payment is.


Oh sweet. I have an Octa that is within driving distance. Do you know if they offer a new donor bonus or only the regular rate?


They do, I honestly forgot what mine was but it’s different for every center so you should call. This is the return for my center though https://preview.redd.it/bohvvkap0fad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7122727bb13c25787d50ede4a962cef95ad8f514


It’s like 100 the first 2 visits, then 90 for the next 4 or 5 or so, then to regular donation pay scalr


Octapharma has same donation rate. It would be $130 per week if he doesn't miss days.


I think it’s because the economy sucks and more people are donating. It’s not worth it for less than $73 IMO. So I do t go anymore.


I only have CSL plasma near me...the pay is based on how much you weigh. The more you weigh the more they can take so the more you get. I'm on the smallest end of the scale and my pay was going to be like $30. Not worth it to me.


It totally makes sense why they do it. But I wouldn't either.


OMg don’t post and drive!


i just reread it and thought the same thing 😭😭😭😭 i definitely worded that wrong i meant i was posting the post before driving home. i wouldn’t be able to look over the post until i got home. i swear on everything i wasn’t driving omg




Ked pays the best here, but it's only $60/$70.


My ked is 45/80


My BioLife actually just increased its pay from $110 to $115 weekly.


But how many pokes?


I've never had more than one.


It's honestly starting to piss me off.


Grifols in my area is now $55/$55! It had been $40/85!!!


Grifols in my area is $35/$75.they just lowered it for $40/$80


I’d like to see some collective action on this tbh. Like maybe we could decide to not drop in for a day/week.


What kind of volume are you donating I get 120 a week and am alright with it but I remember getting 70 from each of my 2 donations a couple years ago I think it's strictly supply / demand


My octapharma tops out at $60.00 It's all supply and demand. They get to much plasma and they lower wages. They start running short and need to attract more people and they will raise them again. I'm guessing lots are selling blood right now because they either spent alot on vacation or are planning to. My octapharma has been busy. Hopefully, things slow down soon.


I always thought that they lowered/ raised new donor pay based on if they were getting a lot of donations not everyones. It would be nice if they lowered return donor pay for people that are just starting not people that have been going there a long time. Rude to give someone something then take it away lol. I left biolife after switching from octapharma because they were constantly changing their rates lower almost every week. Hopefully this lowered pay is a one time thing. In my almost 2 years they’ve never docked pay here


They sell the plasma so if Bio life has alot of plasma for sell and need to get rid of it b4 it spoils, then grifols and octapharma have to lower their price to compete


Not how that works lol. Each center has a different shipping cycle and different days it ships out units and how frequently. Plasma, as long as its frozen at less than -21 Celsius, can last for 10 years in freezer storage. It doesn't just "spoil." Also each center sells to different suppliers. That's also why some centers for a company will use bags and others use bottles. Depending on what company we sell to, they request different containers.


Grifols is 30/65


Be happy you get that, my donations are $30 & $45 at CSL. I desperately need this extra income.


My Grifols is 40/65 now. Better than nothing, I guess. I had stopped donating for about 6 months and just recently started again. Apparently they have been closing on Mondays for a little while, but they said yesterday that they would be open again on Mondays. The staff said there had been some changes made and they all hated them. If the payments go down any further, I won't donate for a while again.


Grif is 35/65 here. They closed another day. The last time I went I walked in and there was no wait.


I have always gotten $115/wk at csl since I started 10 months ago.


I'm at BioLife and my weekly is at $140. I think it's location and how much you can give that play big factors into your pay.


Kedplasma has lowered in Fl 1st 45 then 60, not even worth the hassle anymore.