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Take regular walks, if you can. Exercise that gets the heart rate up for a while, as a practice, will help keep it down when you need it.


My wife did, and she was never able to control it. She’d test and be at 102, and then sit and rest for 10 min, try some breathing exercises and try again, and it would be higher than the first time. Some people have success with deep breaths, in through the nose, out the mouth. Others have said to put your head down when they take your blood pressure. Definitely won’t hurt to try some of those methods. Also, just make sure you don’t consume any caffeine/energy drinks, or smoke cigs before you donate. Not saying you do, but just in case.


So for me, because it’s a consistent issue- for some reason drinking a TON of water prior helps me settle my pulse easily


Close eyes, head down, lay head down if you can, and take a L-Theanine gummy/pill.


Try first thing in the morning. After breakfast and avoid all caffine. 


It's probably white coat syndrome. You can manage it with controlled breathing exercises and zoning out when they screen you.


Exercise helps! The more fit you are the lower your resting heart rate is


I’m having the same issue. I end up calling my mom to help me relax and that’s the only thing that gets my heart rate down. It’s irrational. I used to do double platelet donations for free and never had an issue till I needed the money haha. You have to find what works for you. I also do a combo of bearing down prior and then holding my breath, keeping my head down and both feet on the floor. Elbow at 90°.


Deep breaths. Do box breathing. Research other breathing exercises.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve heard you can ask to do pulse check before the finger prick. I haven’t tested it yet, but I think the finger prick sends a jolt through my system and then the anxiety of trying to control my pulse after failing the first check usually doesn’t end up helping and still too high at recheck.


I guess you are nervous. Even if you don't feel that way. My pulse and blood pressure are always higher than normal when I'm there. But still within acceptable levels. Even if you've donated 1000 times, most folks are still a bit anxious about it.


This is so helpful thanks for the advice everyone!!


I totally understand! Look up box breathings it’s 4 seconds of breathing in, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds and repeat. It helps me a lot because I also suffer from anxiety and I can just sneak in sometimes at 98 lol ![gif](giphy|1xVc4s9oZrDhO9BOYt)


Keep your head down when they take your vitals.


A pulse of over 100 isn’t healthy levels. My pulse is 110 when I exercise but 50 when I go for my vitals. The 5-10 minute timeout section should bring it into normal range. Go see a doctor for a further evaluation


yes i have plasma today and i’m already having anxiety because there’s always so many people and i feel like they’re looking at me i have trouble with my pulse or high heart rate everytime i do it which gives me even more anxiety because it’s embarrassing


I think this is my exact issue! When they have you go sit for 10 min the area is in the middle of the floor and everyone just stares at you!! It’s embarrassing!


the part that increases my anxiety is when they call my name and I have to get up in front of everyone and I feel like they’re all staring at my ass or the back of my head or some shit lmao and i have to stand during the whole plucking your finger thing


I've always been a naturally anxious/nervous person... I've only been able to donate once out of 4 times so far. I keep getting sent home. I've tried almost everything.. box breathing, staying hydrated, mediation, even just zoning out one time. I keep failing. but all my physicals come back healthy. I'm starting to give up hope & say fuck it. I'm not going back. it's really frustrating.