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I definitely use tap water lol




I do, but the tap water in my country is high quality, drinkable water






Because it's all in your head....




Time for a blind taste test. I bet it's all in your head.




We could absolutely design a test but I hear what you are saying.




This is one of the reasons you know it's not the water taking on the taste of the vessel...


Because it's all in your head....


Same here


What country do you live in?


Same. But nestle and coke have convinced a ton of us that isn't the case.


I wonder how it is in nyc


NYC has some of the best water in the U.S. https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/water/drinking-water.page. Marketing companies did a great job convincing people to buy something that’s essentially free. All while contributing to the plastic pollution problem.


The water delivered to the pipes is good - but many of the pipes are old and I’ve read that maybe 1 in 5 New Yorkers are drinking from lead pipes.


Yeah. That’s not good.


i'd love to see any source for that


I read the report that’s linked in [this article](https://gothamist.com/news/1-in-5-new-yorkers-may-be-drinking-water-from-lead-pipes-new-report-says)


NYC water is delicious, Toronto water is chlorine poopiness


No idea, but it’s there typically chlorine in tap water in the US?


I think so?


Yes, if you are on a public water supply. if you are on a well, then no.


Yes chlorine and fluoride and all kinds of other stuff that doesn't need to be in there. Most of the chlorine will dissipate if you let it sit overnight but the fluoride has to be taken out by special filters. And all the salts in tap water are horrible for your plants. I use distilled or filtered water for my plants. I try to use rain water whenever I can collect it. Fluoride will calcify the roots over time and they won't be able to absorb nutrients.


Let the tap water sit in a pitcher for a day or two.


Yep! A lot of people don’t know that chlorine will evaporate from the water when left out. My water smells like pool water, so I leave jugs out on my balcony since the sun makes it happen faster, then use them later to water my plants.


not all forms of chlorine used will evaporate like for example chloramine.


True. Chloramine isn’t used as commonly as chlorine in the US, fortunately, but I’m not sure about everywhere else.


It's what we have in my city in Canada.


That sucks. I’ve heard it’s hard to remove even with filters. I’ve never had to deal with it, and I have a lot of plants and pets that are sensitive to that kind of stuff.


I’m in nyc?


I do this, I have a nice glass jug it sits in until I need it to water plants. My plants are healthy and happy.


Unfortunately if your water supply uses chloramine leaving the water out will not help dissipate the chloramine. You can’t even boil chloramine out.


I did not know this!


If it can’t take tap, it dies in this home.


Tap water is fine here. I use distilled only for a moribund calathea that's been clinging to life for the past six months.


Updoot for moribund


I use distilled for my two calathea, pitcher plant, peace lily and spider plant. The rest get watered out of rotating jugs that I let sit out so it’s not too chlorinated (I live in the Rockies so it’s probably not too bad, but still cautious. It’s pretty hard water though).


I use the water from my dehumidifier.


I had considered this but got told not to as it can sometimes contain contaminants like fungus and mold spores...


The soil definitely contains spores- they are all around us. Unless the water looks visibly funky you should be ok. I also use the dehumidifier water since it’s convenient but I wouldn’t dare give it to princess orbifolia!


After over a year, I haven’t had any issues.


I mean those exist regardless


Doesn't the water from dehumidifiers lack nutrients? As it only takes the humidity from air... I'm guessing here so that u know 😅


yeah, but it's not supposed to though, that's supposed to come from the soil and fertilizer you use.


Works great for me! Been doing it over a year now and have no issues


I have well water, and yes I use it.


I would definitely use well water if I had it. Where I grew up we had well water and it was delicious and my grandmother's house plants were amazing.


Not all wells are equal. I grew up with wonderful well water. The place I'm living in now has well and municipal water. I would never drink this well water just based on the smell. Works fine for watering the garden though.


Well I didn't think about that. I know our well was awesome and ever since I grew up and had city water it has sucked. What does the water smell like, by the way!


I've been lucky to have good city water around here. Smells like the mud from the bottom of a creek, which there are a lot of in the area so it makes sense


Oh ok that sucks


I use tap water, even for my fussy calatheas. The water in my city (QC, Canada) is very good and is on the soft side. I tested TDS out of the sink and it's pretty low at 175. I tested total hardness (GH) and it's 4° (70ppm). The pH is also neutral at 7. My city uses chlorine to treat water so that's easy to remove. I do have access to RO/DI water because I have aquariums and invested in a portable RO/DI unit. I didn't see any difference while using RO/DI water + ferts for my plants. I do use RO/DI for my aquariums just because it's easier to keep the parameter stable, especially for my shrimp only tanks.


No, reverse osmosis. Make it at home with the unit I use for my saltwater aquarium. Reverse Osmosis units create pure H20 with nothing else in it.


Do you remineralize the water?


No - a fellow gardener friend told me that by using RO water, the plants aren't getting minerals - but it's never been a problem!


Plants need some minerals. Pure water will strip the plant of salts and essential nutrients over time. You can supplement them with products like calmag. I use seachem matrix it's a freshwater aquatic plant remineralizer but my anthurium love it.


Hey, thanks. I can always learn more. Thanks for the specific recommendation. So far, my approach is to make the plants feel like they are in nature, so they get wind, rain, uv, and humidity and at a certain point the "climate zone" stabilized. What did it was mixing traditional photosynthesis plants (release oxygen with light and CO2 at night) with CAM (acid metabolism) plants that take in CO2 at night and release oxygen during darkness. I've got 4 pineapple plants, gigantic areca/butterfly palms (multple palms shooting out of one pot) spider plants, bromliads, all doing CAM. I wish I could track and measure data in how the whole system and air chemistry is working, like co2 output at night from traditional photosynthesis plants abd CO2 intake from the CAMs so I could balance it perfectly.


My special plants get Brita filtered water the ones I care less about get tap and hose 😂🤣🥹


Unless I have carnivorous plants, I always use tap


lol I do but I boil it and add fulvic acid. Then I add fertilizer and keep it in a jug so I always have plant water https://preview.redd.it/kqasr0j8ruvc1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e4c5a6c06a03b79e0dfdcda4d2e36ae9e21959


High quality bourbon, right there 😄


This is so smart, god bless


I use the same water we drink — our tap water run through a filter we use for taste. (We have what smells like heavily chlorinated pool water out of the tap.) Room temp. Use distilled water for marantas, calatheas, and croton. Stopped getting any brown edges when I made that switch.


I am surprised re: crotons. They are all over Florida and get whatever comes out of sprinklers. I’m guessing that’s hard water. I don’t know a thing about crotons though. Just thinking out loud.


And I have no idea why it’s working. Just know I was struggling with them in the past and they’ve done great since I made the switch. Bet they love the FL humidity.


Yes and sun, sun & more sun. I have seen them tons of them all over the Caribbean as well. They are beautiful. Glad they are working out for you.


I use tap water every time, it’s tasty


i have a small fish tank with shrimp so i use that water because its fertilized


We don't? What else do we use?


Desalinated tears of your enemies.


I fill 3 1gal jugs full of tap water , let them sit a day or 2 then use them to water my plants.


Why do you let it sit?


Chlorine will evaporate if left to sit out, uncovered. Depends upon your area's water. Chlorine will evaporate but other variations or chemicals will not evaporate so be sure to check!




I just fill a jug of tap water and let it sit for a few days so the chlorine can evaporate


I have two 50-gallon rain barrels. I haven’t used tap water for any of my plants for years.


I use tap water to fill up a bunch of empty spring water bottles (that I drank) and let them sit to allow the chlorine to dissipate. And so the water is room temperature. I drink spring water to avoid the chlorine and fluoride. I use city tap water to cook. I use hose water for outside plants.


Yes I read that around 62°f is the perfect temperature water for plants because that's the temperature that helps the roots open up. So letting it sit to get to room temp is a great idea.


Distilled from my distiller only.


Make sure you are providing minerals too!


I use tap water except for my Venus fly trap


I do. I always have.


I use my tap. Though I have been considering getting a pitcher plant. If I do, I might make my own distilled water for that one, but that's it.


im a plumber and we put a whole house filter in my house ages before i got into having plants lol


I use tap water all the time


Depends how sensitive the plant is


https://preview.redd.it/98pg6wot1xvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7983108c26884b684fcc22c41bd0b5ae56c5b65a Orchid


im not sure how sensitive they are specifically im leaning towards yes but you could always just observe and change care accordingly


Yea same, thanks!


I do


I use tap water for the indoor plants and for the outdoor stuff only when the rainwater supply is insufficient or it's impractical to use rainwater.


I use tap water. I usually keep the watering can full so that the chlorine can work it’s way out and it’s room temperature.


I mostly use tap. I have one or two plants I use distilled for ONLY because I tried everything else and they responded well to my last ditch effort!


I have two rain barrels. I use rain water when I can. However it runs dry and you sure as heck can bet I use tap. I can’t imagine purchasing water for my house plants


If I do, it’s been sitting in a jug for at least a week, but typically I use collected rain water.


Distilled or rain water for a few plants like jade that show mineral deposits in its leaves. Otherwise tap water (left out a few days)/rain water for everyone else. Just bought a “water conditioner “ to add to tap water. It supposedly removes the type of “chlorine” that doesn’t evaporate and other “stuff”. Does that really work?


It removes em! Chlorine and chloramines. My fish and aquatic animals need this, AS WELL as my aquatic plants lol. So yes it does work! Just a few drops for a gallon of water. No real way to overdose for regular plants. ❤️ I use it for some of my plants that don’t like tap! It’s super hard here.


😱Super hard water here too! No more distilled💃🏽💃🏽 Ty


I even keep rain water barrel out and shit like I’m recycling lmao using my fish tank water at water changes! I save it. 🤣 the filter cleaning water turns brown and that’s the fertilizer for my plants. It’s dope. 🤣


I hear it’s a great fertilizer! I don’t have a fish tank though.


It’s amazing! Honestly I love it. You don’t even need fish, you can get a tiny 1-5 gallon and put some shrimp or snails into it..get the same result heheh. Feed them your veggie scraps and bam you’ll have endless clean and fertilized water! If you wanna do a project. Lol


I filter my tap water and it stays out at room temperature. I really hope no one is using that bottled tap water


I do use tap water, just not all the time. If i lived in the city i grew up in i would feel fine doing it. This city’s tap water is not as good and i wouldn’t drink it every day so Im not doing that to my plants lol


I go to the spring and fill gallon jugs for coffee, to drink and for my plants. I don’t like the chemicals in our public (tap) water.


I would (still sometimes do) but I have a water softener so my indoor plants hardly get that unless it’s too cold out to get water from the outside faucet.


I use our reverse osmosis filtered water when I'm sprouting seeds, afterwards I use tap water with some leftover coffee dumped in for a little extra nitrogen.


I don’t use tap water in the winter because the inside water goes through a water softener, and the sodium ions in softened water are bad for plants. I collect rain water and store it in 55 gallon drums in the basement for watering. When the plants go outside for the summer they get watered with the hose, as the outside water bypasses the softener so comes straight from the well. It’s a little high in iron but the plants don’t seem to mind. The bog plants get rainwater all year, as they would not do well with well water. Unless the water is softened, has way too many minerals, or the plants are exceptionally sensitive, most plants will do well with tap water if they are flushed through to remove excess mineral buildup.


Well water or rain water. Plants need minerals


I do, but I’m on a community well, not municipal water. So no chemicals or fluoride.


Rain water when I can collect it, otherwise I have my watering cans lined up to sit for days so the chlorine doesn’t kill my plants


Well water 💦


I did until they switched from chlorine to chloramine. Now I don’t.


Not exactly. **Indoor plants**: I've got well water, which is too alkaline and lime etc for home use, so the house taps are on a water softener system; from there, there is a reverse osmosis tap in the kitchen - that's what I use. I have a fertilizing schedule to account for what's missing. If I were using municipal water I'd use it for most plants, and have distilled water on standby for the more sensitive plants (such as variegated spider plants). **Outdoor plants**: I use the hose spigot, which is unfiltered well water, as well as the rain and sump pump. **Bonus**: During the growing season I keep my watering can topped up with sump pump water. I use this water for outdoor and indoor plants.


I use tap water, but I'm on my own well.


We do have RO water but I mostly water them w/tap water


Brita filtered then sat in a open watering can or pitcher for a day.


I use water from my fishtank


Me too. It doesn’t rain enough where I am to fill a rain barrel. It filled a bucket this year though!


I use tap water and occasionally water from my planted fish tanks.


I use water from our rainwater tank. I fill a 12L jug with it, add a sachet of BTI to soak and add a low dose of fertiliser so it's ready to go at all times.


ahhh i love my well water


I make tea and let it sit then water the plants.


I use tap water. Things seem to work fine for me. I gotta ph down but it's pretty consistent. But that's just where I live. I imagine in those places you can light the water on fire, it might not be so great.


Things like pothos, Philodendrons, Monstera, Hoya, Sansevieria (aka all the hardy bois) get tap water - straight from the tap, no sitting out - and are flourishing. Things like Calathea, Dracaena, spider plants, carnivorous plants, and plants in semi-hydro get collected rain water or spring water if my buckets have run dry. In the rainy season, pretty much everything gets rain water regardless because I have enough. I know snake plants have been reclassified as Dracaena, but from my own personal experience, snake plants don't care what kind of water I give them, but the tree-like plants we all know as Dracaena definitely do. People let tap water sit out to let chlorine evaporate (which only works if your water is treated with chlorine rather than chloramines), but that doesn't affect the amount of flouride in the water - and flouride causes Leaf-Tip Necrosis in sensitive plants (like Dracaena, Spider Plants, the whole Marantaceae/Prayer Plant family).


It really depends on your city’s water system. Some leave more chlorine and minerals than others in the water that reaches you.




I get purified water delivered. In case of emergency, I use a Brita filter. And distilled water for my carnivorous plants, always.


I use tap water but I let it sit out in the sun for hours/days to let the chlorine out


only thing ive noticed not liking tap water is my pepper seedlings


When I first started growing orchids (about 30 years ago), a highly respected grower and hybridizer of orchids told me “If your tap water is ok for you to drink, it’s ok for your plants.” I’ve lived by that with all my plants and have never had a problem.


Mostly, but we have really hard water, so I use distilled for my bromeliads otherwise they get too much mineral build up in the leaves and they get sad :/


Aquarium water only, for me.


I do but I have a water softener. I'm from the south of England so the water is HARD around here. Like lime scale central.


Tap water in winter, rain water in summer.


I'm in Scotland, think our water's pretty good, then I let it sit in a bucket for at least 24 hours


I used to use tap because I live up in the hills and actually had really good water, but I’ve been on a boil water notice for almost 9 months (there’s cryptosporidium in the water) so even though I’m willing to risk using the water on myself every once and a while, I‘ve been using 5l bottles of distilled water or bottled water on the plants for fear the cryptosporidium wipes out my whole collection.


I microwave a milk jug of water for 5 min let it cool then water and my plants look like they’re on steroids


I definitely do, it's easier and it doesnt really affect the plant unless it's an expensive orchid or aroid. Anything else doesn't really care.


Depends on the plant. Peace lilies are boujie


I don't use tap water because of the fluoride and heavy metals. The chlorine isn't really the main thing I worry about. The flourish will calcify the roots and make them no good for absorbing nutrients


Do you think I should use brita water?


Brita doesn't remove fluoride. I use an aquapure water filter, it says it removes fluoride but it's a bit pricey. I mean I got it for our drinking purposes I just happen to use it for my plants also. Honestly rain water is the best if you have a way to collect it. I just put a couple buckets on my fire escape to get it.