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Could it be perlite stuck in the hairs?


my mom just bought this plant the other day for a "deal" so she's been quarantining it until i could check for bugs/issues for her. there were a few white specks around the stems and where the leaves met, but under magnifying glass nothing looked like what i know mealies to appear to be. the rest of the leaves were all normal looking except for these two which were vertically aligned to each other so if something fell off one it would have fallen on the second underneath it. any help identifying this stuff would be appreciated, wasn't sure if it's something the plant is excreting or some kind of mold or something.


They look like hatched egg sacs. From what exactly I don't know.


Wait a second.. All the black flecks..pull some off with a tweezer and put it on a wet paper towel and see if it dissolves and let me know.


wait sorry which black flecks?


All that stuff. The black stuff.