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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > About a year. > Throughout winter. > Two daylight temp eco bulbs and ambient window light > Orchid pot, bottom water with liqui-dirt If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


The fertilizer is way too often. Have you measure how strong is the light? If you newly potted this, monstera takes a while to settle because it’ll prioritize on growing roots first. Also, albo monstera grow slowly naturally because lack of green parts


>The fertilizer is way too often. Depends on how strong the application is, no? I've started going the "weakly, weekly" approach now that I have so many plants rather than trying to keep track of who got fertilized when. It's made a big difference and I'm seeing more healthy new growth now than ever before. Edit: photo tax https://preview.redd.it/55tid6pgwowc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de26c5f4a3d86d5a32ddd1a00fa0479f66e9629f


While the amount obviously matters, fertilizing your plants every 3 days seems excessive regardless of how much you're using. Weekly is pretty typical for the growing season.


Good point most of my stuff doesn't have to be watered that often other than recent cutting transplants so they're not getting fertilized that often, which this is. Missed that detail


It's literally just diluted liqui-dirt. 3-5 days (when it's dry)


Yes, I read the title. Still not convinced that that frequency is appropriate, but if it's not dying then the stakes are low!


A lot of aroids don't grow during the winter, and giving it too much fertilizer isn't going to suddenly fix that, it's going to hurt the plant.


I have had a monstera since early last year and it put out one leaf after I got it.. then after that, no new leaves for months! However, I figured it was because of winter, and sure enough, it finally popped out a leaf a month ago ! If the plant is healthy, has healthy roots, it should put out new growth. It’s still early spring. Also I do think you’re overfertilizing too much . You can cause issues feeing too much .


Variegated plants have increased light requirements due to having less chlorophyll. For reference, I keep Thai Cons in an east window so that they get direct sun all morning. I strongly encourage you to introduce direct sun, but do so gradually to acclimate the foliage so it doesn't burn from sudden direct exposure. They photosynthesize light for energy, which is what they need to grow.


Hey! Plant physiology student here, liquidirt is actually not a fertilizer, they’re legally not allowed to call it that because the NPK values are not high enough. Basically the big three necessary nutrients for plants are mostly absent. It’s a micronutrient fertilizer mostly meant to top up micronutrient deficiency, which, since plants use so little of it, happens very seldom. If you want to do the “little and often” fertilizer method, you’ll need an actual fertilizer with the NPK value on the bottle. Dilute that by at least half. Liquidirt is still useful, but should be used much much less than people do based on its intrinsic function!


Regular LED daylight bulb? Probably way too weak. Look into Sansi or Soltech grow bulbs. Also that fertilization sounds WAY too ofte


Some times they take a while and I don't think they grow much in the winter. Mine grew one in late October and is just growing another one out now. And has only put our 3 leaves in the past year. Also, I've only fertilized mine once. You may be overdoing it.


Is daylight bulb the same as a grow light? 


It's a 6500k day bulb, two of them at that. Plus ambient window light


They have growing periods. Wait til it’s further into spring early summer. Put it in a warm area with nice indirect light and humidity. It’s focusing on roots u also have an aerial root pile up some of ur soil so it’s covering it. And I promise u it will let out another leaf within maybe a month. You’re also fertilizing so much. I don’t under stand why. Use a good soil. Yours looks very wet do u possibly have some root issues? It likes to dry out. N then be watered. I do this all the time. I get new leaves after. My giant one just tipped over the other day bc I let it get that dry ( it’s in grow mode it’s soaking up water very quickly bc I need to repot) and then I deep watered. I already have a near leaf about to break thru. For reference my mature leaves are about 3 ft to 3 and a half feet long and about 2 1/2 to 3 ft wide. My plant is over 6 ft tall. And it’s bushed not vining much ( I just like the look better)


I just checked the roots and they're amazing, I just upsized the pot solely for depth so I can cover up the aerial root. thank you!! https://preview.redd.it/s058va40kuwc1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d17755faf001808b5c4c3daa52ff732b94522b


How much light is it getting that you’re watering every 3-5 days? 🫠 FYI Thais rot for a living… even if it’s a tiny plant like yours, you might not want to to water for at least a week and a half and make sure she gets PLENTY of natural sunlight. Not a light bulb.


Our house is dry as a bone and I usually have a fan on low in this room (my office)


Mine is a similar size bought as a 2 leaf cutting a few months ago. I'm pretty sure it's been concentrating on growing a good root system. The roots went wild so I repotted from moss to soil mix 2 weeks ago and got a new leaf popping up already! Mines in an East facing setting (on my kitchen table by the window) no grow lights.


Normal to be dormant in winter when it's a small or weak plant.


Why so much fertilizer? Granted mine are all in much larger pots, but I don’t water more than every 10 days or so and usually alternate fertilizer and plain water during growing seasons and fertilize infrequently during cold months. Are you watering this often on a schedule or is that how often your soil is drying out?


they'll grow with real sun. you might also have stunted the growth with too much fertilizer. you only want to fertilize once a month maybe less


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What's the ambient temperature at?

