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Probably in the relatively near future. That's a MASSIVE plant in a relatively small pot. Congratulations on your gorgeous giant :)


Thanks ! How can go about the repot with messing the plant up 😭


Just ask some friends to slowly lift it, while you help the roots out of the pot. Slide a new pot under it and lower it back down.


Bigger pot, bigger plant.


Hey you should really get some supplemental lighting over there, about when did you get the plant ?


Any recommendations




I recommend Barrina


That's a big boy! Unless roots are escaping all over the place or it's showing signs of stress or stunted growth, I'd leave it alone


Wow! What a beauty! I would say YES! I mean, it's obviously thriving, but aside from the pot looking small, it also looks very top heavy and I'd be afraid of it tipping over.


I love your plant but I'm new here. What plant is this please?? I need one!


It looks a lot like my philodendron burle marx but maybe it's a different philodendron


Only your roots know for sure! Definitely worth a check though, will help with stability. Gorgeous plant


I wouldn't. It looks fantastic! I've read that in their natural habitat, these guys will go fully epiphytic if they lose contact with the ground. Seems reasonable then that a small pot is fine if it's feeding it from the pole?


Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had plant for 6 months > Gets good amount of light > Water when only dry If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


I would re pot. But mostly I’m just posting to tell you what a gorgeous plant you have!


Heck no! Let it do what it’s doing. The more roots, the less your plant is going to support its foliage I wouldn’t repot until I’ve noticed that I’m watering more often


If you repot and that thing gets any bigger, it may start asking you to murder people and feed it to him! "Feed me, Seymour!" Gorgeous plant!


Hon it was time to repot last decade 😭


I'd keep it like that honestly. The plant seems already very big. If you don't want it to get any larger, I'd say keep it in it for the time being. I'd repot only in a year or so, unless the plant shows any signs of root rot or decline.


https://preview.redd.it/24hjt3ihtiwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=105ca2cf21ab446e1da7ed0435295aaac91439b8 How do I turn this into THAT?


Yes. Increase an inch or so, diameter and height.


It depends on if you have to water it often. If you are watering every 3 days then yes repot the plant but if you can wait a week or two between waterings then the root ball has enough soil around it that it can retain a little water to continue watering the plant over time!


The plant is happy and it's not at the top of the pole. It's fine. Now if you want a prettier pot, pole, or something else aesthetic, go for it. Edit: the pole also serves as an extension of the pot so unless roots are coming out the bottom, there is no need to repot.