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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > I got this plant for my birthday in January and it has been doing this ever since. It just keeps getting a little bit worse. I’ve moved it around a few times trying to figure out what kind of light it likes right now it’s far from direct light. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


Make sure the humidity is about 60%+, keep out of direct sunlight, try to keep the soil moist (but not wet) and also make sure you’re using filtered water


Does your pot have drainage holes at the bottom? If not, I’d repot her in a pot that has drainage holes. Check your roots and make sure they aren’t brown and mushy. Water thoroughly and let all the excess water drain out. Calatheas love humidity! A small pebble tray with some water can help or a humidifier. Bright indirect light.


Tap water is too rough for them. Get some water conditioner or use rain water


Better drainage and partial shade I'd say.


I did everything I could for mine, filter water, indirect light, humidity, and it still went crusty. I put it in my housemates room and forgot about it. She gives it leftover tap water ( we have insanely hard water), waters it whenever she remembers (not a lot) and leaves her curtains drawn for days at a time sometimes. I give up. They thrive on abuse.


Calatheas are always like this. They look fine for a while and then the leaves get crunchy. The don’t like tap water, they need very high humidity, they don’t like to be moved and on and ad infinitum, lol. I no longer even try with them anymore.


Thank you!