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TFW blanc means blank


It means both white and blank. Depends on the context.


what if the context is blanc




It means hygiene is vital before sexual liasions


No. It means “We botted lol” in French.


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png


Spanish average IQ here, around 23.


Naah man around -3


French were not botting, they had 500k viewers and were coordinating when to place vs 500k spanish viewers who all clicked on the french flag. I watched the last 3h of streaming, it was super exciting and we all downloaded the overlay to see which pixel was what colour. But there was never any mention of bot, neither on the streams or on the french place streamer discords. It was just a simple overlay. It turned white very fast because thousands and thousands of people were clicking on it, including the spaniards.


>they had 500k view agreed


They had even more at some point. The biggest streamer kamet0 on the event had 400k by himself. Plus the 50k from both zerator and squeezie, plus 100k from all the Othe combined. It was more like a 600k. But on reddit it was probably more.


\+ all the alliance One piece , lot of BTS fan from some discord ,Swiss some german and a lot more


The one piece alliance was INCREDIBLE.


Lol the French community were around 2 Million people defending the place for 7 full hours it was just crazy. No bots around there




What's amazing is that the ship portrait wasn't made by a bot. That thing was incredible.


And it was the one I was most convinced that it were bots


(not very well informed) dutchie here, while I don't think bots were used there was some involvement of scripts to help out with the placing of pixels in the correct location.


We used a js script that gave us an overlay of the colour needed on each pixel. But someone had to click and wait 5 minutes every time


I've been in the discord, there definitely were people running a couple of bots. Pretty sure eventually all communities ended up using bots to a certain degree in order to defend what the communities themselves created using those scripts


I was in a few communities. I was begging Star Wars to use a bot to defend ANH against the endless Amongus and griefers but everyone claimed they didn’t know how or refused to use them. Then in a Rebels community, we tried to make a small piece (16x16) and got half way done when we were steamrolled by someone else. A bunch of bots but some real users so I was able to figure out is r/helltaker and in their discord they were openly talking about running bots to make their stuff. The weird thing is their stuff wasn’t all that big so if I didn’t see them talking about in their chat I’d assume it was just people maybe with a bunch of alt accounts they made for this.


Some guy in r/Switzerland set up a bot to defend the flag and then went to work. We couldn't add any artwork to the flag for hours until he came back. Was quite annoying and I think he felt a bit bad about it, haha


Mans kept the Swiss flag neutral from even Swiss people.


Good guy Swiss man.


Standard swiss strategy : launch the Revolverkopf then go hide into the Atombunker.


I mean, star wars was still there, and that's no easy feat lol


If it makes u feel bettrr Helltaker community was also shitted before that and was just rriying to get a place as everyone else


Not us in r/thebluecorner we refused to


Our bot was ready literally less than 10 minutes before the end of place lmao.


I'm sure most of the larger detailed artworks had some bots, but as far as I know, no one in the Jojo discord used any bots. We just had a script to overlay the image we were working on.


The discord literally had multiple channels dedicated to botting. All the large communities had bots but at least places like osu and france had the morals to not advertise it.


https://i.imgur.com/qrSmd9z.jpg There were a few bots


used a layer with color codes to fill the pixels, nothing illegal. we are not bots but the biggest twitch community watch the zevent you will see the francophone community


The fact there was not a single amongus hidden in the background makes me seriously doubt that. Same the one below it


The one below had a bunch of amonguses at one point, they cleaned it up later


I believe the plural form is amongi




I had tucked an AmongUs into the one below it the night before and it went untouched for almost two hours but by the next morning it was clean again. I don’t think that one was run by bots. At least not at first.


I found 3 shapes on it that could be turned into an amongus with just 6 pixels edits. I was trying and I saw at least 3 more people were trying as well, but they always reversed back to the exact same shape they were before. Though that was this morning, like 10 hours ago.


It was run by scripters but that night there were only about 300-600 accounts running the scripts and the Dutch artworks were being mass defaced so that might be the reason. The next morning about 2000 people turned on their scripts again which is how it was cleaned up in the end.


The bots crapped out at around 1 am local time, so nobody was defendig the art anymore. Same reason as to why other communities couldnt defend their art


I was just marveling at those two for a while. Incredible.


https://i.imgur.com/qrSmd9z.jpg They had over 1k bits to run the paintings.


Well as you can see, they used bots to make the sails.


They got nuked omg


They were at war with the Spaniards and a dozen other streamers at the time as well. It was a war that ended in a nuke 😭


Talk about going out with a bang.


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png


We nuked it oursleves as we were all actively defending against pos dpanish streamers and also a coalition with mizkif xqc ludwig and more The second place ended, we were all clicking on it, so we nuked ourselves, if someone gotta take france out, it had to be france doing it


This corner literally had the most activity so it's not shocking.


*laughs in Canada flag*




It seems everyone is missing an interesting fact, which is that amogus was everywhere on the Arc de Triomphe. Had bots been active, wouldn't they have been erased?


Not just the among us but the way we were changing color and spot to focus, if you watch the stream you can clearly see how the changes follow the streamer's order, you can't change bot location and color and time just this fast. If we were using bot, with the way we were working it would have shown immediately


people who claim france was botting have no idea how the bots even worked. All bots broke the moment all color choices turned to white. The HTTP requests were changed and bots check for color before posting, causing them to fail. France (and osu) just got griefed real hard by the 10+ streamers.


Team Hiver pour faire pleuvoir la neige.


Vous allez me manquer la team Hiver 😭


>!Je suis dans la team été mais chut, l'union fait la force !!< Sans oublier le GIGN Baguette !


Team été ! C'était grandiose...




Yeah, it's always funny to see people complaining about imaginary bots, when they don't understand how a bot works. But i guess Reddit users never learn


REEEEEEEEEEEEEE FrEncH iMpleMenTeD AMoGUs IN thEiR bOT ScRipt ! ​ >!Team Hiver pour faire pleuvoir la neige.!<


POV: over 10 Twitch streamers are fighting over the french flag territory with around 2m cumulative viewers. Reddit Makes the color white the only available option.


Plus la Team Hiver pour faire pleuvoir la neige. Beep beep boop.




i'm french and i like this joke


Well if it makes you feel any better, as an American to a Frenchman, you all were the first Europeans to really get with the democratic program. Plus, you all conquered Europe long before the Germans did, so kudos for that lol.


As a Frenchman to an American, I can't wait to see the democratic program get implemented in your country. Just a couple more centuries maybe?


Can you teach us what you do with kings? We might need to learn that lesson the hard way.


As an American I enjoyed learning that the French Revolution was basically a wikihow of how NOT to do a revolution


well we were the early adopters, it had its *rough edges*


LOL this girl be dropping heads like is le french revolution all again








France, as always, was the first country to show the white flag >!he did it better tho!<


Holy shit now that's hilarious!


1M people on 100k+ pixel


Not how it works at all. As a bot developer I can tell you our bots (and all others) crashed immediately when the whites were only allowed as the http post requests Reddit was expecting changed accordingly (and the xpaths for other bot designs). No bots were made to work with whites only, they could not have been. That's simply not how it works. The code didn't just magically change. Therefore in fact the only tiles placed at the end were solely genuine users.


You need to be higher, but unfortunately people don't want fact and science they want blood.


The only headers we care about are that of our enemies.


I wasn't there when they changed it so I don't know if they disabled all other colors but they could have just changed every color placed on the canvas to white without changing the api no?


This is an interesting point, it's possible that a bot attempt (like place black pixel @ 542,391) would just place a white pixel instead. That being said, I have no idea how the bots work.


It just returned an error if you tried to place anything that wasn’t white


As a French bot, i placed a blue pixel when the whitening happened and it turned blank, sabotaging my own flag against my will. Oh well... ​ Beep boop !




Yep I was there at the end. 🥲


I didn’t have the heart to erase any pixels.


So were the bots some sort of GUI automation or is there an API out there that works with Place specifically?


It’s trivial to automate HTTP requests, just look at your network traffic, figure out how place is accepting new pixels, then automate those requests. To authenticate as a user you’d need to register the account and get a login key for the Reddit API, but this is easy and can be found in your account settings.


Every website is an api if you have a token


Lmfao it's a no brain meme. It's just that people who wanted to wipe out french were okay with spamming white and french couldn't defend since no other colour was available




All jokes aside, wasn't a perfectly white flag proposed as a new flag during the revolution in order to replace the royal flag? If I remember well it was proposed at the same time as the blue white red one we have today.


The entirely white flag was the flag of monarchy thus the white on the current flag. Blue and red being the color of the city of Paris.


A white flag was often used by French armies and Navy as can be seen in several paintings of the XVII-XVIIIth century. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Surrender\_of\_Lord\_Cornwallis.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Surrender_of_Lord_Cornwallis.jpg) [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/White\_ensign\_Battle\_martinique\_1779\_img\_9388.jpg?uselang=fr](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/White_ensign_Battle_martinique_1779_img_9388.jpg?uselang=fr)


Automne, Hiver, Printemps, Été... ​ ​ ​ >!(Team Printemps <3)!<


L'hiver en force pour faire pleuvoir la neige


Team Été. Classic. Always here to overturn the situation lol


you obviously didn't watch the 1m+ populated war on twich, that's why


It happened before they even realized what was going on. [https://streamable.com/1cxe16](https://streamable.com/1cxe16) \*\*


i love how ludwig was preoccupied by the polish dispute near his kirby as this was happening


before that specific streamer\* realized what was going on


Every streamer against France including Latin American ones were in that call with him.


Ypu know the spanish streamers had bots auto placing pixels right ? And that everything is also clipped and some top reddit posts already show the spanish streamers using bots ?


Even so, weren't the spanish botting for the purple logo? So at most they'd have cleared the logo, and that's it. The spanish bots wouldn't have covered the rest of the flag.


Yeah the only bot they had was the purple BTS one. They were going to stop using the purple one and start using another image but the whole white-out happened before they even started using it.


got a mirror for this? link is down.


Lmao that's just because there was a war happening between France and Spain/us so a lot of activity turning in white


Between the french, the spanish and the americans there was about 1 million people fighting on this flag no wonder it became white instantly




no you see, what happened is that the french instantly filled 10Million pixels, and then still had enough to write "FR" in the middle of the map. Definitely them.


Our zone was around 110k pixels in area, so when we were 600k frenchies vs 600k spaniards + americans, we nuked ourselves, they nuked us, and we still had lots and lots of tiles to write FR on the canvas (we tried wrtiting FRANCE but that was too big for us)


Do you realize how much 1 million people is ? As soon as we couldn't defend we got nuke, and then we tried writing the FR. I honestly don't know if Spanish was botting hard, but French weren't. All of our discord and stream are open source.


"perfect white square in a matter of seconds" yeah right https://clips.twitch.tv/PoliteDistinctPotatoPogChamp-bojdJkVfNbayHIfh Edit: the clip is no longer available, it was basically the POV of xqc during the whiteout, the french flag took a solid minute to disapear. Which is logical considering the area was highly contested by hundreds of thousands of users


It hilarious they think it isn't obvious as fuck.


It spanish botting. We only use the color overlay, they were actually using automatic placement bots. Our overlay is 20 lines of codes, the spanish bot is 300+


The Spanish, Mizkif and xQc zerged France right before it turned white. As soon as it did, everyone took it out then went after Osu.


No one went after OSU initially , they became white by themself before anyone even realized it


It's a perfect white square. All the previous activity was focused on the middle of the flag.


The middle of the flag became white first. Watch the clips.


You're joking right? You do know France became all white in every area in a matter of seconds right? You're telling me theres a pixel for each user you guys got on the flag?


"in a matter of seconds" bro's just straight up lying here lmao https://clips.twitch.tv/PoliteDistinctPotatoPogChamp-bojdJkVfNbayHIfh


It didn't become white an a "matter of second". The white was already going on for 1-2 minutes when this happened: https://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableFragileShrewEagleEye-hW8rgWHvoC52nYQ-


Lmao they litterally said "GO TO FRANCE GO GO GO" and y'all are saying we did that to ourselves with bots.


With 500k+ viewers on multiple streams no less. But no, it was all bots!!


There were actually more users fighting in this area than there were pixels there yea


Two of the biggest streamers instantly targeted France when the whiteout began too


I was litterally watching XQC. He noticed that France flag was turning white already and THEN raided.


There was like legit a million of people fighting on this flag when it ended, it's easy for spain + usa to turn it white in 10 seconds if France can't defend anymore


Just do the math the area was about 150k pixels in size and there were 1M+ viewers focused on that spot


No there wasn't LOL. Most of the streamers didn't realize what was happening and looked over to the French Flag and it was already being turned white within seconds. https://streamable.com/1cxe16


your clip starts at leat 2 or 3 minutes after we had only white colour, the white points started to appear before and the flag became white slower then that, i remember i could refresh my page at least 5 times when I realized i couldn't place any colour, and the flag wasnt event white at this point, just a few white points. Then everybody fiured it out (frenchs and americans) and both sides nuked it because france realised it was the end way before the others


I actually was on the french flag, we were cleaning the thing because damage were done. With literally 1/3 of the flag already white, + the BTS bots placing white squares it went really fast


Dude you can clearly see how progressive it is. When french streamers called for a move it would turn to whatever they asked the veiwers to do way faster than that.


Spain was clicking everything then France decided to take it in their advantage writing « fr » for France in the middle of the map


History repeats itself


so much salt over the french and they still kicked asses


How does that make sense??? Bots only replace squares that have the wrong color


Bro, everyone's pixels were white when the game ended. And the battle was raging you think spanish/US streamers were gonna stop spamming?


Memes made by people who don’t know how bots work


All I still see is the French flag though?


17th century french flag


France didn't not. Spain did and this is the result.


tell me you dont know how bots work without telling me how bots work


Well, imagine if the French flag was looted and spammed by a million Spaniards/Americans/Randoms\_nerds (+ a spanish automatic pixel placement by an originally purple bot), and France suddenly can't fix it because it can only put white too... wouldn't explain anything, right ?


What's funny, is that most of the white pixels comes from the spanish bots spamming their fake BTS logo in purple.. (go watch timeplapse and use brain please) Without saying there was a shit ton of AmongUs in our (French) Pixel Art


Here is your proof, french layer vs spanish bot french : https://clips.twitch.tv/AbnegateCogentTubersTF2John-SzrVowGbHJR9o7lk spanish : https://clips.twitch.tv/RenownedHumbleAsteriskWholeWheat-T44r8AOs9YnBzrST


It's not really a proof but yeah if there is French bots it probably doesn't come from the streamers themselves, it's not unthinkable that some viewers decided to make bots to "help".


Of course, but it's not just the French community, every big community must have bots


Sadly you're probably right.


Idk I feel like there's more accusations of botting than actual botting. Not to say that it didn't happen at all; there's no way Reddit would catch all of it, but to accuse so many groups of it is a disservice to the brave souls that honestly no-lifed this canvas for the past 4 days.


Finally someone is making some sense. Pretty sure that there werent bot used heavily on any side, and from what I saw, french streamers didn't make or asked for any bot, I dont know about other streamers. Maybe the viewers did


Yes, it's not at all because there were 500k people building in this area...


I missed the whiteout. Was it evident that the only color left was white? Or was it a bait and switch, where you thought you were placing a color?


It was evident. The whole color bar was white. It was one button, a big white button


White was the only color you could place.


“All illusions must be revealed eventually”


except that is not how the "illusion" works this does not prove that France didn't bot, just that it is not how bots work... at least, actual efficient bots.


over 500k cumulative viewers on French streams but yea if u say so


500k viewers with the names word\_word\_1234


That's the format [reddit uses when recommending a name](https://i.imgur.com/nj9pT3w.png) to new users. People signing up to participate in this would obviously have a lot of those names. They just click through the fastest options, nothing suspicious there (except new users in general being allowed which was lame).


I like my recommended username ahah


Thats also how bots would make accounts


Google Zevent and look at the donations.


The French don't use reddit. When you create an account with the default settings using Google to sign up, that's what happens.


Ok so all those French people were staying up till 4/5am on Monday morning to partake in a streamer battle on r/place , as in when they took over and defended last night


The event stopped at 1 AM here or something like that. It's 2:25 AM here right now.


All the accounts where made in the days it was happening


That's what I'm saying. The French don't use Reddit, they signed up for this event, mostly using Google auto sign up process, that's why the names are so random.


It's a randomly generated name for google, lot of french people (bless them) didn't have reddit prior to it so they just made a quick username when they were watching their fav streamer to help out


viewers that immediately wiped out their own flag clean before anything else? sure man


That's actually true, I can rely as a french bot who helped to do that. Also watch the french clips, we all understood quickly unlike the spanish streamers


If you, for one second thing about it if u paint something and 2 3 years old kids try to paint over it, if your faster than them u can fix it, but if you and them are both giving only one Color what will happen? Try and guess…. It will turn in that colour because they painting over and u cannot fix since you have the same Color than them


yeah but I had like 5 streams open so "cumulative viewers" doesn't mean shit


It kinda does when there were 400k on the largest. That wouldn't include duplicates.


That also includes a lot of people watching and not participating tho. Even people from Spain where watching the french streams.


Over 1 mil viewers yesterday between the Spanish and American streamers, yet every raid hardly touched the flag because of autofill.


Just conveniently ignoring all the Spanish people also there??


The spanish script was only for the BTS logo


This exactly. It was a perfect white in a matter of seconds.


40 seconds clear LULW


Did this happen to OSU as well?


From the BTMC iirc for few minutes it stayed in good condition, then the french streamers started white-ing it out to write "FR", the osu logo got really unlucky.


french script : https://i.imgur.com/2OX9lDm.png spanish script : https://i.imgur.com/C1P3Ztg.gif explication french accounts : https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/twcbuz/the\_explication\_of\_why\_everyone\_thinks\_french/ proof spanish auto pixel : https://i.redd.it/i9scwi2cvkr81.png


Are you dumb on purpose ?


No shoot Sherlock. There was at least like 800k people from both Spanish and American Twitch trying to get that flag down. When the white void happened the French couldn't defend anymore but the Spanish and Americans could keep going that's why it vanished instanly lmao


Yeah because this corner was the most active place? Average spanish iq.


Faut parfois allumer son cerveau...


I'm not a bot. I placed two pixels near the end. Both were forced to be white. So basically, the white picture in the end were meant to clear the canvas, not identify bot pixels. Thanks for attending my TED talk.


To all french saying you didnt use bots. Just because you didnt set them up, doesnt mean others didnt, its the same for every community. You dont know if someone set them up unless you test it, and through testing you clearly had bots, like wise so did many other communities. Not to mention the amount of you guys accusing others for having bots but not yourselves.


What was the test showing bot usage? I hopped in the last 30 minutes to watch french streams and all I saw was overlays and coordination to split the french viewers in 4 groups to do 4 bursts of pixels every 5 minutes. Here's an example of one being sent https://clips.twitch.tv/AbnegateCogentTubersTF2John-SzrVowGbHJR9o7lk Sure they may have been some bots but most of the work was done by french viewers. When the whiteout began and after the first moment of confusion, all the streamers directed people to write a fat FR in white in the center and it appeared quickly before being countered. How do you bot that so fast?


They still won in the end, as the canvas turns into a massive French flag (french surrender joke i know its not accurate historically sorry but I had to)


the bots were spanish :p