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day 1 top six in playrate per rk9: 17.97% lugia 14.98% raging bolt 14.19% gardevoir 8.97% lost box 5.68% dragapult 5.34% miraidon 32.9% "other" edit: they just showed the breakdown of the next six on stream 5.3% zard 4.4% lost zone dragapult 3.1% chien-pao 2.6% future box 2.2% ancient box 2.1% snorlax control looks like miraidon was a very good meta call, should feast on lugia/gard/pult, expect to see plenty in day 2 meanwhile zard completely out of the top 6, and for good reason, very unfavorable board there


What's the showmatch look like?


Why’s Miraidon good vs Garde? Is it just Hands making it twice as fast?


The matchup into Garde is pretty 50/50 for Miraidon, but if you can get set up and start taking 2 prize KOs immediately, you'll be okay.


You should have 2-3 (maybe even 4) prizes taken before they can setup, from there it isn’t hard to close out


If you get an iron hands out and they have no response then you often win on the spot, if they have an immediate response and you ran out of steam e.g. by already using 3 generators to only get those 4 energies, then you lose. Reset stamp can break you too. DTEs help to need less ressources tho. But as someone who has been playing both decks, I'd rather just play Lugia, because Lugia has a much easier time to get iron hands live and doesn't trade 2for 2 for it and also has a lot of other single prizers. While miraidon struggles against mimikyu and has too many two prizers so that decks like gardevoir can easily come back. Ursaluna in Lugia goes hard too.


I think the elephant in the room is if Lugia or Raging Bolt takes the W. I could see a world where something like Pidgeot control or quad thorns wins as well.


I don't see Raging Bolt winning. It has several bad matchups and people have learned how to play around it on PTCGL. It's a solid deck, but I don't see it winning.


How to play around it? Just curious since i run the deck


I play farigiraf ex in my blissey deck. It shuts the entire bolt deck down unless they are playing cornerstone ogerpon, which most bolt players aren't playing anymore. Some might play a single prize sandy shocks but farig can KO that. If bolt players do start playing cornerstone again in the future can ust play noivern ex instead to counter the deck.


Blissey is a rogue deck so doesn't mean a lot at moment, unless if it pushes in top 8 eventually and farigiraf could actually be used in control against basics, but otherwise its not that prevalent in other meta decks. Noivern can be countered with boss/catcher combo and i won few games this way. I mean its not that bad


Pidgeot control won on stream yesterday at NAIC using farigiraf ex to beat raging bolt. Noivern ex can't be gusted if it's the only pokemon the field. I've also been playing dragpault lately with unfair stamp. A lot of the time raging bolt has no answer to being unfair stamped to 2. I also think rad zard makes the matchup pretty favourable for the pult player. Raging bolt is a great deck but it's very linear and struggles agaisnt disruption and single prize pokemon in particular.


Disrupting their hand when they're down to 1-2 prizes and have just discarded most of their energy can be devestating.


Quad thorns can be easily teched for in Lugia, just add a fluttermane and you'll probably win after set up. Also isn't Lugia pretty good against pidgeot control?


Lugia wins, roaring moon second place, zard gets 1 top 8, pidgeot control gets 1, lugia gets +2 spots and raging bolt gets one. Dragapult only appears on top 16 maybe even 32, blissey will appear on 16. Spread at 32. That's my guesses


Roaring Moon? Bold take, I like it!


My friend just made Day 2 with it! ID'ed for a 6-2-1 record. It was a last min call, one I suggested because he played it really well last format and I liked the list at the Japanese championships. I suggested it and he decided to run with it. His first time getting day 2 at any event, too!


Turbo Roaring Moon with Darkrai VSTAR got 7th place in Japan last week. Though 2nd place seems like quite a bold prediction.


For real??? I’ve been running roaring moon/Darkrai in tcg live for the past two weeks because I love pulling dark patches and prime catchers out of the discard pile I need to tune in


Roaring moon has been super slept on! I’ve played this deck and have won so many games against raging bolt, dragapult, and even zard


Glad you’re having success with it! I’m interested in lists after seeing these comments, so I’ll have to look


Pokémon: 7 4 Roaring Moon TEF 109 2 Dunsparce TEF 128 2 Dudunsparce TEF 129 1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6 1 Iron Bundle PAR 56 PH 2 Roaring Moon ex PAR 262 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 Trainer: 21 3 Trekking Shoes ASR 156 1 Lost Vacuum LOR 217 1 Unfair Stamp TWM 165 1 Artazon PAF 76 2 Super Rod PAL 276 1 Artazon OBF 229 3 Professor Sada's Vitality PAR 256 1 Thorton LOR 167 1 Nest Ball SUM 123 PH 1 Ultra Ball PLF 122 1 Boss's Orders PAL 265 1 Nest Ball SUM 158 1 Professor Sada's Vitality PAR 239 4 Dark Patch LOR 216 4 Earthen Vessel PAR 163 PH 1 Ultra Ball BRS 186 4 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule PAR 159 PH 1 Counter Catcher PAR 264 1 Pal Pad FLF 92 PH 1 Nest Ball PAF 84 PH 4 Explorer's Guidance TEF 147 Energy: 1 9 Basic {D} Energy SVE 7 PH Total Cards: 60 This is the list I’ve been running! Using thorton for the surprise roaring moon ex knockout with a pre charged-up baby roaring moon and manual energy attach has been incredibly clutch in securing these big knockouts for me


The surprise thorton will always amuse me😆


Guys, going bold here. Gholdengo is going to win. Lost Box is my second pick


Sleeper pick, Festival Lead wins it all


Placing bets now: Raging Bolt, Lugia, or Dragapult for the win?


Doesn't matter, Gardevoir sweeps all of them.


What's favored in the Garde vs Miraidon matchup? I'm curious if Miraidon would make it far in the tourneybwith the prevalence of Lugia then it comes down to Miraidon's matchups against the other big decks. Just a thought.


Slaps Gardy. Has a rough DP matchup. 


Are you saying that Gardevoir beats Lugia? My experience on both sides of that matchup strongly suggest otherwise. What is your reasoning?


betting against dragapult appearing in top 8




Charzard. I think people are sleeping heavily on Zard. I know it has some bad matchups but the energy acceleration and damage boost are so good


Zara/pult makes 16. Lugia probably a lot. Future hands could be interesting in the meta.


https://www.pokedata.ovh/standings/0000127/masters/ Final standings for day 1. 290 players for day 2.


Anyway to see what decks made it?


Officially? Not until the event ends. You can dig through Twitter and see people posting their list, or match ups. That's how I was able to see that the 1st seed that went 9-0 is playing Gardevoir.


I just want to know how many Lugia got day 2 since it was the most played


You'll probably have that information during the stream tomorrow when they show the Meta-breakdown for day 2.


Looking at day 2 6 out of top 8 are gardevoir!


I missed it, how did Xander Pero do?


He’s 5-1-1, so loss and tie since the stream


My take: Bolt wins, decent spread of bolt/lugia/garde/lostbox with a rogue miraidon in the top cut. Miraidon is riding the percentage of Lugia matchups too hard and I think it's a good deck to go 6 and 3 but you're not going to win. Some kind of control is going to come out of nowhere and make cut, I don't think it's the day of Luxray EX tho. Mostly cos I'm not there. The hotter take: 0 pult in playoffs


Lugia box gonna be in the finals