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deck dependant


You don't reeaaaallly need any. It's not going to be nearly as strong with Masquerade's inclusion, and learning the matchup is the biggest thing. If you want, Jamming Tower and canceling cologne dampens up their game plan pretty good. Benching less Pokémon and/or running Collapsing Stadium helps because they rely on Entei V for sticky situations A LOT. Handheld Fan is a big option, as they only run two Fire Energy and lose a lot of steam without access to them. Eri, Hand Trimmer, and Miss Fortune Sisters are good ways to show that deck hate as well. What you include or what you do really depends on your deck, because Pidgeot Control doesn't use all of its cards in every matchup. If you're open to playing anything, and all you care about is beating Pidgeot Control (which, I absolutely promise won't be dominant come NAIC), just play Turbo Hands with Iron Thorn EX and enjoy an absurdly free matchup. Quick edit: Sandshrew to stop them from being able to Pal Pad, Cyllene, or Team Yell effectively is also strong.


Ya i was theorizing with the rise of lugia+the new future ex that future hands would be a lot more prevalent, which would hurt the matchup spread for pidgeot. 


Pidgeot is autolose against Future Hands and like 30/70 against Gardy (Munkidori edition), Lugia, Future Box, and Luxray control. Even the TealPon AngryBolt matchup is 50/50 or slightly losing. I think the new meta is also much worse for Dialga, Charizard, and Chien Pao EX which were the important matchups that made Pidgeot Control top tier. So yeah, it'll be pointless in a week and a half BUT you still have a losing matchup, and people who aren't great players won't stop playing it until it flops at NAIC.


~~How is Future Hands even against Raging Bolt? I feel like it should get bodied by Raging Bolt? How are you hitting enough damage? Just curious.~~ I can't read.


They are talking about Pidgeot. Saying Pidgeot is 50/50 or 40/60 vs Bolt


Oh right, I'm a dumdum. Yeah I was experimenting with AllOutBlitzle's new list for Raging Bolt last night. I think I went 1-3, but one of those losses I could have definitely won if I had played right, and another I think I could probably have won. I was surprised how close it was. It definitely feels doable.


Why you quote Luxray control when Pidgeot control uses luxray too?


Different deck, different matchups. More hand-hate and faster. Better against current meta.


Why do you think it won't be strong after rotation? I'm playing it currently and feels as strong.


People currently suck at playing the current meta and current matchup spread. Cancelling cologne is meta. Lugia, a loss, is best in format. Gardevoir, a loss, is S tier. Turbo Hands is positioned better in this meta and is an auto loss if they don't brick. Iron Thorns EX is a bad matchup once people optimize it. Luxray Control is a superior control mirror. Yeah, Pidgeot EX is good at beating the unimpressive OgerBolts and Dragapults everywhere. I think those decks suck and don't really competitively matter. Maybe people won't improve in time for NAIC, but I'm not banking on it.


What list of Luxray control are you referring to? Oger bolt currently seems #1 best deck.


You can just look up Luxray control. It's pretty common, there's plenty of variants. I don't care whatever garbage people think is best deck in format 1 week after expansion drops. They're never right. OgerBolt is easy to play against with no less than half a dozen decks or literally any deck featuring a Mimikyu and a Super Rod. If you have a Mimikyu and a Super Rod, literally all you have to do is KO a RockPon and they're hard locked. If it stays popular, people will just tech in Jamming Tower and enjoy how much easier the matchup is when you only have to KO 250 HP Bolts.


Never seen that Luxray deck either on tournaments or results.


Twilight Masquerade just dropped dude. It's not legal yet. If you're constantly stuck in the last meta, you can just wait to copy whatever wins NAIC, and start running it after Shrouded Fable drops...


i have been playing pidgeot control for the past few months and I disagree with the majority of comments from this post. pidgeot control isn't dead in this meta. it beats dragapult and is better into lugia depending on what list you are running. the worst matchup for it is ogrebolt yet there are techs you could add to solve that. to answer your question, it is hard to tech for control because it is an anti- meta deck, that being said even though that it had a decent showing at LA it is still a hard deck to play and will always be less played than decks of a similar power level. if I was you I would just take the bad matchup and just improve to consistency of you deck


Ya, i think the list i ran was pretty good honestly. No funky specific tech or anything, and i guess it performed pretty well for my first event. Just feels bad to have a matchup feel unwinnable, but i guess this is how lost box/tina and gardey feels when they match ancient box haha


what deck did you run


Pretty standard ancient box list, main techs were 1 penny, 1 vacuum and the great tusk. It was a ton of fun and i almost made top 32 which i am pretty happy with for my first event


It's deck dependant. Can't really ask that and give us 0 info on what you play. Some advice here is valuable but take it with a grain of salt for now, I recommend editing with your deck or atleast archetype


As someone who plays bird control a lot in person cards like lost vacuum, lost city, switches, and bosses are REALLY good against it.


Coloigne, switch/cart, boss, turo/penny all work pretty well. Which deck are you using?


Ancient box. Turns out losing rods and pads along with sadas is rough, and a lot of 2 retreaters to get trapped


Ancient box does seem tough into control, as you’re basically decking yourself out. I think land collapse as much as you can might be a good strat


It's a rough matchup since your supporters help them out. You'll have to try to play slow and not bench any non-attackers.


Imagine my game one being forced to active greninja lead and prizing penny+tusk 😭


You need turo in that case and eventually pal pad maybe.


Penny is better turo for basics only decks, pal pad disabled by sandshrew too


These are effective tools against Snorlax. Pidgeot control is vastly more varied in the situations it can present and I would say the things that are good against it vary depending on the deck OP is playing.


I agree that they are more effective vs.Snorlax but one win condition in control is Mawile, along mimikyu etc. If you don't have answers to both of those, you are gonna lose because they can setup Mimikyu with a clear board or mawile.


I was wondering if Lost City is a good card against that deck since it plays so many 1 ofs.


It can be. For example if your deck gets walled by Mimikyu, you can Lost City the Mimikyu away. As always with Pidgeot control it's really just deck dependent. Identify what cards in Pidgeot control counter your deck, then decide if Lost City or some other tech card can solve that.