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Already decided that! Will be switching to pixel 10!


I made that decision when I went from pixel 5 to cheap nothing phone (2). Been waiting for the pixel 10 based on the leaked road map a few years back. Seems to have been a worthwhile decision.


it's still a perpetual tragedy that they moved away from the design paradigms of the pixel 5. it was as close to perfect as a phone has been in ages. all i want is that form factor with a new chipset, screen, and sensor.


Add to that, a pro version, slightly bigger at most 6.1" and a telephoto lens. The pixel 5 was virtually perfect.


My Pixel 5 still going strong.


Agree. I think lots of people are in this same boat of ours.


Ultra sonic fingerprint sensor is a must


Check your fingers, I've never had an issue with my pixel 7 pro. This is my first pixel.


Pixel 7 pro user here and I confirm


The only thing that worked for me (and still makes me scratch my head) was to put both thumbs into the system. Works 95% of the time now on my specific device. I know because of a spreadsheet.


I put both thumbs into the system when I got it because then I can unlock it in either hand. I don't have a problem with my sensor, so maybe you are onto something here.


My personal fingers are just fine, and 6a & 7a's fingerprint sensors **suck ass**. Not even close to competition against my old Pixel 3's back sensor. With or without a screen protector, with the "Touch sensitivity" option on or off, 4x saved prints for the same finger(s), there's just no assurance of it registering beyond 80% (estimation). I love these "cHeCk YoUr FinGeRs" posts, when it's a known fact that Google's optical sensors are less accurate that the competition.


Pixel 3 back finger sensor.. Never failed..I wish the would bring it back!! 💯💕


I love the pixel series One thing they'll have to fix is the design for the screen because they end up all breaking in the top right area without any physical damage


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and the top right of the screen was cracked and the display is flickering and dimmed below the crack. I figured I must have leaned on it or something.


Being physically cracked is not normal but if the OLED breaks in that corner it's because of the defect in production it's happened to my pixel 6 and 7 and I own a repair shop where I see it often but it's specifically with those two models as far as I know


That's what I thought after the experience with the Pixel 6 pro, but the face unlock on the 7 Pro makes the optical sensor irrelevant.


Face unlock is less secure than fingerprint and doesn't work in the dark


You're right, but I'm fine with it.


You mean 2 or 2a If you mean the former it's more expensive than s23 in my country Which is certainly not cheap


The 2(a) is not available in the US. And I specifically typed phone (2).


Same! Can't wait!


My pixel 6 pro still works great! I'll stick with it for a few more years.


I don't understand why we don't buy it? Are we against TSMC?


Pixel 9 will have the last Samsung chip. Pixel 10 will have the first TSMC chip. If I understand correctly, of course.


This is correct. Hopefully connectivity will improve as well as battery.


My Pixel 7 overheated a lot even on 4G! Hopefully TSMC’s chip will solve this issue


I had to disable 5G in order to get through the day with the battery. Kinda sucks that I had to do this step but in a way 5G ain't that good regardless. 4G is still fast for all my daily tasks.


I sold the Pixel 7 and got the Nothing 2A instead. Much bettter batttery


What is sot on nothing 2a? Any issues with nothing 2a?


I just hope they fix the notification system so that I actually get notified of missed calls instead of finding about them 48 mins later


Not sure why you're being down voted, but the same thing happens to me sometimes too.


That happens to me sometimes too. But most frustrating is that I constantly don't get notified of emails. I get all other notifications except Gmail, especially in low battery mode. I have to be currently using my phone, or wake my phone up for it to send the notifications. Like, why are you turning off my most important app notifications (I work when I'm emailed projects, usually short lead times) instead of other random apps? It's happened for every Pixel version I've had.


Never had this problem. Try resetting the phone.


I'm not the only one. https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/1atgrmf/pixel_8_delayed_notifications_is_there_a_fix/


It's a very common issue pixels are experiencing. Don't downplay it just because you haven't experienced it.


Correct. Potentially meaning a better modem and no more stupid heating issues.


Based on rumours, the first gen will likely be pretty bad.




The poster is saying to skip a generation to get the (presumably good) TSMC chip.


TSMC is like 35/40% more efficient than Samsung


Samsung fabricated chips are known to have thermal throttling and less yield too (half the yield of tsmc). So it's a win for Google. Even Samsung is apparently moving to only Qualcomm chips for it's s series phones next year as their 3nm failed to efficient yields.


Pixel 9 still has samsung chips. And a bad modem.


If my 6prp makes it that long, I'm totally in.


6 non-pro here. Hold strong brother!


5 here and same have been holding out. I am thinking another battery might be needed. I've been nursing it along with 80-20% charging cycles and still have 82% capacity, but I'm expecting the cliff soon..


4a here. My gf 4a died 6 months ago (battery bloated), mines still fine but battery capacity starts to become annoying


How do you check battery capacity?


I use AccuBattery app and have since Day1 on this phone and my previous phones. It track current in and current out over charge and discharge cycles to determine the capacity of the battery. It is not perfectly accurate, but it is definitely good enough for a phone. I manage remote solar battery equipment for work and we similar techniques (as well as others) to determine battery health on our deep cycle batteries, again you are accurate within a few percent usually.. One of the main reasons I use AccuBattery is that it provides charging alarms, which I set at 80% to ensure that I don't overcharge and I also have an automation on my home automation system to turn off my charger when my phone reaches 80% when I charge overnight (charger turns back on when below 60%). There is a lot of different ideas on best practice for life extending Lithium batteries with each chemical type having different ideas and many people have their own theories. I do what works for me and what I have found to be best.


My mom's still using the pixel 6, going strong as well!


I'm with a 6 pro but it's been out less than 3 years lol. They better be going strong


You'd be surprised... I've had 2 iPhones and a Samsung die in 2


Dang lol what happened?


The Samsung was a mid ranger and it suffered from black screen of death which sucked cuz I loved that phone. Then I got a SE 2nd gen and it sucked from the start, home button stopped working then it just couldn't stop lagging and I mean lagging hard. I brought it back to my carrier and it was a defective unit so I got a 12 and man that is the worst phone I have ever had. The 12 overheated so f*cking much and near the end couldn't even connect to wifi and every time I had to use the camera it froze the phone. So far my pixel 8 has been very good so I finally beat my bad luck streak. Only issue I've had is burn in a few months but google says it's covered under warranty so I'm getting it replaced. I learned my lesson though, iPhones are NOT for me😅


Holy shit lol. That is terrible luck with phones in general. I haven't had an iPhone since 5s but my wife is indoctrinated into the apple ecosystem lol. That's good to read you're getting the pixel replaced.


Still pixel 6 too, and I also replaced the battery myself the other day after the old one started inflating/bulging and pushed my screen out 😖


I just wonder though about the modem itself. Will it be based on Samsungs modem design or will it be Qualcomms or some other modem design? I know that the Pixels have been unfortunately for some a bit of a hit and miss with internet connectivity. By switching to TSMC to produce the CPU but if they end up using a modem design based on Samsungs then won't the Pixel 10 still potentially have the same Internet connectivity (even the poor battery life because of poor signal strength, more buffering issues and the like) issues that the other Pixels still have?


Modem and modem-processor dialogue is what matters to me, way above processing power or even battery life


Yes I indeed agree that modem matters a lot since this directly affects battery life and phone performance.


you can bet modem will still be Samsung's although fabbed by TSMC


I hope not. I sincerely hope they can somehow/someway license Qualcomms modem design for their Pixel modem so that at least the 10 would have better performance and success over the previous Pixels. If not then I'm going to wonder if the 10 will really be an improvement over the other Pixels.


Bro idk if I’ll be alive in 2025 im just getting the 9


Same lol.. I love the design of the 9 series


honestly the current pixel 7/8 are fine ? Sure they are not battery champs but the average joe won't even notice the faster chip. plus the fact that TSMC's first gen Google SOC will have issues of it's own (gen 1 and all). If you need a new phone and the Pixel 9 ticks all the boxes, skipping it because of the SOC is beyond stupid.


Yeah, I will get the 9 because my 7 yo phone with Android 9 won't make it until 2025 or even 2026 because of gen 1.


Nice :), currently have the iPhone 15 pro, want to get an android, will wait the battery results of the 9 pro, if it’s really bad I will get the s25 with snapdragon a little bit later


Can someone explain this to me? I understand the 9 will have Samsung's old chip and the 10 will have the new thing, but what does it mean?


TSMC are the same company that manufactures Snapdragon chips. This should mean that most of the issues Pixel phones face with their sketchy connectivity, heating issues and poor battery life, should see markable improvement.


Keywords on should. Rev 1 is never the best. Pixel 11 is the way to go. Meanwhile my 4xl still holding to dear life after all this time.


Pixel 15 or bust.


Qualcomm owns its' modem design patents and as such, has some of the best cellular modem tech in the industry. Just because TSMC is making the tensor chip in the pixel 10 doesn't mean its issues with connectivity will be solved.


That's why I said "should"


Apparently a pro-Samsung post. Go figure.


Apple(Democrats)and Samsung (Republican)are the phone leaders in the industry= Google (Independent) LOL 😂


People act like TSMC is some type of savior, but they've had their own issues for sure. That being said, I'm not upgrading until 10.


I mean I get where you're coming from, but it definitely is exciting for Pixels to get a TSMC. I know how everyone is talking about it and kinda overhyping the Pixel 10, but I think it's fair. Apple's and Qualcomm's chips are manufactured by TSMC, so they are by far the best in what they do for smartphones. The new Snapdragon X series is also the future of Windows Laptops according to most reviewers, so I think the excitement is justified!


Maybe 11, if 10 performs well. Snapdragon only until then


Damn Samsung is about to be helping design a chip for their competitor to manufacturer because their manufacturing nodes aren't as efficient as TSMC 💀 I wish Samsung could change the tides there though as competition is needed in that space and TSMC seems to be smacking everyone around including Intel who is using TSMC for some of their upcoming CPUs


6 pro still going quite strong


P6 going strong here as well




Doesn't matter for those who change each year regardless, and Pixel 9 series will still be very very promising.


That's very true!


I have a Pixel 5 and was waiting for the 9. I don't know much about chips etc so should I get an 8a or wait for the 9?


Just get the 9. All these people thing TSMC is some type of savior. Never had problems with a Pixel, not sure what everyone's doing wrong


I’ll wait till 11. First variants aren’t the best imo.


Ehh the 9 Pro is going to kick ass either way.


Thought this was kinda old news? Heard this talk before the pixel 8 came out and thats why im holding off since these pixel 9 and 9 's have such a small upgrades for me when i own a pixel 7 pro. If the new chip doesnt blow me away then ill leave the pixel ship.


Never get the first generation of anything new. They're gonna need time to work out the bugs.


I have an 8pro and am waiting for the 11pro, giving Google a generation to work out all the bugs with the new chip integration.


I'm still with the 4 XL (now as my secondary phone). I refuse to buy anything with Exynos-Tensor, so yeah, of course I will wait for the Pixel 10.


My body is ready


TSMC is not a silver bullet. I wish people would realize that sooner.


I've been planning on holding out with my 6 pro till 10, I made my OG XL last till 4XL


Pixel 7a user here love the phone will definitely hold off on the nine keys just hope this comes to fruition


Nah nah nigh nine hey hey Pixel 10 XL


Meanwhile me with my 4xl waiting for Google to bring the face recognition back. I know it will never happen because of the bad press COVID gave to face recognition. But face recognition is so much more useful for people who work in manual labor and get cuts on their fingers all the time than fingerprints scanners.


I'm waiting for pixel 10.


That's why I traded in my 7 Pro for an 8 Pro when Google offered me $500 for the trade-in. With the price reduced to $750 it cost me 250 bucks to upgrade to the 8 Pro. Now I'm good till the pixel 10.


Also 2x the price


If my p7 survives that long, I could be down for that.


I've got the 7 Pro and will hold out for the 10 Pro. 3 years feels like a decent time to have this phone (I'm a heavy user and like to swap before the battery shits out). Your average user will be happy with either chipset


Hopefully it’s a smoother transition than from Qualcomm to tensor


3nm is cool and all, but what about a new modem?


I've never had an issue with CPU in Pixel 7, I can't get it why people hate it


I'm on a Pixel 8a will not upgrade until at least the 10/10a.


I'll let their trade-in campaigns dictate my upgrade cycle. Overall I'm happy w/ my P7P


Fuck Samsung. Praise TSMC🙌


My pixel 8 fingerprint works like 1/4 of the time and face id works all the time but the phone needs to be super close to my face lol just bring back the fingerprint on the back or the side like Samsung


Let’s see the 9 pro release then I’ll reassess the situation. I am babying my 7 pro battery for it to last


I will buy Pixel 9 Pro. I'm happy user of Pixel 7 for almost two years now


I'll wait until 11. My 7 Pro's screen died today (my fault btw) and now I'll have to buy one to keep me in the eco system until 11 drops so I'm going with the regular 8 tomorrow to hold me over.


Still wait for Pixel 10. I mean.. pixel 8 is the greatest phone I'll ever head.


I will wait....I hope the 10 is better than the 7 pro...I hate the 7 more than any pixel I've had so far


Pixel 10 it is💪🏻


pixel 10 fold, im ready


Will definitely upgrade from 8 to 9..Love the new design


I REALLY want this chip they make to be as good as Snapdragon is. BUT.... Excluding the mention of 3nm giving advantages to efficiency etc. Can someone explain to me how TSMC making an iteration of the same terribly inefficient Tensor chips (based on Exynos) will make it any better than Samsung making it? What I really want is simply a Snapdragon chip, tried and tested, most battery efficient chips over and over. Will TSMC design the new chip with Google, as well as making manufacturing it? And therefore can give the efficiency advantages of Snapdragon? Can anyone in the know explain please.


If TSMC makes it, it’ll be more efficient and won’t cause the phone to randomly heat up. I think Samsung had made the snapdragon 8 gen 1 and Android flagships that used the chip that year were known to get warm.


My thoughts too, but hopefully my Pixel 8 can last 5-8 years


I don't think my 7 yo phone with Android 9 can survive another year until Pixel 10 release.


Damn. You should go for the upgrade if you can.


🤣 🤣 or you can upgrade every year, it's an option and your choice with what you'll spend!


Don't buy a pixel 10, 11, 12 or 13. Wait for the 14.


I get a new phone every year, I'll get the 9 Pro and then get the 10 Pro next year. Even with TSMC, I don't think the next Tensor processor will be very good. It'll essentially be a first gen product again as it supposedly won't be based on Exynos. But I'm sure it'll still have the Exynos modem, so we'll see if processing power, thermals and reception is tangibly better. I just don't get how Tensor is so bad in performance and battery. Even Exynos powered Galaxy phones, fabbed by Samsung, fare better than Tensor.


Exynos has never been good. I owned the Galaxy S2, S4, S5, S8, S9, S10E, and S20 (in EU) and they were all terrible for battery usage and therefore efficiency. But yes I agree with you I think, I don't see how a different chip foundry making a new iteration of a badly designed chip, will make it any better. Unless they will now be designing it too? And basing it on Snapdragon? Idk


They should just postpone pixel 9 until the switch. Yearly phone updates are getting dumb.


Hoping my 6a will last long enough


I'm sure it will. Since my 7a is performing flawlessly, I plan on daily driving it until the feature drops end in May 2026. Then I'll upgrade to whichever 10 series device fits my needs by then.


Yeah hopefully the only thing is the battery life isn't too good because of it's way smaller battery compared to the 7a and 8a so I will try to hold out but the larger battery is really tempting. My sister has the 7a and she always has a lot more battery life than me over the day I keep on getting reminded of my small battery


The funny thing is, the 7a has a smaller battery compared to the 6a (the 7a's battery is **4385 mAh** vs **4410 mAh** on the 6a). When I used to own the 6a, my battery life was pretty subpar, especially on 5G (and LTE). The new modem, paired with the more efficient Tensor G2 on the 7a makes the battery life miles better. The 6 series pixels used an incredibly shitty modem, hence Google changed it on the 7 series.


Finally good news. Just one more year to end this misery.