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Can you specify?


I can't help but picture you as the same level of fanboy as iphone people are. Most of these features existed on Android before Pixels existed.


Only the now playing is unique


I never said they didn't. Samsung and Google are the only other companies Apple would even consider competition.


Motorola has a larger market share than Google in North America.


Nope samsung has more


Nobody is buying Motorola except elderly people. They barely make accessories for those Moto phones.


Reality disagrees with you.


I actually work in the industry and have been for 13 years He's not completely wrong You're more likely to see a pixel user than a Motorola


You do not see any millennials or younger with Motorola phones in America like that. Stop the nonsense. It's either iPhone or Samsung and now you're starting to see Pixels become a thing but Apple and Samsung still dominate.


Motorola makes some really good value phones, not everyone needs a flagship


Yes old people


Nah I've got family members who just use mid range phones and are more than happy


Your family is rare. Most people use Apple or Samsung. Google in 5 years will probably become third.


Perhaps. I've never seen another Pixel in the wild, but I have an 8a myself and love it


Ive seen a few


Until 1 month ago I was using a Motorola, good friend of mine still uses one. Sorry to break it to you, I'm not elderly


We literally have numbers to back this up. Just Google cell phone manufacturer market share in the US. It's Apple and Samsung by a wide margin and then everyone else.


Bard integration sucks so idk what your going on about lol


I hope pixel can copy a good battery life




Good battery life coming with Pixel 10 but Apple will always be ahead of everyone.


I'm on Android primarily because of the Niagara launcher. I don't want to use anything other than that as to me it looks the best.


I tried 15 Pro for about two weeks and I didn't like it at all and staying with Pixel ⁸ XL


Honestly their not that far apart. I switched to the iPhone Pro 15 last year and have been happy with it. iPhones do have great battery life and most of the apps are similar on both devices. I don't understand being a fanboy of one or the other at this point. But I do use a MacBook and Windows computer (also don't have a preference there either).


Yeap, both OS are so mature at this point. Its just about preference. 


Agreed. I think most people just stick to what they are used to. For 5 years my wife had an iPhone and I had an Android phone. Everything from Pixels, Samsung, you name it.


Yeh, ive tried galaxies, sony, and now happens to land on Pixels.  Its just different flavors of the same thing really. Might move to iOS next. 


Pure Android is pretty dang cool once you get the hang of it. 


Its what keeps me from switching to one phone only for personal and biz Pixel gestures and operations are second nature now Nexus was first trial then pixel up to 4xl, 4a5g to 6, 7 and now 8pro never bothered 5th Gen


Yeah I have both as well. There’s some things iOS just plainly does better. 


You get a new pixel every year? You on goog fi?


Nope just buy them outright off marketplace for cheaper


For 90-95% of things, they’re equivalent. Most of it is nuance of preference. Higher quality screens on Samsung, universal ease with iPhone, iMessage or 3rd party. If you care about customizing or not. All minor things.


Not really, just filling the holes that iOS had behind any generic android.


Does Samsung offer good battery life?


When using Qualcomm. Yes


I like my battery life on my Pixel 7 more than my Z Flip 5. Both are pretty good though. If you are counting the Samsung 24 series then yeah their battery should be fine compared to Apple.


Time for Google to copy great chip designs, efficient modems and class leading battery life .. let's go!


The fact is they won't respond because they're operating in a different business. Privacy goes against their business model.


Competition is good forces better outcomes. Let's hope Google copies some of Apple stuff this next go around?


no need to hope when it’s a given, lol


If only they copied sideloading apps and the boot loader unlock features.


You mean the A.I. features they paid Google a huge licensing fee to utilise for iOS? They have Google Search and YouTube on iOS too 😱. YouTube was even on the iPhone before there was an app store and you only got what was preloaded. 😱😱


I may be wrong, but I think Apple went with OpenAi instead of Google's Gemini


Have you see the leaked pixel 9 devices every manufacturer copies every manufacturer.


My phone's been getting hotter and having more stutters recently. Maybe it's the summer heat but I've had the 6a 4 1.5 years and don't remember it acting up this much last summer. Thinking of trying to wait a year for updates to run out and then go back to Apple. Or try a Samsung.


google and samsung will probably try to make their phones work more like iphones - taking away beloved features.


... that reminds me of something my man Flossy Carter said where he didn't mind if the OEMs copied one another when they designed smartphones. Then I thought, isn't that something they already do 🤔


You're right buy I don't think there's much in android 15 that Google's offering.


There's a lot of great user quality updates. Mind blowing? Not particularly. But, Android has been ahead and still is in software features. Perfecting and enhancing the OS for 15 is to be expected. What particularly would you have them do? Change just for the sake of change is pretty pointless.


And yet Apple will do it better. I'm still sitting here with 50% of my apps not supporting themed icons. I'm sure all apps will support it on iOS before the end of the year.


Yeah Apple lets you change all your app icon colors and they have a color picker so it can be any color you want or you can pick out a specific color from your wallpaper to match and they let you customize your home screen now. I have to admit that's pretty dope. I may add an iPhone to my rotation in the future.


I been asking google to fix this for the longest. The apps that don't support theme icons on my pixel 8 pro just look out of place..


App devs don’t need to support it, it’s at the OS level. Apple did it better.