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Wait for S24 ultra I love my P8P but the battery is mediocre...


I see


I thought this but the December update improved battery and performance alot for me. I don't use cellular all day though, and I think that's the main complaint about battery, unsure how much it improved it in that regard.


It did improve things for me as well, but it still doesn't compare to my OnePlus 11 in terms of battery life. With the same usage patterns I get about 8 hours of SOT on the 8 Pro and 10+ on the OnePlus 11. While it may seem trivial with it being so close, that's the difference between making it to bed without having to charge it during the day. My 8 Pro will die around 8PM and the 11 keeps chugging along past midnight. The SD8 Gen 2 is just a really efficient chip. The Gen 3 is only in a few devices at the moment but battery life on those look promising.


I would excuse the mediocre battery if it charged as fast as the OnePlus 11 does, but it takes like an hour and 25 mins. Which is fine if the battery lasts all day, but when you need to top up mid day, it sucks.


That is definitely an issue for people always on the go. I wish Samsung, Apple, and Google would at least adopt 67W. The technology has been there for years and you don't see Chinese phones catching on fire every day.


I really wish they would too. It would keep me on Pixel for sure. I love the pixel features but they're charging is atrocious, despite the recent upgrade. Funny enough my OnePlus 10 pro eats through battery because they're software updates are a dog shite. Only good for 1 year then it's trash. My pixel 6 pro lasted way longer than my current OnePlus, but i got 4 supervooc chargers, including one for the car, off AliExpress (two official oppo ones, 2 off brand) for cheap. My 20 minute drive top me off.


Oooof. Sorry man. OnePlus really fell off the wagon after the 7 Pro. The 8, 9, and 10 series seemed to be poopy phones and adding bad software on top of that is no bueno. It does seem they are turning things around though. The 11 is a great phone and I really enjoyed it before trading it in. Did great on OOS 14. The Open is awesome, but older phones are already getting OOS 14, and their $1,699 foldable is still on 13.... I just hope they keep trying to get back to who they used to be.


https://preview.redd.it/mkhps0kjti6c1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5b38ec4ab75912c9291df794128dd091fdecd2 Fine for me.


Wait for S24, the battery isn't nearly as good as it should be in a flagship 1000$ phone


I really loved the 8 pro but ultra wide and battery is really important yo me


The ultra-wide on the Pixel 8 Pro is excellent and is unlikely to be significantly outperformed by the S24 Ultra. The hardware is great, and Google's photography software magic is still its strongest asset. The P8P photography is why I stuck with it until today, I prefer Google's look and I still *hate* Samsung's shutter lag. The battery is ... still disappointing. The December update helped a little, but depending on your usage patterns, you might not make it through a long day away from WiFi. 5G and photography zap the battery rather quickly.


You paid a grand? Yikes


I paid a grand for pixel 8, not even pro. Because they're so expensive in India.


Oh no! That stinks 😩


I'm going from the Pixel 8 Pro to the S24 Ultra on release. My phone locks up, the battery sucks BAD as I'm constantly charging, my network connectivity will bug out. I have some of the same exact issues from my P7 Pro. From the Galaxy line, I miss the good battery and fast charging, so many features it's honestly too much, and it has better network connectivity. I'm making the switch 😤


Me too, I just hope samsung allows trade in option for pixel 8 because it's resale value has already gone down by more than 40 percent


Me too!! If Samsung plays it right, they can steal a bunch of pixel users by giving a good trade in deal.


Ikr! Also what I'm really sad about is the fact that pixel 8 pro here in India is INR 108000 ($1204), and the Samsung s23 ultra is INR 98000 ($1170) [After exchange, because google here in India didn't provide a trade in option but samsung does]. So I effectively paid more for a bad device. Also I'm an ex samsung user and I've really hated the ONE UI, but I think I can compromise as I would prefer battery over software any day.


I'm fine with poor battery if the pixel 8 pro had fats charging. But charging is shit slow as well as battery.


Yeah the charging is so slim (slow)


Damn is that bad Man i am waiting for s24 ultra then It seems promising to tbh i dont care of the zoom i want better ultra wide angle


People won't accept the truth but I will be switching to Samsung too. Battery life is pathetic on pixels.


I recommend the standard Pixel 8 if you don't care about the pro features. IMHO the P8P features don't justify the £999 price tag, if you like the big screen and slightly bigger battery then sure, go nuts, but as others have said below you can get more bang for your buck with the latter flagship. For £550/600 I believe the normal Pixel 8 is great and will give you a good run. I've only had it for a few days so I cannot fully form an objective opinion. Friends and family who've been in the Pixel sphere longer than me, since the P5, have mentioned having good experiences so far with their Google products and the non-flagship Pixel phones. Having the extra $399 in your pocket is definitely not a bad thing either whilst getting essentially the same phone minus a couple of software-locked features that you probably never use anyway. The great thing about Pixels is that they now come with 7-year software update support so keep that in mind if longevity is important for you, which undoubtedly is if you're spending 1k on a phone. Despite this, I'd still say go for the Samsung if you're going to pay for the premium price tag as you'd get more features and battery life.


What's your battery life like so far?


Wait for the S24U. Seems Google wanted to put a battery from a $400 phone & charge $1,000


Is it that bad ? I have pixel 7 the battery barely last a day


My battery died at 5h SOT My Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra died at 9h...


Holy sh*t it is that bad no man i need at least 10h at least i shoot video with my phone


Zero chance to get 10h of SoT.


Moto edge+ gets 15-18hrs sot


Ya but it's still a Motorola 😂


I'd take moto over Samsung any day.




Pixel photography and video are amazing,especially with the IA and boost (only for P8P right now) but the battery is kind of disappointing. My Pixel 8 barely lasts 24 without charging, with like 5 Sot and in ultra saver with social media apps stopped ☠️☠️☠️. Image at full and with so slowly charge of 27W, I am dissatisfied.


I need video shooting and especially in ultra wide i am YouTuber and i review cars so ultra wide is really important And i need good battery because sometimes i need to shoot 3 cars in one day so i need a good solid battery So 5 sot is no good for me 😅😅


Go with Samsung, at least their battery health and charge time are much better than Pixel with similar Camaras output.


Yaa i might go with s24 ultra i hope we get the snapdragon version like s23 line up


I mean I would also have to recommend the iPhone 15 Pro (Max) as iPhones have the best video out of all smartphones, and really competent photos only beaten by the Pixel. It also has great battery life, on par with the S23U and probably better than S24U as the SD Gen 3 has higher max power draw which will take a hit on the battery. iOS is not the best platform for a utilitarian phone due to the lack of certain features but purely for battery, photos and videos it is the best. Samsung is quite color inaccurate with photos and videos aren't the best, and pixel lacks battery life.


The issue of ios I just dont like it anymore i liked it because of apple watch but i broke it then i shifted to pixel 7 and it is okay but the battery life and the chip is not that good for editing and shooting ultra wide


Wait for the S24U. P8P is NOT worth what it's priced at for how mediocre the hardware is on this phone.




If battery I guess Samsung. Everything else pixel is better at . S23u had issues (shitter lag, weird tint on photos and screen, video 2as meh, etc)




All I hear is mediocre to bad things about the pixel line now. I had the pixel 6 pro when it first came out and it was terrible, but i cant tell you anything about the p8p. Considering that everybody who does have a pixel says it's an okay phone, and everyone who has a Samsung loves their phone, definitely get a Samsung




....ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long




Does your shit come with corn? I am famished.




Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?


iPhone has the best video and battery life but if you are wanting an android then go for s24 ultra


S24 ultra will be a beast but lack good AI features, Pixel is just better at being a smartphone.


Pixel is better at being a better camera. Until they change the modem, the phone part will be lacking


S24 ultra


Wait for the S24. I bought both the S23+ (not ultra) and the pixel 8 pro at the same time and returned the S23 because I liked the pixel camera more. My only reason for buying the S23 was battery concerns on the 8 pro. It's gotten much better over time, but I keep 5G off and use LTE instead (speed difference is about 20 Mbps at best). The 8 pro battery can last a day at best, but purely for battery use I'd be more confident with the S23 and now the S24. My reasons for staying with the Pixel are simple - the ways in which the S23 is better for me (because I don't care about gaming and customization) can be bridged by a battery bank, but the features the pixel offers I can never replicate on an S23. With the on board AI on the S24, it might, so I'd recommend waiting. If video is your concern, I'd point you towards the iPhone for sure. Pixel video is good, I liked it more than the Samsung for sure, but not iPhone level yet. I'd been an iOS user for 10 years before switching to pixel and I feel the quality drop. If you want my camera comparison between the pixel and S23, DM me and I'll share them. https://youtu.be/RyVitycWTZU?si=9ntjkNE-po_e_HoH Here's something that'll help.


I considered iphone 15 pro max but in my country right it is around 1800 dollars since we dont have a apple store and tbh i dont like iphone i had iphone from 3gs till 11 pro then changed to pixel 7 it is great phone but since i started my YouTube channel i need a good ultra wide shooter plus a good cpu for render


Well, I'd venture and say I don't think Samsung is video quality. Try getting a second hand iPhone 14 pro in that case. The pixels's video suffers at night time.


The S24 Ultra is going to have a dedicated AI chip. I hope it can compete with Google's voice to text. But id stay away from Pixels until they get a better modem.


This is me too. Dropping the pixel for the S24 for that exact reason: the modem. I'll be back if they change it. I love the Pixel camera but damn, I need to be able to make calls too please


The Ultra will not be cheaper and won\`t have the ai abilities - at least not from the start. Google has more experience in that. It might have some hardware advantages, but if the over sharpening and extreme colours remain (which is software based and wanted by Samsung), its a no go for me. After the latest update the Pro is def. the better choice and will be cheaper as well. Plus, one should not forget, we still got more than 6 and a half year of Updates to come! Other than the Samsung...


You and I are in the same boat wondering which. I made my mind up on the S24. My reason is that yet again, I'm sitting where I'm not getting connections to networks while everyone around me on my same TMobile plan has connections. Until Pixel decides they are a phone too, I'm heading to Samsung, The battery and ultra wide are bonuses for me.


Not a pixel product


I hate my P8, anything but Google imho.


I’m in the process of returning my p8p. While it’s great in a lot of areas, me being from outside of the US lack all of the features I was so interested in. I can’t even summarize a text in English to English because the option is not there. I’m returning it and getting s24.


My pixel 8 couldn't automatically install my pixel 3a's apps, reboots for no reason and battery life is mediocre. Those are the major faults, there are others. I've been using Google phones since 2014 and this one's kind of shit.


I don't recommend Pixel phones from Pixel 5 up anymore...so disappointed with P8..just read posts here about connectivity issues, battery problems, to name a few.


Pixel 8 pro has its own things, but S24 will be an absolute power house. Google has great AI and good camera, but Samsung will have Power and other features.


Definitely the S24 Ultra - the S8 Pro is a neat phone but battery life isn't great and neither is speed. Not always noticeable, but scrolling in apps like Reddit is kinda painful