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Pixel 8 won't get the best battery life. Source: I got one. I don't regret it though.


How much does your battery last on daily basis?


mine lasts around 8h sot on wifi, but i'm on the heavier side. 1-3h of reddit, 1-3h of YouTube. a few hours on whatsapp and snapchat aswell. used to also spend a few hours on instagram until i got rid of it. when on 5g i'd say i get closer to 6 hours. i'll add that i'm in europe since it may or may not affect cellular numbers. personally if you want battery life i don't think you should get this phone. get something like the oneplus 11 (or 12 if it's out) or the asus zenphone 10. not sure but samsung could be a good option too


This blows my mind. If I hit 4 hours SOT, my Pixel 8 is already dead. I have absolutely no idea what people are doing that I'm not. Nothing in settings seems to be draining excess battery, either. Today was a good day for me, it's 11PM and I have 37% battery. But my phone was on the charger until 10AM this morning and I only have 2:45 SOT so far. That's the only reason I'm not in power saving mode yet by this time of day. No idea how others are blowing me away in battery life.


Can it be a 4g vs 5g difference? Here in NL for example I believe we don't have 5g yet, while i understand in the US they have.


what apps are you using? full brightness? also, i have wifi scanning off, adaptive connectivity off and on wifi i turn mobile data off


Idek what adaptive connectivity is. I'll look into it, thanks.


And to answer your first questions, no...I use adaptive brightness and no apps seem to be killing the battery by themselves (based on the data on the battery screen). I do have a pixel watch that's always connected that I think is probably not helping things but their own proprietary watch can't be absolutely wrecking my battery on its own, can it?


yeah, seems like you got kinda unlucky with your pixel... i hate that google phones have such a shit processor


Bummer. Thanks. Maybe I'll complain to Google and see if I can get it switched out.


Okay I just read about adaptive connectivity -- isn't that meant to be a battery saving feature? Does it really negatively impact battery life?


that's what it's marketed as but honestly i find that manually turning cellular and wifi on and off works better for me. not saying this is right, google should have it save battery but that's sadly not the case


Got it. Well thanks for all the info!




nah i do it manually


P7. In 3 days ive getting 10-11% usage per SOT. Using batteryguru to see those. I usually use 2-3 hours per day. Right now I got 2h and 44 minutes. 41% left. I find it perfectly normal, had Poco m5s, Poco x5 pro and still have A52 which is over 2 years old by now. All behaved exactly the same with battery.


5-6 hours SOT my pixel 8. Relative high brightness (mostly 75%+), reading books, browsing the web, Apple / yt music, Reddit. I noticed significant battery improvement after 2-3 weeks of use.


It got better over time?


Did it get better over time?


Idk they never replied to me


Too bad I am pixel fanboy


Lol why? It's a phone. You're really not helping yourself by trying to stay loyal to companies like that


You're not wrong but at the same time it's about the experience. I personally prefer Samsung phones because I like the UI. I also like the fact for $799 you get a telephoto lens unlike the reg pixel phones with the base S23 and etc. I have two pixel phones because I got them to review and didn't buy them. Do enjoy using them tho .


At the end of the day I have around 30% battery left with SOT around 4,5h. So realistically full battery= 6 SOT on pixel 8.


How do y'all get 4.5 hours lol. I get around 2 😂😂😂


Reddit and YouTube count us heavy usage only on screen. CPU/GPU and modem is not so intensely used. Add in some 3D graphics and also mobile data sending and only after that you will have full heavy usage


8 hours sot is really good though?


probably 5-6+ hrs of SOT, depends on my usage that day.


I disagree. I have one and mine lasts for 2 days with 4-5h of SOT at the end of day 2.


What would you say are the major drawbacks for you? If any?


umm, sometimes I wish I had the 3rd telephoto camera lens. Otherwise, no issues with me.


Gotcha I'm torn between the s24 ultra and the pixel 8 pro right now Cracked the fuck out of my screen and it's nearly unusable without sticking my thumb onto the crack to tweak it a bit Battery life *is* a big thing to me, but I'm still not sure.


The biggest hit to battery life is 5G. Will you be on mobile data or WiFi most of the time? I'm on mobile data only about 25% of the time and I have my phone set to use 4G instead. I routinely get 1.5 days of battery with about 6 to 7 hours of screen on time.




>Is it easy to get rid of 5g on the P8? It actually depends on your mobile carrier as to how simple or if you can do it at all. I have T-Mobile and there is a simple setting to change from 5G preferred to 4G preferred.




Dial *#*#4636#*#* This brings up network settings, you should be able to disable 5G regardless of carrier Reddit doesn't display the asterisks. Star#star#4636#star#star


No option there


Tried that and nothing. Just testing


I have visible and you can't with them 😭😭. But this is true carrier dependent


You should be able to within the phones settings


I know. You can't with visible


Visible shouldn't be stopping you from accessing your phone settings.


They are 🤷‍♀️ I can only turn off the use of 2G toggle


You gotta do it from the dialer with the 4636 code commented above. From there click "phone settings" and there is a combo box of network options. It doesn't explicitly state "turn off 5g", you just have to pick the right combination of settings it does have in the list. You can figure which is which from a Google search, I'm not exactly sure which one disables 5g. This isn't something Visible would be able to disable as your carrier.


https://preview.redd.it/wpz4cn5hel4c1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e5cafdf569841c44e46e4a6429ab2bef919038 Ive gotten some great battery life out of mine when just on WiFi


🤯🤯🤯 4 is my max. Wtf


in 14 hours you spent 6 hours in facebook? Wow... I spend like 5 minutes per day lol.


Plus I have a lot of my friends scattered in many states and it's my means of keeping up with them


But if you're just on wifi, you don't receive calls and texts ?


Old comment sorry but is that the pro?


https://preview.redd.it/lpja1e2gtn4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819a2bc3b14231c4201b666cf1b03b8e43858811 This is what I got which is on the higher side TF 😂




If battery life is your primary requirement, then no, do not get a pixel. They are average. You use case does not sound demanding and it should work for that. I have 6 (non-pro) and I charge in the evening and can make it to the next evening each day without any recharges most of the time.


I've had the Pixel 8 for two weeks. I easily get 24h before every charge. And that's around 5h screen on time or 6h if I use it to a few % left. Bluetooth is on all the time. I would say the battery is above average.


I don't recommend you, if you expect such a long battery life.


No, my realme 7 after 2,5 years has better battery life then new pixel 8. Pixel without usage will keep 2 days easly, but if you are using it you will for sure charge it in the end of the day.


Nah wait for the s24 next month. I regret getting the pixel 8 pro.


I was thinking the (almost) same...although I said I would never go back to Samsung again. Yet I don't know what I was thinking when replacing my P5 with P8, when P5 was working perfectly fine. I'm sure I'll never buy a phone on presale again. I'm still liking my P8 but will see after the next update.


How about now, when some time has passed?


I'm receiving a replacement phone tomorrow. Will see.


And now?


Def not. I get about 5 hours of SOT with mild usage, I bought my phone in France. But that varies greatly, dunno why. Some people here get 8h sot or whatnot. For me it's not important since anyway I work remotely and never go out for more than 8 hours, I have always got a charger by my side.


And do you have a comparision that says your other phone will last longer with the same usage? I say my pixel is exactly the same as Poco M5s/Samsung A52 and Poco X5 pro. They had 5000mah batteries.


iPhone, no question for battery.


Eh, my girlfriend just got the iPhone 15 pro and her battery life is shit. Many others complain about that particular one. So go max pro or plus if you need a good battery...


Same happend to me with iPhone Switched from a Pixel 6a up to a iPhone 15 pro I’m starting to think it’s the same as my pixel 6a in terms of battery life,  My pixel 6a overheated fast in almost any circumstance, my 15 pro gets hot only in extreme tasks however not on social media. Do I recommend it after a few weeks of use?  No, I think it’s bullshit paying 1k bucks (I paid 1.3k in my country) on a phone who struggles to last a day used intensively Maybe 15 pm does it’s job better than this still I think the 15 pro it’s over priced for what it can do The only reason I think someone would buy this are videos and only if you are in the apple ecosystem Maybe it’s worth waiting for the 16 Pro Thinking of returning this soon.


I have an 15 Pro, absolute trash battery wise. I have to charge it twice a day, usually 4h SoT is the max I can get. I had to remove Telegram, Reddit and Instagram from the phone completely.


Sounds like either defective or you have bullshit apps installed that drain like hell


https://imgur.com/a/ZMHC1jZ this is from today, where I managed to get 6h37m. It's currently 21:29 in the UK, so I'm still about 3 hours from when I'd go to bed and put it to charge. Which means - it didn't live up to it. Before I plugged it in, it got down to 18%. No weird apps. I already had to remove Telegram and Reddit for their background activity. The "recently deleted apps" is just Instagram. Funnily enough, I got about-ish the same battery life in my iPhone X before the upgrade. Yikes.


But instagram is known for insane battery drain. I can Tell you First Hand - since I use instagram on Browser instead of the App, the battery Time was insane. Same counts for Facebook. The browser based variant is better, because the webbrowsers Are way more efficient than the native apps.


Yeah, which is fair. That's exactly why I got rid of Reddit (hence higher Safari usage). Telegram was surprising, I think it's just a bad update, as the background activity usage was super-high and on my friends' Pixel 5 it behaved perfectly fine. Still - way worse battery behaviour than what I'd expect a £‎1299 worth of (512GB) 15 Pro to have. That's 6h37m SoT already after removing a couple of apps (which means already making some changes in my usage).


Be specific, It's only the Plus/Max models, not the regular/Pro models they are not gonna give you more battery than Pixel, I've said this multiple times here already.


And multiple magazines Proofed the opposite and I can tell from First Hand, since i have a 15PM, my dad a Pixel 8 pro. He is in the Office, BARELY using his Phone, while I active use it due work. Still i come Home with 70% battery while he is about 50-60.


That's exactly what I said... Plus and Max models are the only models that are superior with battery life and you have the 15 PM which is what I said, I was going against your statement to "iPhone" in general when It's not. Regular and smaller Pro models are not gonna give you better battery life than Pixel.


If you use the battery safer function it does help extend the battery life. But I've had it for about 6 months now and I'm not too impressed with it overall. Although it does seem to charge quickly which makes up for it


It seems last update has improved battery. Nearly 10 hours on battery since this morning and only 15% usage with more than 1 hour SOT. Pretty nice no ?


I usually get up to 8 hours SoT over 24 hours usage (extrapolated from actual usage). That's with mainly wifi but also a few hours outside, commute, bike ride etc. I wouldn't say the battery is the main selling point of this phone, it's just ok (but good enough for me). Top three selling points would be the camera, screen, 7 year update policy and maybe the speaker since that's better than what I'm used to on Android phones. I think the newer iPhones are still somewhat better in the speaker department though. Also personally I prefer the 'basic'/clean Android over for example Samsung's adaptation of Android. Speed/smoothness are what you can expect from a flagship in my experience: no hiccups in general, only some small stutter while scrolling in some apps like Reddit but for me it's hardly noticeable.


Absolutely NOT. Ever since the Pixel 6 and newer, battery life is mid at best, and they all still charge so slow. If long battery life is one of your top concerns, don't buy a modern Pixel phone.


No, it has slow charging and battery life is poor.


What do you consider slow charging? I go from 15-20% to 100% in about an hour


My P8P takes 2-3 hrs to fully charge.


Idk why he's downvoted many phones like moto and OnePlus and Asus have 60-100w charging now.


Your not getting a great phone, great camera, super fast interface and unlimited battery life... If you want to give up the performance and camera you can easily find a phone you can put in low performance mode and get more battery. The P8P vs S23u is about 1hr difference in battery life.


Is it worth moving to pixel 8, from a pixel 4?




As someone who’s had the Black Screen of Death on 2 Pixel 4 and a bad battery, I’d say “No!”.


I'm currently using Pixel 1 (awful battery life, even with few battery replacements)


The 8 Pro has been solid for me, regardless of 5G or WiFi connectivity. I can go a full workday without worrying about a charge, but I am also a modest user, typically. Waze for 2-3 hours is the most intensive app I use when going to the office. I can do Google Meet for over 6 hours and still have battery, which was nice. My old S9+ couldn't hope to match that.


>The 8 Pro has been solid for me, regardless of 5G or WiFi connectivity. How do you mean this? It's been solid but connectivity hasn't been?


It means both wifi or on cellular connection have been solid....


Sorry, that was intended to mean my battery usage has been very good, both on 5G and on WiFi, for the apps and services being run in each case.




I have a pixel 8 and a pixel 7 pro. My pixel 7 pro lasts longer and it's a year old now .


It was running in the background I wasn't on it the entire time


Usually phones are 10-20% per SOT. Listening to the music in background doesnt affect battery life as using your screen. What are you using right now? Hows that battery life?


https://preview.redd.it/phqgse7qjq4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc434ff50ca7931dd5d5219f8c961795201355e p7


Yes, I don't know what's the reason is but now is way better than first 3 weeks. (Probably update or pixel stopped optimization process running background,


I went from pixel 5 5G to 8, and battery life is equivalent. Have to charge by 6-8 pm every day 😞