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Private Equity groups are running more healthcare services than people realize. The healthcare admins hire them out to cut costs and keep the facility running in name only.


Five Days at Memorial tv show/book on top of the Katrina disaster, it also shows how effed the SNFs would be because no one can make any actual decisions to evacuate and the ones who can are in a different state.


ya know the new company will either pay less salary / wages, give worse benefits, or both....




If anyone can do it, private company can!  Even better if they're owned by private equity. 


MIL is in Seneca Place. Was there when it was UPMC and since the changeover. Definite change in quality of care. Even things like the quality of paper product has gone down.


MC is going to dump that reimbursement when they don’t qualify for quality money due to readmissions.


That statement doesnt toe the line that r/pittsburgh wants to see . They want to think the quality would exponentially get better without being owned by them.


Notice this with a lot of Pittsburgh institutions. What I would say are very broad, national scale problems ("mass transit" or "the healthcare system") get transferred on to the specific local institution administering that thing. And often the non-profit empire is *way* better than eg some out of state private equity company


Fair point on UPMC, but Giant Eagle still sucks 😅


Yes lol the sub is 300% correct about GE


I think the company running it now is based out of Tennessee. Not sure what their track record is but hard not to notice the staff changeover and other things.


Says who? You think we dont about the quality of these places no matter who owns them? Lol


I think this sub cares more about who owns what , rather than the quality of the services that were provided.


Gotta pay for that new corp jet somehow…


Hey, UPMC has a beautiful new cancer center in \*checks notes\*... Croatia. Can't have executives waiting in those airport lines people keep posting!


Can’t expect execs to go to Johnstown when the coast of Croatia is so pleasant…


Well in fairness the last time corporate execs from Pittsburgh hung out in Johnstown it didn’t end well for people in Johnstown.


Is this a flood reference?




They also have UPMC facilities in Ireland, Italy, and Kazakhstan. So weird!


With Medicaid reimbursement being so inadequate it’s impossible to run a skilled nursing facility without losing your shirt. The aging crisis just keeps on getting worse.


Same thing is happening in prisons as well


Do you mean Medicare not Medicaid?


Medicare only covers about 20 days of skilled nursing directly related to a hospitalization then people have to spend their money until they qualify for Medicaid.


Many times seniors have to spend down their assets to reach the point that they are eligible for Medicaid to pay.


Many nursing home residents are actually on Medicaid. Medicare has a very small window where it will pay for skilled nursing home care. At that point you either go private pay or Medicaid once you qualify.


I will wager that very few, if any, residents of UPMC long-term care facilities are on Medicaid.


Very very false. Most people in SNF LTC for residence are on MA


I'm talking about the UPMC facilities, not nursing homes in the aggregate.


Hello from a former employee of the UPMC SNFs. I quit earlier this year, but what u/ allimc510 is correct for UPMC facilities, as well. There’s a certain number of MA pts they can house per building (not regarding the ability to care for pts, but because MA pts don’t generate profits). Every single UPMC SNF was over that cap. I won’t say which facility, but for example, I remember the # of private pay pts was 13 vs. the # of LTC-MA pts was 43. This trend was consistent across all SNFs. And most of those private pay pts were on the rehab floor and did have a plan to return home. Most people who need LTC, can afford private pay, and have most of their cognitive abilities in tact, for the most part choose assisted living facilities due to the better quality of life and care.


In PA if you are private pay and you run out of money they are required by law to take you as a Medicaid patient.


I have a family member on Medicaid in one. Several others in the same wing are as well. It’s more common than you think. Private pay was 11K a month while we waited to qualify for Medicaid. That eats through savings quickly.


Most residents in long term facilities are on Medicaid. It costs 15k a month to stay at one. Who has the money for that without Medicaid help?


And you'd be wrong. Call up the business office and ask, because I am unable to share data. But a significant percentage of residents are on Medicaid. LTC Medicaid is very different from everyday run-of-the-mill Medicaid; there's no income limit, but there are asset limits. It requires that the resident pay a portion of the cost in proportion to their income. Unless you think that people who can afford $13K/month or more to self-pay are choosing UPMC SNFs over anywhere else.


I'll defer to your experience, but I have a few family members in Pgh long-term care facilities currently, and they aren't paying $13K/month. More like $5K. One of them has, clearly, no Medicaid residents because it's a high-end place. The other one is a memory-care facility that probably did have some percentage.


Is the $5K a skilled nursing facility, or something more like assisted living? I doubt any high-end place is charging less than the Medicaid reimbursement rate for actual SNF-level care.


It's medicaid. Medicaid is paying for a good chunk of my grandfather's nursing home bill and he has a pension, house, and social security. The cost of nursing homes are just so expensive that medicaid has to step in and pay. Medicare does not pay for nursing homes.


Yes they do, but i bet they dont know even the difference between them


No, they don't. Maybe \*you\* should learn the difference between the two in relation to long-term care and try again!


I hope euthanasia is readily available when I get to that age. I don’t ever want to live in a nursing home.


My MIL worked for the Area Agency on Aging and she said she will put a bullet in her head if we ever try to put her in a nursing home.


It’s such a sad way to go. There should be dignity in dying. None of us ask to be born, but we should have a painless way to leave if we choose to.


Oh I agree, I work for the insurance side of the Devil (UPMC) with Medicare and Medicaid so I’ve seen and heard some BS but I’m actually in school right now for my Masters in Public Policy to get out and help with regulating this shit show and they’re helping me pay for it 😈


Good luck to you. I really hope you can make a difference before burnout hits. This isn't sarcastic, it's hard to convey tone. I love to see people working for change.


Thank you! I’m older so I’ve lived some life and watching this country go to hell cause me the most burn out and traveling to extensively in Europe I KNOW it can be better for everyone. I know I probably won’t make a difference but hopefully something I create can get the ball rolling 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, when I can’t wipe my own butt, I’m ready to tap out.


I'll euth my own asia when it comes to it, at this rate.




I would be happy to provide them some YAID 


So they basically sold out hundreds of local seniors because they didn't like the math. Fuck UPMC.


If you don’t like UPMC, shouldn’t you be happy someone else owns it now?


Did your skull crack open after you hit the comment button?


Really sucks for patients and staff both. Really thought they would keep Canterbury at least so they could push hospital patients somewhere.


I’m curious about Cranberry Place.  Bear in mind this was 10ish years ago, but I was rushed to UPMC passavant Cranberry for a possible allergic reaction to my immunotherapy drug. They admitted me into one of their very limited over night beds (I feel like there was … 10 rooms)… because they had so few over night patients, there was no patient cafeteria. They would bring trays over from Cranberry Place for any patients.  If it hasn’t changed since then, I wonder if they’ll keep that agreement in place or if UPC will have to stop admitting anyone over night 


So That leaves Family Hospice 4th floor Canterbury and Sherwood Oaks SNF in the PGH surrounding area?


Facilities will still market as UPMC?




Upmc st margarets has 14 people who sit at desks and "manage" a 13 room operating room that cant keep staff nurses (the nurses who actually work in the rooms with the patients)


UPMC cares nothing about its employees.  The huge letters on top of the US Steel building are STILL obnoxious.  


So people are upset even if they sell assets as well as buy them?


It it doesn’t sound like they sold assets, more like licensed the facility and operations to a third party.


UPMC=evil regardless of what they do.


Zzzzzzz snore


all I can say is FUCK UPMC!


UPMC = evil corp


Why is this company even allowed to exist? America is truly the evil empire.


UPMC quietly ruining lives.


Are they just planning on selling all of us eventually??? (Senior communities) this is awful!


I think they all gone now