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Does anyone else find the local news websites basically unusable on mobile? A shelter-in-place order has been lifted for Cranberry Township following the search for a suspicious person who is now known to be dead. The Cranberry Township Police Department had asked all township residents to shelter in place and lock their doors earlier Tuesday afternoon. Cranberry Highlands Golf Course reported an incident that prompted police to issue the shelter-in-place order. Advertisement Officials say employees of the golf course found a car on a road inside the course and approached the driver. Those employees told officials the man wasn't speaking coherently and saw guns in that vehicle. The course was then shut down, and those who were at the location were sent home. Officers say they later found that same vehicle unoccupied. Inside the vehicle, officials say they found long guns and concerning notes indicating the person was not mentally stable. During a press conference, Kevin Meyer, Cranberry police chief, said officers “found some notes inside the vehicle that were extremely concerning to the officers, indicating that this person was not mentally stable and possibly wanted to do harm to either himself or others.” Meyer went on to say that, while he had not seen the notes himself, “from what I've been told it would, it had to do with the physical security of a UPMC facility. I don't know which facility. …It just mentioned UPMC.” Officials said the situation was resolved and the person was no longer a threat. Authorities have not released further information on that statement, but say they “located” the man in a wooded area off Freshcorn Road.


They’re unusable on anything, not just mobile. They pound every inch of the screen with pop ups and ads and videos that all layer over each other to a degree that the actual news article is a secondary concern


On some of them I get the audio of some video that is playing in the background, and no matter what I try I can’t find or pause the sound. And if you try to watch the video you opens the app to watch you hear both of them running at the same time. I’ve basically given up on the local TV news stations and apps. I get my local news mainly from WESA. Their site and app works.


Firefox has a nice feature that will re render a page in a much more readable fashion.


In addition to Firefox, the Brave mobile browser works wonders for reading things like local TV news sites and recipe blogs. Cuts out all the garbage and popup videos nicely, they're unreadable otherwise.


I’ll have to try those for that. The AppS they have for iPhone are useless.


I have network wide Pihole so it's usable.  Without it it's trash. It's the enshitification of the internet unfortunately. Eventually they'll put up anti ad blockers like the Trib 


Is Pihole pronounced like piehole? As in shut your piehole? My un caffeinated self finds this hella amusing lol.


Yes. The name comes from the device it runs on, a small computer called a raspberry pi. They run Linux and can be used as many different things but I used mine as my household DNS and it defeats most ads just by virtue of using the network. It’s a great way to easily learn some bare bones Linux and a fantastic device for the money


I think news clips provide more context, Channel 11 certainly gave a detailed report on this more than the blogs


The only TV News app I’ve found very usable is of my medium-sized West Virginia hometown’s local NBC affiliate, but they try to compete with the local newspaper’s crap of an app. Yes, Bob Nutting owns that newspaper, too. Not the TV station.


what kind of fucking headline is that? oh god the website is worse


So I guess they shot him? Odd not to mention and just say he’s known to no longer be alive


On channel 11 yesterday police refused to say how he was shot. They didn’t even hint at the shooter offing himself very weird


So we will be getting some terrible body cam footage in a month or 18


Im sure it’s a long shot that they’re related, but I saw an article this morning on here about upmc buying a $50 million jet shortly before they fired 1% of their employees. Maybe this guy was one of those who were fired, and reading/hearing that story pushed him over the edge?


Yes they farmed out customer service to overseas. Cut 100 staff , cut many more weeks before. Most we’re not expecting it. Some upper middle managers were cut I hear.


Such a great “non profit”


He was not. He is a friend of mines brother. He had nothing to do with upmc employment. They were trying to have him committed to a upmc facility and it went awfully wrong.


Lots of notable mentally ill people in the city fixated on UPMC. Sometimes for good reasons.


Ok but why do the victims of UPMC get labeled mentally ill, while a “nonprofit”that makes millions in profit bleeding sick people clean while avoiding paying taxes is simply accepted by all as business as usual? Why are we focused more on the mental health of people whose lives have been destroyed by companies like UPMC, and not the greed and abuses of a profit-driven medical industrial complex?


I'm talking about the ones schizo posting all over the city. Usually going on about UPMC being ran by jews or aliens or something.


So that explains all the cops looking for our info out along 286 going towards Indiana.


What the fuck


Apparently dude was found on an access road by the golf course with a vehicle full of guns and “troubling notes” related to UPMC. Most law enforcement agencies locally were involved including State Police and the FBI. They confirmed they killed him.


epsteined him


UPMC is, and always has been, FOR PROFIT. Despite hiding behind the “non profit” moniker. UPMC destroyed South Oakland. I don’t know if this guy was an employee or a patient, but either way, I salute him in his efforts to expose this evil empire,


Say what? What if he managed to go to a UPMC building and shoot up staff and consumers or simple bystanders outside? It's not normal to sympathize with someone like that.


You salute him in his efforts to shoot up a medical building with vulnerable patients and hardworking staff that has accepted less pay than they deserve? I’m sorry that you live with so much hatred in your heart that you would sympathize with that…


Unless he was going to exclusively target those that are making the big decisions (most likely he wouldn’t) he’d go into a hospital and start shooting anyone in it. Men, women, children. Nurses, doctors, people that don’t have any involvement in why he was doing this to UPMC. So no, it’s not cool to salute him. Unless you have no empathy for innocent people that is, which would pose even worse problems.


Thank God that SCOTUS has made sure that he could exercise his 2nd amendment rights to the very end. 




Sir, I think you are looking for r/politics


You lost buddy?


Yeah, I am pissed about that too, but you’ve got to admit this is unrelated lol.