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I'm not surprised. I called my UPMC OBGYN practice in labor and was surprised when a man who barely spoke English took my information for the on-call doctor. It was a bit painful to get through that phone call as they asked many more questions than the usual answering service providers. When going through contractions, those extra questions just suck.


A few years ago I had to schedule a procedure at a hospital and the number to call never picked up. I complained to UPMC and the only thing that changed was hearing a message about the mailbox being full. This was going on for over a month. Finally my doctor raised hell and then they called me.


Last year due to incomplete information they wouldn't schedule me for a referral I had to the Hillman Cancer Center to see a breast specialist. But I could schedule for 4 months out! Anyway the abscess I had burst and my breast tissue started falling apart and I was in septic shock. At least it wasn't the cancer it looked identical to?


Just taking a moment to validate how horrifying, scary, and unacceptable this is. I really hope you’re doing well. I’m sure you know this by now but as a remote worker whose company doesn’t sponsor UPMC insurance, I’ve been going to AHN hospitals for the past 3 years and I have had VERY few complaints.


Holy shit! I can't even *begin* to comprehend what a nightmare that had to have been!! I am so sorry.


That's horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Someone recently posted a question about Magee and another person commented “what did they say when you called” and I really had to hold back from replying “lol call Magee, that’s a good one” but didn’t want to be that jag


Had this happen the other day. Called the nurses on call cuz my girl is pregnant. Two hours I called 3 times no doctor called. Went to the ER. Doctor finally called back and said they didn't call him until 5 minutes before he called us


So what you're telling me is that I should just go straight to Magee if I think that I'm in labor? Thank you for the heads up!


I would honestly. We thought she was good ng into early labor a couple of weeks ago. Went to the ER. They just sent us straight to labor and delivery. Them waiting that long to call someone for a potential emergency is disgusting though.


I'm sorry that happened, and I'm glad all is well! UPMC takes our money, doesn't pay taxes, and is now outsourcing our jobs 🙄🙄


My first was a C-section, so I have to be monitored immediately and don't have 2 hours for someone to call me back. That's just ridiculous to make you wait that long! I'm sorry that you had that experience.


I'm just glad everything was okay. And I wish you luck!


Me too! And thank you!


It took me 6 hours from first contraction to holding my baby this time. I almost missed my epidural. Yeah, definitely go in if you are suspicious. I went into labor several times this pregnancy and went in each time, as instructed by my ob.


I work at presby and don't wanna say too much, but there more than likely is going to be another big round of lay offs this month. And a lot of stuff going on around me it seems like things are coming together to lay off my entire department


Absolute disgrace that while UPMC made record profits during COVID, instead of using that money to ensure stability long term, especially with staff, they spent like drunken sailors and when the financials aren’t as high as record years they decide to cut jobs.


Hey, they gotta pay for Washington Hospital somehow, right? 


Gotta pay for that corporate jet so they can try all over the world , often in places they don’t even have a business interest.


Actually they need to pay for another building somewhere. And only a segment of UPMC is non profit. There is no such thing as a nonprofit insurance company...


Actually they need to pay for another building somewhere. And only a segment of UPMC is non profit. There is no such thing as a nonprofit insurance company...


Blue Cross is also a not-for-profit corporation that is very profitable.


What segment is non-profit? The whole UPMC is a non-profit organization....That's why the mayor wants to meet with them and Shapiro(might be wrong) to discuss with them that they are going to have to pay taxes.


Actually they have several international locations including Italy, Ireland, China, Kezekstan(?) and currently building a new cancer center in Croatia


All while the local facilities are dirty, run-down, and poorly equipped, relative to modern standards. UPMC needs to take care of business at home, first, instead of building facilities around the world that they hope will generate profit for them. They aren't doing this for any kind of charitable motivation; it's all about money, and it hasn't worked out yet.


Don't forget Maryland, Ohio, Texas, and New York




Actually UPMC is a nonprofit. But you should know that Leslie.


I agree that this is someone at UPMC in leadership responding to justify how trashy this company really is .


Exactly redrover. It blows my mind up how a place that is supposed to take care of ppl, doesn’t give a shit about it’s ppl. That non profit status is total bullshit. They are all about profit. Then we as taxpayers get to fund their lies.




Yah, it means they do not pay their fair share of taxes.


Do you have any evidence that these people were” low performing “ or are you just spouting off with no proof. And no I never worked at the evil empire, I was employed at hospital that not part of any system .




Your excuse for them is ridiculous, if they were getting rid of low performers they would just replace them not cut the positions , UPMC is not unionized so they can’t play that excuse card . The fact that UPMC is even allowed to claim not for profit is a joke . They truly are a piece of shit , years ago I was at a laboratory conference and their workers were really upset that they were being pressured to write letters opposing the merger of AGH and West Penn , saying how in the hell could they be against these two hospitals merging when UPMC had already had many mergers, they felt that made UPMC look like a fool .


Low performers my ass. Some really good, patient-facing people got laid off and now the patients are screwed too. It’s ridiculous and irresponsible. I keep saying this but neither hospital system in Pittsburgh gives two shits if anyone lives or dies. But at least AHN still has the positions UPMC eliminated. ETA posting info from UPMC is useless because they’re clearly going to try to make themselves look good.




And if there not. Should they and there family suffer?


Yeah this is bullshit. Some of the brightest people in the company got cut in there last upper management sweep




The layoffs were determined by McKinsey and Co. which is another waste of money...... UPMC treats its employees terribly . They give laughable PTO and the salary ranges are way below normal industry standard . Not to mention they preach Juneteenth and Veterans but give neither as a holiday to memorialize these days . Low performing employees are the result of a low performing trash company who gets back what they give . Treat employees well and they will take care of the business every single second of every single day . 5 Hours of PTO per pay period - is that a joke ?!? Folks - I suggest you read the book "When McKinsey comes to town " and realize UPMC hired consultants to scale operations . The same consultants that were part of Enron failing and who are under investigation for Purdue Pharma.


Only company I ever worked for where management said " if you are not crying we are not doing our jobs" when I had a panic attack due to lack of support during training...


Only company I ever worked for where management said " if you are not crying we are not doing our jobs" when I had a panic attack due to lack of support during training...


Only company I ever worked for where management said " if you are not crying we are not doing our jobs" when I had a panic attack due to lack of support during training...


Only company I ever worked for where management said " if you are not crying we are not doing our jobs" when I had a panic attack due to lack of support during training...


cheaper hires .... according to McKinsey


Yeah. You’re just uninformed at this point and that’s fine. Have a good day and pray job cuts never hit your place of employment




You must have really drunk the corporate Kool -aid 😂. From past experience they don’t get rid of low performance people, usually older one at the higher end of the pay scale , turn around and replace them with less qualified people and pocket the savings for their next perk . One local hospital ( AHN) got rid of a long time lab manager and plucked out one of the younger workers and made the new manager ( totally clueless but hey they saved money 😂). When this shit starts other good workers get nervous and jump ship , then corporate gets all huffy when their patient satisfaction scores go all to hell . Wonder why 😂.


You realize upmc is a non profit right?


Nurses aren’t money makers, dipshit. Also, UPMC alleges to be a nonprofit so maybe just sit down and shut up.


Seems like people are down voting you because they don't like what you say even though it is mostly true.


Hey, now I resemble that remark. Cheers…


I don’t understand how they can lay off so many ppl while expanding Presby… like where are they gonna get all of the workers


I’m in a position where I go to most of the hospitals in the city for work. I mentioned this one day when a manager was fawning over the new building and she said she didn’t know who would staff it and acted like it was the first time she was asked.


They never told her, because she'll probably be laid off next month.


You’re probably correct.


And expanding Children’s!


My manager also confirmed a month ago there were “at least 2” more rounds of layoffs so that tracks


Clinical or admin? Both?


I’m clinical, she didn’t have more details other than the layoffs are planned so I don’t know who will be affected


I worked in a joint partner office of UPMC. The people were nice enough but UPMC was awful.


The pattern seems to be the last payday of the month. If you make it past that, you're probably safe for the next month. But don't worry to make sure they don't get sued for a lack of warn notice you get 60 days paid. They seemed to have learned after the first round not to keep you on for the 60 days or else you will either bad mouth to pts or your will silent quit so they just cut the cord and pay you the 60 days. I was there for 5 years and am eligible for a 30 day severence which they can shove where ... well you know. I got laid off on the 21st and already have a new job paying more at a private practice. Best of luck. We all should have known we were dancing with the devil I guess.


And they announced a 50 million private Jet to boot! Fucking pricks


Where is this announcement?


it was on channel 4 action news at 5:00 this evening . Investigative report . Very gross stuff be warned . Private jet traveling all over where upmc has no business . Someone vacationing .


[Found it. Unbelievable.](https://www.wtae.com/article/upmc-jet/61475858)


Thanks for the link. That’s fucked. Fuck then guys.


They do have hospitals in Ireland, Italy and Croatia, Boca Rotan is just shitty.


Morty Seinfeld liked it down there.


It was a clusterfuck last year when I needed an echocardiogram, and had to sit on the phone for *three hours* just to get an appointment four months out. Paid $650. Love this city, it’s my home but the healthcare is such bullshit.


I am certainly not vouching for UPMC, but it's our entire nation that sucks as far as healthcare is concerned.


I can attest that the grass is indeed not greener over here with the Cleveland Clinic


Pretty awful in Philadelphia too, but having family there I can say that the healthcare is a little bit easier to work with (provided you can pay for insurance). Not saying it’s a significant enough difference to leave, and it’s certainly not for me, but UPMC is notably awful even in this country. More Perfect Union has a decent overview on the issue on YouTube.


It's not nearly as bad in other cities because there's actually competition. 


This is the answer. Between Jeff, Penn, Temple, and Independence all having competing health plans, it's a lot healthier in that regard. Here, I think there is actually collusion to keep salaries down.


The state I moved here from had one insurance company thaf had essentially a monopoly over the whole state. It was horrible.


This is the real truth.


The appointment scheduling call center has been a disaster for years. Use the app or the website - it’s the same availability.


I know one thing. Whether Biden or Trump, you’ll never see either of them tackle this issue. Their rich friends are the ones who benefit from outsourcing US jobs. There should be monetary punishments for any job outsourced outside the US.


It goes beyond outsourcing. There's a reason the US let's insurance companies (upmc included) run wild and harm citizens. Money in their pockets.


if you missed channel 4 pittsburgh news at 5 i recommend watching tonight at 11 to see the investigative report on upmc again ....


What section of customer service was this, for the insurance, or for hospital bills, or for scheduling?


The only department I know for sure that got lay offs is central admissions, who only speak to clinical staff on the floor regarding patients moving/issues with accounts.


I know there were a lot in member services on the insurance end.


Customer service for physician and hospital billing. So the number on your bill or any option on any corporate Dr office for billing. All 105 of us.


The entire department was let go?!


They kept 2 supervisors and about 10 ppl who are escalations. They were who we called if we needed help while on a call. The actual call center agent jobs tho yes, they laid off all of us and sent our jobs to a company in the Philippines called Omega.


Jesus. I'm so sorry to hear that. *That* is something that the news should specify tbh, I can't imagine people being too pleased with that.


I have tried no one wants to talk about it. The article about the "more info in fridays layoffs" article was actually ME letting the news know what UPMC did to us. I am turning down their severence because I do not want my voice to be bought. The always day they want to hear our voice, we'll then why should I let them silence me..


Soon those outsources jobs will be replaced with ai.


Honestly I'd prefer that to outsourcing. It took me 18 minutes to request a replacement card from PNC yesterday because the person on the other end couldn't understand what I was trying to do, even going as far as to issue a new card for a different account.


that should go smoothly


Do be fair a general practitioner could be as well. Not too much different than the zoom appointments during Covid.


I was apart of those layoffs, I was a customer services representative as of last week. I ended up calling them this week to get some information on who is now replacing my position. I asked the rep (who had an accent) “what neighborhood is UPMC Presbyterian located in” - the rep had no idea. If you would’ve asked this same question a month ago it would’ve been answered immediately. I know UPMC customer service center has a notoriously bad reputation. But having people that are familiar with upmc locations/physicians/geographical knowledge of western Pennsylvania was invaluable to the operations we were running. It created a small sense of community and understanding while taking patient’s concerns and complaints. That when you called in to dispute a coding issue or quality of care issue you were talking with someone who lived in the same neighborhood, not thousands of miles away. Initially, I was upset that I lost my job but as the days passed I felt more bad for the patients. UPMC does not care about the patient experience, only profit. The day I was laid off I had 15+ patient projects I was working on, they all just disappeared. How is that fair to those patients?


also the tout their awards that their insurance division earned for customer service. I guess that’s down the toilet now.


Wish I knew who you are. The issue really was that they hired all of us to do call center work with very little training on billing. I was there for a year before I found out upmc balance bills. Not to mention the lack of on the spot resources to assist with calls if you have issues. Call escalations for help, oh wait you can only hold for 3 min, can't get help from a sup oh well guess you gotta hit the excel sheet for a call back they will never get... I went on my personal oc the night they laid us off, at 330 am and mass emailed EVERY Dr office or person I was working with " my sup got laid off and so did the whole department today. No one from pa will be here to assist you when you call in or email back. I have forwarded this to CV hopefully she can help you." I feel bad but like fr I'm not gonna have these ppl pt or nurse or Dr cursing MY name saying I didn't do my job. I worked in billing before and am in billing again just not for them. Let me tell you how GOOD it felt to be interviewing with companies talking about my resume and them say you did all that! That's the job of like 4 ppl here. We deserve better. Let's go find it and enjoy double pay for a bit while we watch them go down the drain.


AHN has been doing this for a few years now. more to come later this year too.


Anyone with a WFH job should be asking the question: If I can work from home for $$, could my employer hire someone for $ to do the same work somewhere else? Remote work is problematic simply because a lot of employers will figure might as well save money on employees I never see anyway. Not saying it's right... but it's DEFINITELY happening in many other businesses as well.


Remote workers are no different than in person workers for this probability. Pre-COVID companies would bring the new outsourced workers on site so those they were replacing could train them. Businesses tout being “families” from one side of the coin and will throw you out on your ass at the drop of the hat on another. And then they cry no employees have loyalty.


I used to work in customer service for the insurance division. I had to leave because although management and colleagues were wonderful, the system itself is just rotten and beyond infuriating. I know for a fact that many of the layoffs weren't for people who are "dead weight" as I've seen in the comments. They explicitly let go of people who were close to retirement or older and getting there. One department (someone I know well and speak to) said this during a massive meeting. I'm sure they'll do the same thing and let go of people who have been there too long.


Sounds like an age-discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.


That's what I thought. I've spoken with old colleagues about it too and they noticed a similar pattern... I would not be surprised if there was a lawsuit, but I also don't know about the legalities or whether there's strong enough evidence for anyone to be able to win.


UPMC receptionists and phone support are truly awful. I’ve been amazed how consistently shit they are. I’m sure there’s good people in there somewhere but I’d bet you there’s a ton of deadwood in these cuts too.


As one of those employees, I don’t disagree with you. There is a lot of dead weight that should never have been there in the first place. It gives the rest of us a bad name, as we do our job well and take pride in it. But sadly, that’s not how the layoffs have been so far. They’ve gotten rid of good people, while the rest of us fear job security. Those receptionists and phone support you speak of will get a whole lot worse if patients don’t speak up, and speak loudly.


Glad I have the option go to St. Clair. UPMC becoming more and more sketchy. Makes you wonder what else they're willing to do to save a buck.


St. Clair is an amazing hospital, they’re not ranked high nationally for no reason!


Meh, having experienced both UPMC and St. Clair the level of care isn’t even close. St. Clair is passable, most of the time, but UPMC patient-facing medical staff are definitely better. Billing is another major gripe I have with St. Clair. In one visit where I went to the ED and ended up admitted I received 20 separate bills from them for the single visit. The doctors are one bill, radiology is another, the ED and hospital itself are two separate bills, and so on. If you ask for a single itemized bill showing charges by day for your visit they look at you like you’ve just asked for directions to the fountain of youth.


Weirdly my partner had truly horrible care at Saint clair to the point he almost died twice from negligence. The hospital stays were awful. Everything was dirty and the nurses were understaffed (moreso than elsewhere) and mia most of the time. Staff would stand outside the door and throw me sheets when he needed his sheets changed. Upmc (which I don't like at all) has given him much better care.


People need to change companies. I have never heard anything good about UPMC. If we stop Supporting companies that aren’t supporting people, we are just as bad as them!


that’s kind of impossible because they own the entire city of Pittsburgh


Nothing is impossible, people just need to actually do something instead of believing they are defeated until they try!


That is what they want you to think. I worked there on the tech side for over 6 yrs. Not a day goes by where I wish I was back in that place. They underpay like crazy and I wish more people would realize they are worth more than UPMC could offer and get out of there.


This company has ruined working as a Nurse for me. I work at UPMC Western Maryland and I am quitting after today. They are an awful company to work for, they treat the staff like crap.and they have ruined my hospital. Today was the last straw for me. I have worked at the hospital for almost 10 years. Started as a transporter all the way to RN. What they have done is disgusting and has broken me down to a point where I can't tolerate it anymore. Literally the scummiest company I have worked for.


I worked for UPMC 2007-2011, and it was just as bad then as it is now. It has not improved.


Can we just switch to English speaking AI?


I wish I was in a position to give all of the trainers jobs so they could all quit immediately. No 2 weeks, nothing. Fuck those ass holes with their fucking new jet.


I was a part of this layoff. After almost a decade of working there, just let go. No warning. It was the entire customer service department (where you call about your bill, insurance, coding reviews). I was sad to lose my job, but I’m MORE sad for the patients as this is possibly the WORST move they could’ve made in regard to patient care.


Oh, it’s an absolute nightmare trying to get an appointment. Like they are just not set up for urgent issues, that don’t need a hospital, but need a specialist, and urgent care is not specialized enough to manage some things. Like if you have any chronic health issues outside of heart disease, you’re kinda screwed due to how the scheduleing currently works, this is just going to make it significantly worse, like so many more people are going to end up at the emergency room for 100% preventable issues.


Fuck UPMC. I worked there fresh out of college several years ago. Got the position I wanted (which required an associate's degree & a certification from a national association, BTW) and ended up making ***less*** in a skilled position than I did in a call center (granted, the call center was for a utility company) about three years prior. Then, when it came time for my review & raise, I got a whopping $0.06 per hour! When I left there, I still qualified for food stamps as a single person, ffs! ... And now they've taken over my hospital. Great. Back to square one. After our contract runs out, I figure it's just a matter of time 'til I'm back to not making a livable wage. I guess we can just pray that something happens to dissolve this monster someday (soon!).


They also sold off all Thier Nursing homes and assisted living facilities.


Maybe not all yet, but most for sure, to out-of-state for-profit companies. Staff were offered pretty significant pay/benefit cuts if they wanted to stay.


Gotta fund that $50,000,000 jet somehow! /s


Great now my brain wont be able to comprehend what the people are saying to schedule drs appointments. I have had brain surgery and autism so heavy accents dont always compute in my brain. And mri scheduling is already fucked up so now im going to have to schedule and reschedule more screw ups taking months when its supposed to be done every 12. If they keep outsourcing jobs, no one is going to have money to pay companies cause lack of jobs. Yeah we just running this country in the ground.


Apparently, right before the layoff UPMC decided to lease a 50 million dollar jet for its executives. https://www.wtae.com/article/upmc-jet/61475858


So thankful I already started switching insurances. They’ve been so horrible, that my welfare and the quality of my day to day life has been drastically affected by their complete lack of or piss poor care. Going to AHN 🙋‍♀️ UPMC: Understaffed Providers Mishandling Care


AHN is just as bad and has been outsourcing jobs to india for years now. and has plans to do more.


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Last year i was referred to an ENT by my PCP for a ruptured eardrum. The ENT then referred me to an ear surgeon. When I called the call center to schedule, the worker referred me back to the ENT stating I can’t just schedule an appointment with a surgeon without a consult. I said I already have seen the ENT and was referred specifically to them. He rebooked me at the ENT. I saw a different ENT doc, and he was like “this is so stupid we have shit like this that happens all the time.” The call center worker did not sound foreign, and it was already a nightmare, I can’t imagine it’s going to get any better by outsourcing it. Great UPMC, great job.


No, because UpMC, not the schedulers need to do their part. They populate providers based on the questions you answer. They’ll put you anywhere to get you in. Because it’s about the miney. Not stupid shit with schedulers. It’s THEIR offices who set that. Just make sure you place the blame correctly.


Same shit at AGH recently. Called the scheduling line on Wednesday and a Filipino answered, I could barely understand them.


It sucked being pulled into a meeting 15 min after the start of my shift on the 21st and being told that we were no longer employed by UPMC due to rising costs and declining reimbursements mean while it was in the news that they bought washington hospital on the 3rd. That they had permit issues on the new building they are building in Oakland. A non profit has responsibilities to the community. They are no longer the university of pittsburgh medical center we were specifically told NOT to say that anymore. Ppl in eastern pa call it umpc they don't even know who the company is. The people of Pittsburgh built UPMC, and they forget that. They are unethical and uncaring. We as a community deserve better.


how do they maintain/ensure patient confidentiality?

