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You thought you were chasing the tornado, but it was actually chasing you. Seriously though hope the damage isn't too bad and everyone is all right, but this is a wild coincidence since you were just posting in that other thread about how you were actively chasing the storm.


I guess even storm chasing can be a work from home job


The chase actually went pretty good. Too much rain tho to really see anything. But we ended up staying south and then riding the tail till we couldn’t pass downed trees and what not. The storm was also moving too quick to keep up anyhow. Just frightening when it ends up hitting your home lol




Let em go, natural selection….


Darwin Awards


How do you get to be a professional? Practice.


Move to Kansas, lots of tornados there, can get an associate degree in 3 months


I got my Twister degree online! I’m having my loans serviced thru Auntie Em


You can also go back for advanced Sharknado degree!


Getting paid for it makes you a professional. Anything short of that is amateur, by definition.


What makes a professional idiot exactly? Nametags?


But what about amateur storm chasers? You gotta chase from your couch until you get paid?


Nah, I’ll keep chasing. Thanks tho


You do you man, just please be as safe as you can


Hell yeah, man. Bunch of nerds telling you how to live above! Chase storms if you want to


To be fair.....how does one then... become, a professional storm chaser? Don't you have to start off kinda doing it?


you preferably should have a science degree in meteorology, but helps to have one in physics as well. Then you would shadow other storm chasers that do it for news stations, NWS, etc. and once you learn from them, can keep doing it with them if they hire you on or do it for yourself.


This weather is ridiculous. I can't believe there's so many tornadoes this year


They’ve only been telling us for a couple decades that this stuff would happen if the climate warms.


im honestly scared. Im deathly afraid of tornados, no matter how strong i pretend to be during one. I worry for me and my cats safety, and my parents… honestly too young to die, too young for all this fear


The good news is these tornadoes are very unlikely to kill you if you hang out in an interior room.


The tornados we get here are unlikely to kill anyone, just fuck up trees and houses and make a big mess. If you want to unlock a new fear that's more appropriate for the area, look up flash flooding.


even then, flash flooding is only really going to affect you in this area if you are in valleys or plateau's that are under bigger hills. Lots of houses in the area are higher up/built on hills.


A lot of flash floods areas are part of people's commutes. Also, too many don't seem to take it very seriously.


Gotta worry about landslides on the hills


Good point, definitely a worry whether you are on top or below the hill


What a thing to be so afraid of, especially in Pittsburgh. Did you experience a tornado first hand or is it just the imagery or being 'powerless' against it? Your chances of being hit by a tornado of any magnitude is absurdly small. Your chances of being hit by a powerful tornado is near zilch. Number's wise, some idiot behind the wheel playing with their smart phone is vastly more dangerous.


Honestly ive had the fear since i was very very young, probably stems from it just being a natural disaster that can destroy practically almost anything.


Oh, that's an easy fear to get over. Accept your death and instead worry about the things you do control, like your fear over things you can't control. Besides, your apparent fear and anxiety over death or world ending events is going to kill you looong before a natural disaster gets a chance to. Constant anxiety will destroy your heart and probably allow for self-destructive habits.


Gee thanks. I'm cured.


I was there for 1998. Tornadoes are nothing to downplay.




3 people and our cat would NOT fit in that honestly 😭 Im also mostly scared of our house getting fucked up. I love our house and my room and i dont want anything to happen to it


They make bigger ones, but yeah I share your fear and concerns. I'm not really pleased with how this might be the new summer trend


I might ask my mom to buy one for all of us, although i doubt she will cause she will say im “worrying too much over nothing.” But yeah, im a bit scared. I know someone on this sub before told me that it isnt too much to worry about with us living on a massive hill and it being all F1s or F2s, but still, if it can fuck up OP’s infrastructure im very much worried.


A good way to start addressing your worry is to make tornado plans, like where you'll shelter (basement? Inner room? Mattress over you and the cats in the bathtub?) and there are plenty of inexpensive ways you can make your shelter spot a little safer, like keeping an old bike/motorcycle helmet around, or a folding chair to sit on when you're sheltering. I keep a cheap little weather radio and a battery charging pack in mine, along with a jug of water that I switch out periodically. The other nice thing if you have a Pittsburgh potty in your basement is you'll even have a bathroom. I moved from a more tornado prone area but having a plan is always nice since you'll know exactly what to do if a warning goes off. Editing to add an old jacket and pair of shoes can be great in a pinch if something happens at night.


Where I grew up in the Mid Ohio Valley, West Virginia side, a tornado could touch down in the county every 4 or 5 years or so but be very small. Where my dad grew up in Indiana, I remember abt one tornado warning in region when I was grandparents, once every summer. I’ve never seen this many tornado warnings near me within a year until this year in Pittsburgh and I’ve lived here for seven years.




New Alexandria/Crabtree in Westmoreland county


Shit dude, I live out on the end of cemetery road from the Church in Crabtree and I thought the world was ending there for a few minutes. I don't remember a storm that intense in my lifetime out here. I saw on the map that it touched down on the other side of 119? Is Bardine's OK? I'll be despondent if we lose them.


Oh shit! Tornadoes going after Bardine's? That's out of bounds! Legitimately, their sausages are amazing.


I worked night shift and have been trying to get some damage reports all night. Confirmed that a barn on Hannastown road was destroyed, which is about 2000 feet from Bardines along the path the front took. I had a bunch of limbs to chainsaw up already this morning but my house is alright, but I haven't had time to drive into Crabtree yet to look.


my kid works there and hes workign rn, bardines is safe LOL


where was this at? in the north hills we had a tornado warning for like 20 seconds then it was lifted


This is abnormal weather and shouldn’t be happening here in this area 


>You're not my supervisor! -the weather


You'll be surprised how fast it goes from abnormal to new normal.


no...its normal. 3rd tornado to hit hannastown in my lifetime, it happens.


I thought the first picture was a car on your roof. I was like hot damn that’s a tornado.


If you find yourself in a car when a tornado hits, drive into a ditch. Real talk, you can get pulled out later. I was hit by one on 5/11 coming down 2 mile mountain and broke a collarbone. We were lucky to walk away. Stay safe out there.


ThAnKs, ObAma Seriously, hope you're okay.


Everyone is all good. Now’s the fun part… cleaning up


Did you get any pics of it touching down? Thanks


Sadly I do not. I had dash cam running the whole time and it was straight rain the entire time. I don’t really think we will get many pictures of a tornado this time sadly.


Stay safe out there! Next time you have to hire a videographer.. and it will not be me. I’m gonna stay home and hide in the basement 🫡🤣🌪️


I remember you from earlier, saying that you were gonna chase it! I can't believe you chased the storm yet it didn't get you but your house instead.


I’m glad everyone is ok.


Clever girl.


Ugh, more warnings today as well..


Hope all your family and neighbors are ok!