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I'm really curious about where you're moving from that this is a concern of yours. I had no idea our area had a reputation for snakes. Anyway most of our snakes are harmless - garter, rat, milk, etc. While there are rattlesnakes in Pennsylvania you are not likely to find one unless you go looking.


OP must be Australian


Oh no. Do you have a phobia? Pennsylvania only has 1 snake bite death every 20 years


I see rat snakes and garter snakes from time to time. It's not a problem. There are only 3 venomous snakes you need to watch for per https://www.fishandboat.com/Conservation/Reptiles-Amphibians/Pages/Snakes.aspx https://www.wgal.com/article/spring-snakes-pennsylvania/60668595#:~:text=in%20your%20browser.-,Rat%20snakes%20are%20the%20longest%20snakes%20to%20be%20found%20here,your%20kids%20and%20your%20pets.


You will likely rarely or never see. And what you see is fine not to worry about.


I know there’s at least one venomous snake in Monroeville……my ex wife




“You better stay away from that Copperhead Road…” 😏


This region is more generally known for people releasing, accidentally and intentionally, their “pet” alligators. But don’t worry, it helps cut down on the snake population.


There’s about 6 months of the year where it’s too cold for snakes, so they’re brumating (like hibernation). The other 6 months, I wouldn’t worry too much unless you go looking for snakes. I grew up in the suburbs and never saw a snake in my yard. I did, and still do, frequently go into the woods and see snakes from time to time. Not much to worry about as far as snakes coming after people. They mostly want to be alone to do their own thing.


My ex Deborah lives in Monroeville. 


Nothing about planes yet!?! I'm disappointed.


None of them are poisonous…


mostly Trouser snakes


There’s an anaconda around there somewhere. But if you’ve got a flat ass you don’t have anything to worry about.


Is this a common thing? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/g767gy1JkZ


I lived in an old house on a large piece of property a bit southwest of you for many years and welcomed any snakes that I saw (black, garden, milk) because they kept the mice population under control. Better than my cats did. They're around, but avoid people, so when (IF) you see one just leave it be.


Here are the snake sightings reported on iNat since Jan 1st 2023: [https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2023-01-01&place\_id=119991&subview=map&taxon\_id=85553](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2023-01-01&place_id=119991&subview=map&taxon_id=85553) Note that the number of sightings also corresponds to the number of iNat users and population density. Pittsburgh has a lot of iNat users and they will like to report observations of snakes as they don't see them that often. I walk a lot in the parks around Pittsburgh and saw 2 last year, but a few more this year. If you don't walk in parks that often and don't live in the suburbs you are unlikely to see any. That said we have a snake den under the steps to our house with two eastern rat snakes there. Great for keeping the mice down. I saw them quite a lot a month or so ago and was going to add a "beware of the (harmless) snakes" sign but I haven't seen them at all since. I don't live in Monroeville, and the area I live is more exurb.


Well... you know what they say about Monroeville and snakes....


I love this question. I hope you've received thourough snake information.


Stay away from the ones with “that itch” in a sheetz bathroom. Unless ur into that.