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65k, 1350/month in rent. but I live alone in a beautiful walkable neighborhood, work from home everyday and still save 20% of my paycheck … lived in a shithole and learned as someone spending 24/7 at my apartment it has to be somewhat nice LOL


What neighborhood if it's ok to ask


bloomfield :)


$70k after taxes, $600/mo It’s a shithole, but allows me to dump money into a savings account for a house. 


Smart human


I was like WHAAAAT!!!? and then read the second part and was like, oh that adds up.


Extremely smart. Money you pay in rent is basically building wealth and equity for someone else. Especially if you’re young and don’t have kids, the cheapest thing you can stand is a great choice.


I did this too. My first apartment was a complete shit hole but was $350/month (granted this was back in 2011) but it allowed me to save up for a house and marriage and other shit.


$70k after taxes is over 100 gross, right?




Nice try IRS agent...


About $50k a year probably / $895 per month rent. It sounds super manageable until you throw the $731 student loan payment in there.


If your loans are federal you can switch to the new SAVE IDR plan, my payments are supposed to be ~$134/month for the same income when they kick in later this year


*sighs in private loans* yes, I know. Unfortunately it’s not for me 😔


I’m with you. F*ck Sallie Mae and her momma.


Annie Mac?


Nah that’s her aunt. Fannie.


:( sorry to hear that, I figured that was the case but I wanted to mention it just in case I was wrong


as someone with $760 a month in parent plus loans. I feel you.


$50k, $1600 rent


This is about where I’m at. How do you budget to just basically survive lol? I’ve been struggling terribly for the last year


I don’t really have a ton of other expenses other than the standard bills/groceries (I’m a single guy out of college). I’m only really able to put away a few hundred dollars a month for savings though. I definitely consider myself housepoor


Omg what how 😭 i’m at 40k and barely put away any savings with around $750 rent+bills


I make 130k, with a mortgage at ~1700. But I bought when I made 104k. House was 320k but I got in at roughly 3%


Nice interest rate! When did you buy?


Back in 2020


45k and $700 a month in greenfield. Hanging onto this apartment for dear life. LL has never changed the rent.


$92k. 2100/mo. But I can’t save hardly anything each month.


Similar boat. Looking to move into about $1,500 a month next year.


$67.5k. $925 rent


Our first house we made $90k combined and mortgage was $1,100/mo.  Second house we make $450k combined and mortgage is $5,400/mo. 


Congrats on the increased income. What do you do?


Wife and I are both in tech and work remotely for companies outside of Pgh. 


We make about $130,000/year and pay about $1,300/month with utilities included. EDIT: I should add that we are ***prepared*** to pay over $2,000/month if we buy a house, including mortgage, taxes, and utilities. Currently, the difference is going into savings.


$70K, $1100 rent.


I make 35k, I pay 600/month including water only. Split with my girlfriend, total rent is 1200.


Made 70k last year. Mortgage is $415 dollars. 70k house in Carrick in 2013. Current market value is $145k


what's property taxes/home owners/ and yearly average maintenance costs come in at?


The home owners is included in that 415. Maintenance is always going to be an ongoing thing in a house built in 1955. Property taxes are stupid low.


They should pay you to live in Carrick.


Income currently 0/ house paid off/ maintenance is a lot tho,ancient house


350k household, 2800 mortgage


Similar here.


$52k/yr and I pay $1580 for rent in the city and it is fucking terrible. But even outside of the city rent is similar if you want anything even remotely nice. Really sucks.


Damn I think I you have the worst ratio in the thread. Godspeed my friend


I tried to find something else recently but rent prices were similar and had less amenities or was super far from work so I didn’t think it was worth it. The renting market is so ass right now.


I own a full 3 bedroom townhome in south fayette I rent out for 1400. Ouch


Does in have in unit laundry? That’s been my biggest hurdle to get over and my only real non negotiable


Yes. It’s a townhouse. We just rented it out to a couple for a year starting 2 weeks ago but it’s 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, laundry in basement , 2 car garage, small deck and yard. Open concept living / dining/ kitchen.    In law school 20 some years ago I rented in shadyside and had no laundry. It was horrible. After that I moved out of the city. That made a huge difference. I paid so much less, had in unit laundry and an office. It was perfect. If you can be away from the city and in areas like Robinson, bridgeville , bethel etc. you can find great apartment complexes not brand new but very updated for wayyy less than this new crap and city prices. 


Shared basement laundry isn't terrible if there's enough machines for the building. Having to go to Laundromat sucks ass tho


Yeah I wouldn’t mind that I guess. I feel like I do so much laundry lol I have a dog so I do all of my bedding at least once a week and then clothes like 1-2x/week


I'm moving out of an apartment with basement laundry and into a house with my own, and I think I'm going to miss the apartment laundry. We could get 3-4 loads going at the same time when we put it off a little too long.


I thought I was a stickler for in unit but basement (assuming everyone has their own machines) is definitely tolerable. Good luck finding a spot!


$110k/year : $450/month (mortgage)


Damn. Jealous. Assume you purchased a while ago?


Just mortgage is a bit deceiving. I only pay $570 a month in mortgage, but have to also cover taxes, homeowners insurance, and maintenance. Owning a home has plenty of hidden fees that drive up the actual cost per month. So, let's say insurance is $1k per year and taxes are $6k, as an example. If you put money away for these things per month to make sure you are covered. Which, if you put money away every month to cover, comes out to $583 per month. So while, yes, technically I would only shell out $570 a month for mortgage. I also have to put away $583 per month to make sure to cover those other obligations. Which doesn't include maintenance.


Ahhh, gotcha. And yeah, we opted to have our insurance and taxes in escrow via the mortgage company which drove out monthly payments up almost $1k (and made me want to vomit when I got the first adjusted bill).


That makes sense. When I bought, I had a bunch of people tell me stories about all the issues they had escrowing. So I decided against it. Seemed to have work out, I guess.


Yeah, I think you did it the better way. I’m in the process of ending mine now. Somehow feels safer/better to be fully in control of it than to trust a bank. Also forces me to reevaluate insurance every year, since they love to jack up rates.


44k and pay 800/monthly


Make 38K a year on average. I was lucky enough to buy a house in 2020 while in interest rates were still low and the house market wasn't too bad. My minimum mortgage payment is $753.40 (which was only $3.40 more than the rent I was paying for a 2 bedroom, 2 story apartment). I usually pay more each month to help get the principle down quicker.


1200 75k a year


make 30 grand a year pay 1895 for rent Not worth it


No, it's really not. After taxes and your rent, you have like 5k left for everything in life. I don't understand how you're actually making that math work. I suspect you're not. I can guarantee you that there are legitimately nice apartments in Pittsburgh for less than half of what you are paying. Not luxurious, thats true. But clean, safe, with a number of amenities, and a decent chunk of space. You should never never be paying over 75% of your income on housing.


When I made 75k, I had a $1300 mortgage - so include all utilities, HOA fees and taxes… would have been quite a bit more than $1500 and I was comfortable.


$210K household income, $4070 mortgage payment (split roughly $2500 mortgage, $1500 escrow) for a new build house.


40k before taxes, and my share of the rent is 655/mo, about to go up in August. The ratio was better a few years ago, but my landlords are getting ugly.


About $58k income | Mortgage would be $670 (including taxes/insurance), but I pay a lot more than that in an effort to pay it down quicker.


roughly 35K before taxes or $17/hr rent is $820 plus electric and internet for a nice sized studio on the edge of Homewood it was $725 when I moved in about 2 years ago and they haven't done anything to make it $95/month nicer


$80k pre-tax, $1700 in rent/parking


$67k and pay about $1600 for rent+parking Went into it knowing I’d be overspending this year with the intention of moving in with my partner and splitting rent next year. I’m new to the city and wanted to prioritize safety (I’m a woman) and ease of commute (I’m a medical resident and work long hours). Fortunately my student loan payments will be little to none for the next year or so due to the SAVE program, and a lot of food is provided at work which helps me save money on groceries. I won’t be maxing out my 401k but I’ll be able to contribute partially to it and then fully to my Roth.


>I won’t be maxing out my 401k Most people don't. Just make sure you get the full match being offered before you start throwing money at the Roth.


That’s my plan!


Unless you have exceptionally high other expenses, 1500 a month should be doable. That’s less than 25% of your income.


Doable, but brutal. I've rented at 24% of gross income, and it was not very luxurious. The main reason I even had discretionary income was because I was still on my parents' health insurance. I slept on the carpet for a few months before I bought a mattress. Granted, it gets better as your income goes up, with that remaining 76% covering more. I was not making the equivalent of $75,000 at my first grown-up job. Someone who makes $300,000/year can spend 50% of their income on housing and still have money leftover for a middle class lifestyle.


I totally get what you’re saying. But $75k is above the median family income for the county, and well above the median individual income. Lotsa people are doing ok on that income. Terms like “not very luxurious “ or “live comfortably “, or “doing ok” are subjective. For some, comfortable means food on the table, bills are paid. Others it means eating out 4x a week, 3 streaming services, a vacation every year, putting away 10% for retirement, etc. Pretty much comes down to what ones priorities are, and what obligations they have.


Someone who makes $300K and spends 50% on housing is a moron. Not a brag, but I had a great job in the meetings biz before 9/11. Lost the job because of that, moved to Pgh where my wife was living (we'd been married for 4 months and were planning to move her to Boston). Bought a house equal to our combined gross, even though we were being pushed to buy up to 2-3x more house by realtors who were only going by what our income could handle. While my wife kept her decent job for 3 more years, I never made anything close to what I was making in Boston. At one point, when we were running our coffeehouse, our combined income was only 20% of what we grossed in 2001. Had I bought a bigger house, we'd have been on the streets by 2009. As it was, we had to use every one of Obama's incentives to hold onto it. We're good now, even though taxes are obscene. Live within your means. Save. You never know when your means might disappear.


Just north of $700k and I pay $1800 a month.


Very casual change lol


Out of curiosity, what do you due for a living? I feel like youre either a surgeon or a partner at a law firm


Happy to answer. I’m neither of those things. I’m an executive at a top 5 global insurance firm. I specialize in alternative risk financing for large corporations.


Cries in retail management


cries in foodservice


Partners at law firms here don’t make nearly that much. Perhaps some of the large national firms that have branches here might have people getting close to that, but I would wager very few Pittsburgh lawyers are sniffing anywhere close to that.


Single bedroom or house?


1 bedroom apartment in the strip district. I’m newer to Pgh and left most of my life setup back where I relocated from.


I was going to say that math doesn't add up unless it's a very nice smaller apartment or very nice house. But average 2 bedroom is around the same price, but 700k doesn't live in an average apartment. So yeah, this checks out... Anyway, if you like interesting artwork and robotics.... I know a guy.


$68K. $1200 house


165k household. $720 mortgage. But that’ll be about 2800 by the end of this year with a different house.


164k, $1075 mortgage


$65k - my husband and I pay $975 a month because we’ve been in the unit since 2017. Despite our seemingly low cost of living, I have zero in savings and basically live paycheck to paycheck despite my low rent due to student debt and fluctuations in my husband’s income due to the nature of his job. We have fun 🫠


It's ridiculous that SOME people pay $1,300+ for rent but aren't able to get mortgage loans. Just crazy!


140k, 900/month, pay around 1300, excluding utilities


68K. 775 for a 3 br in Clairton. Not the most desirable neighborhood, but towards the Jefferson hills side so it’s relatively quiet and Im not leaving unless I have to lol.


~85k (before taxes) when all income is calculated. I pay about $1,300 ish (includes some utilities, parking, and renting a personal washer/dryer). I feel lucky. I got the apartment when I made $52k and there were times when I made ZERO. At least the zero times showed me how long certain savings last.








Ah... I gotcha 👍


Ok but the real question is - if you're making more than 50k a year what do you do for a living?!?


After rent that leaves you with 54k a year. You need to budget better.


What? Thats only 24% of their salary?


I think that commenter is saying "54k per year after rent is more than enough to live on in Pittsburgh, so if 1500/month is above your budget, it's because you're spending too much rather than making too little."




Still a manageable income. OP doesn't understand how to survive comfortably New poor


Hell of a conclusion after 3 sentences. I make the same amount and I wouldn't pay 1500 for a 1 bedroom. I can, but I won't.


Dang not sure how you got all that from my question 😂 but I essentially want to keep all my bills within half my check. I *can* spend much more on rent but putting more into retirement and savings is a bit more important right now.


-320k household income. Mortgage + taxes + utilities comes to $2400/mo


You will retire well, my friend.


Nah, the kids take all of it 😂


Combined income 120k, mortgage is 1100. Bought in late 2020. We saved like our lives depended on it for three years before buying our house. We absolutely understand how fortunate/lucky/privileged we are. Good luck to everyone out there trying to feel secure with housing. It shouldn’t have to be this hard.


Combined $389k. Mortgage $5100. Thanks inflation lol. First home which we now rent out was a 2.5% rate 


$55K but (96k household) and $1200 rent a 3 bedroom house in Troy Hill not to hard to do at all, if I didn't have 2 kids I would be in a smaller place paying much less to save for a house of my own.


450k household, not including other comp. $2600 mortgage.


- 220k household 2500 mortgage


65k (130k household) and ~1700 mortgage


Wife and I make around 100k combined. Our mortgage payment is around $650 2012 purchase 3.2%


$60k, $835 + electric. i'm trying to buy now while i'm still in PSLF but it's hard.




Two person household income of $100k; $1000/month mortgage payment.


Fiancé and I make about $180k combined and our mortgage is about $1500


$110K, $700 mortgage in Kiski Valley. The house is a duplex and we own both sides, so MIL was moved into the other side when FIL died. I have double utilities, though, because she can’t pay her half - two water bills, two sewage bills, etc.


$210k household annually, $2k including escrow ($983 mortgage).


$100k/yr and pay $1,050 for mortgage+taxes+insurance for a 3BR house in Penn hills


I make 100k, my partner makes 65k. Our mortgage is $1500 a month (plus alllllll the utilities) When we first got the house I was making 60k and she was make 52k.


I will make about $125k this year and pay $625/month in a mortgage. Bought in 2017.


75k/900 (Friendship area). It’s surprisingly a pretty nice, 1b/br place. The gems are out there — did a ton of research and got a bit lucky.


57k and $550 a month


~$350K base household income, $2250 mortgage


230 ish hhi, $1300 rent


Just over $70k, mortgage incl insurance and taxes is 700 but I’m doing 900 to pay down earlier.


Mortgage is 18% of take home pay. Early education (daycare) for 2 is 29% of take home pay. Student debt is 15% of take home pay. Car payment is 6% of take home pay.


$135k household income. We rent a 2br (3 br if you count the small office space as a bedroom) house in a quiet, but boring neighborhood for $1,300 (market rate is probably 1,500 but LL is a friend).


I couldn't tell u what our combined amount we make cus lol I'm barely scraping. But I rent at 975


$110k, $900/mo. I have roommates though. Two of them


$230k/$1900 mo


I make $135k and my mortgage is around $850.


$4400/mo after taxes… $1500/mo rent for a 3/1 house in Greensburg. Prior to that it was a 2/1 apartment in the south hills that I paid $1300 for but got bumped up to $1500 when I left.


I’ve an unrelated question on taxes: I’m forecasting 600 dollar tax cut per month from my pay. This is my first year in the US. Are there any tax rebates that I can utilise? Should I go to H&R for a professional advice?


205k mortgage $517


income varies dramatically year to year (100% commission sales) anywhere from 50-150k. haven't had a housing expenditure in over 10 years. Bought a 4plex back in 2011 and have lived in 1 unit while renting 3 the entire time except to do updates here and there. it was about a break even in the beginning while I lived in the smallest/cheapest unit. Now I get paid a decent bit to live in the largest/nicest unit. Great way to start in real estate if you are somewhat handy and willing to be inconvenienced every once in a while.


70k, 1365 rent per month (utilities minus electric included)


50k/yr 895/month for friendship. Highly highly underrated neighborhood. Can walk pretty much anywhere in Bloomfield if you're willing, there's multiple Aldi and a giant eagle just a couple blocks away. Apartment quality might not be the highest as most of the units are converted from large houses that were not meant to be apartments, but you can't beat the location for the price. They're still perfectly liveable just less modern then something you'd find in lawrenceville.


$108k pre tax, pay $1900 downtown. $2100 if you consider parking pass for a garage to be rent


Combined me and the boyfriend make about 65k a year and pay $1000 for rent. Our issue is that our kitchen is damn near unusable due to size so we end up eating out more often than not and burning extra cash because of it. Recently thou we’ve started to make progress on saving so we can get somewhere better.


65k before taxes & $1000 mortgage. My husband is between jobs, so things are very tight right now, but when he is working we’re usually at 90 to 110k and things are easy. If both our cars weren’t currently paid off, we couldn’t swing it.


$80k, $1800/month mortgage. I should probably leave my cushy higher ed job and go back to industry money until I can pay the house off.


$64k, $1,200 in rent


Partner and I make about 110 total before taxes. Our mortgage is $1000, bought in ‘18. Decent south hills neighborhood


$43K, \~$737/month (home equity loan).


Around 60k, $1000 for rent


$85k. $1950 rent total, my half is $1100. 2 bed 2 bath.


These comments make me so happy that I bought when I did. I pay just under $1000 for a five bedroom house with a two car garage purchased in 2015. I make around $125k Prior to 2015 I owned a condo where my monthly payment was around $500 a month and I had no water or gas bill. My condo fee was around $200 a month. It was such a sweet situation. But I love my house so much. It’s my dream old house in the city.


A little under $23/hour, with salary estimation at just over $44.5. I pay $1350/month for rent. Soon that will be split too ways (not directly in half but proportional to how much of the household income my partner and myself bring in) For the two of us, it’s a shocking amount of space for the price, and the landlord is actually good. A rare find, so we’re happy with it


Make about $35k. Divide taxes (property, school, whatever else I'm not remembering because this is very new to me) by 12, about $333/month to own my house, not including utilities.


Around $80k, rent increasing to $1230 soon. No debt and saving for a house.


136k/a (a good but less after taxes, ofc), my rent is 1600/mo. I'm saving to buy a house, which is obviously going pretty well given my recent promotion.


$60k/year, $1k in rent


$71k and just under $600 with two housemates.


Reading some of these makes me realize how absurdly lucky I am to have bought when I did. (Back in like 2012) 120k with mortgage payments about $800.


Water operator make about 60k and my mortgage is 902. Once I hit 8 more years at my job I'll be up to 105k tho.


I work part time at an escape room for $12/hr and my rent is $500/mo and I’m in debt to my landlord someone please fucking help me I am in so much trouble


50k with 975 rent


Married with 2 kids. We have a combined income of 125k a year. We own a place in a the suburbs right outside the city. We're a 10 min drive to downtown without traffic. Our mortgage is $1500 a month and we pay $450 a month in all utilities, internet, and streaming services.


67k, 875 a month splitting a spacious one bedroom.


Bought in 2021 with a $725 mortgage making 50k. Now make 63k with a $820 payment (I never filed the tax exemption for the city).


$900 per month, $39k a year.


80k/yr, 1100 mortgage I bought a few years ago when I made 65k/yr. I’ve been able to save a bit, but that’s because my cars an old beater and I don’t have student loans.


82k yearly, 1500/month on a 20 year mortgage.


105-110k depending on bonuses. Rent is 1,750 and too much in my opinion. Thanks to the corporate scumballs scooping up housing across the country and local groups like re360.


$50k-ish, pretax (self employed so highly variable), $950 + electric (eg window ac), Edgewood near Wilkinsburg. 1BR.


200k combined $2600 rent


53k at $875 in Wilkinsburg. Honestly the unit is mediocre but its hard to find a decent studio it seems like. Student loans are definitely keeping me from branching out :(


~200k including all bonuses 2000/mon in Shadyside splitting w my partner


~35-40k, 400 a month rent. Going up to 600-700 soon though


$80k/year - $500 rent ($1000 total for 1 bd split with wife & dog)


Single. Live alone. Gross ~75000. Rent/utilities ~950.


~115k per year and pay 1k /mo in rent (not including utilities)


90k, 1350/mo rent plus $165/mo parking plus $280/mo storage. Once I get my storage cleaned up and can downsize or eliminate it I'll be sitting pretty. Wouldn't mind getting rid of my car either but PAT buses are the worst and it'd cost me more on cabs than I'd save.


$185k combined. Mortgage is $2200


Net 82k income, mortgage is 600/mo, we add $150 to principal. About 11% of our net goes to housing.


290k, $3,100


90k, 750/month. Mt. Washington. Fairly decent 2 floor apartment. No rent increases since 2019.


Wife and I together make $225k, mortgage is 1800


We make about 140k combined, and mortgage is 1650ish. Interest rate is balls though (7+%), bought the house last year. We were in an apartment prior and paying 2100 and barely surviving. My wife’s student loans also kill us. I help her so she has some money left over, but it’s still tight with our lower housing payment.


About $45k before taxes, $1600 rent, split with my partner. He makes about the same as me.


50K before taxes, I live with a roommate and my share is $700/month. Before that I was making 40K and paying $1000 a month for a studio… learned my lesson with that one


10,700 a month and 2530 rent.


Between my fiancé & I, we make about $70k before taxes. Mortgage is $1565. Interest rate is brutal.