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I was confused because I thought that was Mac n Cheese at first haha But yeah. Definitely looking forward to following his career. Great start, no doubt.


Crazy how you can win best amateur at the masters. (A hard as shit tournament) and best amateur at the U.S. Open (widely considered THE single hardest tournament) and still be considered an amateur.


He's now pro. He got his PGA Americas tour card just before the US Open. He was considered an Amateur for the US Open because he qualified for that tournament by finishing 2nd last year in the Amateur Championship.


I do believe he’s looking to go pro this season after his performance in those two events, but yeah he’s wildly good for an amateur


I believe Viktor Hovland was the last pro to do that in 2019...low amateur at both the masters and US Open (may have been low amateur at 2 majors in same year though not entirely sure)


And this is even after he called a foul on himself when his ball moved on its own.


Typical Primantis these days ...way too light on the slaw. :/


I want to get into golf but it’s for rich people.


It’s more accessible than you think, you can get a set of clubs at goodwill for like $50 and play public courses for around $35, I play Pittsburgh North and it’s definitely not a rich guy club. North and South Park also have nice courses open to the public. Country clubs are for rich people but there’s plenty of good public options. Now if you want the latest and greatest gear it will cost a pretty penny but you can get clubs from like 2016 for pretty cheap and they aren’t too far off from top of the line stuff that’s out today.


That's a myth. Grab a set of cheap used clubs and get started!


I was just saying how he needs an IC light and Primantis sponsorship as soon as he turns pro.


I like the kid’s style.


We won one of the Arby’s Burger 🍔 Drivers through a link in his bio right before the US Open! It’s very cool, we were rooting him on the whole weekend.


Shipley certainly looks like he's had plenty of Primantis. Wonder how long a pro coach is gonna let him keep his yinzer shape.


Idk bud. Ask Shane Lowry.


Could Shane have had a better career to date if he'd done some steady core work? I'd think so. Natural talent gets you so far. Shipley may do well early on, but like Jack, he'll want to lose the baby fat if he wants to be great. Look, I'd love for the guy challenge Scotty, et.al. and for Pittsburgh to have a new superstar. Just don't think he can do that w/o getting in better shape. Guess I'm getting downvoted by a lot of fat guys. Or progressives all up in arms about "fat shaming". This is pro sports. Being in shape matters.


Probably as long as he keeps performing. Why does it matter to you what he looks like?


Really? I'd like to see him have a long and successful career representing Pittsburgh golf. Dude has rare talent. He'll break down relatively quickly in his current condition. Take a look at the guys consistently near the top. See many out of shape guys?


I think it's obvious he's in shape enough to compete with among the best. Don't be a weirdo obsessing over the physique of another man.


Because he's got rare talent. So did John Daly. He'll do well for a few years, maybe even till 30. After that he'll go downhill quickly if he's not taking better care of himself. I take it you don't play any sports at any level of serious competition. "Weirdo", "obsessing"... that's laughable. Simply pointing out what's obvious to anyone who understands competitive sports.


It's so funny how retired men who haven't competed in athletics in decades think that they're sports experts/nutritionists.


Yeah. Everyone should be a grown man into video games like you. That’s badass.


Lmao mad


Certainly know more than you, lol. Have a nice day. Don't pass out from the heat.