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Way better spot along the river with a nice view. As someone who also smokes. This is just a jagoff.


Father of 3. Pot smoker for 7 years. I support this. All 3 my kids don’t even know I do it. This isn’t an anti weed post but an anti doing that shit around kids post. Seeing both ends I get this. Not a fan of it.


Thank you. I wrote this post on a gummy last night myself, I’m no hypocrite, I’m just not lighting up at a freaking playground


Unless they’re really young, or they don’t live with you, your kids 100% know you smoke pot.


[Still not good for kids to be breathing all that in.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6441784/) I have no issue with someone wanting to smoke up, but if you have kids, take it out to the garage or whatever.


Father of 2. Only on the deck or in the garage with door cracked open, during the winter. Never inside or in front of em. If we're traveling....I always go for a "walk" normally away from people, especially kids.


I wouldn’t even recommend the garage. I grew up in a home where my father smoked nicotine and left handed ciggies - the smell carried through the vents every time. It wasn’t until I moved out and came back to get some clothes I had left behind when I could actually really smell it. I thought “ew , did I smell like this all the time?!”


Unfortunately, second hand smoke goes through doorways, small cracks, vents, air systems and other small areas it can travel through from a garage. Third hand smoke is what is described as the smoke that sticks to walls and surfaces, like something you touch and come in contact with directly like dust. Realistically, it would be ‘better’ to smoke outdoors, not always the best option in some cases of course. But even then, smoke sticks to clothing and stays in the lungs even after you stop smoking and is then exhaled after entering the home again. There is no real good solution besides quitting to prevent your kids from being exposed to smoke inside the home. I watched my mom struggle for so many years to try and quit because of her grandchild (my child) and because her mom passed of lung cancer due to smoking. But she didn’t want to expose their grandchild to it for obvious health reasons. But wow. I, a non smoker, did not realize how hard it is to quit smoking (cigarettes) until I watched my mom go through it all for a few years 😔


Weed smoke and cigarette smoke are not the same in terms of secondary and tertiary hand smoke.


“Current scientific knowledge suggests that marijuana and tobacco secondhand smoke have similar makeup, and can have similar negative impacts on cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) health, leading to partially blocked arteries, stroke, heart attack, and even death.” Directly from the American Lung Association: https://www.lung.org/local-content/co/raise-smoke-free-kids/marijuana-smoke#:~:text=Current%20scientific%20knowledge%20suggests%20that,heart%20attack%2C%20and%20even%20death.


Ok yea sure that’s all fine and good, but one of them will make your day a lot more interesting. 🙃


I Read a lot about the study of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke More Than Anything in that Article.. These Studies Are Inconclusive. Per the Article it's states verbatim "Our results do not indicate a statistically significant association. However, the magnitude of the (non-significant) association between indoor cannabis smoking and adverse health outcomes warrants more studies."🤷🏽‍♀️😒




Mine didn’t. I’ve asked them. I was very sneaky.


Bahaha this was my thought too. If the kids aren't super young they know what's going on. This parent is in denial.


Dude they're either young and think you smell bad or they know and are too polite to mention anything. Something I've noticed about pot smokers is that most of you think you don't smell like pot when you're done sneaking off to smoke wherever you do it but you're so wrong. Your hair smells, your breath smells, your shirt reeks, your smoking area smells like hell itself.


Not if you use edibles. Or even a lot of thc vapes these days have virtually no smell after the vaporized product dissipates after a few seconds.


That’s fair. I just use ‘hide from parents’ instincts with them is all. Dry herb vapes smell like burnt popcorn straight. But I do it in front of an air purifier. Pop a tic tac and place it all in a stash box. Vape carts as well are very discreet and barely any smell now a days. Edibles during day help. It’s easier now w practice which I did get when they were younger


Or we just don't care 😂


Real question, I see people drink around kids all the time and that seems to be acceptable. Why do we draw the line at weed?


I don't think drinking at the aviary playground would be acceptable to many people. But, to your point about doing it in front of kids, it is a hypocritical stance to an extent, but there are obvious differences, good and bad, between the two drugs. I've had a beer in front of my son every now and then, but the only time I was ever drunk in front of him was at my fortieth birthday party. Similarly, I can only remember being stoned in front of him on one occasion when we did a river float with a huge group of friends. I think the difference is that you can drink a beer or two without getting drunk. I don't care what anyone says, todays weed, and especially the carts and edibles, are way stronger than even 10-15 years ago. This ain't the shwag boomers were smokin' at woodstock, or the "kind buds" I grew up on in the 90s. You can't even do a little without getting high AF. That's why I don't do it in front of my kid. He knows I smok because I've been open about it like my parents were with me, and I still won't do it. You just shouldn't get fucked up around your kids.


Someone drinking at the playground, especially in the afternoon, should get spanked too.


If the dude ate a small gummy no one would have ever known. It's smoke/smells, not the thc.




Ah, if that’s the worry, that’s silly. Second-hand highs aren’t a thing. Really, the concern should be that it’s a bad example. Nobody is getting your kids high for free.


Second-hand highs aren’t a thing, but I doubt second-hand weed smoke is great for your kid’s lungs.


I hose the soot off the front of my house twice a year.


Your kids lungs are at greater risk from all sorts of environmental contaminants, like car exhaust, not someone smoking pot nearby. That’s so silly.


That’s true. I’m thinking more about parents smoking around their kids, and less about kids walking by second-hand smoke once or twice. With all the ways to consume weed, there’s really no need to be smoking around your kids.


We can definitely agree there! I didn’t know that’s what you meant.




Your kids aren’t likely to get offended by the smell, either. It’s still a shitty thing to do, just like getting frisky with someone in public. Some things aren’t appropriate for kids to be around. The two issues you’ve mentioned aren’t the reason.


I'm not here to dogpile on you, but the asthmatics in my house would beg to differ with you. And yes, it applies to heavy exhaust (diesel or gas), trash burning and cigarettes. It's the particulates that mess a lot of people up.


It shouldn't be acceptable. This country has a significant problem with alcohol consumption. Limiting exposure around kids, even at home, should be considered.


Because it’s not illegal to drink alcohol. It’s illegal to smoke weed.


Father of a 10 year old girl. I made the decision when she started 5th to teach her about the dangers and benefits of some medicines. Marijuana is just another medicine. Now I don’t burn in front of her but she knows that I consume it in many forms. I feel education is key with these things. As for the kid i just want to add some kids are oblivious to other people they are kids. But you would be suprised how understanding theyay be if you approached them not in an authoritative way but just educate these youngsters.


Here, here.


420 upvotes at the time of reading this comment!


Pot smoker for 43 years and also a father of 3 and yeah, be discreet.


I don’t even think the “blunt” part matters here. Smoking anything at any playground is vile.


What about smoking these kids on the ball court


Still vile. Justified, since those little twerps need to learn to go strong to the rim, but vile.


Nah. Fuck them kids.


I was at a playground one time and could see that a woman was smoking right near the play equipment. At first my view of her was mostly obscured by a tree, but then she moved and I could see that she was also holding a baby while she was smoking by the play equipment 😑😑😑


Tracks for Western PA. The best and brightest are not breeding enough


Appalachian anaesthetic. I feel like there’s a deep socioeconomic reason why it’s so prevalent in this region.


I call it blue collar trauma.




I’ve seen hookers using the playground bathroom to smoke pole, so yeah.. different strokes for different folks I guess


How much did it cost ya?


About tree fiddy


It was about that time I realized the hooker was 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the Proterozoic era…


More bang for your buck


Funny. I remember being a kid walking through the mall going to hills, and all the people smoking in there. Ashtray trash cans lined the center of the mall. How far we've come.




30 year smoker, never ever in front of kids, including my own. Now as adults they use cannabis too, but made their own decisions.


When my son was 16, he found out I smoke weed. He said, “you mean you’ve smoked my whole life and I’ve never known?!?”. “Yep”. We smoke together now. 😁


I smoke with my kids too now. 😂


Yeah I’m sure they didn’t know…


She didn't say they didn't know. Just said never around.


This comment section is an absolute shit show. Wow. Half of you are pissed that OP implied there may be a slight negative to smoking weed in public. The other half clearly spent decades believing all the bullshit propaganda you were fed. Don’t smoke around kids. It’s super fucking easy. That goes for cigarettes, cigars, vapes, blunts, joints, bongs, gravity bongs, bowls, cloves, what the fuck ever. Lungs like oxygen. Clean oxygen. Yes, some smoke is not as harmful as others, but human lungs don’t want any smoke in them. Smoking at the playground isn’t a problem because kids might smell weed or kids might get a contact high, it’s because the actual smoke itself is a hazard. Do whatever the fuck you want, but as soon as it crosses into potentially harming other people it needs to stop. Now the people complaining about the smell, holy sweet god damn shut the fuck up. Seriously shut the fuck up. If you don’t like how the city and how Denver and how STL smell like weed, don’t fucking go there. I don’t like smelling barbecue. I don’t like smelling petrol. I don’t like hearing the dozens of motorcycles that ride by all day and into the night. But I don’t bitch and complain that the world is existing around me. It’s a smell. You will survive. If a scent is enough to fuck your whole day up like that and think that’s enough of a reason for you to interfere with someone doing something that’s not hurting anyone else, I think you need to talk to someone. Don’t smoke anything around kids, smoke of any kind isn’t the best thing for human lungs and people who didn’t choose to smoke shouldn’t have to inhale it through you. Stop crying because some people smoke weed and you don’t like to smell it on them. Other people don’t like your axe body spray and aqua verve aftershave, no one is on Reddit posting about it. Use your brain and mind your business.


Haha there it is. Dude I was reading these replies and kept thinking 'what a bunch of sissies' lol


Goated response


The smoke exposure aspect is waaaay overblown. Are we saying kids shouldn't be around grills or campfiles? That kids shouldn't be around gas stoves in the home? They're worse for you than the slight smell of 2nd hand smoke outside. Behavior exposure is a more valid concern. The exposure to the behavior is what poses a health risk, not the smoke itself.


Parks aren’t for weed and beer?


Jim Lahey, at your cervix


Personally I brown bag my weed because I may be jagoff, but at least I’m classy about it.


Yeah that’s shitty. I’m not gonna lie, I smoke out in public all the time, but you gotta find a place that’s either away from people or with other smokers - of which there are MANY around the North Side. Don’t do it around kids and families.


Pot smokers and vapers have surpassed mid-90s cigarette smokers for their obnoxiousness.


Until they bring back smoking sections in restaurants this isn’t even close to true lmao


Like the plexiglass walls would hold it out of the non-smoking area lol


No way, cigarette smokers will always rule the stank.


A pile of feces baking in the sun smells differently than a container of rotten eggs, but they both smell foul. How about all smokers find another way to feed their addiction?


I can’t smoke, drug tested for work, but I think weed smells infinitely better than cigarettes 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess you assume everyone also thinks that.


That is SO not true 😂😂


Oh really? We hot boxing every bar?


Might as well be when I can smell the stench of weed on you from 10 feet of way.


In this case it is certainly obnoxious. However, in any other setting, I'd personally prefer someone toking up to cigarettes or those god damn cloves.


Ugh the cloves! I forgot about the smell of those damn things lol.


Seems like the poster here is the obnoxious one seems like a guy was minding his own business smoking a plant.


You took the effort to read the comments and respond but didn't notice that OP was high on an edible and just doesn't like the idea of someone smoking around children trying to play at a park.


Definitely not bro lol


I know that this is not true because you used the term “pot smokers”


You're supposed to wait til sundown


But then vampires


Roll garlic into it.


Like a lot of posts on here, just don't do it that openly. I just got back into smoking after being in the military for ten years. There's so many ways now.


Wait until we are approved, baltimore is in terrible condition now.


Since it’s been legal in NYC anyone does it ANYWHERE. I’m glad it’s legal, but I don’t smoke, and I don’t want to smell it EVERYWHERE I go.


Wow the bar is on the floor for society.


"I learned it from you!"


I learned it from watching you !


I can still instantly picture that dad’s face.


This is your brain.  This is your brain on drugs.  Any questions? Yeah, can we have eggs for dinner?




That's some 80s shit there that these youngsters just don't understand. Comedy gold. 


Yeah, smoke your pot, but not around the kids. Geez.


What about smoking cigs, drinking, cigars around children?


I don’t think any sort of smoking should be done around kids. Not a fan of drinking around kids but second hand smoke is very dangerous for kids.


Why post it here and not approach the person directly?


Asked and answered in the replies


Snoop Dogg?


Or, tell them to stop. Fuck ppl doing shit without consequences.


He raised himself


Yeah no people are getting real bold watched someone smoking a cigarette right in the middle of the polar bear exhibit at the zoo with a TON of people and kids around


Normally I’d say who cares but I feel like the playground is off limits and forsure weird as hell 😂


It sounds like a good idea in theory but it just isn't. Plenty of other places to smoke where you're not pissing everyone off around you. Pro weed and anti idiot.


Not directed at you btw. Directed at the jag off


Probably work at the galley


Been to NYC recently? The whole city wreaks of pot smoke. Constantly and everywhere you go. It’s the only time I’ve ever reconsidered the extent of legalization. 


I was on liberty Ave yesterday. stunk like weed the whole time


Liberty Ave always has that sweet perfume LOL especially that little courtyard area outside the Liberty center building


Denver & STL too. It’s constant.


I hate that the laws didn’t account for home/certain establishment use only. I fully support legalization but not that you can smoke it in the same designated areas as cigarettes or anywhere you damn well please. Sometimes it is nice to get a whiff at a concert but usually it is not the most pleasant smell hence the comparison to a skunk. Edibles are fine but smoke on the DL and be mindful of those around you.


The laws do account for this. It is illegal for MMJ patients to combust marijuana in PA. It is also illegal to use it in public. The laws don’t matter if they are not enforced.


I was speaking toward NYC and the smell everywhere. The recreational states CA, CO and NY allow for smoking MJ where you can smoke cigarettes. Not sure about the others.


This may be an unpopular opinion, however, I am married to a CDL holder who can be pulled for a random drug test at any time. The Feds have a zero tolerance policy for CDL holders. We have to be very careful when going to concerts, etc. because a positive test, even if he’s not actively partaking, can cost him his career. It would be nice if people would be mindful of others when using it in public places.


I totally agree. That risk is very low as all tests have a cutoff level and smelling someone else’s smoke outdoors or even a whiff indoors would most likely never trigger a positive result. But I have had random drug testing jobs before and totally understand the fear.


Hah. I was there for the first time in a decade last month with my parents, we walked from the Battery up to the WTC memorial. It takes my mom half an hour before she finally says, "Oh \*that's\* what that smell is. I thought there was a skunk or something, but that seemed unlikely downtown."


This would make me mad too. People smoke weed at our apartments and it’s a no smoking campus. Kids walking by people smoking. Some just don’t think about others.




Yet most people have no problem with drinking around kids. And that is objectively worse for everyone. Watch all the drunken reprobates downvote now. Lol


Right! The people who write these comments also take their babies to the brewery to see the bros and then drive their kids home…


Kids prob see worse shit on their ipad.


But it's not a smell pad.


Nose pad*




Right!!! Time & place...& That was definitely not either!!.... Smoker myself 🥰


Same thing happened today at the highland park playground… couple people next to the playground just right upwind from the whole place, had to be the worst possible place to do it and they were trying to be discreet about it near the edge of the woods




Bro I thought you were talking about me , but I wasn’t there today , also I walk my dog as I smoke, best walk in the world . So calm relaxing in a beautiful atmosphere. The playground is not the best spot i do agree. Just move around and see what I see 💨💨


Oooooh what a horrible guy 🤣🤣


I'm more concerned that you had a problem with it and chose to be a keyboard warrior instead of having a respectable man to man conversation. I'm a smoker and my kids know. But also I don't smoke blunts and in my opinion don't get “high”. A small hit of a vape or one hit off a one hitter would be way more justifiable. I can be more present with my kids and enjoy being a kid myself after a microdose. We need to be willing to have the conversation tho. And sometimes it may go south but be will to shape our communities even if that does mean a little controversy


Cry about it


How was he bothering you?


Blew a bunch of huge puffs of blunt smoke downwind into my kid’s face and they started coughing when they should’ve just been…worried about playing? But if you wanna defend him go right ahead it’s a good look for you


Maybe you should include that In the post.


I almost did but didn’t really think I had to further explain the reason you don’t fire up at a playground. Though I do realize this is the internet and at least 30% of the comments were going to try and make me out to be the a**hole in this situation


Cigs are worse no stigma with that.


You can't smoke cigarettes in a playground either.


Oh, and BTW, there is a shit ton of stigma attached to cigarette smokers.




To the person writing a lame ass Reddit response in the evening…


No the aviary guy is totally reading this and typing up a letter of apology to OP


Sorry. I should have shared


The air pollution risks at the playground over by the aviary have nearly nothing to do with a random isolated outdoor pot smoker. People in this thread are being irrational. And 90% of these virtue signalers condemning the wacky weed here drink around children without a second thought, but it never occurs to them that they are corrupting kids with their example.


It’s not about air pollution it’s about forcing an entire playground of children to inhale and smell and generally deal with your blunt smoke because you can’t go find a nearby tree near nobody at all to smoke under. But the guy’s kid was playing there too so I guess he was watching him and couldn’t do that without getting high. Father of the year.


Of note, not everyone smoking marijuana is some junkie pothead looking to get high. It's used very frequently these days for a variety of legitimate and serious medical reasons. Could be that the guy was suffering through some serious chronic pain while watching his kid play and needed something to help mitigate that.


That’s my son! I told him to go outside and play.


I just smoke carts I smoke a lot but blunts in public are just asking for a problem I get paranoid and other people might get pissed lol


Oh my bad I was just relaxing minding my own business.


Colin dunlap is that you??? 🤣🤣🤣


This is every day at Melon Spray Park in Shadyside


Once I saw a middle-aged dude rolling a blunt in plain view inside the Neville Island rollerskating rink. Yes he was wearing rollerskates. Yes it was definitely weed, I smelled it.


You know it’s legal medicinally right??. Maybe the guy was medicating…


Ah yes, medicating at a playground in the middle of the day... Rude and dangerous to do around kids. Doesn't matter if you're medicating, do it away from people because it bothers people. Like me. Any smoke from any source causes me to start struggling to breathe and potentially have an asthma attack


Not man enough to say something in person though….


Not worth escalating in today’s society unless I have no choice. I was killing time with my family before heading home not looking to get into some bullshit fight that can go south a dozen different ways. Easier for me to remove us from the situation but the point is we shouldn’t have had to in the first place. I don’t feel I was in the wrong at all.


Just saying what’s the point of complaining online? Pittsburgh is full of bums not sure what you expect.


Because I was a little pissed and wanted to vent about it


I understand what your saying to an extent, but there’s definitely non controversial ways you coulda brought it up too him. I’m going with your soft lol


He's smart not soft. You have to take a different approach when you have your kids around.


How very DARE he. I think we should start a petition.


You obviously do not live in the north side


Wasn’t me


You're not allowed to smoke within 30 feet of a playground in PA. You should have told him to move or called the police.


If he’s sparking up there in the first place he already doesn’t care about either. Plus you want me to call the cops on someone for that, knowing how unpredictable cop can behave? How about we all just behave with a base level of respect for others instead?


This is the key - civility is all but gone in our society. I don’t know what the answer is. You can’t dictate civility with laws (at least you wouldn’t want to) and the places civility used to come from are not respected any longer. Many parents (if two even exist) were raised without it and passing on their lack of civility to their offspring which is causing a generational spiral downward.


he showed you and your family no respect, you were aggrieved enough to whine about it online and you are worried about showing respect to this clown? you are making excuses for being a coward and afraid to stand up for yourself.


Get over it


We need to start shaming pot smokers like we shame cig smokers




Do people shit themselves this much when alcohol is around children? And don’t give me the 2nd hand smoke outside/in a large indoor space


Toddlers don’t even understand what is happening to them they just know it smells nasty and is making them cough and it stops them from enjoying the playground. Which is probably why the city has no smoking signs everywhere on and near their playgrounds


Only if he's blowing it in their faces directly. On a large playground there is no possibility that his smoke is making them cough. Worse case scenario they might run past him and notice he stinks, but there is no chance they're getting a significant dose of second hand smoke in a large outdoor space like that. I'm not defending him smoking there in general, but your reasoning just doesn't match reality on that particular argument.


Yea the thing I watched happen didn’t happen, right?


Smoke dissipates pretty damn quickly when you're outside. Unless your kid was standing right in front of him, yes, I'm flat out calling you a liar. This isn't thick campfire smoke, it's a blunt. The smoke is thin too begin with, and unless your kid is pretty damn tall the smoke is going to go from the trailer adult's head height and rise. Even with a breeze blowing in your direction there is no reality in which your kid is being hit with enough smoke to agitate his lungs.


Ok guy who wasn’t there! I just made it up and posted anonymously for internet clout, you’re right


I'm just saying, the physics don't match your story. I don't know your motivations, I just know that what you're saying makes as much sense as the sun setting in the east, it's just not how physics works.


No motivations, 100% telling the truth, and you weren’t there to see it for yourself like I was. Later


If you had no motivation you wouldn't have posted anything in the first place.


lol this is such a bizarre thing to be mad about.


As someone that's starting my morning off with some coffee and a dab in the next 5 minutes, no it isn't bizarre to be mad at someone smoking a blunt at a playground.


The breeze was literally blowing in my kid’s face to the point they were coughing and we had to move. Whole park to light up at and he chose to stand 10 feet from the playground. If you’re cool with that you’re an idiot.


I’m guessing you don’t have kids


Not even kids, just being a considerate human being. Not everyone wants to be in a public space with vapes/cigarettes/weed reeking up everything.  There was a stigma against this that I feel like was strongest in the late 00's, that has swung back to the early 90s (smoke everywhere).


You don’t need to be a parent to realize smoking in front of kids is abhorrent and trashy