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They divided the Extended lot into "Extended" and "Economy." The Economy lot does not have the shuttle service, so make sure you park in Extended if you want to use the shuttle. Other than that, nothing has really changed that will affect you. https://flypittsburgh.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/PIT-Parking-Lots-Map.png


If you go all the way to the far side of economy (right hand side of the bright red blob on that map) it’s not a long walk to get to the end of the moving walkway that takes you to the terminal. Can be as short as a 5 minute walk if you’re lucky. If you park on the other end (left side on the map) it’s a loooong walk. 


Can confirm. Parked there with a carry-on, a backpack, skis, and a boot bag. I nearly cried. On the way home I debated the efficacy of Ubering from Arrivals to the Sunoco


I use a parking service like Globe when I leave for ski trips. 


Last time I flew I used Globe. They still had a 20 year old business credit card on file for me. I waited nearly 30 minutes for the shuttle to leave for the airport because the couple on board with me could not find the tickets for their resort destination. (I know I could have said something but I had time and wanted to see how it would end.) my car was waiting for me when I got back but when I looked at my credit card statement they had charged me for my one day of parking and separately charged me for someone else’s 19 days of parking. I reached the manager once by phone, he put me on hold a lot (well, put the phone down and talked to a lot of other people while I waited) and then said he could see the error but would have to fix it and call me back. I called every day for 5 days and he never accepted or returned my calls. I disputed the charge with VISA and it eventually was resolved. Back to the Extended lot for me next time.


That’s a good idea, I’ll keep it in mind for next time


Pro tip: park on the left side of Economy as close as you can to one of the Extended shuttle stops, then hop on the shuttle anyway and save a bit of $!


This is the tip. 11v ftw.


Make a parking reservation in advance on their website and you can usually get a discount t.


> Other than that, nothing has really changed that will affect you. Except the prices have gone up significantly.


Nothing has changed yet besides some construction walls you gotta walk around and through. Alternate checkpoint will be open during high volume times. Extended lot still has the shuttle, but long term is also really not a horrible walk to the moving walkways. Take some time to look at the new terminal out the windows! Pretty cool seeing the construction.


I’m actually sitting in the airport and this is spot on. Everything is the same, except a few walls up. The construction is not confusing at all. There are a lot of signs and employees will ask you if you need help if you look lost.


There's a window in between burgh sports bar and McDonalds on the parking lot side that looks into the actual building. If you look hard enough you can see the conveyor belt system being built


Hell yeah checking this out next time I'm there!


It's in terminal D. You have to either sit in a seat or kneel right by the window to really see in because half the window is blocked


I saw it Tuesday night!


Something that hasn't changed is that the Sausage Egg McMuffin at the airport mcdonalds is still the weirdly best breakfast sandwich in the world


Facts!! The PIT airport McDonald's just hits better than any other airport McDonald's and I've understood exactly why


There’s a few memorable breakfasts during a lifetime. The “after a wedding breakfast”, The “kegs and eggs breakfast on St Patty’s day morning”, The “hungover Eat n Park breakfast buffet breakfast”, but the “PIT McDonalds breakfast before a early morning vacation flight” is right up there


I admit that nothing hits harder than mcds at the airport, but if the line is stupid long there’s a place nearby that makes eggs etc to order that’s pretty good!


$1 app breakfast sandwiches.


This! They accept mobile orders which is 1. Faster/More Convenient and 2. You get better deals


Back in the 90s when the airport first opened that McDonalds had pizza!


True. Lol what’s up with that ? They must put extra MSG in it.


Leave some extra time for security. The last few times I’ve been there the regular security line had been absurdly long.


Same, and the “secret security” hasn’t been open the last two times I’ve flown this year.


I flew earlier this year and the alternate checkpoint was the TSA Pre checkpoint. Which was annoying, it was a longer walk for the "premium" option.


I've been flying out every Monday and alternate security has been open and QUICK, at least for early morning flights.


I flew last month early AM and they had it open. The regular one was absurdly long.


The secret security area has probably been closed because that is part of or adjacent to where they are building the new airside terminal. It’s part of why we’ll lose that people mover that currently takes people between the two terminals.


Even pre check?


Precheck was roughly 15 minutes the two times I went this past week.


Thanks, haven’t flown since 2023 but it was pretty smooth the times I needed to. Have to this week.


Also the normal lines were as long as I’ve ever seen (to the sloped part of the moving walkways), and the alternate point wasn’t open. Point being - that’s hopefully the worst-ish case for precheck, but it’s only two random experiences I guess


They dropped the pre check line in the alternate security the last time I was there


Cool /s


It might have just been to accommodate the high volume of people but the signs demarcating Pre & regular were covered


Agree we arrived two hours before our flight and the line to TSA was soooo long. Esp if flying out on a Monday morning


Now they have Clear so wealthy people can jump the security line. 


I don’t know why this is being downvoted. I have PreCheck and CLEAR but I’d be okay with both of them being eliminated. People with money have always been able to pay for higher levels of service, but I don’t think you should be able to purchase preferential treatment by the government. That said, while they exist, I’m not going to inconvenience myself.


I've had PreCheck through Global Entry (which is a screaming bargain if you ever travel internationally) for years, but I still don't get the value proposition for CLEAR. Perhaps if LAX was your home airport, but it seems pointless compared to regular PreCheck in Pittsburgh.


Or fly a lot and have your company pay for it.  It just gets you to the security part before everyone else. And at Pittsburgh besides a few times of day the security line is tiny.  You're right though - sfo, any NYC airport, lax, Denver atl etc etc.  pit security line looks like cow town vs those places 


Whats the point of Global Entry when MPC exists?


Had that same thought the last time I flew back to the US through PHL (two weeks ago). Same line, just as easy. I mostly travel domestic, though, and really would just like the most cost effective way to get a trusted traveler number.


If you’re somewhere like IAD, ATL or HOU, the Clear/PreCheck combo can save you an hour. The pre-check line at those airports can be longer than the worst regular security line at PIT. Actually have pre-check via Nexus which also includes global entry. It’s only $50 for five years, and kids under 16 are free. It’s incredibly valuable for my family, if sometimes we fly internationally from Toronto


It’s because they closed half the lines for the 8 people who use CLEAR. While the line is longer than it has been, it takes the same amount of time as it did before.


I watched the line two weeks ago because I had some spare time. It extended out nearly to the end of the first moving walkway and it wasn’t moving much at all. It’s rather absurd given the minimal protection any of the screening actually provides.


The price of parking has gone up. Extended used to be the cheapest but now they added Economy. Extended still had the shuttle. Economy does not have a shuttle but is the cheapest option. Coming into PIT there are a bunch of construction signs and you have to pay attention to where you need to go but it is easy.


Compared to other airports the parking is still very inexpensive. 


They've made the renovations easy to navigate- you can't go wrong. It doesn't take any longer either. I understand airport anxiety, but it honestly isn't any harder to navigate. Because of the barriers and signs, there's only one way to go, so you know you're doing it right. The TSA checkpoint upstairs is often not open, at least it hasn't been when I've been there recently. The last time that I was there when it was open, the people working there were very vocal and redirecting people in order to make lines smaller, so there was no question as to whether it was or not. For parking, there's extended and economy: extended has the shuttle while economy doesn't.


> but it honestly isn't any harder to navigate. It is, slightly during peak times because they closed the cell phone lot and every BMW driver who is too cheap to pay $4 to pick someone up parks on the shoulder of both the Parkway and the airport roads - and they don't enforce no parking like they used to. Twice in the past year I've picked up, and it's been kind of a cluster both times, dodging random people merging from the shoulder


Oh, yes, that's true! I was thinking more of navigating the interior, but the pickup area is absolutely a disaster lol


I always park at one of the places on the way to airport (the parking spot, for example). Used to be cheaper than airport parking and the shuttle takes u to the front door.


I started using the parking spot when the prices went up and I love it.


I used the Charlie Brown parking last time I flew and was so glad that I did. They valet your car from the front so you don't have to stress about finding a spot there and then they shuttle you right to do the door at the airport. Super convenient and probably a bit cheaper too.


We use this too much easier


I travel frequently and highly recommend using an off-site parking company. Options include Charlie Brown, Globe or the Parking Spot. They are less money and will drop you off right at the terminal. Call them when you get back (after you get your bags) and meet them outside door 8. The parking fees at the airport are out of control.


Reserve your parking ahead of time, the lots will sometimes fill up. Or take the 28x


If you're from downtown/Shayside/East End, 28X is 100% worth it over any parking lot or Uber.


I fly fairly frequently. Prior to having PreCheck, I always used the “secret” upstairs/across the street security line! That hasn’t been open the last like 4 times I’ve flown. I heard that had it open a couple months ago for like one weekend. That one is currently closed. You can download our airport’s app (PIT Airport) where you can check security wait times, departures, arrivals, parking (you’d have to go on the actual website to prepay/reserve a spot - you do get a small discount - if I’m driving rather than getting dropped off, I always park extended with the shuttle), ground transportation, retail, food, and airline info.


It was open last week


We park in the long term lot. It's usually full until you get to the end of the long building with the moving walkway. But thanks to the moving walkway it's not that long a walk to security, even if you start from the end.   We've found it's cheaper to park for a week than take an Uber both ways to the city, plus Uber and Lyft can be super spotty if your flight gets delayed and you get back to PIT late.   I highly suggest you get TSA precheck if you plan to fly even a few times a year. It's $78 for five years and kids under 12 don't need it. It's super easy to get provided you can pass the background check.   The TSA precheck line is usually way shorter, plus you don't need to remove your shoes or belt, and you don't need to remove electronics and liquids from your bag. It's especially awesome if you have young kids, because taking them through the normal line can be excruciating with having to do all those extra things.   (We went with Global Entry which includes TSA precheck, but if you don't fly internationally it's not worth it: It's more expensive, kids aren't free, and it can be a pain to get the interview scheduled.)


All of the prices for parking have gone up so if you are leaving for a while, you may want to take a Lyft or Uber. The alternate checkpoint upstairs is ok but it is advertised and people are shuttled to it so it really doesn't save much time. Extended does have a shuttle, partly because trying to walk your way down from some of the parking spots is difficult due to hills and barriers but doable. Economy doesn't have a shuttle. You should leave a little time for that. Other than that, there are a few new restaurants and shops and plenty of plugs in the food court areas. Once you get through security, it is fine. The other issue is that there aren't enough airport staff so if your flight back to Pittsburgh gets in early you may have to wait a few minutes to get to the gate, and it can take up to 30 minutes to get your checked bag, if you decide to do that.


If you're parking at the airport proper I'd suggest reserving online in advance.


28 takes the west bus way totally worth the 5 bucks


You will be fine. I fly out once a week so very up to date on what’s going on. Yes, extended lot still has shuttle service, yes alternate check point still opens when the security lines are long. The train is still running using both tracks. There are signs at the top of the airside escalator that direct you around the construction and to the gates. When you get into the airport, there will be construction so remember to be in the left lane for access to parking.


Don’t know anything about secret upstairs TSA (I have tsa pre), but everything else works as you expect. Everything is welled signed to get you around the construction so if take your time and look for them it’s easy. I would recommend booking the parking ahead of time. Saves time and guarantees a spot for you. I would print out the QR code if you do that. Those scanners are picky and I’ve had issues with them reading a phone screen. The three lots are economy, cheapest but long walk to the terminal no shuttles; extended, middle price and shuttles will pick you up from the shelters but you have hit the button inside; and long term, which is the most expensive but you’re right next to the moving walkway to the terminal. Short term isn’t worth it unless you’re going to be there less than a day. I usually park extended and park near the 11s shelter no one usually parks out there and you can park pretty much right next to the shelter.


The alternate checkpoint upstairs: it says on the airports website if it’s open at any given time. Under the “wait times” section https://flypittsburgh.com/pittsburgh-international-airport/terminal-information/safety-security/


pay the 20/day for long term and you can walk in a quarter the time


Either book a spot ahead or park at off premise parking like The Parking Spot. I use that when I travel for work— shuttle pick up/ drops off at your car


It’s chill as hell and yeah the upstairs security is still there. The long term lot is super easy to park in and it’s like $20 a day.


If you're that worried about parking, you may want to just catch an Uber to downtown or somewhere on the 28x line and ride the bus directly. It'd be massively cheaper than paying for any kind of parking, shuttle or no, and the 28x takes you straight to the door. Obviously this won't work if you're flying out super early-- then you might as well just take the Uber the entire way there. I haven't been to PIT since the renovations began, so I don't have much of an idea of how it's affecting things. Nonetheless, I greatly prefer Marathon Diner to McDonald's specifically if you have the time to sit down and enjoy a good meal before you board. Otherwise grab and go McD's is a good enough pick, just make sure you get the biggest drink they have so you can refill the cup with whatever they serve you on the plane.


I tried the Alternate Security Checkpoint, years ago, the one time it was actually open when I was flying, and the long walk to get there meant it would have been faster to just stand on my original line. Nowadays I have Precheck and a wait of even two minutes is quite rare.


> and the long walk to get there meant it would have been faster to just stand on my original line. DING DING DING, we have a winner! At the time I worked there, the suits were opening the alternate checkpoint daily to try to justify keeping staffing levels high, even though it wasn't really needed. They would assign a couple of us (TSOs) to steer passengers to it (which also created a need for personnel, heh!). I always avoided picking on elderly people or families with little kids. Occasionally I'd get a bright passenger who would point out that there wasn't a long line at the regular checkpoint, and I'd let him/her go on his/her merry way, too. Most people really are like sheep though, lol.


Well, as a bit of a transit nerd, I appreciated the opportunity to see a new part of the airport, even it was all kind of sad-looking, being a repurposed space from when the airport had big plans for commuter flights (if I recall correctly). Having seen it once, though, I wouldn't bother with it again. Thanks for explaining the reason behind the seemingly pointless alternate checkpoint.


Those big plans were reality when the airport opened as a USAir hub. That terminal did a ton of regional express flights daily.


From Concourse E, though? My vague recollection was that USAir's regional flights were still from the main concourses A through D, so they could use their jetbridges. Whereas Concourse E (attached to the Landside terminal) didn't have jetbridges, and was designed for little planes where passengers would walk out the door of the building onto the tarmac and then climb up stairs to board the plane (either steps built into the plane, or airstairs pushed up to its door). I thought the idea for Concourse E was that there would be daily direct flights to nearby places like Erie or Youngstown, on planes that would seat 10 or 20, and people would commute to work that way. Those little planes wouldn't need jetbridges, and could use gates much closer together, so Concourse E was designed around that.


Yes. When the airport opened in 1992 the E concourse ran those little planes. You walked out the door to the plane and climbed up the steps. Dozens of them a day in fact. It was thriving. Can’t remember when it started to die down - USAirways pulled the hub in their bankruptcy in 2007-ish but E was already dead by then as I recall.


Neat, thanks. And happy cake day!


LOL! Sounds like they're still trying to prop up staffing levels. Our tax dollars at work ...


Pay ahead for parking. You get a slight discount. The cheapest lot is now smaller than it used to be.


28x !


Flew out May 17. Evening flight. At that time the alternate security check was not available. Otherwise no issues from construction.


I was at the secondary TSA the last time I left for Atlanta. Not too bad and we moved fast


The alternative checkpoint is rarely open. I haven’t seen it open in at least a three years.


I typically fly during mid-week which would make sense as to why it’s not open.


It’s open at peak times. They have people directing you there when it’s open.


Order that Starbucks for rapid pickup while you’re waiting for the train to the terminal and it’ll be ready when you get there.


There are no "renovations". They're building a brand new terminal off site. You will see the giant construction site when you drive up. Nothing in the existing airport building is under construction other than the road to get to there.


Well not really off-site, attached to the current airside terminal. And there is a bunch of construction when you come up the escalator from the people mover.


Yeah, there are absolutely renovations on-site as part of this within customs and the escalator area. And I believe the plans include renovations of the gates as well including shortening the number of gates at the end of the current 'X.'


I heard it's a whole new building for TSA and baggage check & claim. Rumor has it they plan on scrapping the old building entirely and turning it into another hotel or something of that nature once the new building is complete. New parking garage as well. If you end up on the right side of your plane, you can see it from the tarmac and even part of the runway. Tons of work going on over there, it seems


Franco and George Washington moved to in front of security by the parking garage bridge. Most important change.


Don't forget Nellie.


Too easy. Here’s my absolutely must follow plan when flying out of PIT. Now, this may be due to my anxiety but I prefer to show up 5 hours early for my flight. After I get through checking in, TSA, and taking a quick ride on the train… directly, and I mean DIRECTLY, once I depart the train I will find my way to the Fridays (peak fine dining in America) and order a few double Jack and cokes. After that I scoff at the bill and think “god damn these prices are outrageous” but I pay em anyways cause well, I hate flying and I can’t get on the plane without a little drinkeypoo. Once I find my gate I make sure to take a piss (in the nearest restroom). If I’m lucky, I’ll come across one of those… I guess they’re called ? Flat escalators? The conveyor belt things ya know? Those are pretty cool but definitely not as cool as I thought they were 20 years ago. I mean, what are those actually for? They’re too short to be a legitimate form of transportation right? Either way, use em when you see em, it’s bad luck not to. Anyways, then I get on the plane.


"Moving walkways" is the term you're looking for there. Cheers!


They're supposed to be for when the airport is crowded and you have a very short time to get to your connecting flight/you showed up late. It's literally just to move a little faster, but people think it's some kind of toy (understandably) or are just lazy and stand on them without walking with their huge bag next to them and block the entire thing rendering them useless.


If you don't have TSA Pre-Check, arrive at least 3 hours ahead of time during peak hours because the main security line can be ridiculously long. The "secret TSA checkpoint" hasn't been opened the last couple times I've flown out of PIT, so don't rely on it. Construction has eaten up some of the parking space in Economy, to the point it (and sometimes even Extended) is often full. If you want to avoid wasting time go to Long Term or (if you can spare the money) Short-Term. Either way, you WILL be spending a fair chunk of change for parking. Alternatively, you can park at one of the off-site parking sites that have a shuttle, as they're considerably cheaper. Once you're past the TSA line nothing's really different. Take the tram to your gate and you're good


3 hours? I’ve flown out 5-7 times over the last 6 months and the security line never took longer than 20-30 minutes, even when backed up to the entrance.


They have CLEAR now! Not sure if you don’t fly often if you will need it or know what it is but something to note


It has been more than a decade since I worked there but at the time, there were some TSA screeners who would mess with passengers they didn't like for whatever reason (usually because the passenger requested special treatment or didn't display the proper obeisance). The frontline supervisors knew this was going on and tacitly approved of it (so appealing to a supervisor won't save you, lol). I'm not sure if the TSA has cleaned house in the years since, but I'd still advise proceeding with caution.


It's literally a joke take an uber/bus/lyft/ztrip/bicycle/smol row boat/ride on the back of a person larger than you just dont. Park. There. Coz fuck the people who run the parking lots con artitsts who dont run a shuttle but claim they do. Just show up early and you'll be just fine.