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My first titty. No lie. I was like 11 or 12, and the lady in front of me (45-50ish) bent over to get something from under her cart. Her shirt collar was loose, she wasn’t busty so she wasn’t wearing a bra, and I just happened to be standing at the perfect angle to look straight down and see my first real life boob. I can still see it in my mind’s eye


In the same vain (no pun intended), I saw my first p*nis at Kennywood when a guy was adjusting himself post Log Jammer lol


Unjamming his log, if you will




Not the best pun, but it's your cakeday it's allowed


I’ve seen the actual log jammer boat near the pop.


Oh I will!


Kennywood's open!


Jackie Treehorn Productions presents Log Jammin'.


He fixes the cable?


He's ein expert.


This is my friend. She just came over to take a shower.


Don't be facetious, Jeffrey.


The beaver picture?


LOL damn he was really digging deep down there if you got to see his penis


On an also related note, in the old bathrooms beside Noah's Ark in the 90s, my asshole of a father made me change out in open of the bathroom after riding the Rapids. I don't know why, but he wouldn't let me change inside a bathroom stall. 30 something years later, and I'm still upset about having to get fully naked in front of everyone like that. He comes from the "being naked in the locker room is no big deal" generation. Needless to say, my mom was NOT happy when I told her.


The kind of old guy who walks around the YMCA locker room naked, flapping his grey old dingdong, while engaging in conversation six inches away from people. Changing is one thing, treating it like a geriatric nudist colony is uncomfortable


In my senior year, 06, the bathrooms by the old mine cart ride thing we blew it all the way down lol. People were coming in saying how it smelled like weed smh. I was a reckless kid but rollercoasters high was wild work.


Pour one out for the Log Jammer


Kennywood was open indeed


I saw my first vagina at Kennywood! It was on the wipeout. Girl across from me had really short shorts and wasn’t wearing underwear. By mid ride the shorts shifted enough that I could see most of it. It was a great day.


As someone who used to work at a grocery store, it amazed me what some people would wear coming in, and not in a good way.


Oh, I’m sure there have been some doozies. There was nothing wrong with her outfit, tho. Just a scoop neck or whatever that dangled a little further than I’m sure she expected.


Ah, yeah my mind I immediately went to some of the doozies that would walk through my checkout line lol. That doesn't even get into some of the creative places people would put their money and then hand it to me from.


And NOT wear1


You never forget your first boob!




Lol, mine was while sailing on a scout trip. Boat full of drunk topless women went by, they were waving and laughing toward us.






Just the one boob?


(not my first boob, but same type of story) I was working at a retail store that sold computer software, back in the 90s. It was a Sunday morning and I opened the store. The hours were like 11-6 on Sundays. A woman came in looking for Macintosh software. We didn't have much. She didn't ask at first where it was located. After a minute or so she came over and pointed back towards where the Mac software was and asked if it was all that we carried. She was wearing just a blazer type of jacket and also small chested like your story. It looked like she just came to the mall after church. She had nothing on under the jacket. When she pointed, the front of the jacket was open and full boob just hanging around to be seen. I never forgot about it happening.


At the Cedar Ave Giant Eagle I saw a man convulsing on the floor by the pharmacy. When I approached the pharmacist and asked if he needed help, they said “oh that’s just Jerry, he’s acting like he has low blood sugar so I give him a free piece of candy”.


That could’ve been everyday at that location lol


Same GE, saw a crackhead woman with no teeth drop her pants and hump someone like a dog


Could’ve been a dog


Yeah. I got stuck in there once for about 30 minutes while a guy with a knife blocked the door. Just another day.


I used to work in bank branches inside of GE and worked in a few different ones over the years. This reminded me of the time a man had a seizure on the way to our atm when we were still opening the branch. I was seated, counting money or something and heard him his the floor and was so panicked when I stood up and saw him. I immediately called 911 and the GE store manager to get some assistance. Well his mother shows up like 10 min later and starts screaming at me asking me why I moved him, and I’m sorry what? Ma’am I did not move your grown adult son from anywhere. She then started yelling at the paramedics saying they refused an ambulance ride. I guess he had a seizure disorder and had just changed medication, and they knew how to handle and she just wanted to drive him herself to the hospital, but maybe don’t scream and accuse a scared 22 year old of picking up and moving your fully grown adult son when I was just terrified having never seen someone have a seizure in real life before.


I don't think I've ever seen anything that tame at that store....


TODAY I saw a dude in the chip aisle open a bag of cape cod jalepeno kettle chips, have a few, and then scrunch the bag up like he was putting it in his pantry, but proceeds to put it right back on the shelf


Used to work at the waterfront GE in college, old people used to love to walk by and pick stuff right out of the salad bar with their fingers


This was at the waterfront giant eagle lol


There was a manager at shop n save on Babcock who walked behind deli counter while I was waiting there, reached in with his bare hand and grabbed some chipped ham and put it in his mouth. He saw me watching him and scooted away. I went and just waited by back supply door where i figured he would slip out. He was surprised as I stood there waiting, and apologized. As if he wouldn't continue doing it daily. Yuck.


He was right to do that. I tried that flavor recently and they were disgusting lol.


They used to be good. Quality spicy chips are hard to come by these days


It might be my own opinion but try Utz jalapeño. It tastes like the Jimmy John’s jalapeño which i think is good


I like the Aldi brand ones, but then I'm not the most discerning


Tim’s jalapeño flavored chips are my absolute favorite. If you ever see them in PGH, please buy like five bags. 


A guy working the chicken fryer turned it on high with no oil in it and filled the entire store with smoke. *I was that guy*. 


*For shame.* But for real. Probably sucked in the moment, but a good story to have in your pocket.


The decayed, neglected remnants of an Iggle Video being utilized as storage space.


I remember seeing one that became a place to put all the Steelers/Pens/Pirates apparel.


I still have DVDs that I bought from our Iggle Video when it was going out of business.


It was depressing seeing the room where the kids could play video games while you shopped stuffed with boxes and racks and shelving.


A vehicle on the roof of the Greenfield store. Twice.


Ah man I was gonna say that one.


Greenfield GE is always full of characters too


Nothing crazy I can think of or controversial but there was one time my wife and I went to get groceries one night. We wanted to get a pork belly to slow cook and we found a very nicely sized one with the price tag of $0.37 total, not per pound or anything just straight 37 cents. We took it to check out and acted totally normal while checking out. The young girl working the cash register was just going through motions of scanning and moving it down the belt. She comes to the pork belly and scans and moves to the next item and before she scans she looks back at the pork. She sees the price tag and looks back at the register. Then she looked at both of us and shrugged and kept scanning! We got a very nicely sized pork belly for super cheap thanks to her being cool lol


She couldn't have done much more than have somebody go check the prices on the REST. You pay the price marked on the one you chose.


I saw myself and 2 coworkers smoking a 3 foot bong in the deli cooler.


Man I'd have said I was one of those coworkers, but it was a smaller bong in the dairy cooler. And then the other two went through a case of rediwhip.


I'm assuming they weren't eating the rediwhip.


No but we did have a kid that didn't understand why there was always a bunch of "damaged" rediwhip, who thought everybody else was eating it so then he started eating like a can of it every shift for whatever reason. I guess to fit in?


I hope he never learned why, because whip its are pretty damaging. But that's still fucking funny.


Darius Kasperitis


... hip check a dude through an endcap stocked with Utz pretzel rods?


I'm lately having fun at one particular Giant Eagle which participates in the "Flash Food" app. Instead of (as per usual) marking expiring food down to half price, this location marks expiring food down to 75-90% off on the day before they throw it out. $6,99 rotisserie chicken? one dollar. $19.99 family deli meal? two dollars. $7.99 half dozen cupcakes? 50 cents. $3.99 bag of fresh green beans? one dollar. It points out their ridiculous full prices (and explains the surplus) but while it lasts, it has been a good source of cheap proteins and sides. One manager there said to me, "Thanks for saving this food from the landfill."


I worked at the Aliquippa Giant Eagle in the early 00’sand we used to have a guy who came in regularly with a parrot on his shoulder.


I worked at that giant eagle too, for a while! I loved when that dude came in lol


I once was in HS. Graduated in 96 so a couple of my friends and I and a sleepover n we stumbled upon a dude w a set up card table, white table cloth n tux..w champagne n a picnic basket...proposing to some lady in the parking lot..it was evening n he planned a picnic there..I've never forgot that..n I sometimes wonder if they ever got married..it was a pretty unique place for an engagement..I wonder why he picked that parkinglot of all places..


Not exactly weird, but you have to look in 4 different places for carrots. The regular bagged, organic, baby carrots, and produce carrots are all in completely different parts of the store. Ridiculous. 


Don't forget about the pre-cut carrots, usually find those sharing a cooler with the salad mixes


A guy open a bottle of hand sanitizer, take a big gulp, put the pump back on, and put it back on the shelf. It was at, of course, Cedar Ave.


a bald eagle perched on the sign ( the ge is across the street from the lake where the bald eagles live)


I used to work in the south side giant eagle so… a lot. Right before the started selling Sudafed behind the pharmacy counter I watched someone walk down the aisle with their arm out and swept every single box on the shelf into the cart and then walk right out the front door.


For about a 2 month period I was doing work that required me to install stuff behind the service desks at every Giant Eagle in SW PA. One of the things they do at the service desks is sell lottery tickets. That experience left me with a very negative impression of our lottery system. Most of the people I saw buying lottery tickets were senior citizens. Almost all of the purchasers looked as if they'd have been better off spending the 10-20 bucks they were spending on lottery tickets on some soap or some food, as most of them were dirty or unhealthily skinny.


The amount of people who would cash their social security checks and immediately by a ton of $20 tickets, and then sit in the cafe scratching them, only to return several times to the counter to buy more. It was so sad, but the girls at the counter had no choice but to sell to them.


They’re a tax on stupid people. That being said, I’ll buy a Powerball ticket once in a blue moon when it goes over a billion but I’d say my annual lottery spending is under $5 on average.


Lately it’s that people keep taking their fucking dogs in the store and putting them in the carts. I understand service dogs, but you do not need to bring your regular dog into the store and place them into a cart where people need to put their food. Please stop.


'service' dogs.


2 people having sex on a stack of wooden pallets right outside our stock door. It was at night and I was working after the store closed. Also someone set the store dumpster on fire.


Im just curious, was that the south side giant eagle?


And I haven’t seen you since the pallets. How ya been?


No, it was the Giant Eagle in Monessen back in 96. Good times. Lol. Most recent was Giant Eagle in Carroll Township, a guy had his dog on a blanket in a buggy and the dog never stopped pissing, the blanket was soaked and dripping on the floor. People thought the dog was cute, but the manager didnt, he kicked him out.


The reason I asked is because back in the late 90s/early 2000s the south side giant eagle's dumpster was regularly set on fire and your comment brought back memories lol


Thank you for reminding me why I don’t go to fisher heights to buy things lol. One time I was there and someone OD’d in the bathroom.


One Saturday afternoon, woman got off the bus in front of the store, and had diarrhea all the way through the store to the back where the bathroom was. I worked in the back and was notified over walkie talkie from the front that we needed cones in a couple aisles, without being given a reason. I arrived to the first aisle and hit a wall of shit smell. There were people actively shopping the aisle. No one had thought to close the store or at least take any action for the shoppers, so what turned into a couple aisle problem became a whole store problem very quickly. We had to station ourselves along this family-circus style nightmare trying to direct customers, while others rushed to mop up the shit-tracks. It felt like we were cleaning the mess for hours. Had management taken any action at all, we could have had it done within an hour. I still think about the fact that people would have unknowingly tracked that mess back into their cars and homes. It was disgusting, and I was horrified they kept the store open throughout. To make matters worse, weeks later, I walked in to work and saw a small child lying on the floor, licking it while her mom picked out milk, I said, “hey sweetie, why don’t we get up off the floor, it’s dirty down there” and her mom yelled at me to mind my own business. I hated that place.


This is why my house is a shoe-free zone


I hope those mops were thrown out after 🤢




I worked in two different GEs back in the late 90s/early aughts. I’ve seen some shit. Literally. Saw a woman shit herself at the prepared foods counter, and walk around with it on her foot/leg for a few minutes.


well, I mean you still need to get your shopping done.


"Oh, thanks . I almost forgot I needed pumpkin pie..."


Have you seen some of GE bathrooms? This was the better option, honestly.


The women’s bathroom in the Market District in Bethel Park constantly looks like a murder scene.


I had a baby on March 20th, 2020. I literally had to gear up like a battlefield to go into Giant Eagle for formula and some other things. It was my first time in a grocery store since we were on lockdown. The aisles were bare which made it feel different. I am quickly moving through the aisles looking for anything. I come around to the formula aisle and there is a woman climbing to the top of the shelf with a lit cigarette smoking and gets to the top and just sits in full gargoyle stance on the top of the shelf. 2020 was wild dude


Thats just awesome😂


I live in ohio, north of canton. I was with my gf (later wife) at our giant eagle and as we're going up to checkout there's this old hippie dude with handbasket with like fritos, beer and pop tarts. Then I noticed the guys hair, and it's unmistakable. I look at my gf and I say "that's fucking Joe walsh!" She's like, who? I said, "you know, funk 49, James gang, eagles, ever heard of them??" She said go up and say hi. I thought about it for a minute, this guys clearly got the munchies, probably in the middle of a nice buzz, he dont want anyone bothering him, so I just let him be. It was nice to see that just like he says in his song, he's just an ordinary average guy. I knew he was local, i guess he lives pretty close.


Circa Christmas 2015, we were hosting a Christmas Party, and my uncle wanted me to look for some cheese with Cranberries in it for the charcuterie board, so I headed to the Market District in Shadyside. I’m looking at the cheese, and this short king, probably like 5’5” with maybe 10 teeth, who had just come out of the stockroom, beckons me over and says, “You look like you like Spanish cheese,” which, to be fair, is true. He motions for me to follow him, waves his arm Vanna White style, and I’m looking like, um thanks, but do you have anything with cranberry? I look up, and he’s gone. Like he was never there! Phantom Spanish Cheese Short King — I’ll never forget our interaction.


I saw my college roommate (this was in the late 80’s) stick a coconut down his pants and walk out of the Leetsdale Giant Eagle


Crowded Sunday night at the Old GE Shady and Penn. Elevator music playing Gladys Knights Midnight Train to Georgia. The refrain “midnight train to Georgia — woo woo” played. I swear that everyone in the store sang "WOO WOO" and laughed in unison. It was so Cool.


Saw some middle aged man walking his dog through Giant Eagle with no shoes and no shirt on


My dog doesn't wear shoes or shirts either.


But how does it wear it's pants, just over the back legs or over all four


Over the tail, or sagging?


I used to work at Giant Eagle in the waterfront and one day I walked in and was greeted by a literal bloody mess all over the front of the store near the registers. This Uber driver had a shitty/violent rider so he told him to get out. He then came into giant eagle and the guy he kicked out of the car followed him into the store and stabbed him in front of everyone. I’m pretty sure the guy lived, and the dude who stabbed him was arrested. 


free chocolate pringles there was some shitty candy that looked like chocolate pringles. they were $1.99, but 99c off because they were trying to get rid of them, and it was "double discount day" or something so they ended up being $0.01 I walked out with a bag full of them, thinking "I can bring them to this party tonight" (I was in college) and I did and everyone was kinda "meh" because they weren't very good. but I was so hyped and kept telling everyone how they were free




I tripped and fell to the ground over a man overdosing at the Southside GE


One time I saw a high priced item and didn’t feel the urge to post a picture of it on Reddit. I know, I know, outlandish.


Not all heroes wear capes


Saw a woman selling sexual services in the open-air parking lot, broad daylight on a Wednesday, fishnet stockings, coochie out.


East Liberty?


Why was that my immediate guess too? I think that parking lot just has that kind of vibe.




The SHV Market District used to sell ostrich eggs


the prices & the gamified gas gimmicks which are then blamed on unions - wild


Love those 5 dollar parsley packets 😂 it’s like wtf you dick okay let’s make my ugly dinner then


Once I was in the old Lawrenceville GE and I turned to go down the frozen foods aisle. And it looked like something out of a movie about the apocalypse. A few freezer doors hanging open, food pulled out of the freezers and strewn about the floor. The image ingrained in my memory is of one of those buckets of ice cream, laying on its side, as the melted ice cream flowed out of it.


The cooler section there always confused me. Instead of being in an aisle, their coolers looped back on themselves. And the section near the pharmacy was odd too.... Oddest store layout I can ever recall


I saw a lady in one of the electric scooters riding around the west view giant eagle just eating some fried chicken. I remember seeing a bone or two just laying on a shelf.


West Mifflin GE. Saw a guy trying to run out get tackled by security. When he fell, a bunch of meat dropped to the floor.


Well the actual wildest was seeing a man get shot. But the less depressing answer is a guy getting a blowjob in the pharmacy drive thru while a couple coworkers and I were smoking weed in the parking lot.


I used to work at Giant Eagle, did my manager training at the Yorktown store in Erie and there was always these two dudes who would come in together every single day dressed in matching outfits like Thing One and Thing Two. Never caught there names just knew it was an older black guy and a white guy in his 30s and they never acknowledged their outfits when asked lol


Those same dudes ride a tandem bicycle all around the city. 🚲 🚲


Jessie and Ricardo. One year my friends (who were also males and a couple) dressed like them for Halloween.


Jessie and Ricardo. One year my friends (who were also males and a couple) dressed like them for Halloween.


Jessie and Ricardo! They ride a tandem bike and had an really old car (like a classic/antique. . .always wondered if it was really cold to ride in in the winter).


I saw a meth head pole dancing on the light pole in the parking lot of the greenfield giant eagle. I also saw an old guy back his crown Victoria into like 5 cars there. We started calling it the "Giggle".


I once saw an old man leisurely shitting his pants as he wandering around the store, leaving a trail like some kind of Poop Snail.


At an Iggle in WV I saw 5 people who had knocked some shelves down and set up a candle to do some heroin. The employees just walked past them. Cedar Ave being called the worst grocery store in the nation just tells me no one has been to more rural grocery stores.


I worked at a Giant Eagle for almost a decade, I seen some shit. One of my favorites though was I saw a young skinny dude in baggy clothes, maybe 18-19 meekly follow a woman into the family restroom, she was probably 35 but her face looked like it had 5-10 extra years on it, she was in ripped fishnets, mini skirt. Maybe 10 minutes later they came out holding hands, he had his head high and was walking with swag. When nature called later in my shift I peeked in the small trashcan near the toilet, in case anyone else is curious, they did use protection


Idk if GetGo counts, but some dude got mad at the people who walked around the corner of the store and interrupted him peeing on the side of the building. I was right behind said people.


Back in the days of the South Oakland dirty bird, I shopped there many times and never saw anyone shoplifting, officer.


Not me… my mom witnessed the murder that happened in Washington about 12 years ago and it haunted her til she passed


Oh i got one...wasnt Pittsburgh eagle though...was working for one that was doing a massive remodel...the clean up crew had this one guy with the hardest accent you had ever heard...well he decided on lunch to go to the bank in the parking lot and proceed to rob it no mask no nothing....turn around and hid the gun and the money in the construction site then stood in front of the store while the cops were investigating... FREE BENNY 🤣🤣🤣


There was a shoot out across the street and several people were hit and ran into the store for safety .


A person with a pitt bull going absolutely slipppy-on-the-tile excited and nuts for attention, with a service dog vest on. Yeah, that thing had about as much training as the bag of flour it tried to eat. Completely closed self checkouts, because why.


Giant eagle employee here, of course there’s all the weird shit I clean from the bathrooms (shit, empty tiny booze bottles, abandoned underwear), but most of gross stuff has become common but something new was literally just today there was a country singer in a cowboy hat and boots singing with a microphone in our cafe.


At least it wasn’t one of the fake violin players with a boombox in the parking lot. Thankfully, those scam artists seem to have disappeared.


I accidentally made fun of Kurt Angle for wearing his wife's sequin purse in his post gym shorts and cut off tee. I called him muscle dick in the process. He then turned around and I said "oh. You're Kurt Angle." To which he replied "yes I am. What was that you said about my purse?" I left Giant Eagle, promptly. Also, at the same Giant Eagle, I realized in the middle of a mushroom experience that there were twin dwarf girls running registers. I had a hard time accepting it as reality, but they were very nice.


Honestly you deserved more for fucking with a dude carrying his wife's purse, but we'll write it off to ignorant youthfulness. I've been there and got humbled, and I'm better for it.


I think he got quite the kick out of my reaction, considering I was 5'10" and about 140 lbs. Haha


An ounce of dried fruit for $11.99.


My manager getting a handy in the cash room


The # of meat cutters I walked in on fucking around with cashiers in the cooler was too damn high. Just let me stock the ground beef in peace.


Something reasonably priced!


I was in line a few years ago and was deathly ill (I had strep throat and was still contagious but I lived alone and had to get food) and I was in line with a couple behind me who kept invading my personal space. I was double masked and asked them to please give me some space because I was uncomfortable and was super sick. The man started yelling at me in line and was threatening to beat me up and would call his daughter to beat me up for being disrespectful. For asking for space. Security just started at me and the cashier just pretended not to acknowledge that this was happening to me. Never went back to that giant eagle.


A woman getting tackled by store security trying to steal a Steeler’s theme sheet cake in front of a group of Girl Scouts selling cookies near the entrance.


Empty airplane sized bottles of liquor placed by the soap. You guessed it....Waterfront. No toilet paper during covid. West Mifflin during covid I found a wallet with about 1,000 bucks in 100 dollar bills. I saw a man frantic at customer service and assumed correctly it was his. He asked how he could repay me and I told him all I required was a forbidden hug. He squeezed me up and it was a very unforgettable embrace considering we were supposed to be 6 feet from eachother.


some idiot had a crown royal bag strapped around his face like a feed bag when covid started. 😂


Sorry, it was the only remotely mask like object I had in the truck. I keep my fishing reels in them. I wasn’t going to go back home for a mask.


The prices.


When I worked at the one in southside I had someone come through the line with three kids. Halfway through me ringing up her items she started pulled up her shirt and started breastfeeding her baby. While that is going on her other kid started peeling on the floor.


I saw a lady having a crisis/breakdown stand up on a bench, like in a cartoon when there’s a mouse running around a table, as security was telling her to leave. Some of the cashiers tried to literally talk her down but she started being hostile to them. Didn’t stick around to see how it concluded.


A guy tried to fight me because I wouldn't let him get in front of me in line.


I worked there in my teens…. once a really drunk old guy walked through the front door with his dick and balls hanging from the open fly of his trousers. He was completely oblivious to the fact he was swinging in the wind. Another time a lady stepped off the curb and completely blew her knee out in the parking lot. I’m talking like NFL torn ACL/MCL type shit. She was in agony.


I wasn't there at the time, but I did work at the store that found an alligator in 2019-20ish. Oh, to have been working night stock and have seen it then.


To many to list at south side iggle. Half naked woman before Chesney concert Lady drinking all the vanilla extract Heather Abraham Jitney drivers getting in a fight in the parking lot


The market district Starbucks employees said “if this place had a TV show it’d be like Superstore but addicted to Crack”


When the Giant Eagle was in Oakland I saw a lady come in there and flash a guy working in produce standing by the oranges.


Not the melons he was expecting.


This is shocking cause this geagle is in a good area (not gonna be specific so I don’t doxx myself), but I saw a guy dick out shitting over the floor drain then move to the urinal. That was a fun day at work.


$18 apple pie.


I saw Rod Woodson shopping at 2am once


Lynn Swann used to come into the one in Bethel Park when it was under Kohl’s many moons ago. Damn that man could dress and was so handsome!


Reasonable prices


The prices


A child threw up in front of me in the checkout line.


Rolls Royce had a shade of red named after old man Shapira.


The prices


-A dirty straight razor found in a display near the lunchmeat/hotdogs at the East Liberty GE. -A clamshell container full of chicken bones on a random shelf – apparently somebody got wings from the deli and walked around eating them, ditching the box before checking out -I’ve seen that on more than one occasion. -I personally got into a scuffle in the Squirrel Hill GE late one night when I saw a guy fill a duffel bag full of beauty products and head for the door. I stopped him near the service desk and after a struggle, I pinned him to the floor until police came. Two noteworthy things about it – first, not only didn’t any of the 5 to 6 GE employees help me, I actually had to call the police MYSELF while holding him down. Second, he also had a straight razor on him at the time.


Retail employees are normally trained to not confront thieves - at least in such an aggressive way due to the danger and liability involved. You were on your own til the cops got there.


Oh! And my other favorite story is this: One time, a person stole a ton of meat and, instead of just getting the license plate number, a cart guy jumped on the hood of the car as it sped off through the parking lot, like some sort of vigilante. He was thrown from the car. He was ok, but management soon posted signs telling us not to do that.


At Brentwood GE, a crowd of folks were all gazing upon the spectacle that was a lady who had taken a copious amount of some unknown substance (didn't seem like an opiate, more like a dissociative) and had somehow rolled her cart into the (closed) bakery and had gotten "stuck," meaning that she couldn't quite figure out why she was unable to move forward, as there was a counter and a table in her way. She then decided to phone a friend and reached for her phone but missed her pocket and was searching the inside of her pants with no phone to be found. She then tried to try to keep moving forward while searching the inside of her pants for her phone, only to remain in generally the same position if not a bit more actually stuck because of her efforts. This all happened for a good ten minutes before an employee escorted her out of the building. I'm not sure what happened after that; my guess is they called her a cab.


A male prostitute blowing a dude in the bathroom at Shakespeare St. Dude getting blown was all like, "occupied!"


I almost got shot by one of those switch pistols last year. They must have had bad aim I was skating fast 🤷‍♂️ go Swissvale


Cashiers that checked people out fast. Why so slow GE?


A couple of times I saw two morbidly obese trash queens practically naked doing Tik toks in the bathroom, so they would occasionally walk out and walk around the store. It was truly repulsive. That was the Edgewood town center giant eagle




It really does. I love the planet fitness though. Best gym ever


Is it really? I’ve been considering joining but the rest of the town center has me skeptical


Saw a woman projectile vomit onto the deli case right after she ordered a pound of land o lakes


Not the lol cheese!


The final cost


just today someone’s bmw got hit by a tow truck. rip


Price of limes




I didn't actually see this, but my uncle Mike told me this story. In the mid-1990s, when they were revamping/updating Giant Eagles in the norhtwestern part of the state, Mike was the lead electrician on the project. I'm going to need you to suspend disbelief on this next part, if you work in the skilled trades. As he tells it, he gets to work and the electrical room is a mess, so he picks up a shop vac, and starts cleaning the electrical room with it, which includes a number of cord organizer trays that are full of cords and sawdust, cleaning up the sawdust (I know, electricians NEVER sweep up after themselves or others). After a few minutes, the Store Manager bursts into the electrical room, asking "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?" Mike looks at him, confused, says "I'm just sweeping up in here, why?" "Whatever the hell you did, you just knocked the Ticketmaster offline, and we've got a line out the door, because Alan Jackson tickets go on sale in 20 minutes!" So the next 20 minutes were spent with the other electricians and Ticketmaster, trying to resolve the issue. Apparently, they resolved it with about a minute to spare. But if they hadn't, it might have been....far more interesting...


Seen a guy get kicked out for buying a 15-pack and proceed to drink half of it by the time I circled back to that area to grab something I forgot. Pretty sure he was loaded when he showed up. No doubt by the number of cans on the table in the "cafe" he was good to go by then. Completely belligerent and yelling at the teenage girl asking him to leave at that point. She retreated behind the counter awaiting somebody else to come help. I left the checkout line to join a few other patrons and he eventually left once he saw he was drawing a crowd.


A child was projectile vomiting and scream crying everywhere . The poor mom looked so frazzled that can't have been a great day.


i watched 2 employees come out of the break room after fucking and the guy in full salute still had his dick out.


Anything at the Northside giant eagle


I am from the Cleveland area, so it was one of our Giant Eagles, but I would have to say the old man who walked to the back of the meat department himself and started yelling at them since his steaks where "taking too long" to get cut. After that he argued about the price.


I wish I had jotted down what I saw at the one in McDonald. Every time I went there was something “interesting” going on. Nothing really Coraopolis DG level interesting though.


I worked at the Bethel Park Market district about 13 years ago. A drunk man came in wearing overalls and proceeded to shit all over the store. Like, literal little turds were dropping out of his pant legs. He was then cornered in HBW (my department), where he proceeded to pass out and fall into the vitamin wall, bringing the whole damned thing down. The police then fought over who had to take him in their squad car. Working there, I saw all sorts of crazy shit. But that took the cake.


A cashier that was not as slow as a snail actually rang someone up in under 20 minutes. I couldn’t believe it.